Relational data model
COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Presentation aggregates information from multiple open-access resources. Author does not claim for copyright.
Relational data model
COPYRIGHT DISCLAIMER: Presentation aggregates information from multiple open-access resources. Author does not claim for copyright.
"How we optimized our product without paid solutions", Dmytro NemeshFwdays
The story of how we refused third-party DevOps services and took over all services ourselves. In the process, we made a complete revision of the infrastructure, added new monitoring and profiling tools on production. Action algorithms were built based on tools: Graylog, Grafana, influxDB, Pyroscope, Prometheus. As a result, the utilization of resources decreased by two times, and responses to key APIs were accelerated. During the talk, I'll cover what problems we found, how exactly we improved the metrics, and how we got to swoole.
Presentation about capabilities of html5 and when to start using them.
Ehnanced and upgraded version of my previous presentation about html5
There are examples - right here
Imagine that you've been given an old project, a Food Delivery app, with the backend written in Laravel 8 and PHP 8.0. The web and mobile interfaces communicate with the backend through an API, but it's currently performing poorly with an average response time of 600ms. The product owner has requested you to optimize the performance and wonders if it's possible to reduce it by a factor of 10. What would you do?
Topics to be Covered:
Nginx Cache
Rememberable package
Redis Cache
Queues: Redis/SQS
Octane: Swoole / Roadrunner
Upgrading PHP and Laravel
While you may be familiar with most of these points and possibly already using them, the focus will be on ensuring that you're using them correctly and effectively. In a real-world example, I will demonstrate how we managed to reduce average response times by 10 times. We'll explore what's hidden under Laravel's package magic and discuss ways to mitigate the negative impact on project performance.
By the end of this performance optimization session, you will not only have improved your performance but also gained a deeper understanding of how to utilize the Laravel framework more efficiently.
This document provides an overview of best practices for Android Wear development. It discusses how to pair Wear devices, common APIs with Android, showing notifications, distributing Wear apps, defining layouts, accessing views, useful libraries like Gson and EventBus, and other tips.
The document provides an overview of communication capabilities in Android, including networking, useful networking libraries, Bluetooth, and Near Field Communication (NFC). It discusses how to connect to networks, perform network operations on a separate thread, check network connectivity, download data using HTTPURLConnection, and efficiently manage network usage. Libraries covered include Retrofit, okHTTP, Volley, and RoboSpice. The document also provides examples of discovering Bluetooth devices, connecting to Bluetooth devices, and implementing Bluetooth profiles. It concludes with a brief description of NFC technology.
The document provides an overview of Android application development fundamentals including application components, intents, manifest files, and more. It discusses that Android apps are written in Java and compiled to APK files. The core application components are activities, services, broadcast receivers, and content providers. Intents are used to start components and broadcast receivers register to receive system or app events. Every app must declare its components in the Android manifest.
The document discusses Android location and sensor APIs. It provides an overview of location services in Android, which allows apps to access location through the LocationManager. It also discusses the sensors framework, which gives access to motion, position, and environment sensors. It describes how to identify available sensors, register listeners to receive sensor events, and handle the sensor data. Key classes like SensorManager, Sensor, and SensorEventListener are also summarized.
This document provides an introduction to the Java programming language. It discusses the goals of Java, including being cross-platform, providing security through sandboxing with the Java Virtual Machine, and replacing C/C++. It explains what is needed to run and develop Java applications and the differences between Java editions. The document outlines some key differences between Java and C#/C++ and how to write a basic Java application. It also defines JAR files and provides principles for designing class structures in Java.
This document discusses improving proto types when using them in collections for RPC applications. It recommends adding an empty message type for void parameters and repeatable types for data collections. Sample code shows defining request/response messages for getting a user by name including a repeated field for the user collection. The server code returns the collection while the client code iterates over it. Implementing an online shop sample is suggested along with using the template method pattern for server internal logic. The document recommends a design patterns book and thanks the reader.
This document provides instructions for creating a gRPC Hello World sample in C# using .NET Core. It describes creating client and server projects with protobuf definition files. The server project implements a Greeter service that returns a greeting message. The client project calls the SayHello method to get a response from the server. Running the projects demonstrates a basic gRPC communication.
DevOps is a culture and practice that aims to rapidly build, test, and release software. Continuous integration requires developers to integrate code into a shared repository multiple times a day, with each check-in verified by automated builds to detect problems early. Continuous delivery is the practice of releasing every good build to users. Popular tools for continuous integration include TeamCity, Jenkins, and others.
This document provides an overview of software quality assurance and testing. It defines quality as meeting specifications and customer expectations. Software testing investigates quality by providing stakeholders information. Testing is important to prevent defects, as shown by examples of bugs that caused spacecraft and airplane failures costing lives and money. Quality assurance focuses on preventing defects through planning and verification, while quality control identifies defects through action and validation. Defects can be costly so issue tracking systems are used to manage bug lifecycles. Manual testing is time-consuming and relies on human resources while automation testing is faster, more reliable and programmable.
The document discusses the role of a user experience designer, outlining their design process which includes discovering user requirements, creating design concepts and prototypes, validating designs through research and testing, and iterating on their work through collaboration and learning. It emphasizes the importance of an iterative design process driven by user needs.
The document discusses the roles and responsibilities of a project manager in software development. It covers the software development lifecycle (SDLC), common methodologies like SCRUM, and the differences between projects and products. It also describes the typical project team roles and the key duties and qualities of an effective project manager, such as planning, organizing, leading, controlling, clear communication, managing expectations, and prioritizing the team over oneself.
The document discusses the role of a business analyst in a software project. It explains that a business analyst is involved in requirements gathering and representation. This includes eliciting requirements through preliminary discussions with customers, reviewing requirements with other roles like architects and UX designers, and specifying requirements. Requirements can be represented through user stories, use cases, documents, and other methods. User stories are written from the perspective of users and define what they want to do. Use cases outline interactions between actors and a system. Together, clearly documented requirements help ensure a project delivers business value through the right software solution.
<!doctype HTML public "//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "">
<title>Hello world</title>
Hello world!
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Services (asmx)