Soundcloud clonerogercanaThis website offers to increase users' SoundCloud followers by purchasing follower packages. They claim increasing followers organically takes a long time with little result, so using their service allows expanding one's fan base more quickly. All that is needed is the user's SoundCloud username, as they can start the process and boost the user's followers and fan base. The goal is to expose the user's music to more people on SoundCloud.
Pairs of angles formed by parallel lines cut by a transversalElton John EmbodoThis is a detailed lesson plan. it might have some clerical errors..but if you are intelligent enough,,you can correct them by yourself
Презентация с мастер-класса «Дата-журналистика» KazakhstanPressClubАсхат ЕРКIМБАЙ, медиа-тренер
Қазақстандағы ашық мəліметтерді журналистер қалай қолдана алады? Мастер-класс барысында массивті мəліметтерді табу, сұрыптау, ішінен оқиға табу жолдары