The document contains a list of 100 questions testing the use of relative pronouns, adverbs, and pronouns. For each question, candidates must choose the best relative pronoun, adverb, or pronoun to complete the sentence from the options given. The questions cover a range of grammatical structures testing knowledge of relative pronouns like who, whom, whose, that, which; relative adverbs like when, where, why; and reflexive pronouns like myself, yourself.
The document appears to be a passage from an exam on grammar and vocabulary. It contains 36 multiple choice questions testing understanding of parts of speech, verb tenses, prepositions, idioms and other grammatical concepts. The questions progress from simpler concepts like parts of speech to more complex ideas involving verb tenses and prepositional phrases. The passage provides context for applying grammatical rules but no direct answers to the questions.
This document provides information about a class assignment for ES110 Reading and Writing II taught by Teacher T.Munkhchimeg. It is a 3 credit course with an assessment consisting of a test on knowledge and a test on practice. The test on knowledge contains 30 multiple choice questions testing vocabulary, while the test on practice contains two reading passages with 10 multiple choice questions each testing comprehension.
The document provides examples of conditional sentences using conjunctions like "as long as", "even if", "providing that", and "unless". It gives prompts to complete sentences with these conjunctions as well as exercises rewriting sentences as conditionals. There are also exercises on wishes and regrets using "wish" and "if only" as well as conditionals with modal verbs.
The document contains a conversation between a lorry driver and a woman named Nadia. The lorry driver is delivering water to a market and has parked in a way that is blocking Nadia's car from leaving. Nadia asks the driver to move, explaining that she needs to take her daughter to school. The driver apologizes for being in the way but says there is nowhere else to park. He asks Nadia to wait a minute or two while he finishes delivering. Nadia agrees to wait.
This document contains an English grammar exercise with multiple parts testing different grammar skills. It begins with revision of verb tenses, asking to put verbs in brackets into the correct tense. The second part involves question formation, passive voice, conditional sentences, and reported speech. Subsequent parts continue practicing relative clauses, verb tenses, and conditional clauses. The exercise provides sentences for the student to rewrite or transform based on the specified grammar rules.
This document contains an English exam with questions testing vocabulary, grammar, and comprehension. It includes:
1) A vocabulary section with multiple choice questions testing words like catastrophe, prescribe, regenerate, and coastal.
2) Grammar exercises involving topics like reported speech, conditional sentences, and modals.
3) A reading comprehension passage about a legal case followed by multiple choice questions.
The document provides a comprehensive review of several core English language concepts.
This document appears to be an English language placement test containing multiple choice questions about grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension. It tests a variety of English language skills including parts of speech, tenses, prepositions, idioms, and conversational exchanges. The test contains 75 questions divided into sections related to topics like taking a test, making hotel reservations, and discussing property purchases with an estate agent.
This document contains a summary of a midterm exam preparation guide covering several topics:
1. The first section provides a vocabulary review quiz with 20 multiple choice questions testing words related to landmarks, structures, generations, exhibitions, and ship navigation.
2. The second section tests grammar through 15 multiple choice questions on topics like verb tenses, prepositions, and time expressions.
3. The third section provides a reading comprehension on William Shakespeare's play "The Winter's Tale" and asks 10 short answer questions about characters, plot points, and themes in Act One.
4. The fourth section reviews conditional sentences and modals through 10 multiple choice grammar questions and rewriting exercises.
The document contains a dialogue practice activity with 6 examples of short conversations (1-6). It also includes reading comprehension questions about a passage of text regarding a pen friend visiting Egypt (A, B, C). Finally, it ends with grammar and writing exercises including rewriting sentences, correcting errors, and writing a letter (5-9).
This document contains an 80 question English language placement test, along with the correct answers and an interpretation of results. The test contains multiple choice questions that assess grammar, vocabulary, idioms and conversational English. Scores are grouped into levels from beginner to very advanced, with each level equivalent to 120-150 hours of English instruction.
1) Miss Leary saves half her small salary each year to fund her annual holiday.
2) No one knows where she goes for her two-week holiday each year, assuming it's somewhere inexpensive like the English countryside.
3) However, unbeknownst to her colleagues, Miss Leary travels to Lake Como, Italy each year where she adopts a very different lifestyle and appearance on holiday, traveling first class and socializing with friends.
Anhvan co uyen trung tam luyen thi dai hoc qsc-45 - copy of reportedTrungt但mluy畛nthi Qsc
This document provides examples of reported speech and questions to practice changing direct speech into reported speech. It includes multiple sections with examples of reported statements, commands, and questions. For each example, the reader is meant to rewrite it in reported speech format by changing the punctuation and sometimes changing the verb. It tests a variety of grammar rules for reported speech, including changing pronouns, adverbs of time and place, and changing present tenses to past tenses. The document aims to help the reader practice and improve their skills with reported speech grammar through these example exercises.
1. Mr. Smith asked Karen to stay at his house and watch over his niece Alice while he was away for the night, as he feared riots were possible.
2. That evening, Karen and Alice heard hundreds of angry voices and marching feet outside approaching the house. They realized a group was planning an attack.
3. When a weapon dropped outside and the dog barked, the group resumed marching away. Karen calmly suggested to Alice that it was time for bed, having likely scared off the group.
This document contains a reading comprehension test with multiple choice questions about a passage discussing the life and works of Scottish author John Buchan. The passage provides biographical details about Buchan's family background, education, early career, works, and political involvement. It aims to test the reader's understanding of key details, vocabulary, and definitions mentioned in the text. test on thi chung chi cTr畉n 畛c Anh
This document contains a 50 question English proficiency test covering topics like pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. The test questions are multiple choice with one correct answer for each question testing things like parts of speech, tenses, prepositions, idioms and more. The purpose of the test is to assess English language skills for a national English proficiency certificate in Vietnam. 70 de thi tieng anh aTr畉n 畛c Anh
This document contains 70 English level tests with questions on pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and finding mistakes in sentences. The tests cover topics such as verb tenses, parts of speech, vocabulary in context and pronunciation of words. The questions progress from basic to more advanced concepts in English.
The document provides a final review for grade 6 students. It includes sample dialogues and questions that can be used when offering assistance to someone, and responses that can be used to accept or decline assistance. It also provides examples of using the present continuous tense to ask questions. Other topics covered include adverbs, performing comparisons of adjectives between two things, rearranging words to form sentences, choosing the correct answers to questions, and punctuating sentences. The review is intended to help students as a last review before the end of the school year.
The document is an English diagnostic test consisting of 100 multiple choice questions to assess language needs. It tests grammar, vocabulary, verb tenses and other aspects of English proficiency. Test takers are instructed to choose the best answer for each question and indicate their responses on an answer sheet within the allotted time without spending too long on any single question. The test is designed to evaluate current language abilities for diagnostic purposes. 1500 cau hoi trac nghiem anh cTr畉n 畛c Anh
This document contains a test with multiple choice questions assessing pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and the ability to find mistakes in sentences. The test has three sections, with the first section focusing on pronunciation, the second on finding mistakes, and the third on grammar and vocabulary. There are a total of 50 multiple choice questions in the test.
This document contains an English proficiency test with multiple choice questions covering grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and sentence rewriting. The test has 7 sections with a total of 80 questions. It provides the instructions, questions and multiple choice answers for an English proficiency exam for university admission in Vietnam.
This document contains a midterm exam revision for an English preparatory class. It includes multiple choice questions testing grammar, vocabulary and reading comprehension skills. It also contains exercises rewriting sentences with the same meaning, answering questions about short passages, analyzing a poem, discussing chapters from a novel, and completing model exam questions. The document provides a comprehensive review of various English skills to help students prepare for their upcoming midterm exam.
This document contains a 50 question final test assessing knowledge of passive voice, nouns, reported speech, and conditionals. The test includes multiple choice questions where students must choose the correct grammar structure for sentences. It covers a wide range of English grammar topics.
This document contains a test with 70 multiple choice questions about English grammar and vocabulary. The questions cover topics like verb tenses, parts of speech, common expressions, and everyday conversations. An answer key is provided at the end to indicate the correct response for each question.
The document contains a test with multiple choice questions about English grammar and vocabulary. It covers topics such as verb tenses, prepositions, parts of speech, and sentence structure. The test contains over 75 questions testing various aspects of English proficiency.
This English test consists of 55 multiple-choice questions intended to be completed in 30 minutes. The test assesses knowledge of English grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension across 6 levels of proficiency from beginner to advanced. Good luck to the test-taker.
The document is an English exam question bank containing 100 questions testing grammar, vocabulary, and language usage. The questions cover topics such as verbs, pronouns, prepositions, sentence structure, synonyms, and pronunciation. Test-takers must choose the correct answer among 4 answer choices to demonstrate their English language proficiency.
The document is about a state exam that tests understanding of English grammar and language usage. It contains 36 multiple choice questions that test parts of speech, verb tenses, prepositions, and other grammatical concepts. The questions cover a range of topics including parts of speech, verb tenses, prepositions, pronouns, and sentence structure.
This document appears to be an English language placement test containing multiple choice questions about grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension. It tests a variety of English language skills including parts of speech, tenses, prepositions, idioms, and conversational exchanges. The test contains 75 questions divided into sections related to topics like taking a test, making hotel reservations, and discussing property purchases with an estate agent.
This document contains a summary of a midterm exam preparation guide covering several topics:
1. The first section provides a vocabulary review quiz with 20 multiple choice questions testing words related to landmarks, structures, generations, exhibitions, and ship navigation.
2. The second section tests grammar through 15 multiple choice questions on topics like verb tenses, prepositions, and time expressions.
3. The third section provides a reading comprehension on William Shakespeare's play "The Winter's Tale" and asks 10 short answer questions about characters, plot points, and themes in Act One.
4. The fourth section reviews conditional sentences and modals through 10 multiple choice grammar questions and rewriting exercises.
The document contains a dialogue practice activity with 6 examples of short conversations (1-6). It also includes reading comprehension questions about a passage of text regarding a pen friend visiting Egypt (A, B, C). Finally, it ends with grammar and writing exercises including rewriting sentences, correcting errors, and writing a letter (5-9).
This document contains an 80 question English language placement test, along with the correct answers and an interpretation of results. The test contains multiple choice questions that assess grammar, vocabulary, idioms and conversational English. Scores are grouped into levels from beginner to very advanced, with each level equivalent to 120-150 hours of English instruction.
1) Miss Leary saves half her small salary each year to fund her annual holiday.
2) No one knows where she goes for her two-week holiday each year, assuming it's somewhere inexpensive like the English countryside.
3) However, unbeknownst to her colleagues, Miss Leary travels to Lake Como, Italy each year where she adopts a very different lifestyle and appearance on holiday, traveling first class and socializing with friends.
Anhvan co uyen trung tam luyen thi dai hoc qsc-45 - copy of reportedTrungt但mluy畛nthi Qsc
This document provides examples of reported speech and questions to practice changing direct speech into reported speech. It includes multiple sections with examples of reported statements, commands, and questions. For each example, the reader is meant to rewrite it in reported speech format by changing the punctuation and sometimes changing the verb. It tests a variety of grammar rules for reported speech, including changing pronouns, adverbs of time and place, and changing present tenses to past tenses. The document aims to help the reader practice and improve their skills with reported speech grammar through these example exercises.
1. Mr. Smith asked Karen to stay at his house and watch over his niece Alice while he was away for the night, as he feared riots were possible.
2. That evening, Karen and Alice heard hundreds of angry voices and marching feet outside approaching the house. They realized a group was planning an attack.
3. When a weapon dropped outside and the dog barked, the group resumed marching away. Karen calmly suggested to Alice that it was time for bed, having likely scared off the group.
This document contains a reading comprehension test with multiple choice questions about a passage discussing the life and works of Scottish author John Buchan. The passage provides biographical details about Buchan's family background, education, early career, works, and political involvement. It aims to test the reader's understanding of key details, vocabulary, and definitions mentioned in the text. test on thi chung chi cTr畉n 畛c Anh
This document contains a 50 question English proficiency test covering topics like pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension. The test questions are multiple choice with one correct answer for each question testing things like parts of speech, tenses, prepositions, idioms and more. The purpose of the test is to assess English language skills for a national English proficiency certificate in Vietnam. 70 de thi tieng anh aTr畉n 畛c Anh
This document contains 70 English level tests with questions on pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary and finding mistakes in sentences. The tests cover topics such as verb tenses, parts of speech, vocabulary in context and pronunciation of words. The questions progress from basic to more advanced concepts in English.
The document provides a final review for grade 6 students. It includes sample dialogues and questions that can be used when offering assistance to someone, and responses that can be used to accept or decline assistance. It also provides examples of using the present continuous tense to ask questions. Other topics covered include adverbs, performing comparisons of adjectives between two things, rearranging words to form sentences, choosing the correct answers to questions, and punctuating sentences. The review is intended to help students as a last review before the end of the school year.
The document is an English diagnostic test consisting of 100 multiple choice questions to assess language needs. It tests grammar, vocabulary, verb tenses and other aspects of English proficiency. Test takers are instructed to choose the best answer for each question and indicate their responses on an answer sheet within the allotted time without spending too long on any single question. The test is designed to evaluate current language abilities for diagnostic purposes. 1500 cau hoi trac nghiem anh cTr畉n 畛c Anh
This document contains a test with multiple choice questions assessing pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and the ability to find mistakes in sentences. The test has three sections, with the first section focusing on pronunciation, the second on finding mistakes, and the third on grammar and vocabulary. There are a total of 50 multiple choice questions in the test.
This document contains an English proficiency test with multiple choice questions covering grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension and sentence rewriting. The test has 7 sections with a total of 80 questions. It provides the instructions, questions and multiple choice answers for an English proficiency exam for university admission in Vietnam.
This document contains a midterm exam revision for an English preparatory class. It includes multiple choice questions testing grammar, vocabulary and reading comprehension skills. It also contains exercises rewriting sentences with the same meaning, answering questions about short passages, analyzing a poem, discussing chapters from a novel, and completing model exam questions. The document provides a comprehensive review of various English skills to help students prepare for their upcoming midterm exam.
This document contains a 50 question final test assessing knowledge of passive voice, nouns, reported speech, and conditionals. The test includes multiple choice questions where students must choose the correct grammar structure for sentences. It covers a wide range of English grammar topics.
This document contains a test with 70 multiple choice questions about English grammar and vocabulary. The questions cover topics like verb tenses, parts of speech, common expressions, and everyday conversations. An answer key is provided at the end to indicate the correct response for each question.
The document contains a test with multiple choice questions about English grammar and vocabulary. It covers topics such as verb tenses, prepositions, parts of speech, and sentence structure. The test contains over 75 questions testing various aspects of English proficiency.
This English test consists of 55 multiple-choice questions intended to be completed in 30 minutes. The test assesses knowledge of English grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension across 6 levels of proficiency from beginner to advanced. Good luck to the test-taker.
The document is an English exam question bank containing 100 questions testing grammar, vocabulary, and language usage. The questions cover topics such as verbs, pronouns, prepositions, sentence structure, synonyms, and pronunciation. Test-takers must choose the correct answer among 4 answer choices to demonstrate their English language proficiency.
The document is about a state exam that tests understanding of English grammar and language usage. It contains 36 multiple choice questions that test parts of speech, verb tenses, prepositions, and other grammatical concepts. The questions cover a range of topics including parts of speech, verb tenses, prepositions, pronouns, and sentence structure.
This document contains a series of exercises on grammar and choosing the correct answer from multiple choice options. There are 60 grammar questions and 40 questions choosing the correct word to complete a sentence from options like old-fashioned, midday, aboard etc. The exercises are meant to test knowledge of parts of speech, tenses, relative clauses, prepositions and vocabulary. It provides a review of various English grammar and vocabulary concepts for students.
The document appears to be an English exam for grade 7 students in Vietnam. It contains multiple choice questions testing phonetic skills, vocabulary, grammar and reading comprehension. Some key details:
- The exam contains 10 phonetic questions testing pronunciation of underlined parts of words.
- Vocabulary and grammar questions cover topics like verbs, adjectives, prepositions and parts of speech.
- Reading comprehension sections require understanding of passages and answering questions about the details.
- The exam tests a wide range of English skills and would evaluate students' language proficiency across different domains.
This document provides a summary of a general enrollment exam from 2007. The exam contains two parts - Part I focuses on grammar and vocabulary with 36 multiple choice questions. Part II contains sections on reading comprehension and communication skills, testing the ability to understand notices, respond appropriately in conversations, and match compound words. The exam tests fundamental English language skills.
Karen was preparing to leave her friend Alice's house when Alice's uncle Mr. Smith arrived upset and asked Karen to stay and watch over Alice while he was away that night. Mr. Smith believed riots were possible that evening and instructed Karen on what to do if she heard noises in the house. That night, Karen and Alice heard hundreds of marching feet outside but Karen remained calm and suggested it was time for bed after the group passed.
Here are the missing words:
75. Australia
76. Switzerland
David was born in Sydney, Australia but his family migrated to Switzerland in 1999. When he finished his high school in Geneva, his new home city, he would like to further his study in Europe.
This document contains an English quiz with multiple choice questions about grammar, vocabulary, and language usage. It provides the questions, multiple choice answers, and a link to a Facebook group called "Light of Science" where more information can be found. The questions cover topics such as verbs, pronouns, prepositions, word forms, sentence structure, and parts of speech.
[] tai-lieu-1600-cau-trac-nghiem-on-thi-hsg-8-part-13-docLinh Tun
This document contains 100 multiple choice questions in Vietnamese about grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension. The questions cover a range of topics including directions, past tense verbs, occupations, hobbies, transportation, food, family, and daily activities. For each question, the reader must choose the most appropriate answer among 4 options to complete the sentence or determine what is being asked.
Bi t畉p tr畉c nghi畛m ti畉ng anh l畛p 7 hki (with key)Nguyen Van Tai
The document provides a practice test in English for 7th grade students in Vietnam. It covers pronunciations, vocabulary, grammar, prepositions and tenses. There are multiple choice questions testing understanding of parts of speech, verb conjugations, sentence structure and meanings of words. The test aims to evaluate students' mastery of foundational English language concepts taught in 7th grade.
Bi t畉p tr畉c nghi畛m ti畉ng anh l畛p 7 hki (with key)H畛c T畉p Long An
The document provides a practice test in English for 7th grade students in Vietnam. It covers pronunciations, vocabulary, grammar, prepositions and tenses. There are multiple choice questions testing understanding of these areas. The test also includes a reading passage and questions about the passage. The document aims to help students practice and test their English language skills in various areas covered in 7th grade.
1. The document contains an English Olympic test for 5th grade students testing their grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, communication skills, and writing ability.
2. The grammar section contains 30 multiple choice questions testing parts of speech, verb tenses, pronouns, and more.
3. The vocabulary section contains 50 multiple choice questions testing common words related to hobbies, clothing, food, numbers, and other everyday topics.
A group of students spent 66 days surviving at sea in a life raft after their yacht sank off the coast of Central America. They were able to catch fish and desalinate water during this time to survive until they were spotted by a fishing boat and rescued after over 2 months at sea.
Effective Product Variant Management in Odoo 18Celine George
In this slide well discuss on the effective product variant management in Odoo 18. Odoo concentrates on managing product variations and offers a distinct area for doing so. Product variants provide unique characteristics like size and color to single products, which can be managed at the product template level for all attributes and variants or at the variant level for individual variants.
Mastering Soft Tissue Therapy & Sports Taping: Pathway to Sports Medicine Excellence
This presentation was delivered in Colombo, Sri Lanka, at the Institute of Sports Medicine to an audience of sports physiotherapists, exercise scientists, athletic trainers, and healthcare professionals. Led by Kusal Goonewardena (PhD Candidate - Muscle Fatigue, APA Titled Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist) and Gayath Jayasinghe (Sports Scientist), the session provided comprehensive training on soft tissue assessment, treatment techniques, and essential sports taping methods.
Key topics covered:
Soft Tissue Therapy The science behind muscle, fascia, and joint assessment for optimal treatment outcomes.
Sports Taping Techniques Practical applications for injury prevention and rehabilitation, including ankle, knee, shoulder, thoracic, and cervical spine taping.
Sports Trainer Level 1 Course by Sports Medicine Australia A gateway to professional development, career opportunities, and working in Australia.
This training mirrors the Elite Akademy Sports Medicine standards, ensuring evidence-based approaches to injury management and athlete care.
If you are a sports professional looking to enhance your clinical skills and open doors to global opportunities, this presentation is for you.
How to create security group category in Odoo 17Celine George
This slide will represent the creation of security group category in odoo 17. Security groups are essential for managing user access and permissions across different modules. Creating a security group category helps to organize related user groups and streamline permission settings within a specific module or functionality.
How to Configure Recurring Revenue in Odoo 17 CRMCeline George
This slide will represent how to configure Recurring revenue. Recurring revenue are the income generated at a particular interval. Typically, the interval can be monthly, yearly, or we can customize the intervals for a product or service based on its subscription or contract.
Unit 1 Computer Hardware for Educational Computing.pptxRomaSmart1
Computers have revolutionized various sectors, including education, by enhancing learning experiences and making information more accessible. This presentation, "Computer Hardware for Educational Computing," introduces the fundamental aspects of computers, including their definition, characteristics, classification, and significance in the educational domain. Understanding these concepts helps educators and students leverage technology for more effective learning.
Comprehensive Guide to Antibiotics & Beta-Lactam Antibiotics.pptxSamruddhi Khonde
Comprehensive Guide to Antibiotics & Beta-Lactam Antibiotics
Antibiotics have revolutionized medicine, playing a crucial role in combating bacterial infections. Among them, Beta-Lactam antibiotics remain the most widely used class due to their effectiveness against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. This guide provides a detailed overview of their history, classification, chemical structures, mode of action, resistance mechanisms, SAR, and clinical applications.
What Youll Learn in This Presentation
History & Evolution of Antibiotics
Cell Wall Structure of Gram-Positive & Gram-Negative Bacteria
Beta-Lactam Antibiotics: Classification & Subtypes
Penicillins, Cephalosporins, Carbapenems & Monobactams
Mode of Action (MOA) & Structure-Activity Relationship (SAR)
Beta-Lactamase Inhibitors & Resistance Mechanisms
Clinical Applications & Challenges.
Why You Should Check This Out?
Essential for pharmacy, medical & life sciences students.
Provides insights into antibiotic resistance & pharmaceutical trends.
Useful for healthcare professionals & researchers in drug discovery.
Swipe through & explore the world of antibiotics today!
Like, Share & Follow for more in-depth pharma insights!
The basics of sentences session 5pptx.pptxheathfieldcps1
100 cau-trac-nghiem-menh-de-quan-he
1. 1
Choose the best anwser:
1. Could you tell meto get to the hospital, please?
a. when b. what c. where d. how.
2.My coach will signal to us as to ..we should start attacking the opponents.
a. when b. what c. where d. how.
3.My aunt told me.I can get very resonably priced clothes.
a. when b. what c .where d. how.
4.Do you should do in time of crisis?
a. where b. what c. when d. how.
5.Tom knows please the boss so he gets a lot of promotions.
a. when b. where c. what d. how.
6.Patrick wants to know.he can invest his savings.
a. why b. who c. how d. what
7.Jack has to do before he can start.
a. what b. how c. where d. when
8.James will only go to places..are recommended by his friends.
a. what b. where c. which d. how.
9.Miss Kelly took part in the singing contest.she was on holiday in Japan.
a. what b. where c. when d. how.
10. a monitor of the class, is also the captain of the football.
a. who b. which c. whom d. whose.
11. I saw the man.owns that car walking towards the shop.
a. which b. whom c. who d. whose
12. The streetleads to my school is very narrow.
a. who b. which c. whom d. whose.
13. Bring me the over there.
a. whom b. which c. whose d. who
14. My friend, aunt is nurse, would like to be a doctor someday.
a. who b. whom c. which d. whose
15. The dog, ..tail I stepped on, bit me.
a. who b. whose c. which d. whom
16. Please give this to the at the door.
a. who b. which c. whom d. whose
17. My father gave me the doll..I had been hoping for.
a. who b. which c. whom d. which
18. Yesterday I met my friend.gave me a dog on my birthday.
a. who b. whose c. whom d. which.
19. Any boy.disobeys the rules will be punished.
a. that b. which c. whom d. who.
20. on the Danube is a beautiful city.
a. where b whose c. when d. which
21. The riven from.we get our water supply is nearly empty.
a. that b. which c. whom d. where.
22. The boyfather is in prison is my friend.
a. whom b. who c. whose d. which
23. Do you know the drivertook them to town last night.?
a. which b. whom c. where d. who
2. 2
24. tired may leave.
a. whom b. who c. where d. which.
25. He talked about the books and the authors.interested him.
a. which b. who c. that d. when
26. This is the book of .I was speaking.
a. which b. whom c. that d. where
27. The cat tail is long does not belong to me.
a. whom b. that c. which d. whose.
28. She is the finest woman.ever lived.
a. that b. whom c. who d. which
29. All the peopleI met are very friendly.
a. who b. whom c. whose d. that.
30. Karl Marx is the German philosopher..principles have changed words history.
a. whose b which c. who d. that.
31. We saw many soldiers and tanks..were moving to the front.
a. which b. whose c. that d. who.
32. We must find a timewe can meet and a place..we can talk.
a. when/ whom b. who/where c. whom/whose d. when/where.
33. The decision was postponed, .was exactly what he wanted.
a. which b . when c. that d. where
34. He sees men, women, cat, dogs and cars.move mound and round.
a. that b. whose c. which d. who.
35. He reads all the books.he can borrow.
a. which b. that c. whom d. who
36. Who is the boy..youre looking for?
a. whom b. that c. whose d. who
37. Jim passed his driving test, surprised everybody.
a. that b. which c. who d. whom.
38. That new appartment belongs to my uncle. It is .
a. mine b. his c. hers d. yours.
39. The cat cleans.paws carefully.
a. it b. its c. her d. your.
40. He treats him as if he were..own son.
a. hers b. his c. her d. their.
41. Adam and I will wash..own clothes.
a. my b. his c. ours d. our.
42. Whose books are those? they are
a. mine b. my c. me d. I.
43. The princewent to look for the princess.
a. himself b. yourself c. myself d. herself.
44. John made this pizza
a. herself b. yourself c. himself d. myself.
45. The lady sew this dress..
a. herself b. himself c. themselves d. yourself.
46. The pupils and their teacher painted the classroom
a. himself b. herself c. myself d. themselves.
47. My brother and I like to cook dinner .
a. yourself b. ourselves c. himself d. myself.
48. My father works. He makes a good living.
3. 3
a. harder b. hard c. hardest d. hardly.
49. Tom has a brother who can bake..
a. good b. best c. better d. well.
50. The baby is sleeping.
a. sound b. soundly c. sounder d. soundest
51. My mother speaksto me.
a. patience b. patiently c. patient d. patients.
52. Mr Johnson walksfrom place to place than Mrs Johnson.
a. more briskly b. brisker c. briskly d. most briskely.
53. She reads through the book
a. through b. more throughly c. throughly d. most throughly.
54. The painter works.than any other painter.
a. diligently b. most diligently c. more diligently d. diligent.
55. Brend rides the horses as she can.
a. perfect b. more perfectly c. perfectly d. most perfectly.
56. The painting on this porcelain vase is the done I have ever seen.
a. delicate b. more delicately c. delicately d. most delicately.
57. Tom can write.than his brother.
a. neater b. more neater c. more neatly d. neatly.
58. Miss Kelly sings the .of everyone is in her family.
a. more sweeter b. most sweetly c. more sweetly d. most sweeter.
59. The accident happened because the driver drove..
a. recklessly b. more recklessly c. reckless d. most recklessly.
60. My sister dresseswhenever she goes out.
a. beatifully b. more beautifully c. beautiful d. more beautiful.
61. Rachel danceson stage.
a. graceful b. gracefully c. more graceful d. most graceful
62. My friends talk so ..that my teacher scolds them.
a. loud b. loudest c. louder d. loudly.
63. We walked as as possible.
a. quicker b. more quick c. quickly d. more quickly.
64. That baby criesthan any other baby in the block.
a. loud b. loudest c. loudly d. louder.
65. Of all the new readers she reads the..
a. accurately b. most accurately c. more accurately d. accurate.
66. He is ..late, but he is early today.
a. never b. hardly c. usually d. seldom.
67. you can trust her. She tell lies.
a. never b. usually c. seldom d. sometimes.
68. He cries for peoples attention and approval and is generally ill behaved.
a. ever b. never c. rarely d. always.
69. They.praise him for his good work but he shrugs it off.
a. often b. hardly c. never d. once.
70. He ..takes a bus to work but he is taking a taxi today because he woke up late.
a. usually b. never c. seldom d. ever
71. We.go to Dalat because it is too expensive.
a. always b. rarely c. often d. ever.
72. My mother dislikes going to the library although she..accompanies us.
a. usually b. seldom c. never d. hardly.
4. 4
73. The mischievous child.plays tricks on others.
a. rarely b. seldom c. hardly d. always.
74. My auntie is very kind. She gets very angry with me.
a. never b. often c. sometimes d. always.
75. I did not bring my swimming costume, so she lent me..
a. mine b. her c. me d. hers.
76. His friend bought the house. It is
a. theirs b. them c. hers d. they
77. I tookbooks by mistakes. I am returning them to you now.
a. yours b. your c. hers d. mine.
78. My hobby is swimming. What is ..?
a. my b. mine c. your d. yours.
79. Whose markers are those? they are..
a. my b. ours c. her d. you
80. I forgot to do the homework..
a. myself b. himselff c. herself d. themselves.
81. Ann you must do thisand not depend on others.
a. yourselves b. herself c. yourself d. himself.
82. The elephant the water.
a. himself b. herself c. itself d. yourself.
83. Patrick, Pamela and Patrina worked by .in the school hall.
a. yourself b. yourselves c. themselves d. himself.
84. My parents went to a show by
a. yourself b. yourselves c. themselves d. himself.
85. We didnt believe him at first but in fact, everything.was true.
a. he said b. he says c. that he said d. how he has said.
86. Some of the the party cant come.
a. invite b. was invited c. invited d. who invited.
87. I m sorry I my homework.
a. havent finish b. didnt finish c. hadnt finish d. doesnt finish.
88. Wethe rest of the souvenirs by tomorrow.
a. will sold b. will have sold c. will sell d. sell
89. I..the day with ajog around the block.
a. begined b. has begun c. began d. will began.
90. He cut.while he was shaving this morning.
a. herself b. themselves c. himself d. itself.
91. .. I really need is a holiday.
a. which b. that c. what d. whom
92. It rained all the time, was a pity.
a. which b. that c. whom d. whose.
93. The Titanic, .., was supposed to be unsinkable.
a. sank in 1922 b. that sank in 1922 c. which sinking in 1922 d. which sank
in 1922.
94. Ann enjoys taking a walk at night, the streets are quiet.
a. when b. which c. that c. where.
95. My parents car broke down,..a nuisance.
a. which were b. when was c. that was d. which was
96. I always remember the first day. I met her.
a. when b. who c. where d. which
5. 5
97. I wants to knowhe remains so thoughtful.
a. why b. which c. what d. when.
98. She didnt tell me the reasonshe divorced her husband.
a. when b. why c. what d. who.
99. He was the first manthe burning house.
a. left b. to leave c. leave d. to left.
100.She is the most beautiful girl.. I have ever met.
a. who b. that c. which d. whom.