3. The narrative from
Genesis, one of the
books of the Hebrew
Bible and Christian Old
Testament, described
how God Separated light
from darkness, created
the sky, land, sea, moon,
stars, and every living
creature in a span of six
4. The Hindu text Rigveda
describes the universe as
an oscillating universe. The
universe is a cosmic egg
or Brahmanda that
expands out of a single
concentrated point called
Bindu, and will eventually
collapse again.
6. Greek philosophers
Leucippus and
Democritus believed
in an atomic universe.
They believed that
the universe was
composed of very
small, indivisible, and
indestructible atoms.
7. Greek philosophers
Aristotle and Ptolemy
proposed the
geocentric universe
where Earth stayed
motionless in the
heavens and
everything is revolving
around it.
8. In 1543, Nicolaus Copernicus proposed the theory
of heliocentrism. He suggested that it is not the
Earth but the Sun is the center of the universe.
9. In 1584, Giordano Bruno suggested
that even the solar system is not the
center of the universeit is merely
another star system among an
infinite multitude of others.
10. In 1687, Sir
Isaac Newton
described the
universe as a
static, steady-
state, infinite
11. French philosopher Rene Descartes outlined a
Cartesian vortex model of the universe. According to
Descartes, the space was not empty but was filled
with matter.