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Cvsamehmejeri (1)Sameh MejeriManager reconnue, leadership, forte d'une expérience de 10 ans dans la gestion de la relation client, mais aussi avec des connaissances confirmées dans le management d’équipes commerciales et Marketing multi-produits ;
Je serai garante de votre satisfaction clients et des valeurs de votre groupe.
Désireuse de transmettre et faire évoluer mes compétences, je suis à la recherche d'un nouveau challenge dans l'encadrement.
Exploring Surgeons' Reactions to ErrorpnkphnxThe email discusses an OMSW conference that the recipient had been attending, apologizing for the late reply. It also includes an attached document listing different surgeon positions including Junior Senior General Surgeons and Other Surgeons.
Els contaminants orgànics a l'abocador de Can PlanasJosep Lascurain - S·G·M s.l.El SIG permet visualitzar en 3D les dades analítiques de l'abocador de Can Planes. I quan "es veu el bosc" , les conclusions són diferents i més acurades!
Guide to reference essentials webinar presentation 5.24jhennellyThe webinar introduces Guide to Reference, a foundational reference tool for librarians, researchers, and students. It provides over 17,000 evaluated reference sources across many disciplines. The webinar demonstrates how Guide to Reference can help with reference work, collection development, and teaching through its comprehensive and up-to-date annotations of sources, customizable search features, and ability to create resource lists. Questions from attendees are addressed at the end.
Environmental issues in delhiAkankshaSKSharmaEnvironmental issues in Delhi threaten the health and well-being of its inhabitants and wildlife. The city suffers from severe air and water pollution. During autumn and winter, crop burning results in smoke and air pollution blowing over Delhi. The Yamuna River, which Delhi depends on for water, is heavily polluted with dissolved oxygen levels and coliform bacteria counts far exceeding acceptable levels due to waste and sewage entering the river. Air pollution is caused mainly by industry and traffic, and may cause thousands of premature deaths annually. Overpopulation and resource overuse put heavy pressure on Delhi's environment.
RESUMES OF EBI WADAEBI WADAEbi Joseph Wada has over 20 years of experience in marketing and business development roles. He holds a Post-Graduate Diploma in Banking and Finance from Bayero University Kano, a Higher National Diploma in Public Administration from Katsina Polytechnic, and a National Diploma in Public Administration from Kogi State Polytechnic. Currently he works as the Business Development and Marketing Manager at Hallmark Systems, where he is responsible for developing marketing strategies, managing projects, and analyzing market trends. His skills include team leadership, relationship building, and problem solving.
Roof Coatings PresentationPaul HannamWessex Shopfitters Ltd. offers liquid roof coatings that can protect against leaks for up to 25 years when installed. They provide roof coating installation and have experience coating roofs for various stores. Their services include an inspection of the roof, surface preparation, application of the coating, and a guarantee backed by insurance.
5to FIMA "B"
Lic:Mariella Narvaez
Cognitive neuro fuzzy expert system for hypotension controlAlexander DeckerThis document describes a cognitive neuro-fuzzy expert system for diagnosing hypotension. It analyzes the traditional medical diagnosis process used by physicians. The proposed system uses neuro-fuzzy inference to handle the uncertainties in diagnosing hypotension. It consists of clinical symptoms as inputs, a knowledge base containing a fuzzy parameter set represented linguistically, and a neural network structure as an inference engine to evaluate production rules. The system is designed to be self-learning and adaptive in diagnosing hypotension based on a patient's symptoms.
هالة هوم وركhalah57zzzThe document discusses teaching methods and learning styles. It describes teaching a subject by first covering the basics, analyzing relationships between concepts, reflecting on those analyses, gathering student feedback, and assessing student work. It then lists different learning styles such as visual, auditory, verbal, kinesthetic, logical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. Finally, it mentions legislation and professional codes of conduct that teachers should be aware of, such as health and safety laws, child protection, equal opportunities, and data protection.
European care wall stockholmGlobal UtmaningThis document discusses migrant care workers in Europe from a gender perspective. It outlines that care and domestic work is often considered unqualified and low-paid work outsourced to migrant women. This has led to a global market for low-paid migrant care workers. It also discusses the different types of care work performed by migrants, including domestic work, childcare, and elderly care. Additionally, it addresses the concept of "global care chains" and the unequal impacts on sending and receiving countries. The document debates issues like precarious employment conditions for migrant care workers and the challenge of implementing international standards on labor rights.
Roof Coatings PresentationPaul HannamWessex Shopfitters Ltd. offers liquid roof coatings that can protect against leaks for up to 25 years when installed. They provide roof coating installation and have experience coating roofs for various stores. Their services include an inspection of the roof, surface preparation, application of the coating, and a guarantee backed by insurance.
5to FIMA "B"
Lic:Mariella Narvaez
Cognitive neuro fuzzy expert system for hypotension controlAlexander DeckerThis document describes a cognitive neuro-fuzzy expert system for diagnosing hypotension. It analyzes the traditional medical diagnosis process used by physicians. The proposed system uses neuro-fuzzy inference to handle the uncertainties in diagnosing hypotension. It consists of clinical symptoms as inputs, a knowledge base containing a fuzzy parameter set represented linguistically, and a neural network structure as an inference engine to evaluate production rules. The system is designed to be self-learning and adaptive in diagnosing hypotension based on a patient's symptoms.
هالة هوم وركhalah57zzzThe document discusses teaching methods and learning styles. It describes teaching a subject by first covering the basics, analyzing relationships between concepts, reflecting on those analyses, gathering student feedback, and assessing student work. It then lists different learning styles such as visual, auditory, verbal, kinesthetic, logical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. Finally, it mentions legislation and professional codes of conduct that teachers should be aware of, such as health and safety laws, child protection, equal opportunities, and data protection.
European care wall stockholmGlobal UtmaningThis document discusses migrant care workers in Europe from a gender perspective. It outlines that care and domestic work is often considered unqualified and low-paid work outsourced to migrant women. This has led to a global market for low-paid migrant care workers. It also discusses the different types of care work performed by migrants, including domestic work, childcare, and elderly care. Additionally, it addresses the concept of "global care chains" and the unequal impacts on sending and receiving countries. The document debates issues like precarious employment conditions for migrant care workers and the challenge of implementing international standards on labor rights.