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10 Step Marketing Plan for
the Asian Forum on
Corporate Social
Responsibility (AFCSR)
Ryan Vincent Uy
October 2010
5 Steps for Part 1
(PTM and Positioning)
1. PTM for AFCSR includes: CEO/top and middle management,
CSR managers and practioners, NGOs, government, and
multilateral stakeholders
2. New CSR trends and case studies
3. LCF Philippines, CSR Asia
4. Other brands focus on old CSR trends and have a few mix of
participants from various sectors of society.
5. Based on a survey conducted by IBM in 2008 involving 1,130
CEOs in 40 countries that 42% of Asia Pacific Companies are
increasing their CSR investment, 81% also believes that CSR is
a key differentiating component of business strategy.
5 Steps for Part 2
(Marketing Mix & Strategy)
6. Asian Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility (AFCSR
Conference and Expo)
7. Price: $585 USD
8. Promo: Early Bird rate almost 15% discount: at $495 USD
9. Place: various AFCSR conference have been held in various
Asian countries such as: Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, for the 2011 conference
India is the target venue.
10. Is a leader in the advocacy in CSR for 10 years.
Positioning to the
Primary Target Market
Part 1:
Steps 1 to 5
1.My primary target market
(PTM) is..
 Demographics (25-70, M/F, ABC)
 Lifestyle (Corporate, social
entrepreneurs, advocacy groups, civil
 Behavior (social license to operate,
reducing footprint, enhancing corporate
value and citizenship)
2a. My PTMs NEW
Levels of Corporate Engagement in Issues vis--vis
Maslows Heirarchy of Needs
Source: Alfonso, F. Quiambao, R.
And Roman, F. (2005) Social
Responsibility and Governance in
the Philippines
I want to be
Benefits the
company and
I want to
be in
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a movement that seek profitable
solutions to environmental and social problems of the corporation and the
Source: AIM RVR CSR Center
Needs Wants Expectations
CEO/ Top/ Middle
Understand the
concept of CSR
To know how it will
benefit the company
in general
To know how to
create actually
implementable policy
CSR Managers and
New practical tools
on how to implement
and evaluate CSR
Want to learn new
Expects to know
practical application
of CSR practice
NGOs, civil society,
stakeholders and
Needs to partner
with the private
Wants the company
to implement CSR
Expects company to
create CSR programs
and be accountable
to society
2b. AFCSR PTMs: Needs, Wants
and Expectation
3a. AFCSR competitor
 Direct: CSR Asia Summit, Asia Pacific
Corporate Social Responsibility Conference
 Indirect: Sustainability, Labor, Environment,
Mining, Workplace conference
 Variables: Price, Conference theme, location,
speakers, sponsorships
3b. Competitive Position Map
CSR Asia
Regional CSR Conferences
Local CSR conference
Specific CSR conferences
ACSR Comparison
AFCSR CSR Asia Summit
Full Price $ 585 $ 590
Strategic Partner Price FREE $ 472
Multiple Delegate Price $465-$520 $413-$472
Number of delegates 400-500 300
Number of Sponsors and
50 40
Number of confirmed
57 45
4. AFCSRs position strongly
in a niche market opportunity
 AFCSR is the leading regional
conference on CSR in Asia
 Its the longest running CSR conference in
Asia- 10 years!
 It has an extensive network and
partnerships with leading CSR experts
5a. CSR is a growing need for
 Based on a survey conducted by IBM in 2008 involving 1,130 CEOs in
40 countries that 42% of Asia Pacific Companies are
increasing their CSR investment, 81% also believes that CSR
is a key differentiating component of business strategy.
 According to the Boston College survey, corporate citizenship
leaders spend most of their time building relationships
inside and outside of the company, about 85% of the time
all told. As this is a relatively new development, the vast majority
of them stated that they had backgrounds in other fields other than
CSR or corporate citizenship: 93% to be exact. Nevertheless,
almost 70% have taken steps to educate themselves in this field,
with about 20% stating they completed a certification program.
5b. Based on competitor data on CSR
delegate and participants
SOURCE: http://www.manilatimes.net/national/2006/oct/25/yehey/business/20061025bus6.html
Explore cutting-edge CSR issues that matter to
your business
Network with over 300 international speakers
and delegates
Share Asias best practice case studies in 18
breakout sessions
Engage in more in-depth discussion with our
unique feature: World Caf辿
Visit exhibition booths that showcase the latest
CSR initiatives
Attend practical pre- and post-conference
training events to enhance your CSR skills
Attend invitation-only events:
Community Investment Round Table
CSR Asia Stakeholder Forum (ASF)
5b. Estimate the market size
based on AFCSR data
1. AFCSR is the longest running CSR conference in Asia, it has
delegates from more than 40 countries from Asia to Europe to the
2. AFCSR has the most number of delegates and participants, it has
500 delegates 30 breakout sessions and more than 50 expo booths,
it also has the Intel Award, and the RVR Award on CSR
3. Since 2002, the AFCSR has been growing, from an initial participant
of 200 mostly local (Philippines) it has now grown into 500 yearly
participants from all over the world. It has also created strategic
partnerships with multinational companies, and CSR advocacy
5c. Estimate the market size
using customer data
Item 2002 2003200420052006200720082009
Number of
delegates 388 308 283 418 528 550 473 494
Number of
award entries Na 140 197 160 178 185 170 211
Based from the number of award entries, there is a
growing number of companies that have been participating
in CSR conferences and there is an increase in the number
of CSR programs being implemented.
5d. CSR conference:
Based from the number of delegates and participants, from competitor and own
data, there is an increase in companies and individuals that have begun to advocate
CSR as a business strategy.
Aside from this, there is a growing number of academic institutions that have also
integrated CSR into their core curriculum, a good example is AGSB, with its Mulat
Diwa. International academic institutions have also begun offering CSR course.
Finally, based from internet research on CSR, two to three years ago, there was a
scarce number of written articles on CSR. Today, there is a plethora of literature on
the said topic. It is difficult to provide a best estimate of the actual market size, but
a good number is the Philippine Stock Exchange where majority of companies listed
have their own CSR program being implemented and developed.
The Marketing Mix Strategy
Part 2:
Steps 6 to 10
6a. Photo of product category
6b. Product Description
 AFCSR is a CSR conference that caters to
CEO/ top and middle management, the
initial aim of the conference was to educate
and promote CSR as an effective business
 Today, the conference highlights the best
CSR practices and highlights new CSR trends
and practices.
7. Price
 Since 2002, the price for the conference has
not increased.
 For the regular rate: $585 USD
 The regular price of the AFCSR is still
cheaper than the nearest competitor.
 There is also a early bird rate
 $ 495 USD
8a. Promo
 The AFSCR has a number of media partner that helps in
promoting the conference. Media, newspapers and the
internet. The conference is also connected via twitter.
8b. Competitor promo
They also have newspaper
articles in Hong Kong
Economic Times
9. AFCSR is a regional
Year Place
2002 Philippines
2003 Thailand
2004 Malaysia
2005 Indonesia
2006 Philippines
2007 Vietnam
2008 Singapore
2009 Philippines
2010 Malaysia
2011 China/India (sites being chosen)
10. AFCSR is a niche leader
 AFCSR main strategy is to dominate the CSR
conference in Asia. It is the leading CSR
conference based on the number of
delegates and sponsors of the event.
 The price of the conference is also cheaper
compared to other CSR conference. The
AFCSR is still the lead in setting the trend on
new CSR practices.
5 Steps for Part 1
(PTM and Positioning)
1. PTM for AFCSR includes: CEO/top and middle management,
CSR managers and practioners, NGOs, government, and
multilateral stakeholders
2. New CSR trends and case studies
3. LCF Philippines, CSR Asia
4. Other brands focus on old CSR trends and have a few mix of
participants from various sectors of society.
5. Based on a survey conducted by IBM in 2008 involving 1,130
CEOs in 40 countries that 42% of Asia Pacific Companies are
increasing their CSR investment, 81% also believes that CSR is
a key differentiating component of business strategy.
5 Steps for Part 2
(Marketing Mix & Strategy)
6. Asian Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility (AFCSR
Conference and Expo)
7. Price: $585 USD
8. Promo: Early Bird rate almost 15% discount: at $495 USD
9. Place: various AFCSR conference have been held in various
Asian countries such as: Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia,
Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, for the 2011 conference
India is the target venue.
10. Is a leader in the advocacy in CSR for 10 years.
10 Step Marketing Plan for
the Asian Forum on
Corporate Social
Responsibility (AFCSR)
Ryan Vincent Uy
October 2010

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10 step marketing plan for the afcsr [autosaved]

  • 1. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com 10 Step Marketing Plan for the Asian Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility (AFCSR) Ryan Vincent Uy October 2010
  • 2. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com 5 Steps for Part 1 (PTM and Positioning) 1. PTM for AFCSR includes: CEO/top and middle management, CSR managers and practioners, NGOs, government, and multilateral stakeholders 2. New CSR trends and case studies 3. LCF Philippines, CSR Asia 4. Other brands focus on old CSR trends and have a few mix of participants from various sectors of society. 5. Based on a survey conducted by IBM in 2008 involving 1,130 CEOs in 40 countries that 42% of Asia Pacific Companies are increasing their CSR investment, 81% also believes that CSR is a key differentiating component of business strategy.
  • 3. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com 5 Steps for Part 2 (Marketing Mix & Strategy) 6. Asian Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility (AFCSR Conference and Expo) 7. Price: $585 USD 8. Promo: Early Bird rate almost 15% discount: at $495 USD 9. Place: various AFCSR conference have been held in various Asian countries such as: Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, for the 2011 conference India is the target venue. 10. Is a leader in the advocacy in CSR for 10 years.
  • 5. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com 1.My primary target market (PTM) is.. Demographics (25-70, M/F, ABC) Lifestyle (Corporate, social entrepreneurs, advocacy groups, civil society) Behavior (social license to operate, reducing footprint, enhancing corporate value and citizenship)
  • 6. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com Value Creation Harm minimization Compliance 2a. My PTMs NEW Levels of Corporate Engagement in Issues vis--vis Maslows Heirarchy of Needs Source: Alfonso, F. Quiambao, R. And Roman, F. (2005) Social Responsibility and Governance in the Philippines I want to be strategic Benefits the company and community I want to be in Benefit the company only
  • 7. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a movement that seek profitable solutions to environmental and social problems of the corporation and the society. Source: AIM RVR CSR Center
  • 8. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com Needs Wants Expectations CEO/ Top/ Middle Management Understand the concept of CSR To know how it will benefit the company in general To know how to create actually implementable policy guidelines CSR Managers and Practioners New practical tools on how to implement and evaluate CSR programs Want to learn new trends Expects to know practical application of CSR practice NGOs, civil society, multilateral stakeholders and governments Needs to partner with the private sector Wants the company to implement CSR Expects company to create CSR programs and be accountable to society 2b. AFCSR PTMs: Needs, Wants and Expectation
  • 9. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com 3a. AFCSR competitor Direct: CSR Asia Summit, Asia Pacific Corporate Social Responsibility Conference Indirect: Sustainability, Labor, Environment, Mining, Workplace conference Variables: Price, Conference theme, location, speakers, sponsorships
  • 10. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com 3b. Competitive Position Map AFCSR LCF CSR Asia SummitResponsible Mining, Sustainability Conferences Regional CSR Conferences Local CSR conference Specific CSR conferences
  • 11. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com ACSR Comparison AFCSR CSR Asia Summit Full Price $ 585 $ 590 Strategic Partner Price FREE $ 472 Multiple Delegate Price $465-$520 $413-$472 Number of delegates 400-500 300 Number of Sponsors and Partners 50 40 Number of confirmed Speakers 57 45
  • 12. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com 4. AFCSRs position strongly in a niche market opportunity AFCSR is the leading regional conference on CSR in Asia Its the longest running CSR conference in Asia- 10 years! It has an extensive network and partnerships with leading CSR experts
  • 13. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com 5a. CSR is a growing need for companies Based on a survey conducted by IBM in 2008 involving 1,130 CEOs in 40 countries that 42% of Asia Pacific Companies are increasing their CSR investment, 81% also believes that CSR is a key differentiating component of business strategy. According to the Boston College survey, corporate citizenship leaders spend most of their time building relationships inside and outside of the company, about 85% of the time all told. As this is a relatively new development, the vast majority of them stated that they had backgrounds in other fields other than CSR or corporate citizenship: 93% to be exact. Nevertheless, almost 70% have taken steps to educate themselves in this field, with about 20% stating they completed a certification program.
  • 14. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com 5b. Based on competitor data on CSR delegate and participants SOURCE: http://www.manilatimes.net/national/2006/oct/25/yehey/business/20061025bus6.html CSR ASIA SUMMIT DATA Explore cutting-edge CSR issues that matter to your business Network with over 300 international speakers and delegates Share Asias best practice case studies in 18 breakout sessions Engage in more in-depth discussion with our unique feature: World Caf辿 Visit exhibition booths that showcase the latest CSR initiatives Attend practical pre- and post-conference training events to enhance your CSR skills Attend invitation-only events: Community Investment Round Table (CIRT) CSR Asia Stakeholder Forum (ASF)
  • 15. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com 5b. Estimate the market size based on AFCSR data 1. AFCSR is the longest running CSR conference in Asia, it has delegates from more than 40 countries from Asia to Europe to the Americas. 2. AFCSR has the most number of delegates and participants, it has 500 delegates 30 breakout sessions and more than 50 expo booths, it also has the Intel Award, and the RVR Award on CSR 3. Since 2002, the AFCSR has been growing, from an initial participant of 200 mostly local (Philippines) it has now grown into 500 yearly participants from all over the world. It has also created strategic partnerships with multinational companies, and CSR advocacy groups.
  • 16. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com 5c. Estimate the market size using customer data Item 2002 2003200420052006200720082009 Number of delegates 388 308 283 418 528 550 473 494 Number of award entries Na 140 197 160 178 185 170 211 Based from the number of award entries, there is a growing number of companies that have been participating in CSR conferences and there is an increase in the number of CSR programs being implemented.
  • 17. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com 5d. CSR conference: Based from the number of delegates and participants, from competitor and own data, there is an increase in companies and individuals that have begun to advocate CSR as a business strategy. Aside from this, there is a growing number of academic institutions that have also integrated CSR into their core curriculum, a good example is AGSB, with its Mulat Diwa. International academic institutions have also begun offering CSR course. Finally, based from internet research on CSR, two to three years ago, there was a scarce number of written articles on CSR. Today, there is a plethora of literature on the said topic. It is difficult to provide a best estimate of the actual market size, but a good number is the Philippine Stock Exchange where majority of companies listed have their own CSR program being implemented and developed.
  • 20. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com 6b. Product Description AFCSR is a CSR conference that caters to CEO/ top and middle management, the initial aim of the conference was to educate and promote CSR as an effective business strategy. Today, the conference highlights the best CSR practices and highlights new CSR trends and practices.
  • 21. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com 7. Price Since 2002, the price for the conference has not increased. For the regular rate: $585 USD The regular price of the AFCSR is still cheaper than the nearest competitor. There is also a early bird rate $ 495 USD
  • 22. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com 8a. Promo The AFSCR has a number of media partner that helps in promoting the conference. Media, newspapers and the internet. The conference is also connected via twitter.
  • 23. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com 8b. Competitor promo They also have newspaper articles in Hong Kong Economic Times
  • 24. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com 9. AFCSR is a regional conference Year Place 2002 Philippines 2003 Thailand 2004 Malaysia 2005 Indonesia 2006 Philippines 2007 Vietnam 2008 Singapore 2009 Philippines 2010 Malaysia 2011 China/India (sites being chosen)
  • 25. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com 10. AFCSR is a niche leader AFCSR main strategy is to dominate the CSR conference in Asia. It is the leading CSR conference based on the number of delegates and sponsors of the event. The price of the conference is also cheaper compared to other CSR conference. The AFCSR is still the lead in setting the trend on new CSR practices.
  • 27. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com 5 Steps for Part 1 (PTM and Positioning) 1. PTM for AFCSR includes: CEO/top and middle management, CSR managers and practioners, NGOs, government, and multilateral stakeholders 2. New CSR trends and case studies 3. LCF Philippines, CSR Asia 4. Other brands focus on old CSR trends and have a few mix of participants from various sectors of society. 5. Based on a survey conducted by IBM in 2008 involving 1,130 CEOs in 40 countries that 42% of Asia Pacific Companies are increasing their CSR investment, 81% also believes that CSR is a key differentiating component of business strategy.
  • 28. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com 5 Steps for Part 2 (Marketing Mix & Strategy) 6. Asian Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility (AFCSR Conference and Expo) 7. Price: $585 USD 8. Promo: Early Bird rate almost 15% discount: at $495 USD 9. Place: various AFCSR conference have been held in various Asian countries such as: Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, for the 2011 conference India is the target venue. 10. Is a leader in the advocacy in CSR for 10 years.
  • 29. http://ryanvincentuy.blogspot.com 10 Step Marketing Plan for the Asian Forum on Corporate Social Responsibility (AFCSR) Ryan Vincent Uy October 2010