
際際滷Share a Scribd company logo
 The name _______ is used as a placeholder
name in a legal action or case to refer to a
male party, whose true identity is unknown or
must be withheld for legal reasons.
 John Doe
 A John Doe order was obtained by Reliance
Big Pictures to prevent the piracy of
 He was the first chief minster of Andhra
Pradesh in 1956 and had a second term from
1962 to 1964.
 He was the President of India from 1977 to
1982 and was the only person to be elected
President of India unopposed.
 Identify X.
 Neelam Sanjiva Reddy
 Name: __________
 Identity/Class: Human/extra-dimensional hybrid, armed with advanced
 His Job: Defender of the Earth and the spaceways.
 Affiliations:Agent of theWorld Government
 Enemies:The 12 criminals vizTeja,Vikal, Morpho,Computo, Mohini, Paras,
Gravito, Kineto, Sonic,Venom, Durgati, Chhalasur
 Known Relatives: Father --------------------- Dr. Om Swarup (a brilliant scientist);
 Mother ---------------------- Parchhaayee;
 Maternal grandfather ----- KaalaSaaya
(ruler of the parasites from the 13th Dimension)
 Base of Operations: Outer space
 Powers/Abilities:Yogic powers of concentration, immunity to radiation.
 Ogami Itto was once the official executioner of the
Shogun, before he was betrayed by the rivalYagyu
clan and ordered to commit seppuku. Disgraced by
false accusations from theYagyu clan, he is forced
to take the path of the assassin.
 Along with his three-year-old son, Daigoro, they
seek revenge on theYagyu clan and are known as "X
and Cub".This is the legend of the X.
 X is also a popular type of quiz these days. ID X.
 The following picture shows a hill which is
part of the Manmad Hills range.
This was the inspiration for a logo for an
Indian product introduced in 1977 by the
Parle company.
Its famous caption until the early 1980s was,
Happy days are here again
 ivnandalahiri (Wave of Auspicious Bliss)
was composed by Adi Shankara.
 These hymns were dedicated to Lord Shiva.
 The literary work begins with an ode to
Mallikarjuna and Bhramarambika, the deities
at ____________ where he stayed while
composing the hymns.
 Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia is the
fear of ?
 666 number
 On 28 April 1819, a British officer for the Madras
Presidency, John Smith, while hunting, accidentally
discovered (rather rediscovered) the entrance deep within
the tangled undergrowth. After some exploration, Captain
Smith wrote his name in pencil on one of the walls. Still
faintly visible, it records his name and the date, April 1819.
 Shortly after this discovery, "X" became renowned for
impressive Buddhist artwork, architecture and historic
 UNESCOWorld Heritage Site status has been given to "X"
since 1983.
 TheAjanta Caves
 On Wednesday, August 17, 2011, a doodle was made
to commemorate the 410th birth anniversary of
___________. In this doodle most of the word Google
was erased (only G was clearly visible) to
accommodate __________.
 The tooltip that appears when the user places their
mouse pointer over the doodle is "I have discovered a
truly marvelous proof of this theorem, which this doodle
is too small to contain.
 Identify the person and give funda.
 Pierre de Fermat
 References the note Fermat famously
scribbled on the margin of the Arithmetica.
 Google logo was partly erased to
accommodate Fermats LastTheorem.
 Sherlock Holmes
 The memorial consists of a square platform, on which a
raised yellow marble stone is placed along with the picture
of ________ made of stone block of pink granite.
 There are seven monumental granite pillars, which
encircle the site.
 These seven pillars represent the seven concepts - Satya,
Dharma,Vigyan, Nyaya, Shanti,Tyaga, and Samrudhi.
 They also represent the seven sacred rivers of India -
Ganga,Yamuna, Brahmaputra, Godavari, Sindhu,
Narmada, and Kaveri.
 Sriperumbudur Memorial
 Rajiv GandhisAssassination
 On 21 May 1991
 Origin : Jupiter
 Height :About 15 feet [Has the ability to increase size]
 Attire : Briefs, Gumboots, Ear rings [Gifted by his mother]
 Favourite food : Halwa, Kheer and parantha
 Known Relations :Twin brother, Mother
 Marital Status : Unmarried
 Typical meal : 108 chapatis, 12 kilos of halwa, 20 litres of lassi
 Arch Enemy : Raka
 *Whenever he gets angry, a volcano erupts at some distant place.
 * Whenever he performs an act of great strength, he utters the cry,
 Sabu from the Chacha Choudhary comics
 _________ is a common folk dance ofTamil
Nadu, dedicated to Mariamman (goddess of
health and rain).When men normally perform
this dance they balance pots filled with
uncooked rice surrounded by tall conical
bamboo frames covered with flowers.
 For his contributions to the development of quantum
electrodynamics, X was a joint recipient of the Nobel Prize in
Physics in 1965, together with Julian Schwinger and Sin-Itiro
 X assisted in the development of the atomic bomb and was a
member of the panel that investigated the Space Shuttle
Challenger disaster.
 X was a keen popularizer of physics in both his books and lectures,
notably a 1959 talk on top-down nanotechnology calledThere's
Plenty of Room at the Bottom.
 Freeman Dyson once wrote that X was "half-genius, half-buffoon",
but later revised this to "all-genius, all-buffoon". Name X.
 Richard Phillips Feynman
 The title derives from a woman's response at
Princeton University when, after she asked
the newly-arrived Feynman if he wanted
cream or lemon in his tea, he absentmindedly
requested both
 Mary Quant ran a clothes shop called Bazaar in
Chelsea in London. What fashion trend did she
 Quant named the ________ after her favorite
make of car, the _______.
 The ________ was developed separately by
Andr辿 Courr竪ges and John Bates and there is
disagreement as to who came up with the idea
 The Miniskirt 
 She also popularized Hot Pants in the 1960s.
 Toy Storys main characters Woody and
Buzz Light year. the nameWoody to pay
homage to theWestern ActorWoody Strode
(Left pic) and Buzz light year after the
astronaut Buzz Aldrin (right pic)
 Identify the novel and the author
[British Classic].
 Philip Pirrip
 Joe Gargery
 Mr. Pumblechook
 Miss Havisham
 Herbert Pocket
 Abel Magwitch / Provis
 Bentley Drummle
 Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
 Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for
Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan,
often referred to simply as Borat
Born on December 28, 1922to Romanian-born Jewish
immigrant parents
A voracious reader who enjoyed writing as a teen, he has
said that as a youth he worked such part-time jobs as
writing obituaries and press releases; delivering
sandwiches; ushering at the RivoliTheater on Broadway;
and selling subscriptions to the NewYork HeraldTribune
In 1939, he became an assistant at the newTimely Comics
division of pulp magazine and comic-book publisher
Martin Goodman's company
He subsequently led the expansion of ______ from a
small division of a publishing house to a large multimedia
He received the 2,428th star on the HollywoodWalk of Fame on January 4, 2011
 In collaboration with several artists, most
notably Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko, he co-
created Spider-Man, the Hulk, the X-Men, the
Fantastic Four, Iron Man,Thor, and many
other fictional characters
 He was the former president and chairman of
Marvel Comics
 What was the operation against the 2008
Mumbai attackers called?
 Conducted by the NSG
 ______ is a small patch of facial hair just below the lower lip and
above the chin.
 It came to prominence in the 1950s and 1960s, when it was a style
of facial hair common among African American men, most notably
jazz musicians.
 Jazz trumpeters in particular preferred it for the comfort it
provided when using a trumpet mouthpiece.
 It later came to popularity in India after the movie Dil Chahta Hai
came out in 2001.Aamir Khan, one of the actors in the movie wore
____ and it consequently became a fashion statement.
 A longer version of this beard is called an imperial, especially when
worn with a handlebar mustache.
 The soul patch (also known as a sole patch or a
 The goatee is also the facial hair on the chin below the
lower lip. However , the width of the goatee typically
is about the same as the width of the mouth.
 Traditionally, goatee refers solely to a beard formed
by a tuft of hair on the chin. In modern American
English, it is often used to refer to the style of facial
hair traditionally called theVandyke, a combination of
a goatee and a mustache.
___________ is a multiple rocket launcher
produced in India and developed by the
Defence Research and Development
Organisation (DRDO) for the Indian Army.
The system has a maximum range of 39
40 km and can fire a salvo of 12 HE rockets in
44 seconds, neutralizing a target area of
3.9 km2.The system is mounted on aTatra
truck for mobility.
 It saw service during the KargilWar, where it
was successful in neutralizing enemy positions
on the mountain tops. It has since been
inducted into the Indian Army in large
Hint: It shares its name with
the divine bow of Lord Shiva.
 The name of the divine bow (dhanush)
wielded by Lord Shiva.Therefore, Lord Shiva
is also known as Pinaki, the wielder of Pinaka.
Legends of other Shiva bows exist, chiefly of
the one Lord Rama broke- divine bow.
 A _______ is when a player, who has
possession and control of the ball loses it
before being downed (tackled) or scoring.
 By rule, it is any act other than passing,
kicking or successful handing that results in
loss of player possession.
 Under American rules a fumble may be
confused with a muff.
 A muff occurs where a player drops a ball that
he does not have possession of, such as while
attempting to catch a lateral pass or
improperly fielding a kicking play such as a
punt .
 Identify the logo.
 In March 2010, Bharti struck a deal
to buy the Kuwait firm's mobile
operations in 15 African countries,
in India's second biggest overseas
acquisition afterTata Steel's $13 billion
buy of Corus in 2007.
 Bharti Airtel completed its $9 billion acquisition
of African operations from Kuwait's ____,
making the firm the world's No. 5 wireless carrier
by subscribers.
 ________________ are Indian schools for talented
children.They form a part of the system of gifted
education.The objectives of the scheme were to provide
good quality modern education to the talented children
predominantly from the rural areas, without regard to
their family's socio-economic condition.
 First established in 1985, they are the brain child of the
then Human Resources Minister, P.V. Narasimha Rao to
find and foster talented children from the rural parts of
 ________________ are located all over the country,
exceptTamil Nadu.
 First established in 1985 at Amravati,
 In reaction to the all-male shortlist for the 1991 Man Booker Prize, the
______ prize was established.
 The prize was established to recognize the contribution of female
writers, who it was believed were often overlooked in other major
literary awards.
 It is annually awarded to a female author of any nationality for the best
original full-length novel written in English, and published in the United
Kingdom in the preceding year.
 The winner of the prize receives 贈30,000, along with a bronze sculpture
called the Bessie created by artist Grizel Niven, the sister of actor and
writer David Niven.
 Typically, a longlist of nominees is announced around March each year,
followed by a shortlist in June; within days the winner is announced.
 The winner is selected by a board of "five leading women" each year.
 The Orange Prize for Fiction (known as the
Orange Broadband Prize for Fiction from 2007
to 2008).
 Funding from Orange, a UK mobile network
operator and Internet service provider, allowed
the prize to be launched in 1996 by a committee
of male and female "journalists, reviewers,
agents, publishers, librarians, booksellers",
including current Honorary Director Kate Mosse.
 Barracuda (Plymouth)
 Cougar (Mercury)
 Honey Bee (Nissan/Datsun)
 Sting Ray/Stingray (Chevrolet Corvette)
 Pinto (Ford)
 Viper (Dodge)
 Bison (Chevrolet heavy-duty truck)
 Road Runner (Plymouth)
 Ram (Dodge)
 A maximum of how many clubs are allowed
in a player's bag at one time during a
stipulated round in golf ?
 14 clubs
To commemorate which event was this
doodle released ?
 The Burning Man Festival
 Trivia : 1998, Google used the first Google
Doodle of the Burning Man Festival,
designed by Google's founders, Sergey Brin
and Larry Page, posted on google.com
notifying users of their absence in case
Google's servers crashed.

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  • 1. The name _______ is used as a placeholder name in a legal action or case to refer to a male party, whose true identity is unknown or must be withheld for legal reasons. CLUE:
  • 2. John Doe A John Doe order was obtained by Reliance Big Pictures to prevent the piracy of Singham.
  • 3. He was the first chief minster of Andhra Pradesh in 1956 and had a second term from 1962 to 1964. He was the President of India from 1977 to 1982 and was the only person to be elected President of India unopposed. Identify X.
  • 5. Name: __________ Identity/Class: Human/extra-dimensional hybrid, armed with advanced technology His Job: Defender of the Earth and the spaceways. Affiliations:Agent of theWorld Government Enemies:The 12 criminals vizTeja,Vikal, Morpho,Computo, Mohini, Paras, Gravito, Kineto, Sonic,Venom, Durgati, Chhalasur Known Relatives: Father --------------------- Dr. Om Swarup (a brilliant scientist); Mother ---------------------- Parchhaayee; Maternal grandfather ----- KaalaSaaya (ruler of the parasites from the 13th Dimension) Base of Operations: Outer space Powers/Abilities:Yogic powers of concentration, immunity to radiation.
  • 7. Ogami Itto was once the official executioner of the Shogun, before he was betrayed by the rivalYagyu clan and ordered to commit seppuku. Disgraced by false accusations from theYagyu clan, he is forced to take the path of the assassin. Along with his three-year-old son, Daigoro, they seek revenge on theYagyu clan and are known as "X and Cub".This is the legend of the X. X is also a popular type of quiz these days. ID X.
  • 9. The following picture shows a hill which is part of the Manmad Hills range. This was the inspiration for a logo for an Indian product introduced in 1977 by the Parle company. Its famous caption until the early 1980s was, Happy days are here again
  • 12. ivnandalahiri (Wave of Auspicious Bliss) was composed by Adi Shankara. These hymns were dedicated to Lord Shiva. The literary work begins with an ode to Mallikarjuna and Bhramarambika, the deities at ____________ where he stayed while composing the hymns.
  • 16. On 28 April 1819, a British officer for the Madras Presidency, John Smith, while hunting, accidentally discovered (rather rediscovered) the entrance deep within the tangled undergrowth. After some exploration, Captain Smith wrote his name in pencil on one of the walls. Still faintly visible, it records his name and the date, April 1819. Shortly after this discovery, "X" became renowned for impressive Buddhist artwork, architecture and historic value. UNESCOWorld Heritage Site status has been given to "X" since 1983.
  • 18. On Wednesday, August 17, 2011, a doodle was made to commemorate the 410th birth anniversary of ___________. In this doodle most of the word Google was erased (only G was clearly visible) to accommodate __________. The tooltip that appears when the user places their mouse pointer over the doodle is "I have discovered a truly marvelous proof of this theorem, which this doodle is too small to contain. Identify the person and give funda.
  • 19. Pierre de Fermat References the note Fermat famously scribbled on the margin of the Arithmetica. Google logo was partly erased to accommodate Fermats LastTheorem.
  • 23. The memorial consists of a square platform, on which a raised yellow marble stone is placed along with the picture of ________ made of stone block of pink granite. There are seven monumental granite pillars, which encircle the site. These seven pillars represent the seven concepts - Satya, Dharma,Vigyan, Nyaya, Shanti,Tyaga, and Samrudhi. They also represent the seven sacred rivers of India - Ganga,Yamuna, Brahmaputra, Godavari, Sindhu, Narmada, and Kaveri.
  • 25. Sriperumbudur Memorial Rajiv GandhisAssassination On 21 May 1991
  • 26. Origin : Jupiter Height :About 15 feet [Has the ability to increase size] Attire : Briefs, Gumboots, Ear rings [Gifted by his mother] Favourite food : Halwa, Kheer and parantha Known Relations :Twin brother, Mother Marital Status : Unmarried Typical meal : 108 chapatis, 12 kilos of halwa, 20 litres of lassi Arch Enemy : Raka InterestingTidbits: *Whenever he gets angry, a volcano erupts at some distant place. * Whenever he performs an act of great strength, he utters the cry, "Hu-Huba!".
  • 27. Sabu from the Chacha Choudhary comics series
  • 28. _________ is a common folk dance ofTamil Nadu, dedicated to Mariamman (goddess of health and rain).When men normally perform this dance they balance pots filled with uncooked rice surrounded by tall conical bamboo frames covered with flowers.
  • 30. For his contributions to the development of quantum electrodynamics, X was a joint recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1965, together with Julian Schwinger and Sin-Itiro Tomonaga. X assisted in the development of the atomic bomb and was a member of the panel that investigated the Space Shuttle Challenger disaster. X was a keen popularizer of physics in both his books and lectures, notably a 1959 talk on top-down nanotechnology calledThere's Plenty of Room at the Bottom. Freeman Dyson once wrote that X was "half-genius, half-buffoon", but later revised this to "all-genius, all-buffoon". Name X.
  • 31. Richard Phillips Feynman The title derives from a woman's response at Princeton University when, after she asked the newly-arrived Feynman if he wanted cream or lemon in his tea, he absentmindedly requested both
  • 32. Mary Quant ran a clothes shop called Bazaar in Chelsea in London. What fashion trend did she popularize? Quant named the ________ after her favorite make of car, the _______. The ________ was developed separately by Andr辿 Courr竪ges and John Bates and there is disagreement as to who came up with the idea first.
  • 33. The Miniskirt She also popularized Hot Pants in the 1960s.
  • 35. Toy Storys main characters Woody and Buzz Light year. the nameWoody to pay homage to theWestern ActorWoody Strode (Left pic) and Buzz light year after the astronaut Buzz Aldrin (right pic)
  • 36. Identify the novel and the author [British Classic]. Characters: Philip Pirrip Joe Gargery Mr. Pumblechook Miss Havisham Herbert Pocket Abel Magwitch / Provis Biddy Bentley Drummle
  • 37. Great Expectations by Charles Dickens
  • 39. Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan, often referred to simply as Borat
  • 40. Born on December 28, 1922to Romanian-born Jewish immigrant parents A voracious reader who enjoyed writing as a teen, he has said that as a youth he worked such part-time jobs as writing obituaries and press releases; delivering sandwiches; ushering at the RivoliTheater on Broadway; and selling subscriptions to the NewYork HeraldTribune newspaper. In 1939, he became an assistant at the newTimely Comics division of pulp magazine and comic-book publisher Martin Goodman's company He subsequently led the expansion of ______ from a small division of a publishing house to a large multimedia corporation. He received the 2,428th star on the HollywoodWalk of Fame on January 4, 2011
  • 41. In collaboration with several artists, most notably Jack Kirby and Steve Ditko, he co- created Spider-Man, the Hulk, the X-Men, the Fantastic Four, Iron Man,Thor, and many other fictional characters He was the former president and chairman of Marvel Comics
  • 42. What was the operation against the 2008 Mumbai attackers called?
  • 43. Conducted by the NSG
  • 44. ______ is a small patch of facial hair just below the lower lip and above the chin. It came to prominence in the 1950s and 1960s, when it was a style of facial hair common among African American men, most notably jazz musicians. Jazz trumpeters in particular preferred it for the comfort it provided when using a trumpet mouthpiece. It later came to popularity in India after the movie Dil Chahta Hai came out in 2001.Aamir Khan, one of the actors in the movie wore ____ and it consequently became a fashion statement. A longer version of this beard is called an imperial, especially when worn with a handlebar mustache.
  • 46. The soul patch (also known as a sole patch or a mouche) The goatee is also the facial hair on the chin below the lower lip. However , the width of the goatee typically is about the same as the width of the mouth. Traditionally, goatee refers solely to a beard formed by a tuft of hair on the chin. In modern American English, it is often used to refer to the style of facial hair traditionally called theVandyke, a combination of a goatee and a mustache.
  • 47. ___________ is a multiple rocket launcher produced in India and developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) for the Indian Army. The system has a maximum range of 39 40 km and can fire a salvo of 12 HE rockets in 44 seconds, neutralizing a target area of 3.9 km2.The system is mounted on aTatra truck for mobility. It saw service during the KargilWar, where it was successful in neutralizing enemy positions on the mountain tops. It has since been inducted into the Indian Army in large numbers. Hint: It shares its name with the divine bow of Lord Shiva.
  • 48. The name of the divine bow (dhanush) wielded by Lord Shiva.Therefore, Lord Shiva is also known as Pinaki, the wielder of Pinaka. Legends of other Shiva bows exist, chiefly of the one Lord Rama broke- divine bow.
  • 49. A _______ is when a player, who has possession and control of the ball loses it before being downed (tackled) or scoring. By rule, it is any act other than passing, kicking or successful handing that results in loss of player possession.
  • 50. Under American rules a fumble may be confused with a muff. A muff occurs where a player drops a ball that he does not have possession of, such as while attempting to catch a lateral pass or improperly fielding a kicking play such as a punt .
  • 51. Identify the logo. In March 2010, Bharti struck a deal to buy the Kuwait firm's mobile operations in 15 African countries, in India's second biggest overseas acquisition afterTata Steel's $13 billion buy of Corus in 2007. Bharti Airtel completed its $9 billion acquisition of African operations from Kuwait's ____, making the firm the world's No. 5 wireless carrier by subscribers.
  • 53. ________________ are Indian schools for talented children.They form a part of the system of gifted education.The objectives of the scheme were to provide good quality modern education to the talented children predominantly from the rural areas, without regard to their family's socio-economic condition. First established in 1985, they are the brain child of the then Human Resources Minister, P.V. Narasimha Rao to find and foster talented children from the rural parts of India. ________________ are located all over the country, exceptTamil Nadu.
  • 54. First established in 1985 at Amravati, Maharashtra.
  • 55. In reaction to the all-male shortlist for the 1991 Man Booker Prize, the ______ prize was established. The prize was established to recognize the contribution of female writers, who it was believed were often overlooked in other major literary awards. It is annually awarded to a female author of any nationality for the best original full-length novel written in English, and published in the United Kingdom in the preceding year. The winner of the prize receives 贈30,000, along with a bronze sculpture called the Bessie created by artist Grizel Niven, the sister of actor and writer David Niven. Typically, a longlist of nominees is announced around March each year, followed by a shortlist in June; within days the winner is announced. The winner is selected by a board of "five leading women" each year.
  • 56. The Orange Prize for Fiction (known as the Orange Broadband Prize for Fiction from 2007 to 2008). Funding from Orange, a UK mobile network operator and Internet service provider, allowed the prize to be launched in 1996 by a committee of male and female "journalists, reviewers, agents, publishers, librarians, booksellers", including current Honorary Director Kate Mosse.
  • 59. Barracuda (Plymouth) Cougar (Mercury) Honey Bee (Nissan/Datsun) Sting Ray/Stingray (Chevrolet Corvette) Pinto (Ford) Viper (Dodge) Bison (Chevrolet heavy-duty truck) Road Runner (Plymouth) Ram (Dodge)
  • 62. A maximum of how many clubs are allowed in a player's bag at one time during a stipulated round in golf ?
  • 64. To commemorate which event was this doodle released ?
  • 65. The Burning Man Festival Trivia : 1998, Google used the first Google Doodle of the Burning Man Festival, designed by Google's founders, Sergey Brin and Larry Page, posted on google.com notifying users of their absence in case Google's servers crashed.