2. 1O priporočil uporabniške zasnove za splet
1. Določi strategijo
2. Ne domenvaj
3. Fokus
4. Manj je več
5. Načrtuj za mentalne modele
6. Upoštevaj konvencije
7. Konsistentnost
8. Odpiraj
9. Vse je beta
10.Prizadevaj si za celostno izkušnjo
9. the UK market for usability and
accessibility will grow by 20% in 2007
.. research found that increased
competition in the online marketplace is
driving investment in a user-centred design
VIR: http://www.e-consultancy.com/news-blog/363571/usability-
10. Vrste zasnove (designa)
Approach Overview Users Designer
1. User-Centered
Focuses on user
needs and goals
Guide the design Translates user
needs and goals
2. Chooser-
Centered Design
To connect decision
makers with people
who influences them
Searches for value Meeting business
golas and provide
value to users
3. Activity-
Centered Design
Focuses on the tasks
and activities that
need to be
Perform the
Creates tools for
4. Systems Design Focuses on the
components of a
Set the goals of the
Makes sure all the
parts of the system
are in place
5. Genius Design Relies on the skill
and wisdom of
designers used to
make products
Source of validation Is the source of
12. Jesse James Garrett
Strategy is where it all begins:
What do we want to get out of the site?
What do our users want?
13. 1. Strategija
Cilji oz. problem podjetja
Uporabniške potrebe, želje in zmožnosti
Uporabniške poti
15. 1. Strategija: cilji - primer Air.si
Cilj: Nove prodajne priložnoti
Problem: Nova nepoznana tehnologija
Omejitve: Odločevalci imajo malo časa,
B2B trg - kredibilnost
16. 1. Strategija: uporabniki - Air.si
Kaj sploh je Air?
kakšne so koristi?
ali je podjetje vredno zaupanja?
Kako deluje?
Kakšna je razlika v primerjavi z
Kako hitro se povrne začetna
Kakšni so donosi?
17. 1. Strategija: poti in sredstva
Poti do spletnega mesta:
Sejmi, Iskalniki, Forumi
Poti znotraj spletnega mesta:
Informiranje > izračun > naročilo
Video, Informativni izračun, Naročilo
19. 1. Strategija - primer novitwingo
Cilj: zavedanje in dialog
Uporabniki: širša javnost in ‘ustvarjalci’
Poti: Iskalniki, Minisite, Viral, Blog in
blogosfera, Banerji, Natečaj
Sredstva: Blog MKTG, Viral, Oglaševanje,
Glasbeni natečaj
37. calls abroad for residential subscribers packages
personal business network
technical specifications
for residential handsets
satellite navigation system
network coverage
pay parking
with mobile phone
handsets settings
BlackBerry handsets
SMS-missed call
special offers
(bonus, discount...)
subscribers offer
for pre-paid users
tariffs for residential
post-paid packages
calls abroad for
business packages
compare tariffs
of different operators
change operator, keep phone number
pre-paid voucher
tariffs for
pre-paid packages
prices of residential
subscribers handsets
special shops
(test novelties, ...)
openings of
new shops
prices of business
display current location
sales points
(address, tel. number)
technical specifications
for pre-paid handsets
special notifications for users
phone book
web magazine
Mobile Connect Card
prices of pre-paid
technical specifications
for business handsets
contact information
from operator
tariffs for
business packages
award winning games
calls abroad for
pre-paid packages
voicemail centre
Card sortting
40. The User Is Always Right: A Practical Guide to Creating and Using
Personas for the Web
by Steve Mulder , Ziv Yaar
“Personas bring user
research to life and make
it actionable, ensuring
we're making the right
decisions based on the
right information.”
43. Ana Dijak
1 letnik gimnazije
prejema žepnino
Doma iz maribora
Halo uporabnik
pogosta uporaba: internet, msg, myspace
Sledi trendom, primerja s prijatelji, bere Bravo in Smrkljo
Nakup telefona:
Išče telefon, ki ima mp3 in je
stilsko ”in”, takega kot ga je
videla v najnovejšem oglasu in o
katerem govorijo prijatelji
Med ponudbo telefonov pošišče
In posreduje povezavo do strani z
izbranim telefonom svojim
Nato lobira starše, ki preverijo
ceno na predplačnikih in
primerjajo z naročniško varianto
(glej persono Ivana Klepetulja)
vrtljive tabele s filtri (sortiraj
po: blagovni znamki, ceni,
funkcijah | prikaži le: ... )
čarovnik za izbor produkta
izpostavitve na strani s
produktnim opisom (cena s
paketom in v redni prodaji)
Pošlji prijatelju
Nakup vsebin:
išče novo melodijo in ozadje za
svoj telefon
Na Vodafone live! poišče in sama
kupi melodijo
Obstoječe na VFL
44. DaimlerChrysler marketing executives, Organic employees, and even employees of other agencies
meet in the persona rooms to plan strategy and tactics for wooing the real customers that the
personas represent. This helps short-circuit debates about what the buyer likes because everyone
on the extended team experiences the things she likes, from her taste in entertainment to her
fashion sense.
90. 1O priporočil uporabniške zasnove za splet
1. Določi strategijo
2. Ne domenvaj
3. Fokus
4. Manj je več
5. Načrtuj za mentalne modele
6. Upoštevaj konvencije
7. Konsistentnost
8. Odpiraj
9. Vse je beta
10.Prizadevaj si za celostno izkušnjo