9:00 Classroom opens
Turn in B.E.E. Binders
Morning activity at the tables
9:15 Morning meeting
Song, Dance or Movement Activity
Calendar Math
Story of the Day
9:30 Whole Group Reading
10:00 Literacy
Writing (M,W,F)
Phonics (T,TH)
10:45 Reading Centers
11:30 Lunch
(Mondays-Music 11:30-12:00. Lunch 12:00-12:30)
12:00 Math
12:30 Story and Rest Time
1:00 Outside
1:30 Specialties
Science (M)
Yoga (T,TH)
Art (W)
Health and Arabic class (F)
2:00 Snack
2:20 Social Studies (T,TH)
2:45 Free Choice Stations (M,W,F)
3:20 Closing
Review of Day
Sing Closing Songs
Show & Share (Fridays Only)
3:30 Dismissal