Publicity aims to manage public perception and can be used to bring attention and recognition to people, goods, services, organizations, and works of art. There are different types of publicity including active/passive and positive/negative publicity that can help with visibility, market share, branding, and dealing with crises. When facing negative publicity, organizations should select a spokesperson, keep communication open, stay calm and empathetic while avoiding hesitation, obfuscation, retaliation, prevarication, confrontation, and litigation.
2. Publicity Publicity is the deliberate attempt to manage the public's perception of a subject. The subjects of publicity include people (for example, politicians and performing artists), goods and services, organizations of all kinds, and works of art or entertainment.
3. Types of Publicity Active Publicity Passive Publicity Positive Publicity Negative Publicity Adverse Publicity
4. Outcomes of publicity Attention Visibility Market Share Recognition Branding Immediate crises Emerging crises Sustained crises Types of crises
5. Dealing with negative publicity DOs Open all communication lines Select a spokesperson Be empathetic Stay calm DON’Ts Hesitation Obfuscation Retaliation Prevarication Pontification Confrontation Litigation