This document provides 20 microtrends observed at SXSW 2015. Some of the key trends include Millennials' negative response to McDonald's marketing, the popularity of hands-on learning among kids, Grumpy Cat's celebrity status, a focus on health and wellness, the growing power and influence of women in business, the rise of livestreaming apps like Meerkat, global influences on the tech sector from countries like Brazil and Japan, Samsung's efforts to dominate in Apple's absence, emerging technologies like robots and virtual reality, and the enduring popularity of pedicabs for transportation around Austin.
This document discusses an Assy Rail Tracking Carrier model UCT 15. It can carry 4 passengers or 2 passengers with spare parts. The advantages of the UCT 15 model are that it has more balanced rail tracking than a single rail, and is easy to maintain, operate, and is locally fabricated. It also operates using 380 VAC, 3 phase, 50 Hz power and can be used in tunnels with different surface angles and heights.
Las huertas org¨¢nicas producen alimentos de manera natural sin usar qu¨ªmicos, aunque a menor escala. Estas huertas usan abono org¨¢nico y producen alimentos m¨¢s sanos y de mejor calidad aunque en menor cantidad. Por el contrario, las huertas no org¨¢nicas usan abono qu¨ªmico y trabajan en grandes extensiones para producir grandes cantidades de alimentos, pero estos podr¨ªan carecer de sabor y nutrici¨®n. Es recomendable establecer una huerta org¨¢nica en casa para producir alimentos de manera sana
1) O documento prop?e uma atividade art¨ªstica sobre sa¨²de bucal utilizando as t¨¦cnicas do artista pl¨¢stico brasileiro Romero Britto.
2) Os alunos ser?o divididos em grupos para pesquisar sobre Britto, sa¨²de bucal e produzir uma tela sobre o tema usando suas t¨¦cnicas.
3) As obras ser?o leiloadas para arrecadar fundos.
This shot list proposes 78 shots across 10 scenes for a music video titled "Where I Sleep". The video will tell the story of an artist and a homeless person. Scenes will alternate between the artist singing and performing inside a drama studio, and shots of the homeless person on the street. Key shots include extreme close-ups of the homeless person's face and eye, and split screens showing the artist and homeless person together. The story depicts the artist reaching out to try and help the homeless person.
Sigifredo L¨®pez denuncia la posibilidad de un nuevo montaje en su contra por parte de la fiscal¨ªa colombiana para evitar que los responsables de su caso original vayan a la c¨¢rcel y que se conozca la verdad. L¨®pez tambi¨¦n denuncia la total impunidad que ha habido en su caso un a?o despu¨¦s de que la fiscal¨ªa se disculpara p¨²blicamente. Afirma que la investigaci¨®n contra la fiscal Martha Luc¨ªa Zamora, quien dirigi¨® su investigaci¨®n original, probablemente ser¨¢ archivada por los nuevos jueces designados. Por esto, L¨®pez vuelve
This document outlines a lesson plan to teach preschool students the letter "C". The learning outcomes are for students to recognize the letter "C" and say two words containing the letter, which are demonstrated as "cat" and "cake". The lesson includes examples of the letter and words to support teaching the students.
1) O documento prop?e uma atividade art¨ªstica sobre sa¨²de bucal utilizando as t¨¦cnicas do artista pl¨¢stico brasileiro Romero Britto.
2) Os alunos ser?o divididos em grupos para pesquisar sobre Britto, sa¨²de bucal e produzir uma tela sobre o tema usando suas t¨¦cnicas.
3) As obras ser?o leiloadas para arrecadar fundos.
This shot list proposes 78 shots across 10 scenes for a music video titled "Where I Sleep". The video will tell the story of an artist and a homeless person. Scenes will alternate between the artist singing and performing inside a drama studio, and shots of the homeless person on the street. Key shots include extreme close-ups of the homeless person's face and eye, and split screens showing the artist and homeless person together. The story depicts the artist reaching out to try and help the homeless person.
Sigifredo L¨®pez denuncia la posibilidad de un nuevo montaje en su contra por parte de la fiscal¨ªa colombiana para evitar que los responsables de su caso original vayan a la c¨¢rcel y que se conozca la verdad. L¨®pez tambi¨¦n denuncia la total impunidad que ha habido en su caso un a?o despu¨¦s de que la fiscal¨ªa se disculpara p¨²blicamente. Afirma que la investigaci¨®n contra la fiscal Martha Luc¨ªa Zamora, quien dirigi¨® su investigaci¨®n original, probablemente ser¨¢ archivada por los nuevos jueces designados. Por esto, L¨®pez vuelve
This document outlines a lesson plan to teach preschool students the letter "C". The learning outcomes are for students to recognize the letter "C" and say two words containing the letter, which are demonstrated as "cat" and "cake". The lesson includes examples of the letter and words to support teaching the students.