2. Barcelona C Shanghai
5 + 5
Curator: Merc Carreras-Solanas Ph.D. C Director of BSWomenB
3. In this times of century and millennium change and deep
transformation of global leadership, this show aims to express
the re-emergence of soft power and highlight the feminine
power and its parallelism with the resurgence of China as a
global influence.
En este momento de cambio de siglo y de milenio, de
transformacin profunda del liderazgo mundial, esta muestra
pretende expresar la re-emergencia del poder blando o poder
femenino y resaltar su paralelismo con la reaparicin de China
como potencia global.
Curator: Merc Carreras-Solanas Ph.D.- Director de BSWomenB
4. Dignity and Divinity are two qualities that women, as human
beings, has innate, but often we forget that. This sample
proposes us a reunion tour with those divinity and dignity
silenced, these two collective entities that are feminine souls:
China and Women.
Divinidad y Dignidad son dos cualidades que las mujeres como
seres humanos tenemos de manera innata pero que muchas veces
olvidamos que tenemos. La muestra que proponemos nos
transporta al viaje interior de reencuentro con la divinidad y la
dignidad silenciadas de estos dos entes colectivos con alma
femenina que son China y las Mujeres.
5. When we talk about femininity it is not about confrontation, if
is a woman can not be man, if is a man can not be women,
nevertheless with the oriental concept of the Taoist vision of
the union of opposites of Yin and the Yang.
Cuando hablamos de feminidad no lo hacemos a partir de la
confrontacin, es decir, si es femenino no puede ser masculino, si
es hombre no puede ser mujer, sino del concepto oriental, de la
visin taosta de la unin de contrarios del Yin i el Yang.
6. From this point of view, what we claim for the soft and
feminine power is the essence of the female soul and of the
Chinese philosophy. China, "the central country", as women
historically, has not much tried to dominate but to not be
Desde este punto de vista reivindicamos el poder blando y
femenino que est en la esencia del alma femenina y de la
filosofa China. China, el pas del centro, como la mujer
histricamente, no ha aspirado tanto a dominar, como a no ser
7. Soft power and women power wants to be, not to own, so our
skills are dialogue and trade.
El poder blando o poder femenino quiere ser, no poseer, por esto
nuestras armas son el dilogo y el comercio.
Merc Carreras-Solanas
8. BSWomenBART.
Through the Arts.
A travs del Arte.
Curator: Merc Carreras-Solanas Ph.D. - Director de BSWomenB
11. Inspiration
My inspiration for this project is to bring the mind to life, everyone's life. A
hymn to free and honest expression of our body, our mind and our soul. A
tribute to the feminine essence, creative, transformative, inspiring. Intensely
gorgeous women, immortal spirit, we enjoy a sensitivity and awareness
aspects of magic in life and celebrating that we are alive. There are some
works and titles that are directed to them, to us, honoring the self-love, to
what surrounds us with its femininity, on line with the earth, nature and the
Mi inspiracin en este proyecto, es acercar la mente a la vida, a la vida de todos.
Un canto a la expresin libre y sincera de nuestro cuerpo, nuestra mente y nuestra
alma. Un tributo a la esencia femenina, creadora, trasformadora, inspiradora.
Mujeres intensamente preciosas, de espritu inmortal, que gozamos de una
sensibilidad y conciencia con magia en los aspectos de la vida y celebrando que
estamos vivas. Hay unas obras y unos ttulos que van dirigidos a ellas, a nosotras,
honorando el amor hacia uno mismo, a lo que nos rodea con su feminidad, en
consonancia con la tierra, la naturaleza y el universo.
Mils Gras Painting and Sculpture
24. Titles of works:
"Female sexuality, body, mind and life (Inspired by a pregnant woman)
"A woman without fear
"A touch, windows to the world
"The woman at the center of the world
"Light and tears of a woman
"Dusk at the end of the world
"The feeling of fullness goodness
Ttulos de las obras:
Sexualidad femenina, cuerpo, mente y vida ( inspirado en una mujer
embarazada )
Una mujer sin miedo
Una pincelada, a las ventanas del mundo
La mujer en el centro del mundo
Luz y lagrimas de una mujer
Oscuridad en el extremo del mundo
la bondad sensacin de plenitud
Mils Gras Painting and Sculpture
25. Sculpture, pottery, painting, metalwork, and jewelry are activities
that link the idea of Milos Gras at the time of creation and the real
world. Since 1984 professionally engaged in the arts. She has
devoted many years to research pottery and sculpture. She
performed several 25m2 murals at very high temperatures, which
represent a struggle between the work and fire. Murals are placed
in official buildings, Banks, and Companies. Evolving into sculpture
with new materials, such as wood and iron, which have become his
specialty. She experiment jewelry as small sculpture.
Her has been showed in several exhibitions in Spain, other
countries in Europe , America and Japan.
Mils Grs
27. Inspiration
Motherhood is a power, a power of nature, a power of life that finds its way.
The woman, who exploits, which maintains that expels a new being has been
dominated by the laws, by tradition, by other human beings. But women
gradually regained control of his body, the breadth of its soul and space in the
world that touch her. Remove silence! The works presented conjure reds,
fuchsias, violets on blood memory and tissues and wood as a link with nature.
La maternidad es un poder, un poder de la naturaleza, un poder de la vida que se
abre camino. La mujer, la que gesta, la que mantiene, la que expulsa un nuevo ser
ha estado dominada, por las leyes, por la tradicin, por otros humanos. Pero poco
a poco la mujer recobra el dominio de su cuerpo, la amplitud de su alma y el
espacio del mundo que le toca. ?Retira el silencio? Las obras que se presentan
conjuran rojos, fucsias, violetas en remenbranza de la sangre y los tejidos y la
madera como nexo con la naturaleza.
Palmira Rius Organic Sculpture
29. Maternidad
Rojo de sangre, de
eclosin de vida,
rojo de amor y
pasin, rojo tejido
con hilos frgiles
de inocencia, rojo
de miedo a
orientarse entre
las tinieblas,
rojo....slo rojo,
color de llama
encendida, saludo
al nacer.(texto M?
Puy Rubio )
Tcnica: Tapiz
libre, con tcnica
prehistrica y
puntos clsicos.
Medidas: 225 x 140
x 10 cm.
Madera, cuentas
de madera y
cristal, bamb
pintado, lana y
A?o: 2013, a las
ventanas del
33. Gravidez
Arco de vida,
sanguneas, fuerza
en potencia.
Tcnica: Escultura
metlica que
fragmentos de
tapiz libre y
puntos clsicos.
Medidas:70x53x 42
estructura de
metal hallada en
esta posocin,
hilos de seda, lana
y algodn.
A?o: 2012, a las
ventanas del
34. Artista que se expresa mediante la escultura rganica y
arte textil.Ha expuesto en Nueva York, Laussana, Madrid,
Vitoria, Huesca, Barcelona, Tarrega, Andorra,Lleida, etc.
Continua su camino de experimentacin con materiales de
la naturaleza y diferentes formas de tejer procurando
engrandecer su imaginario artstico.
Palmira Rius
35. Bionic Tower a Vertical Garden City.
Rosa Cerveras Works
44. Ph. D. Architect. Director of the Master in Advanced Architectural
Design and City School of Architecture (University of Alcal) and
former director of the same. Co-founder of the International
Courses Bionic Architecture and Cuenca. Co-founder of Cervera &
Pioz architects. He has received awards such as the Golden Global
Award (Singapore), COAM Award, "Antonio Maura" Prize of the City
of Madrid and the "Honors Award" of the "Foundation for
Architecture and Environmentla Awareness (New Delhi) and has
won architectural competitions.
Rosa Cervera
46. Inspiration
These images show us the importance of recovering the value of forgotten
materials to give life a new opportunity by recycling them.
Con estas imgenes nos muestra la importancia que tiene recuperar el valor de los
materiales olvidados para darle vida a una nueva oportunidad con el reciclaje.
Heidy Elainne Recicling life
53. Argentinian photographer who resides in the city of Barcelona from
many years ago. Where she found a deep motivation for his
photographic projects shaping a society in constant change.
Heidy Elainne
54. Entre dos mundos de Quimera Azul
Balada de Danzas y Rosas al Viento https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZUqSnvM_gE
Teresina Jords Works
55. My contribution to the project is build on the creative energy received by
Pepita Cervera, my mother, and is the result of many shared aspects with
her: teaching, concerts, musicology and composition developed over the
world. In my recent work, Blue Chimera CD, where have worked my
children Veronica and David Jord and I the pianist Pablo Rueda, in its
contents the Blue Chimera" is a search and crystallization of longing sounds
of an aesthetic language in which the value of women as a source of
dedication, energy, power, memory and projection premium content. In this
work of 26 compositions , I think my composition " BETWEEN TWO WORLDS "
can be significant for our project.
Teresina Jord
56. Curator: Merc Carreras-Solanas Ph.D. - Director de BSWomenB
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