Frraactioonguest6b95dc2The document describes a series of fraction questions that are presented to the Fraction Frog for help. The Frog needs assistance answering 20 multiple choice questions about identifying, comparing, and calculating fractions from pictures and word problems. Correct answers are acknowledged while incorrect answers receive feedback to try again.
M2 t1 planificador_aamtic version final numeral 5Polo ApoloEste documento presenta un planificador de ambientes de aprendizaje mediados por TIC. Explica que la planificación es importante para establecer objetivos y estrategias para alcanzarlos. Luego, detalla los componentes de diseño de un ambiente de aprendizaje específico, incluyendo intenciones educativas, objetivos cognitivos, procedimentales y actitudinales, y propósitos de formación. El objetivo general es desarrollar el pensamiento crítico a través de diferentes medios y herramientas como las TIC.
Local Government Balances Security, Flexibility and Productivity with BlackBe...BlackBerryUpgrading to BES10 was a straightforward process for the Council. Using BlackBerry Balance technology enables councilors to attend to their personal lives while putting in long hours at the office. For those Council members using iPads, the Secure Work Space container, which has Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) certification, enables the Council’s IT team to configure, secure and wipe sensitive data should devices be lost or stolen. Data Leakage Prevention (DLP) also ensures work information cannot be shared outside the Secure Work Space.
Social Media & Networking - The Evolving WorkforceTodd WheatlandThe document discusses a survey of over 47,000 people in Europe and Africa about how social media is impacting the world of work. Some key findings include:
1) The top ways people found their last job were online job boards (25%), word-of-mouth referrals (20%), and direct approaches from employers (20%).
2) A quarter of respondents use social media sites to search for jobs, with LinkedIn and Facebook being the most popular.
3) Over a quarter of respondents are worried that content from their social media profiles could negatively impact their careers.
Towards a Grand Unified Theory of Systems Engineering (GUTSE)Joseph KAsserݺߣs accompanying the SETE 2014 paper (
Leveraging Social Media: Facebook Conference Call 1Beth KanterThis document summarizes a conference call for non-profit arts organizations on leveraging social media through Facebook experiments. It provides an agenda for the call including roll call, quick pointers on using a wiki for notes, discussing initial steps for Facebook experiments including setting SMART objectives and benchmarks, customizing profile and page settings, and tips for workflow and content planning. Participants are guided to add their organization details and Facebook page URL to an online journal wiki for reference. The call focuses the groups on identifying goals for their Facebook pages and setting metrics to measure progress.
Things I CarryBeth KanterBeth Kanter is a master trainer who has trained nonprofits around the world for 35 years. She typically carries a number of essential items in her bag to facilitate trainings, including her book on networking for nonprofits, notebooks and writing tools, electronics adapters, presentation tools like a clicker and timers, and various materials for interactive exercises like markers, index cards, and sticky notes. She also brings cameras to document her work, as well as a special "Ugli Doll" used in closing exercises that has been held by nonprofit leaders around the world.
18 TIPS TO-BE FOUNDERSAndre MarquetThe document provides 18 tips for founders, including not being afraid to do things yourself, designing and coding the first version yourself even if it's not perfect, working with your team for 3 months before incorporation to build team cohesion, removing culturally unfit team members immediately, thinking globally and avoiding seeing yourself as the best in a small town, and recognizing that technology is usually not the limiting factor but rather creativity.
6 Healthy Mother's Day GiftsEason ChanComing up with a gift doesn’t have to be hard or expensive, especially if it’s for your mom. Here are some gift ideas that will surely be appreciated by her.
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Seguridad de la InformacionNFAG DTLFEs el conjunto de medidas preventivas y reactivas de las organizaciones y de los sistemas tecnológicos que permitan resguardar y proteger la información buscando mantener la confidencialidad, la disponibilidad e integridad de la misma.
Mobile application development |#MobileapplicationdevelopmentMobile App Developers IndiaWe have a team of 50 application developers who have unmatched expertise, comprehensive knowledge of variety of programming languages and tools and wealth of experience that enables them to develop seamless mobile and tablet applications on all operating systems with perfection and guaranteed satisfaction.
Normas apa Raisa MendozaYadira FuentesEste documento presenta las normas de la American Psychological Association (APA) para la presentación de trabajos escritos. Explica las partes de un trabajo escrito según el formato APA, como el resumen, índice, introducción, metodología, resultados, discusión y referencias. También describe cómo citar y referenciar fuentes siguiendo el estilo APA.
Research DesignSandeep Singh SainiA research design outlines the collection and analysis of data to address a research problem in an efficient way. It includes key elements like variables, hypotheses, sampling, and data analysis methods. Exploratory research techniques aim to understand a situation and identify new ideas. Pilot studies are small-scale exploratory projects that test sampling approaches. Focus group interviews involve 6-10 people discussing an issue with a moderator. They provide insights into feelings and convictions in participants' own words in an efficient way, though the discussion can become uncontrolled or dominated by some members.
Towards a Grand Unified Theory of Systems Engineering (GUTSE)Joseph KAsserݺߣs accompanying the SETE 2014 paper (
Leveraging Social Media: Facebook Conference Call 1Beth KanterThis document summarizes a conference call for non-profit arts organizations on leveraging social media through Facebook experiments. It provides an agenda for the call including roll call, quick pointers on using a wiki for notes, discussing initial steps for Facebook experiments including setting SMART objectives and benchmarks, customizing profile and page settings, and tips for workflow and content planning. Participants are guided to add their organization details and Facebook page URL to an online journal wiki for reference. The call focuses the groups on identifying goals for their Facebook pages and setting metrics to measure progress.
Things I CarryBeth KanterBeth Kanter is a master trainer who has trained nonprofits around the world for 35 years. She typically carries a number of essential items in her bag to facilitate trainings, including her book on networking for nonprofits, notebooks and writing tools, electronics adapters, presentation tools like a clicker and timers, and various materials for interactive exercises like markers, index cards, and sticky notes. She also brings cameras to document her work, as well as a special "Ugli Doll" used in closing exercises that has been held by nonprofit leaders around the world.
18 TIPS TO-BE FOUNDERSAndre MarquetThe document provides 18 tips for founders, including not being afraid to do things yourself, designing and coding the first version yourself even if it's not perfect, working with your team for 3 months before incorporation to build team cohesion, removing culturally unfit team members immediately, thinking globally and avoiding seeing yourself as the best in a small town, and recognizing that technology is usually not the limiting factor but rather creativity.
6 Healthy Mother's Day GiftsEason ChanComing up with a gift doesn’t have to be hard or expensive, especially if it’s for your mom. Here are some gift ideas that will surely be appreciated by her.
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Seguridad de la InformacionNFAG DTLFEs el conjunto de medidas preventivas y reactivas de las organizaciones y de los sistemas tecnológicos que permitan resguardar y proteger la información buscando mantener la confidencialidad, la disponibilidad e integridad de la misma.
Mobile application development |#MobileapplicationdevelopmentMobile App Developers IndiaWe have a team of 50 application developers who have unmatched expertise, comprehensive knowledge of variety of programming languages and tools and wealth of experience that enables them to develop seamless mobile and tablet applications on all operating systems with perfection and guaranteed satisfaction.
Normas apa Raisa MendozaYadira FuentesEste documento presenta las normas de la American Psychological Association (APA) para la presentación de trabajos escritos. Explica las partes de un trabajo escrito según el formato APA, como el resumen, índice, introducción, metodología, resultados, discusión y referencias. También describe cómo citar y referenciar fuentes siguiendo el estilo APA.
Research DesignSandeep Singh SainiA research design outlines the collection and analysis of data to address a research problem in an efficient way. It includes key elements like variables, hypotheses, sampling, and data analysis methods. Exploratory research techniques aim to understand a situation and identify new ideas. Pilot studies are small-scale exploratory projects that test sampling approaches. Focus group interviews involve 6-10 people discussing an issue with a moderator. They provide insights into feelings and convictions in participants' own words in an efficient way, though the discussion can become uncontrolled or dominated by some members.