This document discusses using SMS messaging to reach users of a library portal. It proposes developing an SMS system to send general, event, and prize information as well as library-related services. Sample messages are provided about reserved materials being ready or lent to another user, and materials being due. The system would send SMS messages tailored to different user profiles at a low cost of 5-7.5 cents per message. Challenges mentioned include increasing the number of users who provide their cell numbers and expanding the types of messages sent through the system.
6. Why SMS?The need: reach all!The opportunity:High cell phone penetration rates42 million lines (2009 Asocel)45 million inhabitants (DANE)Low rate of prepaid servicesReach users via SMS
7. How?Develop an SMS system to send information:General Events , Prizes, Contests, Highlighted contentSpecificLibrary related services, Librarians, Teachers, parents An SMS for every profile
9. How? Samplemessages:Reserved material isready:Material Disponible: Financiamiento Publico a la Educ. Superior en Mexi, Ciro Murayama Rendon, recoger antes de 10 sep, BIB. TOMAS CARRASQUIReserved material lenttootheruser:material reservado prestado a otro usuario. Financiamiento Publico a la Educ. Superior en Mexi, Ciro Murayama Rendon, BIB. TOMAS CARRASQUI
11. LessonsSMS for what? SAY IT!SMS per profile segmentationCollaboration Janium / Digital Medell鱈n
12. ChallengesIncrease subscriptions (of 16,000 registered users, 1240 gave the cell number)Use it more, for more things librarians, trainers, partners, e-Gov, risk management sky is the limit!2 way SMS