How do men replace Jesus? (John 6:66-68)
I. Struggle (John 6:25-27)
II. Show (John 6:28-29)
III. Scoffer (John 6:30-32)
IV. Self-gratification (John 6:34-36)
V. Scholarship (John 6:42-47)
VI. Slothfulness (John 6:60-61, 63-64)
PowerPoint is widely used software that allows presenting information visually. This article provides steps for creating a basic PowerPoint presentation, including opening PowerPoint, selecting a theme and background color, adding a title and subtitle on the first slide, and inserting additional slides as needed.
Estudo Acústica em Laje Nervurada Atex - Protherm Atex Brasil
Estudo de passagem de som em Laje Nervurada Atex. Este estudo demonstra cientificamente o conforto acústico das Lajes Nervuradas.