Haiku Deck is a presentation tool that allows users to create Haiku-style slideshows. The tool encourages users to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentations, which can be shared on 際際滷Share. In just 3 sentences, it promotes creating Haiku Deck presentations and publishing them to 際際滷Share.
C鱈rculo de ora巽達o na Assembleia de Deus Bom Retiro s 15h de quinta-feira na antiga panifica巽達o Princesa na Avenida Gar巽a Torto, com cita巽達o b鱈blica sobre a f辿 na ora巽達o.
Presentation at seminar Software and the Digital Humanities at Institut d'辿tudes avanc辿es, Paris. November 4, 2015. Organized by Warren Sack and Nachum Dershowitz
The document contains 4 multiple choice questions about an article on Rwanda's progress since the 1994 genocide. The questions cover topics such as how the UN still fails to protect civilians during conflicts, how President Kagame has helped improve Rwanda, signs that Hutus and Tutsis now get along better, and a paragraph that best supports the main idea of how Rwanda has rebuilt after the genocide.
Speech Analysis and synthesis using VocoderIJTET Journal
Abstract In this paper, I proposed a speech analysis and synthesis using a vocoder. Voice conversion systems do not create new speech signals, but just transform existing one. The proposed speech vocoding is different from speech coding. To analyze the speech signal and represent it with less number of bits, so that bandwidth efficiency can be increased. The Synthesis of speech signal from the received bits of information. In this paper three aspects of analysis have been discussed: pitch refinement, spectral envelope estimation and maximum voiced frequency estimation. A Quasi-harmonic analysis model can be used to implement a pitch refinement algorithm which improves the accuracy of the spectral estimation. Harmonic plus noise model to reconstruct the speech signal from parameter. Finally to achieve the highest possible resynthesis quality using the lowest possible number of bits to transmit the speech signal. Future work aims at incorporating the phase information into the analysis and modeling process and also synthesis these three aspects in different pitch period.
Este documento describe un estudio sobre la implementaci坦n de pr叩cticas de conciliaci坦n de medicaci坦n seguras en centros socio-sanitarios. El objetivo era detectar y corregir errores de medicaci坦n relacionados con transiciones asistenciales entre niveles de atenci坦n. El estudio evalu坦 112 nuevos ingresos o reingresos tras el alta hospitalaria en 4 residencias y encontr坦 que el 90% de los pacientes ten鱈an al menos un error de medicaci坦n, mientras que la implementaci坦n de un protocolo de conciliaci坦n redujo estos errores a casi cero.
Orientation to Grad Studies trends in teaching Power Point 2010 .hwrightHermetta Wright
The document discusses three trends impacting teaching and training: collaborative learning, technology-powered learning, and blended learning. Collaborative learning involves sharing information and connecting with others using social media and networks. Technology-powered learning utilizes interactive tools like Skype and Google Maps to engage students. Blended learning combines online and traditional classroom methods into a hybrid learning process. The trends are shown to increase student engagement, foster independent learning skills, and leverage flexible social platforms to provide alternatives to traditional classrooms.
The document contains 4 multiple choice questions about an article on Rwanda's progress since the 1994 genocide. The questions cover topics such as how the UN still fails to protect civilians during conflicts, how President Kagame has helped improve Rwanda, signs that Hutus and Tutsis now get along better, and a paragraph that best supports the main idea of how Rwanda has rebuilt after the genocide.
Speech Analysis and synthesis using VocoderIJTET Journal
Abstract In this paper, I proposed a speech analysis and synthesis using a vocoder. Voice conversion systems do not create new speech signals, but just transform existing one. The proposed speech vocoding is different from speech coding. To analyze the speech signal and represent it with less number of bits, so that bandwidth efficiency can be increased. The Synthesis of speech signal from the received bits of information. In this paper three aspects of analysis have been discussed: pitch refinement, spectral envelope estimation and maximum voiced frequency estimation. A Quasi-harmonic analysis model can be used to implement a pitch refinement algorithm which improves the accuracy of the spectral estimation. Harmonic plus noise model to reconstruct the speech signal from parameter. Finally to achieve the highest possible resynthesis quality using the lowest possible number of bits to transmit the speech signal. Future work aims at incorporating the phase information into the analysis and modeling process and also synthesis these three aspects in different pitch period.
Este documento describe un estudio sobre la implementaci坦n de pr叩cticas de conciliaci坦n de medicaci坦n seguras en centros socio-sanitarios. El objetivo era detectar y corregir errores de medicaci坦n relacionados con transiciones asistenciales entre niveles de atenci坦n. El estudio evalu坦 112 nuevos ingresos o reingresos tras el alta hospitalaria en 4 residencias y encontr坦 que el 90% de los pacientes ten鱈an al menos un error de medicaci坦n, mientras que la implementaci坦n de un protocolo de conciliaci坦n redujo estos errores a casi cero.
Orientation to Grad Studies trends in teaching Power Point 2010 .hwrightHermetta Wright
The document discusses three trends impacting teaching and training: collaborative learning, technology-powered learning, and blended learning. Collaborative learning involves sharing information and connecting with others using social media and networks. Technology-powered learning utilizes interactive tools like Skype and Google Maps to engage students. Blended learning combines online and traditional classroom methods into a hybrid learning process. The trends are shown to increase student engagement, foster independent learning skills, and leverage flexible social platforms to provide alternatives to traditional classrooms.