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130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
Electricity for
losses (65%)
Conventional Power Plant
Gas-fuelled CHP plant
Generation/heat losses (10%)
Electricity (45%)
Useful Heat (45%)
Transmission Losses
Supplied electricity
(efficiency) 33.5%
2.08 kWh loss
4.33 kWh
1.00 kWh electricity
1.25 kWh heat
Steam turbine
1.47 kWh
2.86 kWh
2.5 kWh
1.00 kWh electricity
0.25 kWh losses
1.25 kWh heat
CHP engine
0.669 kg CO2
0.294 kg CO2
0.963 kg CO2
0.5 kg CO2
48% CO2
42% Primary
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web
130911 eapic nairobi biogas web

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Editor's Notes

  • #38: Tanzanian gas is ch