CIPR PRide Awards CymruPrecise Brand InsightThe document summarizes social media analytics for the CIPR PRide Awards 2013 event in Wales on October 18th. It finds that there were 709 tweets mentioning the event with the hashtag #PRideCYM being used most often, reaching over 750,000 Twitter followers. The most prolific tweeter was CIPR_Cymru who posted 31 tweets, while CIPR_Cymru was also the most retweeted user with 105 retweets. The analytics were produced using Precise Media Platform+ social media monitoring software.
11/06/13 - REBUTTAL MOTION (MMS) - CroatianVogelDeniseKAKO " oštećen" jeSjedinjene Američke Države vlada i pravosudni sustav ? Pa njegovi odvjetnici / odvjetnici ( Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz ) " ne može" pobijediti tužbe / pravnim pitanjima koja uključuju Vogel Denise Newsome bez korištenja " mita , ucjene , iznude, prijetnje, prisilu i sl. " za pravosudne dužnosnike / namještenicima . Uvjerite se sami kako to izgleda Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz ide oko dobivanja presude u njihovu korist i da od svojih klijenata . Onda oni žele da svijet misli da zviždači poput Edwarda i Snowdena ili onih ljudi ( tj. kao što WikiLeaksa ' Julian Assange ) oni žele izručen Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama kako bi se sudilo mogu dobiti pravdu . Pa mislim opet ! One mogu prikupiti od "uzorak -of- praksa" u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama je korumpirane vlasti dužnosnika / sudaca i njihovih urotnika / zavjerenika oni izgledaju da su oni koji su im se suprotstavi bilo UBIO / ubijen i / ili ^ NO zatvoren ! No nećete dobiti tu istinu kroz Sjedinjene Američke Države su mediji izvora , niti da od svojih saveznika koji su urotnici / zavjerenika u takvim teroristima / rasističkim napadima na Vogel Denise Newsome i stranim narodima / voditelji / građana!
CIPR PRide Awards North WestPrecise Brand InsightWho were the top tweeters from CIPR PRide North West 2013? Social media highlights from the Awards, created using our MP+ Social tool.
SYRIA CRISIS - (USA) CHEMICAL WEAPONS ATTACK (telugu)VogelDeniseDuring the Vietnam War from 1962 to 1971, the United States sprayed defoliants like Agent Orange to remove trees and vegetation that provided cover for enemy forces. These chemical weapons are estimated to have maimed or killed between 400,000 to 500,000 people, including many civilians. While the U.S. has renounced chemical weapons, questions remain about whether the U.S. continues chemical weapons research and what policy it will take regarding allegations of current uses by Syria and other nations.
Mesopotamia PPT- CuneiformISFCuneiform was the writing system used in Mesopotamia, where pictographs carved into clay tablets with a stylus evolved into simplified wedge-shaped symbols. It was used to record daily events, trade, astronomy, and literature. Over time, as the script was adopted by other peoples like the Hittites and Persians, it became used to write other Indo-European languages as well. Eventually, the script in Ugarit was replaced by an early alphabet with one symbol per sound.
Assignmment #2 diagnostic learning logstwrobleskiThe document discusses diagnostic learning logs, which allow learners to track their learning progress. They provide regular feedback for both instructors and learners. Learning logs have benefits for both - they help learners develop self-assessment skills and a framework for self-directed learning, while giving instructors instructional focus and insights into students' understanding to allow for collaboration. Ensuring proper implementation includes clearly explaining the purpose and process to students and providing examples of guiding questions.
Bulgarian 012712 and 020112VogelDeniseWill need 2010 PowerPoint to view – Free Download at
Visit: Better viewed through FireFox Web Browser – Free Download at
GEORGE ZIMMERMAN & EBOLA CRISIS (Russian)VogelDeniseКакова связь между Джорджем Циммерман и Эбола Outbreak / Кризис в Африке? Это кажется более расистских нападений со стороны Соединенных Штатов режима деспотизма Америки, который контролируется евреями и превосходства белой расы!
GEORGE ZIMMERMAN & EBOLA CRISIS (Ukrainian)VogelDeniseЯкий зв'язок між Джорджем Циммерман і Ебола Outbreak / Криза в Африці? Це здається більш расистських нападів з боку Сполучених Штатів режиму деспотизму Америки, який контролюється євреями і переваги білої раси!
Juan , devin, jalenJuanvaca73This document discusses different types of graphs that can be used in Excel and their purposes. It provides examples of bar graphs to display amounts or occurrences of values over time. Line graphs are described as useful for plotting changes over time, such as temperature or stock prices. Scatter plots show trends in large data sets, like from scientific experiments. Pie charts show percentages of a whole and are best for one variable.
Points of interest Hersonissos Municipality in Crete GreeceMy ChersonissosThe document provides information about points of interest in the Hersonissos Municipality in Crete, Greece. It discusses the history and development of tourism in the area from the 1970s onward. Key details include the natural resources that attract visitors like beaches and mountains, as well as cultural and historic sites around the municipalities of Malia, Hersonissos, Episkopi, and Gouves. Specific attractions highlighted include the Minoan Palace of Malia, the ancient plane trees and fountains of Krasi village, and various monasteries, villages, and museums.
Greek 021912 email tounitedstatescongressVogelDeniseWill need 2010 PowerPoint to view – Free Download at
Visit: Better viewed through FireFox Web Browser – Free Download at
आप विली लिंच अपने देश में आने को देखा? वह और अपने यहूदी समकक्षों विली लिंच के साथ बहुत परिचित हैं, राष्ट्रपति बराक ओबामा से पूछो! तुम क्यों बराक ओबामा और मिशेल ओबामा संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका गोरे घर में डाल रहे थे लगता है? विली लिंच एजेंडे धक्का!
Ice balls and_snow_rollersCelticqueenThis document summarizes two curious weather phenomena: ice balls and snow rollers. [1] Ice balls form along shores after heavy snowfall, as waves turn snow into ice balls up to the size of a football. [2] Snow rollers are rare cylindrical snow formations that form under precise conditions, including a moist snow layer, temperatures near freezing, and winds around 40 km/h that roll the snow like scooping ice cream. [3] Snow rollers can reach sizes of several centimeters in diameter, with one recorded at 70 cm wide, and stop rolling when too heavy or hitting an obstacle.
GEORGE ZIMMERMAN & EBOLA CRISIS (Dutch)VogelDeniseWat is het verband tussen George Zimmerman en de uitbraak van ebola / Crisis in Afrika? Het lijkt MEER racistische aanvallen door de Verenigde Staten van Amerika's despotisme Regime dat wordt gecontroleerd door de joden en blanke racist!
Assignmment #2 diagnostic learning logstwrobleskiThe document discusses diagnostic learning logs, which allow learners to track their learning progress. They provide regular feedback for both instructors and learners. Learning logs have benefits for both - they help learners develop self-assessment skills and a framework for self-directed learning, while giving instructors instructional focus and insights into students' understanding to allow for collaboration. Ensuring proper implementation includes clearly explaining the purpose and process to students and providing examples of guiding questions.
Bulgarian 012712 and 020112VogelDeniseWill need 2010 PowerPoint to view – Free Download at
Visit: Better viewed through FireFox Web Browser – Free Download at
GEORGE ZIMMERMAN & EBOLA CRISIS (Russian)VogelDeniseКакова связь между Джорджем Циммерман и Эбола Outbreak / Кризис в Африке? Это кажется более расистских нападений со стороны Соединенных Штатов режима деспотизма Америки, который контролируется евреями и превосходства белой расы!
GEORGE ZIMMERMAN & EBOLA CRISIS (Ukrainian)VogelDeniseЯкий зв'язок між Джорджем Циммерман і Ебола Outbreak / Криза в Африці? Це здається більш расистських нападів з боку Сполучених Штатів режиму деспотизму Америки, який контролюється євреями і переваги білої раси!
Juan , devin, jalenJuanvaca73This document discusses different types of graphs that can be used in Excel and their purposes. It provides examples of bar graphs to display amounts or occurrences of values over time. Line graphs are described as useful for plotting changes over time, such as temperature or stock prices. Scatter plots show trends in large data sets, like from scientific experiments. Pie charts show percentages of a whole and are best for one variable.
Points of interest Hersonissos Municipality in Crete GreeceMy ChersonissosThe document provides information about points of interest in the Hersonissos Municipality in Crete, Greece. It discusses the history and development of tourism in the area from the 1970s onward. Key details include the natural resources that attract visitors like beaches and mountains, as well as cultural and historic sites around the municipalities of Malia, Hersonissos, Episkopi, and Gouves. Specific attractions highlighted include the Minoan Palace of Malia, the ancient plane trees and fountains of Krasi village, and various monasteries, villages, and museums.
Greek 021912 email tounitedstatescongressVogelDeniseWill need 2010 PowerPoint to view – Free Download at
Visit: Better viewed through FireFox Web Browser – Free Download at
आप विली लिंच अपने देश में आने को देखा? वह और अपने यहूदी समकक्षों विली लिंच के साथ बहुत परिचित हैं, राष्ट्रपति बराक ओबामा से पूछो! तुम क्यों बराक ओबामा और मिशेल ओबामा संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका गोरे घर में डाल रहे थे लगता है? विली लिंच एजेंडे धक्का!
Ice balls and_snow_rollersCelticqueenThis document summarizes two curious weather phenomena: ice balls and snow rollers. [1] Ice balls form along shores after heavy snowfall, as waves turn snow into ice balls up to the size of a football. [2] Snow rollers are rare cylindrical snow formations that form under precise conditions, including a moist snow layer, temperatures near freezing, and winds around 40 km/h that roll the snow like scooping ice cream. [3] Snow rollers can reach sizes of several centimeters in diameter, with one recorded at 70 cm wide, and stop rolling when too heavy or hitting an obstacle.
GEORGE ZIMMERMAN & EBOLA CRISIS (Dutch)VogelDeniseWat is het verband tussen George Zimmerman en de uitbraak van ebola / Crisis in Afrika? Het lijkt MEER racistische aanvallen door de Verenigde Staten van Amerika's despotisme Regime dat wordt gecontroleerd door de joden en blanke racist!