Grow Your Own, Nevada! Spring 2012: Saving seeds from your gardenUniversity of Nevada Cooperative ExtensionThis document discusses the importance of seed saving and genetic diversity for food security. It notes that only 4 major crops now provide 95% of human nutrition, and industrial agriculture relies on only a handful of cultivars, resulting in a 75% loss of agricultural diversity. Diseases like wheat stem rust pose threats. The document then provides steps for home gardeners to save seeds of various crops, including choosing open-pollinated varieties, isolating plants, roguing for trueness to type, proper harvesting, cleaning, storing, and record keeping. Seed saving helps preserve heirloom varieties and genetic diversity for the future.
Growarow2009푸드스마일즈 우양This document provides information about the Grow a Row, Share a Row program in Vancouver that encourages gardeners to plant an extra row of vegetables to donate to local programs. It lists several drop-off locations around the city where gardeners can donate their extra harvest from June to October. Participating helps support the community and counts towards the City's goal of having 2,010 community gardens by 2010.
Growarow2009푸드스마일즈 우양This document provides information about the Grow a Row, Share a Row program in Vancouver that encourages gardeners to plant an extra row of vegetables to donate to local programs. It lists several drop-off locations around the city where gardeners can donate their extra harvest from June to October. Participating helps support the community and counts towards the City's goal of having 2,010 community gardens by 2010.