I am EuReKA a.k.a AkerUe/ AyeshKA I am AmAzing,UniQUe,StRoNg, OriGinal..one Of a KInd.."I am Who I am" And Most Of All "I am reAl & simPle"
_: I JUst DO whAt I WaNt :_
_:It'S not AboUt what PeoPle aRe saYing "It'S abOut me" :_
_:PeOPle aRe aLWAyZ gonna TAlk And teLL you the truth:__:" I LOVE IT>, I LOVE the ATTENTION> I do what I do BecaUse it Puts a smile on my faCe:_
_:In my Life what seems to be, isn't always true. I have leArned to trust no one the hard way. LIFE IS HARD:_
_:LIFE IS TOUGH, you learn through your mistakes, you loose friends, gain love, and move on:_
_:I have come to realiZe it easier to forgive anD neVer fOrget, becAuse thEn YOU have Been Beat:_