The document provides 10 multiple choice questions to test understanding of word meanings. For each question, the correct answer choice is provided that is most similar in meaning to the underlined word in the given sentence. The questions cover a range of vocabulary including words that describe power declining, secret movement, widespread practices, remote locations, simple figures, reading between the lines, tiny amounts, things that are everywhere, rude behavior, and expressing something roughly.
This website provides resources for TOEIC, TOEFL, and other English exams including textbooks, homework, movies, and forums. It offers free demo classes, various class types that can be paid for via PayPal, and information on downloading Skype. Contact options include live chat, scheduling a call back, and general inquiries via phone, email, and Skype. The community section allows access to teacher and student boards, diaries, photos, and movies without the need to register.
This document provides instructions for a level assessment for an English language learning program. It requests contact information from students such as their full name, preferred name, gender, contact numbers, email, and Skype ID. Students are then asked to select their preferred days and times for a level assessment call. By submitting the form, students agree to receive a confirmation email within 24 hours.
The lesson plan provides a framework for teaching a lesson on job interviews, introducing oneself, and answering questions, including warm-up, presentation, controlled practice, free practice, and feedback activities. It includes two sample dialogues between interviewers and candidates as well as vocabulary words and phrases. The plan is designed to give students structure while practicing speaking through different activity types.
This document summarizes two English language learning materials - Let's Go 1 and Side by Side 3rd Edition. Let's Go 1 is for children ages 4-10 and focuses on speaking, vocabulary, question and answer exercises, reading skills, and songs. Side by Side 3rd Edition is an improved version of the popular American English series that integrates conversation, reading, writing and listening through a fun and easy format embraced by students worldwide. The Passages Student's Book features engaging topics, personalization, systematic grammar/vocabulary, beautiful design, units for 60-90 hours of instruction, and grammar exercises.
This document provides tips for shopping safely online. It recommends using secure servers and paying with credit cards that have purchase protection. It also advises researching merchants by reading reviews and privacy policies. Key steps include printing order confirmations, keeping passwords private, and only shopping at reputable sites with positive reviews and return policies clearly stated. Taking these precautions can help ensure safe and secure online shopping experiences.
1. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web
CSS Casscading Style Sheets
2. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
N畛i dung
Gi畛i thi畛u CSS
畛nh ngh挑a Style
S畛 d畛ng v Ph但n lo畉i CSS
Selector trong CSS v ph畉m vi 畉nh h動畛ng
3. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
N畛i dung
Gi畛i thi畛u CSS
畛nh ngh挑a Style
S畛 d畛ng v Ph但n lo畉i CSS
Selector trong CSS v ph畉m vi 畉nh h動畛ng
4. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
Gi畛i thi畛u v畛 CSS
CSS = Casscading Style Sheets
D湛ng 畛 m担 t畉 c叩ch hi畛n th畛 c叩c thnh ph畉n tr棚n trang
S畛 d畛ng t動董ng t畛 nh動 d畉ng TEMPLATE
C坦 th畛 s畛 d畛ng l畉i cho c叩c trang web kh叩c
C坦 th畛 thay 畛i thu畛c t鱈nh t畛ng trang ho畉c c畉 site
nhanh ch坦ng (cascading)
5. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
Gi畛i thi畛u v畛 CSS V鱈 d畛
Without CSS
With CSS
6. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
N畛i dung
Gi畛i thi畛u CSS
畛nh ngh挑a Style
S畛 d畛ng v Ph但n lo畉i CSS
Selector trong CSS v ph畉m vi 畉nh h動畛ng
8. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
畛nh ngh挑a Style Ghi ch炭
Gi畛ng Ghi ch炭 trong C++
S畛 dung /*Ghi ch炭*/
V鱈 d畛 :
SelectorName {
property1:value1; /*Ghi chu 1*/
property2:value2; /*Ghi chu 2*/
9. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
N畛i dung
Gi畛i thi畛u CSS
畛nh ngh挑a Style
S畛 d畛ng v Ph但n lo畉i CSS
Selector trong CSS v ph畉m vi 畉nh h動畛ng
10. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
S畛 d畛ng v Ph但n lo畉i CSS Ph但n lo畉i
G畛m 3 lo畉i CSS
Inline Style Sheet (Nh炭ng CSS vo tag HTML)
Embedding Style Sheet (Nh炭ng CSS vo trang web)
External Style Sheet (Li棚n k畉t CSS v畛i trang web)
11. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
S畛 d畛ng v Ph但n lo畉i CSS - Inline Style Sheet
畛nh ngh挑a style trong thu畛c t鱈nh style c畛a t畛ng tag
Theo c炭 ph叩p ki畛u 1.
<tag style = property1:value1;propertyN:valueN;> . </tag>
Kh担ng s畛 d畛ng l畉i 動畛c.
V鱈 d畛:
<H1 STYLE="color: yellow">This is yellow</H1>
12. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
S畛 d畛ng v Ph但n lo畉i CSS - Embedding Style Sheet
C嘆n g畛i l Internal Style Sheet ho畉c Document-Wide Style Sheet
M畛i 畛nh ngh挑a style 動畛c 畉t trong tag <style> c畛a trang HTML.
畛nh ngh挑a style theo c炭 ph叩p ki畛u 2.
Trang HTML c坦 n畛i dung nh動 sau:
<style type=text/css >
SelectorName {
13. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
S畛 d畛ng v Ph但n lo畉i CSS - Embedding Style Sheet
Embedded Style Sheet
<STYLE TYPE="text/css">
P {color: red;
font-size: 12pt;
font-family: Arial;}
H2 {color: green;}
<H2>This is green</H2>
<P>This is red, 12 pt. and Garamond.</P>
14. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
S畛 d畛ng v Ph但n lo畉i CSS - External Style Sheet
M畛i style 畛u l動u trong file c坦 ph畉n m畛 r畛ng l *.CSS.
File CSS: l動u tr畛 nhi畛u style theo c炭 ph叩p ki畛u 2.
Trong file HTML: li棚n k畉t b畉ng tag link. C炭 ph叩p:
<link rel=stylesheet href=/slideshow/04-web-course-css/18653025/URL type="text/css">
Trang HTML : Li棚n k畉t b畉ng tag style v畛i @import url. C炭 ph叩p
<style type=text/css media="all | print | screen" >
@import url(/slideshow/04-web-course-css/18653025/URL);
15. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
S畛 d畛ng v Ph但n lo畉i CSS - External Style Sheet
Trong t畉p tin MyStyle.CSS Trong trang Web : demo.htm
H2 <html>
{ <head>
FONT-WEIGHT: bold; <title>Cass</title>
FONT-SIZE: 16pt; <link href="MyStyle.css"
REL="stylesheet" >
COLOR: white;
FONT-STYLE: italic;
<h2>This is an H2 </h2>
font-color: white
16. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
S畛 d畛ng v Ph但n lo畉i CSS So s叩nh, 叩nh gi叩
Inline Style Sheet Embedding Style Sheet External Style Sheet
Khai b叩o Ki畛u 1 Ki畛u 2 Ki畛u 2
C炭 ph叩p <p style=color:red;> <style type=text/css> <link rel=stylesheet
Test .TieuDe1{color: red;} href=main.css />
</p> </style>
<p class=TieuDe1> <p class=TieuDe1>
Test Test
</p> </p>
働u i畛m D畛 dng qu畉n l箪 Style theo D畛 dng qu畉n l箪 Style theo C坦 th畛 thi畉t l畉p Style cho
t畛ng tag c畛a ti li畛u web. t畛ng ti li畛u web. nhi畛u ti li畛u web.
C坦 畛 動u ti棚n cao nh畉t Kh担ng c畉n t畉i th棚m c叩c Th担ng tin c叩c Style 動畛c
trang th担ng tin kh叩c cho tr狸nh duy畛t cache l畉i
Khuy畉t i畛m C畉n ph畉i Khai b叩o l畉i C畉n ph畉i khai b叩o l畉i T畛n th畛i gian download file
th担ng tin style trong t畛ng ti th担ng tin style cho c叩c ti *.css v lm ch畉m qu叩 tr狸nh
li畛u Web v c叩c ti li畛u kh叩c li畛u kh叩c trong m畛i l畉n s畛 bi棚n d畛ch web 畛 tr狸nh duy畛t
m畛t c叩ch th畛 c担ng. d畛ng trong l畉n 畉u s畛 d畛ng
Kh坦 c畉p nh畉t style
18. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
19. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
N畛i dung
Gi畛i thi畛u CSS
畛nh ngh挑a Style
S畛 d畛ng v Ph但n lo畉i CSS
Selector trong CSS v ph畉m vi 畉nh h動畛ng
20. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
L t棚n 1 style t動董ng 畛ng v畛i m畛t thnh ph畉n 動畛c 叩p
d畛ng 畛nh d畉ng
C叩c d畉ng selectors
HTML element selectors
Class selectors V鱈 d畛:
.TieuDe1 {
color: red;
ID selectors font-family: Verdana, sans-serif; }
.... <h1 class=TieuDe1> DHKHTN </h1>
21. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
Selector trong CSS
Lo畉i M担 t畉 ph畉m vi 畉nh h動畛ng V鱈 d畛
element 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND t畉t c畉 c叩c tag h1 {color: red;}
Element trong ti li畛u Web /* ND c畛a th畉 <h1> b畛 畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=畛 */
#id 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND t畉t c畉 c叩c #test {color: green;}
tab c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh id trong t li畛u Web /* ND c畛a b畉t k畛 tag c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh id=test 畛u b畛
畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=xanh l叩 */
.class 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND t畉t c畉 c叩c .note {color: yellow;}
tab c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class trong t li畛u Web /* ND c畛a b畉t k畛 tag c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class=note 畛u
b畛 畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=vng*/
element . class 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND c叩c tag h1.note {text-decoration: underline;}
Element c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class t動董ng 畛ng /* ND c畛a c叩c th畉 <h1> c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class=note
畛u b畛 畛nh d畉ng g畉ch ch但n */
Grouping 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND m畛t nh坦m h1,h2,h3 {background-color: orange;}
c叩c tag trong ti li畛u. /* ND c畛a c叩c th畉 <h1> <h2> <h3> 畛u b畛 畛nh
d畉ng mu n畛n = mu cam */
Contextual 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND c叩c th畉 動畛c p strong {color: purple;}
l畛ng trong m畛t th畉 cha no 坦 /* ND c畛a c叩c th畉 <strong> n畉m trong th畉 <p> 畛u
b畛 畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=mu t鱈a */
Pseudo Class 畛nh d畉ng 動畛c 叩p d畛ng d畛a vo tr畉ng
Pseudo element th叩i c畛a c叩c Element. (Kh担ng xu畉t hi畛n
trong m達 l畛nh HTML)
22. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
Selector trong CSS - Element
C坦 hi畛u 畛ng tr棚n t畉t c畉 element c湛ng lo畉i tag
V鱈 d畛 :
23. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
Selector trong CSS
Lo畉i M担 t畉 ph畉m vi 畉nh h動畛ng V鱈 d畛
element 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND t畉t c畉 c叩c tag h1 {color: red;}
Element trong ti li畛u Web /* ND c畛a th畉 <h1> b畛 畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=畛 */
#id 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND t畉t c畉 c叩c #test {color: green;}
tab c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh id trong t li畛u Web /* ND c畛a b畉t k畛 tag c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh id=test 畛u b畛
畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=xanh l叩 */
.class 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND t畉t c畉 c叩c .note {color: yellow;}
tab c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class trong t li畛u Web /* ND c畛a b畉t k畛 tag c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class=note 畛u
b畛 畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=vng*/
element . class 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND c叩c tag h1.note {text-decoration: underline;}
Element c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class t動董ng 畛ng /* ND c畛a c叩c th畉 <h1> c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class=note
畛u b畛 畛nh d畉ng g畉ch ch但n */
Grouping 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND m畛t nh坦m h1,h2,h3 {background-color: orange;}
c叩c tag trong ti li畛u. /* ND c畛a c叩c th畉 <h1> <h2> <h3> 畛u b畛 畛nh
d畉ng mu n畛n = mu cam */
Contextual 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND c叩c th畉 動畛c p strong {color: purple;}
l畛ng trong m畛t th畉 cha no 坦 /* ND c畛a c叩c th畉 <strong> n畉m trong th畉 <p> 畛u
b畛 畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=mu t鱈a */
Pseudo Class 畛nh d畉ng 動畛c 叩p d畛ng d畛a vo tr畉ng
Pseudo element th叩i c畛a c叩c Element. (Kh担ng xu畉t hi畛n
trong m達 l畛nh HTML)
24. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
Selector trong CSS ID rules
C坦 hi畛u 畛ng duy nh畉t tr棚n m畛t element c坦 炭ng id.
V鱈 d畛 :
25. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
Selector trong CSS
Lo畉i M担 t畉 ph畉m vi 畉nh h動畛ng V鱈 d畛
element 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND t畉t c畉 c叩c tag h1 {color: red;}
Element trong ti li畛u Web /* ND c畛a th畉 <h1> b畛 畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=畛 */
#id 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND t畉t c畉 c叩c #test {color: green;}
tab c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh id trong t li畛u Web /* ND c畛a b畉t k畛 tag c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh id=test 畛u b畛
畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=xanh l叩 */
.class 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND t畉t c畉 c叩c .note {color: yellow;}
tab c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class trong t li畛u Web /* ND c畛a b畉t k畛 tag c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class=note 畛u
b畛 畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=vng*/
element . class 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND c叩c tag h1.note {text-decoration: underline;}
Element c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class t動董ng 畛ng /* ND c畛a c叩c th畉 <h1> c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class=note
畛u b畛 畛nh d畉ng g畉ch ch但n */
Grouping 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND m畛t nh坦m h1,h2,h3 {background-color: orange;}
c叩c tag trong ti li畛u. /* ND c畛a c叩c th畉 <h1> <h2> <h3> 畛u b畛 畛nh
d畉ng mu n畛n = mu cam */
Contextual 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND c叩c th畉 動畛c p strong {color: purple;}
l畛ng trong m畛t th畉 cha no 坦 /* ND c畛a c叩c th畉 <strong> n畉m trong th畉 <p> 畛u
b畛 畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=mu t鱈a */
Pseudo Class 畛nh d畉ng 動畛c 叩p d畛ng d畛a vo tr畉ng
Pseudo element th叩i c畛a c叩c Element. (Kh担ng xu畉t hi畛n
trong m達 l畛nh HTML)
26. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
Selector trong CSS Class rules
C坦 hi畛u 畛ng tr棚n t畉t c畉 c叩c lo畉i tag c坦 c湛ng gi叩 tr畛
thu畛c t鱈nh class.
V鱈 d畛 :
27. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
Selector trong CSS
Lo畉i M担 t畉 ph畉m vi 畉nh h動畛ng V鱈 d畛
element 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND t畉t c畉 c叩c tag h1 {color: red;}
Element trong ti li畛u Web /* ND c畛a th畉 <h1> b畛 畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=畛 */
#id 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND t畉t c畉 c叩c #test {color: green;}
tab c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh id trong t li畛u Web /* ND c畛a b畉t k畛 tag c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh id=test 畛u b畛
畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=xanh l叩 */
.class 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND t畉t c畉 c叩c .note {color: yellow;}
tab c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class trong t li畛u Web /* ND c畛a b畉t k畛 tag c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class=note 畛u
b畛 畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=vng*/
element . class 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND c叩c tag h1.note {text-decoration: underline;}
Element c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class t動董ng 畛ng /* ND c畛a c叩c th畉 <h1> c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class=note
畛u b畛 畛nh d畉ng g畉ch ch但n */
Grouping 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND m畛t nh坦m h1,h2,h3 {background-color: orange;}
c叩c tag trong ti li畛u. /* ND c畛a c叩c th畉 <h1> <h2> <h3> 畛u b畛 畛nh
d畉ng mu n畛n = mu cam */
Contextual 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND c叩c th畉 動畛c p strong {color: purple;}
l畛ng trong m畛t th畉 cha no 坦 /* ND c畛a c叩c th畉 <strong> n畉m trong th畉 <p> 畛u
b畛 畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=mu t鱈a */
Pseudo Class 畛nh d畉ng 動畛c 叩p d畛ng d畛a vo tr畉ng
Pseudo element th叩i c畛a c叩c Element. (Kh担ng xu畉t hi畛n
trong m達 l畛nh HTML)
28. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
Selector trong CSS K畉t h畛p Element v Class
V鱈 d畛 :
29. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
Selector trong CSS
Lo畉i M担 t畉 ph畉m vi 畉nh h動畛ng V鱈 d畛
element 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND t畉t c畉 c叩c tag h1 {color: red;}
Element trong ti li畛u Web /* ND c畛a th畉 <h1> b畛 畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=畛 */
#id 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND t畉t c畉 c叩c #test {color: green;}
tab c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh id trong t li畛u Web /* ND c畛a b畉t k畛 tag c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh id=test 畛u b畛
畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=xanh l叩 */
.class 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND t畉t c畉 c叩c .note {color: yellow;}
tab c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class trong t li畛u Web /* ND c畛a b畉t k畛 tag c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class=note 畛u
b畛 畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=vng*/
element . class 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND c叩c tag h1.note {text-decoration: underline;}
Element c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class t動董ng 畛ng /* ND c畛a c叩c th畉 <h1> c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class=note
畛u b畛 畛nh d畉ng g畉ch ch但n */
Grouping 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND m畛t nh坦m h1,h2,h3 {background-color: orange;}
c叩c tag trong ti li畛u. /* ND c畛a c叩c th畉 <h1> <h2> <h3> 畛u b畛 畛nh
d畉ng mu n畛n = mu cam */
Contextual 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND c叩c th畉 動畛c p strong {color: purple;}
l畛ng trong m畛t th畉 cha no 坦 /* ND c畛a c叩c th畉 <strong> n畉m trong th畉 <p> 畛u
b畛 畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=mu t鱈a */
Pseudo Class 畛nh d畉ng 動畛c 叩p d畛ng d畛a vo tr畉ng
Pseudo element th叩i c畛a c叩c Element. (Kh担ng xu畉t hi畛n
trong m達 l畛nh HTML)
30. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
Selector trong CSS - Contextual Selection
畛nh d畉ng 動畛c 叩p d畛ng cho n畛i dung trong chu畛i tag
theo 炭ng th畛 t畛
V鱈 d畛 :
31. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
Selector trong CSS
Lo畉i M担 t畉 ph畉m vi 畉nh h動畛ng V鱈 d畛
element 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND t畉t c畉 c叩c tag h1 {color: red;}
Element trong ti li畛u Web /* ND c畛a th畉 <h1> b畛 畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=畛 */
#id 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND t畉t c畉 c叩c #test {color: green;}
tab c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh id trong t li畛u Web /* ND c畛a b畉t k畛 tag c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh id=test 畛u b畛
畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=xanh l叩 */
.class 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND t畉t c畉 c叩c .note {color: yellow;}
tab c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class trong t li畛u Web /* ND c畛a b畉t k畛 tag c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class=note 畛u
b畛 畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=vng*/
element . class 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND c叩c tag h1.note {text-decoration: underline;}
Element c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class t動董ng 畛ng /* ND c畛a c叩c th畉 <h1> c坦 thu畛c t鱈nh class=note
畛u b畛 畛nh d畉ng g畉ch ch但n */
Grouping 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND m畛t nh坦m h1,h2,h3 {background-color: orange;}
c叩c tag trong ti li畛u. /* ND c畛a c叩c th畉 <h1> <h2> <h3> 畛u b畛 畛nh
d畉ng mu n畛n = mu cam */
Contextual 畛nh d畉ng 叩p d畛ng cho ND c叩c th畉 動畛c p strong {color: purple;}
l畛ng trong m畛t th畉 cha no 坦 /* ND c畛a c叩c th畉 <strong> n畉m trong th畉 <p> 畛u
b畛 畛nh d畉ng mu ch畛=mu t鱈a */
Pseudo Class 畛nh d畉ng 動畛c 叩p d畛ng d畛a vo tr畉ng
Pseudo element th叩i c畛a c叩c Element. (Kh担ng xu畉t hi畛n
trong m達 l畛nh HTML)
32. L畉p tr狸nh v Thi畉t k畉 Web Bi :CSS Casscading Styte Sheet
Selector trong CSS Pseudo Class
畛nh d畉ng d畛a vo tr畉ng th叩i c畛a li棚n k畉t, s畛 ki畛n chu畛t.
C坦 th畛 k畉t h畛p v畛i Selector kh叩c.
Editor's Notes
#5: Styles define how to display HTML elements Styles are normally stored in Style SheetsStyles were added to HTML 4.0 to solve a problemExternal Style Sheets can save you a lot of work External Style Sheets are stored in CSS filesMultiple style definitions will cascade into one
#22: In CSS1, style is normally attached to an element based on its position in the document structure. This simple model is sufficient for a wide variety of styles, but doesn't cover some common effects. The concept of pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements extend addressing in CSS1 to allow external information to influence the formatting process. Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements can be used in CSS selectors, but do not exist in the HTML source. Rather, they are "inserted" by the UA under certain conditions to be used for addressing in style sheets. They are referred to as "classes" and "elements" since this is a convenient way of describing their behavior. More specifically, their behavior is defined by a fictional tag sequence. Pseudo-elements are used to address sub-parts of elements, while pseudo-classes allow style sheets to differentiate between different element types.
#24: In CSS1, style is normally attached to an element based on its position in the document structure. This simple model is sufficient for a wide variety of styles, but doesn't cover some common effects. The concept of pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements extend addressing in CSS1 to allow external information to influence the formatting process. Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements can be used in CSS selectors, but do not exist in the HTML source. Rather, they are "inserted" by the UA under certain conditions to be used for addressing in style sheets. They are referred to as "classes" and "elements" since this is a convenient way of describing their behavior. More specifically, their behavior is defined by a fictional tag sequence. Pseudo-elements are used to address sub-parts of elements, while pseudo-classes allow style sheets to differentiate between different element types.
#26: In CSS1, style is normally attached to an element based on its position in the document structure. This simple model is sufficient for a wide variety of styles, but doesn't cover some common effects. The concept of pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements extend addressing in CSS1 to allow external information to influence the formatting process. Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements can be used in CSS selectors, but do not exist in the HTML source. Rather, they are "inserted" by the UA under certain conditions to be used for addressing in style sheets. They are referred to as "classes" and "elements" since this is a convenient way of describing their behavior. More specifically, their behavior is defined by a fictional tag sequence. Pseudo-elements are used to address sub-parts of elements, while pseudo-classes allow style sheets to differentiate between different element types.
#28: In CSS1, style is normally attached to an element based on its position in the document structure. This simple model is sufficient for a wide variety of styles, but doesn't cover some common effects. The concept of pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements extend addressing in CSS1 to allow external information to influence the formatting process. Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements can be used in CSS selectors, but do not exist in the HTML source. Rather, they are "inserted" by the UA under certain conditions to be used for addressing in style sheets. They are referred to as "classes" and "elements" since this is a convenient way of describing their behavior. More specifically, their behavior is defined by a fictional tag sequence. Pseudo-elements are used to address sub-parts of elements, while pseudo-classes allow style sheets to differentiate between different element types.
#30: In CSS1, style is normally attached to an element based on its position in the document structure. This simple model is sufficient for a wide variety of styles, but doesn't cover some common effects. The concept of pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements extend addressing in CSS1 to allow external information to influence the formatting process. Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements can be used in CSS selectors, but do not exist in the HTML source. Rather, they are "inserted" by the UA under certain conditions to be used for addressing in style sheets. They are referred to as "classes" and "elements" since this is a convenient way of describing their behavior. More specifically, their behavior is defined by a fictional tag sequence. Pseudo-elements are used to address sub-parts of elements, while pseudo-classes allow style sheets to differentiate between different element types.
#32: In CSS1, style is normally attached to an element based on its position in the document structure. This simple model is sufficient for a wide variety of styles, but doesn't cover some common effects. The concept of pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements extend addressing in CSS1 to allow external information to influence the formatting process. Pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements can be used in CSS selectors, but do not exist in the HTML source. Rather, they are "inserted" by the UA under certain conditions to be used for addressing in style sheets. They are referred to as "classes" and "elements" since this is a convenient way of describing their behavior. More specifically, their behavior is defined by a fictional tag sequence. Pseudo-elements are used to address sub-parts of elements, while pseudo-classes allow style sheets to differentiate between different element types.