Con l'occasione del 1* Universitary Crossfit Contest organizzato da CrossFit RedWall Cusferrara si terr¨¤ un master su:
-consigli pratici per un alimentazione funzionale e migliorativa della performance
-come combinare all'allenamento la dieta alimentare per riduzione della massa grassa e aumento della tonicita' muscolare.
Relatore: Jacopo Zuffi
Book oportunidades anivers¨¢rio da cidade 24.09Meio & Mensagem
O documento descreve as oportunidades de patroc¨ªnio para a festa de 35 anos da R¨¢dio Cidade, incluindo: (1) Uma grande festa no dia 22 de novembro com shows nacionais e locais; (2) Diferentes a??es de marketing para patrocinadores como transforma??o de uma ouvinte, ilha de carregador de celular e tel?o interativo; (3) Transmiss?o ao vivo do evento pela r¨¢dio.
O documento prop?e uma a??o de marketing para uma empresa patrocinar a prociss?o de Nossa Senhora dos Navegantes em Porto Alegre no dia 2 de fevereiro. A a??o inclui distribui??o de leques, cobertura ao vivo do evento na r¨¢dio e posts no blog promovendo a f¨¦ e o patroc¨ªnio.
Youth Leadership slide in Nepali Language. This is created mainly for a Youth Leadership Training Program organized by Y.I. in Biratnagar, Morang Nepal.
The document proposes a new international business development service called "License to Export" delivered in collaboration with knowledge-intensive start-ups. The key objectives are to accelerate international business development for start-ups, provide experience for graduates in international business development, and evaluate creating the service at TecMinho. A pilot project involved working with two university spin-offs to test the model. Lessons from the pilot informed how the full service will be implemented, including a competition and selection process for start-ups to qualify for the service. The service is intended to benefit start-ups, graduates, and TecMinho.
O MTV Movie Awards ¨¦ uma premia??o anual realizada em Los Angeles que homenageia os melhores filmes, atores e performances do ano atrav¨¦s da vota??o dos f?s, conectando estrelas de Hollywood com seu p¨²blico de forma ¨²nica e imprevis¨ªvel. O evento oferece oportunidades de patroc¨ªnio para marcas associarem sua imagem ao cinema e m¨²sica.
Projek ini bertujuan untuk membantu meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat yang kurang berkemampuan di kawasan Jatinangor, Indonesia melalui bantuan kemanusiaan, aktiviti sukaneka dan perkongsian pengalaman. Ia dijalankan oleh pelajar perubatan tahun satu UKM-UnPad pada 13 April 2014 di Jalan Kolanel Ahmad Syam, Cikeruh, Jatinangor.
O documento discute a??es de marketing realizadas no Dia dos Namorados no cinema, incluindo uma a??o da Nivea que convidava casais a darem um beijo na tela para receber um produto, e uma a??o do oferecendo descontos em mini-shampoos "roubados". Tamb¨¦m menciona pacotes de cinema com n¨²mero de salas e descontos.
This document provides information and recommendations for addressing the needs of students with disabilities at MISE High School. It begins with background on the school and statistics on students with disabilities. It then discusses special education law and the principles of inclusion. General recommendations are provided, such as using Universal Design for Learning and establishing a Circle of Friends program. Specific recommendations are given for students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism, and Hearing Impairments. The document concludes by emphasizing the importance of communication between all stakeholders to allow all students to succeed academically and socially.
This short document promotes creating Haiku Deck presentations on ºÝºÝߣShare and encourages the reader to get started making their own presentation. It provides a call to action to inspire readers to try making a Haiku Deck presentation.
Revista consultora jafra maio 2012 finalIVANI Liss
Este documento descreve promo??es para consultoras e l¨ªderes da Jafra em maio de 2012, incluindo: (1) pr¨ºmios para patrocinar novos consultores, com valores de R$50 a R$1,000; (2) b?nus para qualificar pr¨¦-l¨ªderes entre R$150-R$1,500; (3) oferta de porta-amostras por R$49 para quem faturar 1,5 m¨®dulos.
- The document discusses the need for first principles to guide research and development of services and product-service systems (PSS).
- It analyzes past literature on services to identify four eras of understanding, and derives a new definition of services based on key attributes.
- Using this definition and qualitative analysis methods, it proposes a set of six first principles for services and PSS development, including lean production, customer satisfaction, and engineering design principles.
O MTV Movie Awards ¨¦ uma premia??o anual realizada em Los Angeles que homenageia os melhores filmes, atores e performances do ano atrav¨¦s da vota??o dos f?s, conectando estrelas de Hollywood com seu p¨²blico de forma ¨²nica e imprevis¨ªvel. O evento oferece oportunidades de patroc¨ªnio para marcas associarem sua imagem ao cinema e m¨²sica.
Projek ini bertujuan untuk membantu meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat yang kurang berkemampuan di kawasan Jatinangor, Indonesia melalui bantuan kemanusiaan, aktiviti sukaneka dan perkongsian pengalaman. Ia dijalankan oleh pelajar perubatan tahun satu UKM-UnPad pada 13 April 2014 di Jalan Kolanel Ahmad Syam, Cikeruh, Jatinangor.
O documento discute a??es de marketing realizadas no Dia dos Namorados no cinema, incluindo uma a??o da Nivea que convidava casais a darem um beijo na tela para receber um produto, e uma a??o do oferecendo descontos em mini-shampoos "roubados". Tamb¨¦m menciona pacotes de cinema com n¨²mero de salas e descontos.
This document provides information and recommendations for addressing the needs of students with disabilities at MISE High School. It begins with background on the school and statistics on students with disabilities. It then discusses special education law and the principles of inclusion. General recommendations are provided, such as using Universal Design for Learning and establishing a Circle of Friends program. Specific recommendations are given for students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism, and Hearing Impairments. The document concludes by emphasizing the importance of communication between all stakeholders to allow all students to succeed academically and socially.
This short document promotes creating Haiku Deck presentations on ºÝºÝߣShare and encourages the reader to get started making their own presentation. It provides a call to action to inspire readers to try making a Haiku Deck presentation.
Revista consultora jafra maio 2012 finalIVANI Liss
Este documento descreve promo??es para consultoras e l¨ªderes da Jafra em maio de 2012, incluindo: (1) pr¨ºmios para patrocinar novos consultores, com valores de R$50 a R$1,000; (2) b?nus para qualificar pr¨¦-l¨ªderes entre R$150-R$1,500; (3) oferta de porta-amostras por R$49 para quem faturar 1,5 m¨®dulos.
- The document discusses the need for first principles to guide research and development of services and product-service systems (PSS).
- It analyzes past literature on services to identify four eras of understanding, and derives a new definition of services based on key attributes.
- Using this definition and qualitative analysis methods, it proposes a set of six first principles for services and PSS development, including lean production, customer satisfaction, and engineering design principles.