The document contains a schedule for music ensemble vocal classes and choral repertoire for two periods. The first period covers November through February and the second covers March through May. It includes a legend defining the abbreviations used for different student levels and course types. Times are listed from 11:00 to 20:00 across rows for weekdays and columns for dates. Courses are identified with abbreviations for different student levels and subjects.
Attestato di conoscenza delle lingue italiana e tedesca AMarco Simoncini
Attestato di conoscenza delle lingue italiana e tedesca A/Bescheinigun über die Kenntnis der italienischen und der deutschen Sprache A
Attestato di conoscenza delle lingue italiana e tedesca - Bescheinigung über die Kenntins der italienischen und der deutschen Sprache - Livello B Grad
20141012 orario 2014 2015 prof. simoncini foglio comuneMarco Simoncini
This document contains the schedule for vocal music ensemble and choral repertoire classes taught by Professor Marco Simoncini for the 2014-2015 school year. The schedule is divided into two periods, with the first period covering October through January and the second period covering March through September. It lists the days of the week and times for classes such as choir (BC/TC), solfege (TSA), practical training (TST), vocal practice (VO), and bass practice (TSB).
art. 6 del Decreto-legge 9 febbraio 2012, n. 5 recante: «Disposizioni urgenti in materia di semplificazione e di sviluppo.» (Testo coordinato con la legge di conversione 4 aprile 2012, n. 35)
Attestato di conoscenza delle lingue italiana e tedesca - Bescheinigung über die Kenntins der italienischen und der deutschen Sprache - Livello B Grad
20141012 orario 2014 2015 prof. simoncini foglio comuneMarco Simoncini
This document contains the schedule for vocal music ensemble and choral repertoire classes taught by Professor Marco Simoncini for the 2014-2015 school year. The schedule is divided into two periods, with the first period covering October through January and the second period covering March through September. It lists the days of the week and times for classes such as choir (BC/TC), solfege (TSA), practical training (TST), vocal practice (VO), and bass practice (TSB).
art. 6 del Decreto-legge 9 febbraio 2012, n. 5 recante: «Disposizioni urgenti in materia di semplificazione e di sviluppo.» (Testo coordinato con la legge di conversione 4 aprile 2012, n. 35)