This presentation discusses dyslexia. It begins by explaining the purpose is to better understand what it means to live with dyslexia and the emotions dyslexic patients experience. It then provides information about dyslexia, describing the three main types: visual, auditory, and audiovisual dyslexia. Common problems for dyslexic individuals are outlined, such as difficulties organizing writing, reversing letters, correcting errors, auditory comprehension, attention, time concepts, and symbols/alphabet recognition.
JSON - fat-free, independent & self-describingStudio SmeeuwEen korte kennismaking met JSON, de voordelen tegenover XML en enkele praktische toepassingen.
Ensky Company Presentation Rolando ReyesThis document discusses solar energy power, how it works through converting sunlight into electricity using photovoltaic cells, and its various designs such as for street lights. It also covers the benefits of free and clean electricity generation as well as addressing whether solar energy really works based on the technology's ability to harness the sun's power.
2012 06-14 stratos workshopClickR InternetcampagnesWorkshop"Hoe haal ik het meeste resultaat uit mijn website'.
Dia del padre JOMICOA2Este documento expresa gratitud hacia los padres por compartir tiempo de calidad con sus familias, como leerles cuentos antes de dormir, y por cuidar de sus hijos mientras duermen para que tengan dulces sueños. El Colegio de Médicos de Michoacán también desea a las familias un feliz día.
Ushahidi Toolbox - Real-time EvaluationUshahidiThis document provides a tool for real-time evaluation of a Ushahidi/Crowdmap platform implementation. It asks the user to evaluate whether the project is meeting its goals and objectives. It then prompts the user to identify which parts of the project are working well and need improvement in order to achieve the objectives. Finally, it guides the user to develop an action plan based on the findings of the evaluation to improve the project.
난독증4Da Hye KimThe document provides information about dyslexia. It defines dyslexia and describes the three main types: visual dyslexia, auditory dyslexia, and audiovisual dyslexia. It then lists common problems experienced by those with dyslexia, such as difficulty organizing writing, reversing letters, correcting errors, focusing attention while listening, and associating symbols and letters. Images and movies are referenced for further research on visualizing dyslexia symptoms. An initial sketch is shown for visualizing rotation, mirroring, confusion, association, definition, exchange, and missing elements. Shared Resourcebiologyexchange1. The document is Issue 13 of Big Picture magazine, published in January 2011. The issue focuses on cells and cell biology.
2. It contains articles on the structure and function of cells, how cells divide and develop, how cells interact with their environment, the lifespan of cells and what happens when they die, stem cells and their roles in development and medical research.
3. The issue also includes "real voices" interviews with three people discussing how cells impact their lives.
User Experience PortfoliojngoJohn Ngo's portfolio summary includes:
1) He has experience in user-centered design, communicating technical and non-technical concepts to teams, and strong front-end and back-end development skills.
2) He is fluent in documenting research, creating polished deliverables, and interactive prototypes for usability testing and development teams.
3) He is confident in communicating ideas through user research, content strategy, information architecture, interface design, prototyping, usability testing, and web, print, and system design.
Design improv final presNathan WaterhouseNathan Waterhouse's Design Improv Presentation from his final thesis at the Interaction design Institute ivrea
Percursos e percalços da inovaçãoGisela Kassoy1. Innovation transforms existing conventions and establishes new ones. It arises when external pressures or internal decay disturb the relationship between a community and its context maintained by an existing convention.
2. Recognizing the misfit between a community and its context is the first step in the innovation process. Proposed changes then compete for acceptance, with those that restore fit and create value surviving to become new conventions.
3. Insight, preparation, variety of experiences, and persistence are aids to innovation. Turning insight into a new convention requires articulating proposals that are then proved through recognition and adoption by a community.
Maino et al gun shot pdf 04 05-10Dominick MainoThis document summarizes the case of a 25-year-old male (AO) who suffered a gunshot wound to the head 1.5 years prior, resulting in traumatic brain injury. AO presented with left-sided weakness, diplopia, hemianopsia, and visual processing issues. He underwent vision therapy including computer activities and hand-eye coordination exercises, which significantly improved his reading rate and oculomotor abilities over one year based on Visagraph assessments. However, AO was reluctant to fully participate in and continue therapy. He was advised to return for further evaluation and treatment when ready to be more engaged.
Reporting KPI's with Chernoff Faces by Super AnalyticsKalle HeinonenThis document is a series of studies, whitepapers, presentations, instagrams, and other forms of publications in which the Super Analytics team seeks to find new / old smart and even crazy as yet innovative ways to report performance or to visualize data.
Supanek Portfolio 2012 5 2XsquilaxThis document provides a summary of Stephen Michael Supanek's portfolio, including details of his background and experience. It lists his areas of expertise as a detail seeker, type aficionado, studious researcher, visual thinker, idea generator, and multi-role player. The portfolio includes examples of his personal logo progression over several years and descriptions of some transit ad designs he created for a school project. Contact information is provided at the top for getting in touch.
Security Visualization - Let's Take A Step BackRaffael MartyI gave the keynote at VizSec 2012. I used the opportunity to take a step back to see where security visualization is at and propose a challenge for how some of the problems we should be focusing on going forward.
Video recording is here:
Kynning Guðjóns á Framadögum HáskólannaGudjon Mar GudjonssonKynning: Guðjón Már Guðjónsson, stofnandi og framkvæmdastjóri OZ um draumafyrirtækið. Kynning haldin fyrir nema á Framadögum Háskólanna.
StrategicFit UKCS 27th Round 2012 PosterStrategicFitStrategicFit has created a UKCS 2012 Licence Award Poster. It is a useful reference to understand where companies have new licenses, who they’re partnered with and what obligations each has made.
OakleybryansmeltzerThis document provides information on Oakley eyewear and accessories for athletic purposes. It describes the technical features and optical advancements in various Oakley goggles and sunglasses that enhance performance. Details are given on men's and women's apparel like polos, shirts, and hats. Accessories such as sports watches, bags, and hats are also summarized with descriptions of their performance-enhancing designs. Color and sizing options are listed for all products.
Marcom Buzz September- October, 2012marcombuzzThe document provides a summary of PR and media coverage generated by Neoteric between September and October 2012 for their products and company. This included coverage of LaCie Dhamaka and Onam schemes in magazines, online articles about EDIMAX dealer schemes, and coverage of the UMAX Scanner 8600 and UMAX 18 UM Portable Speaker in various magazines and websites. Neoteric also received coverage about their HR initiatives and participated in industry stories. They developed communications about events and a new business structure.
PhD Defense - Awareness Support for Knowledge Workers in Research NetworksWolfgang ReinhardtThis PhD thesis defense presentation summarizes Wolfgang Reinhardt's doctoral research on supporting awareness for knowledge workers in research networks. The presentation outlines Reinhardt's theoretical and practical work over three years, including a knowledge worker roles study, interviews on awareness, analysis of research networks in social media, and development of a consolidated social and artifact network. The presentation aims to address how best to support knowledge workers' awareness in research networks.
Mobile Marketing MysteryBen GrossmanIf 76.8 million people recall seeing a mobile advertisement in the last month and 51% of mobile data subscribers respond to mobile advertising, then why is there so little mobile marketing (63% see mobile ads once a month or less frequently)?
A mystery? Yes. Solvable? Definitely. This presentation gives an overview of the Mobile Marketing Industry, including compelling statistics and projections about the present and future. The deck was prepared for and given at the Mobile Marketing Roundtable on behalf of Pongr.
Inquiry unit 1 sum imagestodspeddingGeography shapes culture as different environments lead to different ways of life. Culture is transmitted through both verbal and non-verbal communication as well as guest speakers. As part of an inquiry unit titled "Culture Matters!", students in a fifth grade PYP class will learn about the elements of culture, attend presentations by a puppeteer and on student culture projects.
8697351 tys.mag tipsLong-Road Applied-Media DiplomaThe document provides guidance on magazine design principles including using grids, columns, and baselines to structure pages and ensure consistency. It discusses using photos, captions, and pull quotes to engage readers and provide entry points. The document also mentions considering the user experience on digital formats and breaking rules to experiment.
Atvinnu- og nýsköpunarhelgin á Akureyri 2012Gudjon Mar GudjonssonGuðjón Már með kynningu á Atvinnu- og nýsköpunarhelgin á Akureyri 2012 um Lean Startup og hugmyndafræðina í kringum uppbyggingu sprotafyrirtækja
Ushahidi Toolbox - Real-time EvaluationUshahidiThis document provides a tool for real-time evaluation of a Ushahidi/Crowdmap platform implementation. It asks the user to evaluate whether the project is meeting its goals and objectives. It then prompts the user to identify which parts of the project are working well and need improvement in order to achieve the objectives. Finally, it guides the user to develop an action plan based on the findings of the evaluation to improve the project.
난독증4Da Hye KimThe document provides information about dyslexia. It defines dyslexia and describes the three main types: visual dyslexia, auditory dyslexia, and audiovisual dyslexia. It then lists common problems experienced by those with dyslexia, such as difficulty organizing writing, reversing letters, correcting errors, focusing attention while listening, and associating symbols and letters. Images and movies are referenced for further research on visualizing dyslexia symptoms. An initial sketch is shown for visualizing rotation, mirroring, confusion, association, definition, exchange, and missing elements. Shared Resourcebiologyexchange1. The document is Issue 13 of Big Picture magazine, published in January 2011. The issue focuses on cells and cell biology.
2. It contains articles on the structure and function of cells, how cells divide and develop, how cells interact with their environment, the lifespan of cells and what happens when they die, stem cells and their roles in development and medical research.
3. The issue also includes "real voices" interviews with three people discussing how cells impact their lives.
User Experience PortfoliojngoJohn Ngo's portfolio summary includes:
1) He has experience in user-centered design, communicating technical and non-technical concepts to teams, and strong front-end and back-end development skills.
2) He is fluent in documenting research, creating polished deliverables, and interactive prototypes for usability testing and development teams.
3) He is confident in communicating ideas through user research, content strategy, information architecture, interface design, prototyping, usability testing, and web, print, and system design.
Design improv final presNathan WaterhouseNathan Waterhouse's Design Improv Presentation from his final thesis at the Interaction design Institute ivrea
Percursos e percalços da inovaçãoGisela Kassoy1. Innovation transforms existing conventions and establishes new ones. It arises when external pressures or internal decay disturb the relationship between a community and its context maintained by an existing convention.
2. Recognizing the misfit between a community and its context is the first step in the innovation process. Proposed changes then compete for acceptance, with those that restore fit and create value surviving to become new conventions.
3. Insight, preparation, variety of experiences, and persistence are aids to innovation. Turning insight into a new convention requires articulating proposals that are then proved through recognition and adoption by a community.
Maino et al gun shot pdf 04 05-10Dominick MainoThis document summarizes the case of a 25-year-old male (AO) who suffered a gunshot wound to the head 1.5 years prior, resulting in traumatic brain injury. AO presented with left-sided weakness, diplopia, hemianopsia, and visual processing issues. He underwent vision therapy including computer activities and hand-eye coordination exercises, which significantly improved his reading rate and oculomotor abilities over one year based on Visagraph assessments. However, AO was reluctant to fully participate in and continue therapy. He was advised to return for further evaluation and treatment when ready to be more engaged.
Reporting KPI's with Chernoff Faces by Super AnalyticsKalle HeinonenThis document is a series of studies, whitepapers, presentations, instagrams, and other forms of publications in which the Super Analytics team seeks to find new / old smart and even crazy as yet innovative ways to report performance or to visualize data.
Supanek Portfolio 2012 5 2XsquilaxThis document provides a summary of Stephen Michael Supanek's portfolio, including details of his background and experience. It lists his areas of expertise as a detail seeker, type aficionado, studious researcher, visual thinker, idea generator, and multi-role player. The portfolio includes examples of his personal logo progression over several years and descriptions of some transit ad designs he created for a school project. Contact information is provided at the top for getting in touch.
Security Visualization - Let's Take A Step BackRaffael MartyI gave the keynote at VizSec 2012. I used the opportunity to take a step back to see where security visualization is at and propose a challenge for how some of the problems we should be focusing on going forward.
Video recording is here:
Kynning Guðjóns á Framadögum HáskólannaGudjon Mar GudjonssonKynning: Guðjón Már Guðjónsson, stofnandi og framkvæmdastjóri OZ um draumafyrirtækið. Kynning haldin fyrir nema á Framadögum Háskólanna.
StrategicFit UKCS 27th Round 2012 PosterStrategicFitStrategicFit has created a UKCS 2012 Licence Award Poster. It is a useful reference to understand where companies have new licenses, who they’re partnered with and what obligations each has made.
OakleybryansmeltzerThis document provides information on Oakley eyewear and accessories for athletic purposes. It describes the technical features and optical advancements in various Oakley goggles and sunglasses that enhance performance. Details are given on men's and women's apparel like polos, shirts, and hats. Accessories such as sports watches, bags, and hats are also summarized with descriptions of their performance-enhancing designs. Color and sizing options are listed for all products.
Marcom Buzz September- October, 2012marcombuzzThe document provides a summary of PR and media coverage generated by Neoteric between September and October 2012 for their products and company. This included coverage of LaCie Dhamaka and Onam schemes in magazines, online articles about EDIMAX dealer schemes, and coverage of the UMAX Scanner 8600 and UMAX 18 UM Portable Speaker in various magazines and websites. Neoteric also received coverage about their HR initiatives and participated in industry stories. They developed communications about events and a new business structure.
PhD Defense - Awareness Support for Knowledge Workers in Research NetworksWolfgang ReinhardtThis PhD thesis defense presentation summarizes Wolfgang Reinhardt's doctoral research on supporting awareness for knowledge workers in research networks. The presentation outlines Reinhardt's theoretical and practical work over three years, including a knowledge worker roles study, interviews on awareness, analysis of research networks in social media, and development of a consolidated social and artifact network. The presentation aims to address how best to support knowledge workers' awareness in research networks.
Mobile Marketing MysteryBen GrossmanIf 76.8 million people recall seeing a mobile advertisement in the last month and 51% of mobile data subscribers respond to mobile advertising, then why is there so little mobile marketing (63% see mobile ads once a month or less frequently)?
A mystery? Yes. Solvable? Definitely. This presentation gives an overview of the Mobile Marketing Industry, including compelling statistics and projections about the present and future. The deck was prepared for and given at the Mobile Marketing Roundtable on behalf of Pongr.
Inquiry unit 1 sum imagestodspeddingGeography shapes culture as different environments lead to different ways of life. Culture is transmitted through both verbal and non-verbal communication as well as guest speakers. As part of an inquiry unit titled "Culture Matters!", students in a fifth grade PYP class will learn about the elements of culture, attend presentations by a puppeteer and on student culture projects.
8697351 tys.mag tipsLong-Road Applied-Media DiplomaThe document provides guidance on magazine design principles including using grids, columns, and baselines to structure pages and ensure consistency. It discusses using photos, captions, and pull quotes to engage readers and provide entry points. The document also mentions considering the user experience on digital formats and breaking rules to experiment.
Atvinnu- og nýsköpunarhelgin á Akureyri 2012Gudjon Mar GudjonssonGuðjón Már með kynningu á Atvinnu- og nýsköpunarhelgin á Akureyri 2012 um Lean Startup og hugmyndafræðina í kringum uppbyggingu sprotafyrirtækja