The document is a questionnaire for students residing at Sir Ziauddin Hall at Aligarh Muslim University in India. It contains 30 questions to collect student opinions on their course of study at AMU. The questions cover topics like teacher quality, teaching methods, exam structure, library and computer resources, career guidance services, and perceptions of how well the course prepares students for future jobs or academic studies. Students are asked to select their level of agreement with statements about each topic.
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10.) Questionnaire
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The Questionnaire
To collect the opinion of students residing at `SIR ZIAUDDIN HALL¨, AMU Aligarh, India
Course of Study pursued at AMU
By a group of students of B.Sc. (Hons) Statistics, Final Year (2014-15)
Dear Respondent,
We are the students of B.Sc. (Hons)
Statistics, Final, and we are conducting
a survey on the topic, ^Course of
Study pursued at AMU. ̄ We seek
your kind co-operation. So please co-
operate with us by providing your
valuable opinion. Thank You
1. Age:´´´..
(a).Farming (b).Business
(c).Govt. job (d).Private job
3.Place of birth:
(a).Village (b).Town
(c).City (d).Metro city
4. Course of Study´´´´´´´´´
5. Faculty´´´´´´´´´´´´´´.
NOTE: Please CROSS (X) in the box of the appropriate choice.
Question 1:Teachers are good at explaining topics.
1. Strongly disagree [ ]
2. Disagree [ ]
3. Can¨t say [ ]
4. Agree [ ]
5. Strongly agree [ ]
Question 2:Teachers make the subject interesting.
1. Strongly disagree [ ]
2. Disagree [ ]
3. Can¨t say [ ]
4. Agree [ ]
5. Strongly agree [ ]
Question 3:Teachersare passionate (eager) aboutwhattheyare teaching.
1. Strongly disagree [ ]
2. Disagree [ ]
3. Can¨t say [ ]
4. Agree [ ]
5. Strongly agree [ ]