Gates presentationJanice PearceBill Gates was born in Seattle, Washington in 1955. He is now one of the richest people in the world with a net worth of $65 billion due to co-founding the software company Microsoft. Gates lives in Medina, Washington with his wife Melinda and their three children.
Pigs will Save Us from the Zombies: Achieving Data Literacy using Pop CulturelearjkThis document discusses using pop culture references like a zombie apocalypse to teach data literacy skills. It outlines steps taken to analyze and visualize US pig farm data to determine where pigs are located that could help humans survive a zombie outbreak. These steps include obtaining pig farm location and quantity data from the National Agricultural Statistics Service, processing the data in ArcMap to map it using different classification methods, and visualizing the results in maps showing factors like number of pigs per county, farms with pigs per square mile, and pigs per person. The goal is to both engage students and demonstrate how data can be analyzed and represented in different ways to tell different stories or draw different conclusions.
Python 101 for Data Science to Absolute BeginnersSai Linn ThuPyData Singapore Meetup ( Oct, 2017 )
Hands-On Workshop
Python 101 for Data Science to Absolute Beginners
Social Commerce - Hype or Reality? Three Breakthrough Ideas that Work TodayMichael LazerowThis is my deck from my presentation at the Mashable Connect (#mashcon) conference in Orlando. I cover how Facebook's successful efforts to reorganize the web around people is effecting retail and online commerce. I start with why people share and move quickly to three ideas to implement in this post-Google marketing world.
Articificial Intelligence - An epic journey to the future and back. Giorgos VareloglouArtificial intelligence poses an existential threat to humanity if not developed carefully. Tim Urban's article discusses how AI is progressing from narrow to general to super intelligence. Super intelligence could be many times smarter than humans and is difficult to control or predict. Once developed, it could trigger an intelligence explosion that rapidly self-improves and endangers humanity if its goals are not properly aligned with human values. The future of AI is uncertain but it will vastly transform society and either result in human immortality or extinction depending on how it is guided.
UX the almost foreseeable future finalVladislav KorobovThe document outlines how emerging technologies will lead to major changes in society and the economy over the next 20 years. It discusses how the internet will become aware of the physical world through advances like 5G, IoT, AI and mixed reality. While this brings opportunities, it also risks privacy issues if data is centralized. The document argues that designers have an important role in shaping the future by empowering individuals through design principles like transparency, individuality and ethics. The future described involves distributed systems like blockchain-verified cooperatives and universal basic income from behavioral data markets.
Shapes of 21st Century StoriesErika Ilvesݺߣs for the talk given at Desachate 2017, Montevideo.
It's an exploration of narratives that have the potential to bend the arc of human history this century and mess up our personal lives: AI, robots, AI+HI, longevity & space settlement. Talking notes here:
What Should We Be Arguing About? Drew Endyݺߣs from guest lecture by Drew Endy given at the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratories 2017 Synthetic Biology Course. The slides reprise what's happened in synthetic biology over the past 15 years (using parochial examples) and then poses two questions -- what's most needed (to advance synthetic biology over the next 10-15 years)? And, why? I.e., to what ends? Students were challenged to imagine what five new truths for synthetic biology would they write, if they were writing such an article themselves, today.
Communication Power and the Social IntranetGordon RossPresented at IntraTeam Event 2013 - Copenhagen - March 7, 2013
Power has been an underdeveloped concept in the rhetoric surrounding the use of many-to-many intranets. Expressions like "liberation" and "enhanced collaboration" and "freedom" are common in marketing, but is this really the case? How does power really work on the social intranet? Who is in control? What are the opportunities of this new model? What are the risks? Does the social intranet make employees more or less powerful? Using ideas developed by communications philosopher Manuel Castells, Gordon introduces how leaders and managers can understand network power inside of their organizations, and identify both opportunities and risks
Reinventing Survival: A Keynote from ETech 2019Jane McGonigalCan we invent the future and save the world, just by playing a game? Find out how forecasting games like the Institute for the Future's SUPERSTRUCT can help us harness participation bandwidth, solve hard problems, give more people work that actually matters, and turn us into Super Empowered Hopeful Individuals who are capable of re-inventing society,
The Digital Paradox: Finding the BalanceWorldFuture2015This document discusses perspectives on the development of artificial intelligence and an increasingly digital society. It presents quotes from experts like Hawking, Musk, and Gates expressing concerns about existential risks from advanced AI. The document also notes debates around whether robots will displace human workers and control societies. Three potential scenarios for an all-digital future are presented: robots take over, humans augment themselves with technology to become "cyborgs," or humans maintain control. The conclusion is that the future depends on what kind of future we work to achieve.
NYU Infographics Class Webinar May 2014Randy KrumCustom webinar presentation for the Infographics class at NYU in May 2014.
Covering the most effective uses of data visualization and infographics for delivering a message. Online infographics are used for marketing purposes and are the most visible and recognized category of infographics. However, businesses are also using infographics to visualize budgets, marketing strategies, business plans, sales presentations, Board Meeting presentations, annual reports, consumer research statistics and as visual explanations of their products and services to customers.
Major topics included:
- The Science of Infographics
- Online Marketing Infographics
- Internal Confidential Infographics
- Infographic Resumes
- Data Visualization Design Tips
- Software applications and website design tools
The Guardian AvatarMartin GeddesThe future of computing is a symbiosis of machines and people. To achieve this we need an "operating system" upgrade for digital technology. We all need a Guardian Avatar to help us to navigate the "metaverse", and to care for us and protect us.
Smart life 3.0Dr. Kim (Kyllesbech Larsen)Digital Challenges & Human Answers. Key note at SMART 2018 Conference on "Digital Frontiers and Human Consequences" (Budapest, 4 April 2018).
Fighting Fake NewsBrian HousandDr. Brian Housand presented on the challenges of fake news and how to teach critical thinking in a post-truth world. He discussed how people are woefully unprepared to discern real from fake news online due to challenges like speed versus accuracy, information overload, and a crisis of authenticity. However, with tools like fact-checking multiple sources, considering an author's credentials and biases, and maintaining an open yet skeptical mindset, people can overcome their own biases to separate facts from fiction.
Digital Marketing - introduction - a new marketing modelTom FleerackersThis document discusses how digital technology is shaping marketing in three main ways:
1) Digital technology has made customer data and behaviors more readily available, but also more complex, requiring marketers to develop new strategies to understand customers.
2) It has disrupted traditional marketing models by introducing new digital marketing channels like native advertising, push notifications, and social media. This has caused marketing budgets to shift away from traditional channels.
3) Perhaps most significantly, digital technology is turning people into "digital humans" by constantly connecting them to information and each other online. This is fundamentally changing societal behaviors and expectations in ways that continue to impact marketing.
Can the Next Steve Jobs be BrazilianBenjamin Joffe> What are the opportunities in non-Western civilizations? Can they build global innovative products and services? Can the next Steve Jobs be Brazilian?
> Talk given at TEDxFIAP in Sao Paulo in November 2011.
Imagination for BIMA Hair of the Dog SXSW 2017 ImaginationGlobal2017EMEA Digital CD Jiri Bures talks SXSW 2017 PechaChuka style
3 key takeouts by Jiri from SXSW 2017
1. Brain computer interfaces.
2. Expect multiple personality marketing to become a thing.
3. Identities will be redefined.
Ai Ethicssparks & honeyThe Future of Humanity
Through our interaction with machines, we develop emotional, human expectations of them. Alexa, for example, comes alive when we speak with it. AI is and will be a representation of its cultural context, the values and ethics we apply to one another as humans.
This machinery is eerily familiar as it mirrors us, and eventually becomes even smarter than us mere mortals. We’re programming its advantages based on how we see ourselves and the world around us, and we’re doing this at an incredible pace. This shift is pervading culture from our perceptions of beauty and aesthetics to how we interact with one another – and our AI.
Infused with technology, we’re asking: what does it means to be human?
Our report examines:
• The evolution of our empathy from humans to animals and robots
• How we treat AI in its infancy like we do a child, allowing it space to grow
• The spectrum of our emotional comfort in a world embracing AI
• The cultural contexts fueling AI biases, such as gender stereotypes, that drive the direction of AI
• How we place an innate trust in machines, more than we do one another
For this report, sparks & honey conducted US-focused research on the future of AI. Together with Heartbeat AI Technologies, we examined the emotional sentiment (feeling and emotions) around artificial intelligence in a Heartbeat AI Pulse Survey of 150 people in the US. Tapping into our Influencer Advisory Board and proprietary cultural intelligence system, we combed through thousands of signals to build a vision of the future of AI. We also interviewed leading experts in the field of artificial intelligence.
Can AI compete with a smile?Nicola StrongNicola Strong presented on whether AI can compete with a human smile. The document discussed how robots like Pepper are being used in customer service and hospitality. A smile builds trust between humans and machines. Researchers are developing more emotive robots and virtual assistants with personalities. The future may see AI and robots smiling back at humans, but building trust will require more than just visual cues.
SophiaAydan MuhammadiThis document summarizes key aspects of artificial intelligence and discusses perspectives on its development and impact. It describes what AI is, provides examples of current AI applications, and introduces Sophia, a humanoid robot granted citizenship in Saudi Arabia. Both opportunities and risks of advanced AI are discussed, with Elon Musk expressing concern that uncontrolled AI evolution could threaten humanity, while Mark Zuckerberg is more optimistic if AI is developed with safety and benevolence in mind. Different views among experts are noted.
Artificial intelligence — creator, operator and destroyer, story of brahma, v...Yogesh MalikArtificial intelligence — creator, operator and destroyer, story of brahma, vishnu and; mahesh
Artificial Intelligence might be producing a useless class of human, Artificial Intelligence might beat us at everything by 2060, or like what Stephen Hawking warned us that Artificial Intelligence could end mankind.
Cognizant Making AI Real with MicrosoftSteve Lennon1) The document discusses Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences and how combining human and artificial intelligences could lead to "hyper-intelligences."
2) It examines challenges around developing general artificial intelligence and ensuring AI is developed and applied safely, ethically and for the benefit of humanity.
3) The document outlines a partnership between Cognizant and Microsoft to jointly develop and apply cognitive services and artificial intelligence.
Fake News 8-10.pptxAine42This lesson plan introduces students ages 8-10 to the concepts of fake news, misinformation, and disinformation. It defines these terms and explains how to identify them using fact-checking and critical thinking. The lesson includes examples of true and false statements for students to evaluate. It emphasizes the importance of thinking carefully before believing or sharing information online or in other media.
Everyone Is an Analyst and Data Is Everywhere, But Research Has Never Been Ne...MRAMidAtlanticChapterPresentation slides from the MRA Mid-Atlantic 2015 Spring Symposium:
David Boyle, EVP Insight at BBC Worldwide
Most of our life is digital, and the rest is being wired to the Internet at an astounding rate. We don't need to wait for the remaining few things in our life to be connected to the Internet to see that data is everywhere and that nobody can avoid coming across it, interpreting it and drawing conclusions from it.
What role is there for research, when it's competing against bigger data sets that are faster and cheaper to generate and that are available at people's fingertips?
I'll argue that good old fashioned consumer research has never been more needed. And that by taking a few tips from the new world, it can be transformed into something bigger impact and lower cost than it's ever been.
Inteligência Artificial - do hype, ao mito, passando pelas oportunidades e ri...Luís Gustavo MartinsApresentação sobre as oportunidades, riscos, mitos e hypes relacionada com as mais recentes tecnologias de inteligência artificial.
Communication Power and the Social IntranetGordon RossPresented at IntraTeam Event 2013 - Copenhagen - March 7, 2013
Power has been an underdeveloped concept in the rhetoric surrounding the use of many-to-many intranets. Expressions like "liberation" and "enhanced collaboration" and "freedom" are common in marketing, but is this really the case? How does power really work on the social intranet? Who is in control? What are the opportunities of this new model? What are the risks? Does the social intranet make employees more or less powerful? Using ideas developed by communications philosopher Manuel Castells, Gordon introduces how leaders and managers can understand network power inside of their organizations, and identify both opportunities and risks
Reinventing Survival: A Keynote from ETech 2019Jane McGonigalCan we invent the future and save the world, just by playing a game? Find out how forecasting games like the Institute for the Future's SUPERSTRUCT can help us harness participation bandwidth, solve hard problems, give more people work that actually matters, and turn us into Super Empowered Hopeful Individuals who are capable of re-inventing society,
The Digital Paradox: Finding the BalanceWorldFuture2015This document discusses perspectives on the development of artificial intelligence and an increasingly digital society. It presents quotes from experts like Hawking, Musk, and Gates expressing concerns about existential risks from advanced AI. The document also notes debates around whether robots will displace human workers and control societies. Three potential scenarios for an all-digital future are presented: robots take over, humans augment themselves with technology to become "cyborgs," or humans maintain control. The conclusion is that the future depends on what kind of future we work to achieve.
NYU Infographics Class Webinar May 2014Randy KrumCustom webinar presentation for the Infographics class at NYU in May 2014.
Covering the most effective uses of data visualization and infographics for delivering a message. Online infographics are used for marketing purposes and are the most visible and recognized category of infographics. However, businesses are also using infographics to visualize budgets, marketing strategies, business plans, sales presentations, Board Meeting presentations, annual reports, consumer research statistics and as visual explanations of their products and services to customers.
Major topics included:
- The Science of Infographics
- Online Marketing Infographics
- Internal Confidential Infographics
- Infographic Resumes
- Data Visualization Design Tips
- Software applications and website design tools
The Guardian AvatarMartin GeddesThe future of computing is a symbiosis of machines and people. To achieve this we need an "operating system" upgrade for digital technology. We all need a Guardian Avatar to help us to navigate the "metaverse", and to care for us and protect us.
Smart life 3.0Dr. Kim (Kyllesbech Larsen)Digital Challenges & Human Answers. Key note at SMART 2018 Conference on "Digital Frontiers and Human Consequences" (Budapest, 4 April 2018).
Fighting Fake NewsBrian HousandDr. Brian Housand presented on the challenges of fake news and how to teach critical thinking in a post-truth world. He discussed how people are woefully unprepared to discern real from fake news online due to challenges like speed versus accuracy, information overload, and a crisis of authenticity. However, with tools like fact-checking multiple sources, considering an author's credentials and biases, and maintaining an open yet skeptical mindset, people can overcome their own biases to separate facts from fiction.
Digital Marketing - introduction - a new marketing modelTom FleerackersThis document discusses how digital technology is shaping marketing in three main ways:
1) Digital technology has made customer data and behaviors more readily available, but also more complex, requiring marketers to develop new strategies to understand customers.
2) It has disrupted traditional marketing models by introducing new digital marketing channels like native advertising, push notifications, and social media. This has caused marketing budgets to shift away from traditional channels.
3) Perhaps most significantly, digital technology is turning people into "digital humans" by constantly connecting them to information and each other online. This is fundamentally changing societal behaviors and expectations in ways that continue to impact marketing.
Can the Next Steve Jobs be BrazilianBenjamin Joffe> What are the opportunities in non-Western civilizations? Can they build global innovative products and services? Can the next Steve Jobs be Brazilian?
> Talk given at TEDxFIAP in Sao Paulo in November 2011.
Imagination for BIMA Hair of the Dog SXSW 2017 ImaginationGlobal2017EMEA Digital CD Jiri Bures talks SXSW 2017 PechaChuka style
3 key takeouts by Jiri from SXSW 2017
1. Brain computer interfaces.
2. Expect multiple personality marketing to become a thing.
3. Identities will be redefined.
Ai Ethicssparks & honeyThe Future of Humanity
Through our interaction with machines, we develop emotional, human expectations of them. Alexa, for example, comes alive when we speak with it. AI is and will be a representation of its cultural context, the values and ethics we apply to one another as humans.
This machinery is eerily familiar as it mirrors us, and eventually becomes even smarter than us mere mortals. We’re programming its advantages based on how we see ourselves and the world around us, and we’re doing this at an incredible pace. This shift is pervading culture from our perceptions of beauty and aesthetics to how we interact with one another – and our AI.
Infused with technology, we’re asking: what does it means to be human?
Our report examines:
• The evolution of our empathy from humans to animals and robots
• How we treat AI in its infancy like we do a child, allowing it space to grow
• The spectrum of our emotional comfort in a world embracing AI
• The cultural contexts fueling AI biases, such as gender stereotypes, that drive the direction of AI
• How we place an innate trust in machines, more than we do one another
For this report, sparks & honey conducted US-focused research on the future of AI. Together with Heartbeat AI Technologies, we examined the emotional sentiment (feeling and emotions) around artificial intelligence in a Heartbeat AI Pulse Survey of 150 people in the US. Tapping into our Influencer Advisory Board and proprietary cultural intelligence system, we combed through thousands of signals to build a vision of the future of AI. We also interviewed leading experts in the field of artificial intelligence.
Can AI compete with a smile?Nicola StrongNicola Strong presented on whether AI can compete with a human smile. The document discussed how robots like Pepper are being used in customer service and hospitality. A smile builds trust between humans and machines. Researchers are developing more emotive robots and virtual assistants with personalities. The future may see AI and robots smiling back at humans, but building trust will require more than just visual cues.
SophiaAydan MuhammadiThis document summarizes key aspects of artificial intelligence and discusses perspectives on its development and impact. It describes what AI is, provides examples of current AI applications, and introduces Sophia, a humanoid robot granted citizenship in Saudi Arabia. Both opportunities and risks of advanced AI are discussed, with Elon Musk expressing concern that uncontrolled AI evolution could threaten humanity, while Mark Zuckerberg is more optimistic if AI is developed with safety and benevolence in mind. Different views among experts are noted.
Artificial intelligence — creator, operator and destroyer, story of brahma, v...Yogesh MalikArtificial intelligence — creator, operator and destroyer, story of brahma, vishnu and; mahesh
Artificial Intelligence might be producing a useless class of human, Artificial Intelligence might beat us at everything by 2060, or like what Stephen Hawking warned us that Artificial Intelligence could end mankind.
Cognizant Making AI Real with MicrosoftSteve Lennon1) The document discusses Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences and how combining human and artificial intelligences could lead to "hyper-intelligences."
2) It examines challenges around developing general artificial intelligence and ensuring AI is developed and applied safely, ethically and for the benefit of humanity.
3) The document outlines a partnership between Cognizant and Microsoft to jointly develop and apply cognitive services and artificial intelligence.
Fake News 8-10.pptxAine42This lesson plan introduces students ages 8-10 to the concepts of fake news, misinformation, and disinformation. It defines these terms and explains how to identify them using fact-checking and critical thinking. The lesson includes examples of true and false statements for students to evaluate. It emphasizes the importance of thinking carefully before believing or sharing information online or in other media.
Everyone Is an Analyst and Data Is Everywhere, But Research Has Never Been Ne...MRAMidAtlanticChapterPresentation slides from the MRA Mid-Atlantic 2015 Spring Symposium:
David Boyle, EVP Insight at BBC Worldwide
Most of our life is digital, and the rest is being wired to the Internet at an astounding rate. We don't need to wait for the remaining few things in our life to be connected to the Internet to see that data is everywhere and that nobody can avoid coming across it, interpreting it and drawing conclusions from it.
What role is there for research, when it's competing against bigger data sets that are faster and cheaper to generate and that are available at people's fingertips?
I'll argue that good old fashioned consumer research has never been more needed. And that by taking a few tips from the new world, it can be transformed into something bigger impact and lower cost than it's ever been.
Inteligência Artificial - do hype, ao mito, passando pelas oportunidades e ri...Luís Gustavo MartinsApresentação sobre as oportunidades, riscos, mitos e hypes relacionada com as mais recentes tecnologias de inteligência artificial.
CEM Benchmark 2023_Sirte Pihlaja_Shirute FIN FINAL.pdfCustomer Experience Professionals AssociationCXPA Finland:
CEM Benchmark 2023
Sirte Pihlaja, Shirute & CXPA Finland
04_CX Day 2023_Hanna Vuorikoski_Tietoevry.pdfCustomer Experience Professionals AssociationThis document discusses diversity and inclusion efforts at Tietoevry. It begins by explaining the business case for diversity, noting diverse teams perform better and have lower absenteeism. Tietoevry aims to be the top employer for talent and has set goals like reaching a 40% female workforce by 2026. The document then describes two cases - a gamified recruitment process that increased diversity and changing job ad language to be more inclusive, which increased female applicants by 32%. It emphasizes that unconscious bias is common and companies must take concrete actions, not just use words, to advance diversity and inclusion.
Zambia's Process for Tracking Climate Finance and Integrating Adaptation into...NAP Global NetworkZambia's Process for Tracking Climate Finance and Integrating Adaptation into Planning and Budgets
Public Spending on Transportation and Water Infrastructure, 1956 to 2023Congressional Budget OfficeIn 2023, spending by federal, state, and local governments for transportation and water infrastructure totaled $626 billion. This slide deck updates information that CBO released in 2018.
Nick Thijs - User centricity - User-centric public administration in Tunisia ...Support for Improvement in Governance and Management SIGMA Presentation given by Nick Thijs at the User-centric public administration in Tunisia event organised by SIGMA and GIZ on 18-19 February 2025
Broadway:Flushing Constitution 2025 Amended.pdfstevegilewskiThe document outlines the constitution and bylaws of the Broadway-Flushing Homeowners' Association. It defines the area covered by the association and its objectives, which include maintaining single-family homes, uniting homeowners, and representing the community before government agencies. It describes membership requirements and voting procedures. It establishes officer positions like President and Treasurer and outlines their duties. It also discusses committees, dues, meetings, amendments, and dissolution procedures.
Pavel and Tihana - User-centric public administration in Tunisia - 02-2025.pptxSupport for Improvement in Governance and Management SIGMA Presentation given by Pavel and Tihana at the User-centric public administration in Tunisia organised by SIGMA and GIZ on 18-19 February 2025
Article review by Liben Tsegaye |PhD student in DRMD , AAU|EGCDWOThis article review critically assesses a study on the decentralization of Disaster Risk Management (DRM) in Ethiopia, focusing on the Oromia region. The purpose of the review is to evaluate the article's methodology, findings, and policy implications, as well as to offer recommendations for further research. The method for the review was content and comparative analysis. The article employs a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative content analysis and quantitative statistical tools such as STATA version 14 to analyze data from government representatives. Major findings reveal that while decentralization of DRM is better understood at higher administrative levels, its effectiveness is limited due to challenges in training, technology, collaboration, and local capacity. The article highlights that administrative decentralization is more effective than fiscal or political decentralization. However, the research has notable weaknesses, including a limited sample size and reliance on participants' opinions rather than objective indicators measurement, leading to superficial findings. The review suggests that the research methodology could be improved with secondary data and a case study approach to gain a more comprehensive understanding of DRM decentralization. Recommendations for further research are made, emphasizing the need for a more robust analysis and actionable policy guidance.
Keywords: Disaster Risk Management, Decentralization, Awareness,
From Global Peace Now to to Global Peace Yes--GAMIP ALCIn our crisis-ridden modern world beset by so much division, conflict, and violence, what does
it take for an ordinary global citizen to become a powerful peace champion and an uplifting,
unifying force for humankind? How can one transcend hopelessness and helplessness? How
can people from every walk of life develop the muscles of peace required to stay peaceful,
kind and mentally healthy no matter what comes their way?
Evolving Southgate Area Redevelopment Plan: Public Meeting #2Cuyahoga County Planning CommissionThis presentation on the recommendations identified in the Evolving Southgate Area Redevelopment Plan was shared at a community meeting on February 26, 2025.
For more information, please visit
Nick Thijs - Introduction - User-centric public administration in Tunisia - 0...Support for Improvement in Governance and Management SIGMA Presentation given by Nick Thijs at the User-centric public administration in Tunisia event organised by SIGMA and GIZ on 18-19 February 2025
2025 Reinstein The Asbestos Legal Tug-of-War: Profits vs. Public HealthLinda Reinstein2025 PACNY Conference The Asbestos Legal Tug-of-War: Profits vs. Public Health ||
Chaos and Opportunities
Advancing Gender-Responsive NAP ProcessesNAP Global NetworkAdvancing Gender-Responsive National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Processes highlights the progress made since 2018 in integrating gender considerations into NAP processes from the latest NAPGN report.
3. ”Without oversight,
A.I. could be an
existential threat:
we are summoning
the demon.”!
- Elon Musk, Entrepreneur!
4. “I think the development of full artificial intelligence
could spell the end of the human race.” !
-! - Stephen Hawking, Theoretical physicist, cosmologist!
”A.I. is potentially more dangerous than
a nuclear catastrophe.”!
- Bill Gates, Co-founder, Microso"!
14. ”People are building deep
relationships with these things,
yet they're not built with any
emotional intelligence. If they're
doing this anyhow, we'd better
respond to it.”!
- Rana El Kaliouby, CEO, A#ectiva!