Second Briefing - 1st Buikwe District Teachers' ProjectlissalourencoThe document provides details about a project in Uganda called the 1st Buikwe District Teachers' Forum. It summarizes travel arrangements, including flights from London to Entebbe from August 2-16. Participants will spend one night in Kampala before traveling to the convent in Nkokonjeru. The schedule outlines school visits, forum preparation activities, and the forum itself from August 4-15. Health, safety and cultural sensitivity tips are provided to prepare participants. The briefing aims to ensure volunteers have the necessary information for a successful project.
Question 2Prof. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebAn 82-year-old man presented to the emergency department with a severe headache, nausea, and vomiting for two days. On examination, he was lethargic with neck stiffness and a fever. A lumbar puncture found signs of bacterial meningitis. Gram staining of the cerebrospinal fluid revealed small gram-positive rods. The patient was initially treated with ceftriaxone and vancomycin empirically. Based on the presentation and lab results, ampicillin plus gentamicin is the recommended treatment for Listeria monocytogenes meningitis.
Daft PunkPOX_ES_SEXYDaft Punk es un dúo electrónico francés formado en 1993 en París. Han lanzado cuatro álbumes de estudio: Homework (1997), Discovery (2001), Human After All (2005) y Random Access Memories (2013). Cada álbum marcó una era distinta en su estilo musical y enfoque creativo, evolucionando desde el house hasta el synthpop y luego incorporando más instrumentos en vivo. El dúo también ha compuesto bandas sonoras y ha recibido múltiples nominaciones y premios por su música innovadora.
[ENG] 21st International Symposium on Current Issues and Controversies in Psy...Symposiums Controversias en Psiquiatría21st International Symposium on Current Issues and Controversies in Psychiatry.
Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, Europe
March 14th & 15th 2014
"Insight in Psychosis"
In Barcelona & Live Online
1st Buikwe District Teachers' Forum - 1st Briefing SessionlissalourencoThis document provides information about an upcoming teachers' forum project in Uganda. It introduces the project team and gives an overview of the Great Generation organization and its mission. It outlines the agenda for an upcoming briefing session, including introductions, details about the project in Uganda from August 4-15, logistics for travel, accommodations, and health and safety considerations. Attendees are given guidance on preparation, what to expect on the ground, and appropriate behavior during the trip.
Screening for occult cancer in unprovoked venousProf. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebVenous thromboembolism (VTE) may be the earliest sign of cancer.
Currently, there is a great diversity in practices regarding screening for occult cancer in a person who has an unprovoked VTE .
We sought to assess the efficacy of a screening strategy for occult cancer that included comprehensive computed tomography(CT) of the abdomen and pelvis in patients who had a first unprovoked VTE .
Question of the week 1Prof. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebA 40-year-old man presented with nausea, fever, and joint pain, and was found to have acute kidney injury. He had recently been treated for H. pylori infection with omeprazole, amoxicillin, and clarithromycin. On examination, he had a rash and lower extremity edema. Urinalysis showed white blood cells and white cell casts. The diagnosis was acute interstitial nephritis, likely caused by a drug reaction to antibiotics and omeprazole, given the presentation of fever, rash and acute kidney injury after starting new medications.
DESTINOS VISITADOSFederico BongiornoThis document is a collection of photo credits from various photographers and artists. It includes 12 photos with captions crediting the photographer or artist. It concludes by encouraging the viewer to create their own presentation using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare.
Pneumococcal Vaccination in Saudi Arabia 2016Prof. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThis document provides guidelines from the Saudi Thoracic Society for pneumococcal vaccination in Saudi Arabia. Streptococcus pneumoniae is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide and an important pathogen in Saudi Arabia. Vaccination is currently recommended for children under 5, adults over 65, and those over 6 with risk factors. However, Saudi Arabia has a large population under 50 with risk factors, as well as pilgrims visiting annually who are at risk of transmission. Therefore, the guidelines recommend vaccination for all children under 5, adults over 50, and those over 6 with risk factors, based on the unique epidemiology and susceptibility of the Saudi population.
[ESP] 23 Symposium Internacional sobre Actualizaciones y Controversias en Psi...Symposiums Controversias en PsiquiatríaEste documento describe un simposio internacional sobre actualizaciones y controversias en psiquiatría que se llevará a cabo del 28 al 30 de abril de 2016 en Barcelona. El simposio contará con 14 ponentes expertos que discutirán temas controvertidos en psiquiatría a través de mesas redondas y debates. El evento también se transmitirá en formato de webinar por Internet.
3 convicciones que tengoFederico BongiornoLas 3 convicciones del autor son: 1) Que todo puede ser mejorado para funcionar de manera diferente, 2) La importancia de ser autodidacta ya que el aprendizaje no termina, 3) La vida ofrece muchas oportunidades interesantes para aprovechar.
Question of the week : neurologyProf. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebA 78-year-old woman presented with mild cognitive impairment based on her Mini-Mental Status Examination score. Her MRI showed extensive white matter hyperintensities without ventriculomegaly. She had a history of hypertension but normal lab results. The most likely diagnosis is vascular cognitive impairment given her history of hypertension and MRI findings of diffuse white matter lesions, which have been associated with vascular causes of dementia.
Finite automata examplesankitamakinDeterministic Finite State Automata (DFAs) are machines that read input strings and determine whether to accept or reject them based on their state transitions. A DFA is defined as a 5-tuple (Q, Σ, δ, q0, F) where Q is a finite set of states, Σ is a finite input alphabet, q0 is the starting state, F is the set of accepting states, and δ is the transition function that maps a state and input symbol to the next state. The language accepted by a DFA is the set of strings that cause the DFA to enter an accepting state. Nondeterministic Finite State Automata (NFAs) are similar but δ maps to sets of states rather
Diabetes and RamadanProf. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThis document provides guidelines for managing diabetes during Ramadan fasting. It was created by the International Diabetes Federation and Diabetes and Ramadan International Alliance. The guidelines cover epidemiology of diabetes and Ramadan fasting, physiology changes during fasting, risk stratification for fasting, diabetes education, and medication adjustments. The goal is to enhance healthcare provider knowledge to safely support patients with diabetes who choose to fast during Ramadan.
ITP Prof. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThis review article summarizes the 2011 evidence-based practice guideline published by the American Society of Hematology for the diagnosis and treatment of immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). The guideline was created using a rigorous evidence-based approach and provides treatment recommendations using the GRADE system where evidence exists. It identifies a lack of evidence in several key areas of ITP therapy, such as comparative studies of front-line therapies and management of bleeding. The guideline covers diagnosis and treatment of ITP in both children and adults, including recommendations for initial treatment, management of non-responders, treatment of specific secondary forms of ITP, and treatment during pregnancy.
Diarrhea WHOProf. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebTwo types of acute diarrhoeal emergencies are cholera, which causes acute watery diarrhoea, and Shigella dysentery, which causes acute bloody diarrhoea. Both are transmitted through contaminated water, food, hands, and vomit or stool of sick individuals. The first steps in managing a diarrhoeal outbreak are determining if there are an unusual number of similar cases, identifying whether patients have cholera or Shigella by their symptoms, and being prepared for a potential increase in cases.
Diabetic eye care 2017Prof. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThe document provides guidelines for diabetic eye care developed by the International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO). It aims to improve eye care quality worldwide by addressing screening and management of diabetic retinopathy for different resource settings. The guidelines describe classifying and screening for diabetic retinopathy, detailed eye exams, treating retinopathy and macular edema, and managing special circumstances. It includes tables outlining follow-up schedules and treatment recommendations based on retinopathy severity and resource level.
AML NCCN 2017Prof. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThis document discusses special considerations for managing chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) during pregnancy and in the pediatric population. For pregnancy:
- Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) used to treat CML are teratogenic and known to cause fetal toxicities. TKI therapy during pregnancy has been associated with higher rates of miscarriage and fetal abnormalities.
- If a patient wants to conceive, discontinuing TKI therapy may be considered if a deep molecular response has been maintained for at least 2 years. Close monitoring would be needed if CML recurs during pregnancy.
- For pediatric CML management, no evidence-based recommendations exist since CML is relatively rare in children. Specialized care at a cancer center is
Transfusion medicine 2Prof. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThis document discusses several minor blood group systems beyond ABO and Rh, including I/i, Lewis, P, MN, and SsU. It provides details on the antigens and antibodies in each system, including frequencies, clinical significance, and serological characteristics. The key points are:
- Over 500 antigens beyond ABO have been identified on red blood cells.
- The I/i, Lewis, P, MN, and SsU systems involve antigens that are inherited based on allelic genes and their interactions.
- Antibodies in these systems are usually naturally occurring and clinically insignificant, though some like anti-S, anti-s, and anti-U can cause hemolytic disease of the new
AHA Heart failure 2017Prof. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThis document provides a focused update to the 2013 ACCF/AHA guidelines for the management of heart failure. It was developed by a writing group comprised of experts from the ACC, AHA, HFSA, and other organizations. The update provides new recommendations on the use of biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis of heart failure as well as for treatment of stages A through D. It also includes new recommendations on treating anemia, hypertension, and sleep disordered breathing in heart failure patients. The update was reviewed and approved by several committees and is intended to provide guidance for clinicians on best practices in heart failure management.
Lipid guidelinesProf. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThese guidelines provide recommendations for managing dyslipidemia and preventing cardiovascular disease. They were developed by a writing committee and task force of experts based on reviews of current literature. The guidelines note that medical decisions should be made using clinical judgment and local resources, as rapid changes in the field may lead to periodic revisions. The document aims to assist healthcare professionals while not replacing their independent judgment.
Hcv guidance april-2017Prof. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThis document provides an overview of the process and methods used to develop recommendations for the testing, management, and treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. A panel of HCV experts from various medical fields develops the guidance using an evidence-based approach. Recommendations are rated based on the strength of evidence. The guidance is intended to be a living document that is regularly updated as new treatments and information become available. Strict processes are in place to manage conflicts of interest among panel members.
Drug in pregnancyProf. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThis document provides information on drugs that are contraindicated (Pregnancy Category X) for use during pregnancy. It lists the generic and brand names of drugs across several therapeutic categories including cardiovascular, dermatological, gastrointestinal, infections/infestations, musculoskeletal, neoplasms, nutrition, OB/GYN, pain/pyrexia, respiratory, and urogenital systems. For some drugs, it specifies the trimester or stage of pregnancy during which they should be avoided. The document also explains the pregnancy categories (A, B, C, D, X) used to qualify contraindications and precautions for drug use during pregnancy.
Dnr dissussionProf. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebMuslims believe that death comes by divine decree and marks the beginning of an eternal journey in the afterlife. Some terminally ill Muslim patients receive care in intensive care units that prolong their lives through significant medical intervention when they may instead suffer without meaningful benefit. There is limited information available about Islamic beliefs regarding end of life issues for Muslims living in non-Muslim countries. Withdrawal of futile treatment is permitted in Islamic law for terminally ill patients to allow death to take its natural course. "Do not resuscitate" orders are also permitted in certain situations according to Islamic rulings if three physicians agree treatment would be non-beneficial. However, hydration and pain management should continue until death.
Diabetes and its complicationsProf. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThis document reviews recent guidelines for treating painful diabetic neuropathy (DPN) and compares their recommendations. It finds that the main drug classes recommended as first-line treatment are anticonvulsants like pregabalin and gabapentin, antidepressants like tricyclic antidepressants and duloxetine, and opioids. Pregabalin and duloxetine are the only drugs approved to treat neuropathic pain in diabetes. The guidelines differ in their methodologies, with some based more quantitatively on clinical trial evidence while others incorporate additional factors. Patient characteristics may also influence which treatment is most appropriate.
Screening for occult cancer in unprovoked venousProf. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebVenous thromboembolism (VTE) may be the earliest sign of cancer.
Currently, there is a great diversity in practices regarding screening for occult cancer in a person who has an unprovoked VTE .
We sought to assess the efficacy of a screening strategy for occult cancer that included comprehensive computed tomography(CT) of the abdomen and pelvis in patients who had a first unprovoked VTE .
Question of the week 1Prof. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebA 40-year-old man presented with nausea, fever, and joint pain, and was found to have acute kidney injury. He had recently been treated for H. pylori infection with omeprazole, amoxicillin, and clarithromycin. On examination, he had a rash and lower extremity edema. Urinalysis showed white blood cells and white cell casts. The diagnosis was acute interstitial nephritis, likely caused by a drug reaction to antibiotics and omeprazole, given the presentation of fever, rash and acute kidney injury after starting new medications.
DESTINOS VISITADOSFederico BongiornoThis document is a collection of photo credits from various photographers and artists. It includes 12 photos with captions crediting the photographer or artist. It concludes by encouraging the viewer to create their own presentation using Haiku Deck on ݺߣShare.
Pneumococcal Vaccination in Saudi Arabia 2016Prof. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThis document provides guidelines from the Saudi Thoracic Society for pneumococcal vaccination in Saudi Arabia. Streptococcus pneumoniae is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide and an important pathogen in Saudi Arabia. Vaccination is currently recommended for children under 5, adults over 65, and those over 6 with risk factors. However, Saudi Arabia has a large population under 50 with risk factors, as well as pilgrims visiting annually who are at risk of transmission. Therefore, the guidelines recommend vaccination for all children under 5, adults over 50, and those over 6 with risk factors, based on the unique epidemiology and susceptibility of the Saudi population.
[ESP] 23 Symposium Internacional sobre Actualizaciones y Controversias en Psi...Symposiums Controversias en PsiquiatríaEste documento describe un simposio internacional sobre actualizaciones y controversias en psiquiatría que se llevará a cabo del 28 al 30 de abril de 2016 en Barcelona. El simposio contará con 14 ponentes expertos que discutirán temas controvertidos en psiquiatría a través de mesas redondas y debates. El evento también se transmitirá en formato de webinar por Internet.
3 convicciones que tengoFederico BongiornoLas 3 convicciones del autor son: 1) Que todo puede ser mejorado para funcionar de manera diferente, 2) La importancia de ser autodidacta ya que el aprendizaje no termina, 3) La vida ofrece muchas oportunidades interesantes para aprovechar.
Question of the week : neurologyProf. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebA 78-year-old woman presented with mild cognitive impairment based on her Mini-Mental Status Examination score. Her MRI showed extensive white matter hyperintensities without ventriculomegaly. She had a history of hypertension but normal lab results. The most likely diagnosis is vascular cognitive impairment given her history of hypertension and MRI findings of diffuse white matter lesions, which have been associated with vascular causes of dementia.
Finite automata examplesankitamakinDeterministic Finite State Automata (DFAs) are machines that read input strings and determine whether to accept or reject them based on their state transitions. A DFA is defined as a 5-tuple (Q, Σ, δ, q0, F) where Q is a finite set of states, Σ is a finite input alphabet, q0 is the starting state, F is the set of accepting states, and δ is the transition function that maps a state and input symbol to the next state. The language accepted by a DFA is the set of strings that cause the DFA to enter an accepting state. Nondeterministic Finite State Automata (NFAs) are similar but δ maps to sets of states rather
Diabetes and RamadanProf. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThis document provides guidelines for managing diabetes during Ramadan fasting. It was created by the International Diabetes Federation and Diabetes and Ramadan International Alliance. The guidelines cover epidemiology of diabetes and Ramadan fasting, physiology changes during fasting, risk stratification for fasting, diabetes education, and medication adjustments. The goal is to enhance healthcare provider knowledge to safely support patients with diabetes who choose to fast during Ramadan.
ITP Prof. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThis review article summarizes the 2011 evidence-based practice guideline published by the American Society of Hematology for the diagnosis and treatment of immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). The guideline was created using a rigorous evidence-based approach and provides treatment recommendations using the GRADE system where evidence exists. It identifies a lack of evidence in several key areas of ITP therapy, such as comparative studies of front-line therapies and management of bleeding. The guideline covers diagnosis and treatment of ITP in both children and adults, including recommendations for initial treatment, management of non-responders, treatment of specific secondary forms of ITP, and treatment during pregnancy.
Diarrhea WHOProf. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebTwo types of acute diarrhoeal emergencies are cholera, which causes acute watery diarrhoea, and Shigella dysentery, which causes acute bloody diarrhoea. Both are transmitted through contaminated water, food, hands, and vomit or stool of sick individuals. The first steps in managing a diarrhoeal outbreak are determining if there are an unusual number of similar cases, identifying whether patients have cholera or Shigella by their symptoms, and being prepared for a potential increase in cases.
Diabetic eye care 2017Prof. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThe document provides guidelines for diabetic eye care developed by the International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO). It aims to improve eye care quality worldwide by addressing screening and management of diabetic retinopathy for different resource settings. The guidelines describe classifying and screening for diabetic retinopathy, detailed eye exams, treating retinopathy and macular edema, and managing special circumstances. It includes tables outlining follow-up schedules and treatment recommendations based on retinopathy severity and resource level.
AML NCCN 2017Prof. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThis document discusses special considerations for managing chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) during pregnancy and in the pediatric population. For pregnancy:
- Tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) used to treat CML are teratogenic and known to cause fetal toxicities. TKI therapy during pregnancy has been associated with higher rates of miscarriage and fetal abnormalities.
- If a patient wants to conceive, discontinuing TKI therapy may be considered if a deep molecular response has been maintained for at least 2 years. Close monitoring would be needed if CML recurs during pregnancy.
- For pediatric CML management, no evidence-based recommendations exist since CML is relatively rare in children. Specialized care at a cancer center is
Transfusion medicine 2Prof. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThis document discusses several minor blood group systems beyond ABO and Rh, including I/i, Lewis, P, MN, and SsU. It provides details on the antigens and antibodies in each system, including frequencies, clinical significance, and serological characteristics. The key points are:
- Over 500 antigens beyond ABO have been identified on red blood cells.
- The I/i, Lewis, P, MN, and SsU systems involve antigens that are inherited based on allelic genes and their interactions.
- Antibodies in these systems are usually naturally occurring and clinically insignificant, though some like anti-S, anti-s, and anti-U can cause hemolytic disease of the new
AHA Heart failure 2017Prof. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThis document provides a focused update to the 2013 ACCF/AHA guidelines for the management of heart failure. It was developed by a writing group comprised of experts from the ACC, AHA, HFSA, and other organizations. The update provides new recommendations on the use of biomarkers for diagnosis and prognosis of heart failure as well as for treatment of stages A through D. It also includes new recommendations on treating anemia, hypertension, and sleep disordered breathing in heart failure patients. The update was reviewed and approved by several committees and is intended to provide guidance for clinicians on best practices in heart failure management.
Lipid guidelinesProf. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThese guidelines provide recommendations for managing dyslipidemia and preventing cardiovascular disease. They were developed by a writing committee and task force of experts based on reviews of current literature. The guidelines note that medical decisions should be made using clinical judgment and local resources, as rapid changes in the field may lead to periodic revisions. The document aims to assist healthcare professionals while not replacing their independent judgment.
Hcv guidance april-2017Prof. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThis document provides an overview of the process and methods used to develop recommendations for the testing, management, and treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. A panel of HCV experts from various medical fields develops the guidance using an evidence-based approach. Recommendations are rated based on the strength of evidence. The guidance is intended to be a living document that is regularly updated as new treatments and information become available. Strict processes are in place to manage conflicts of interest among panel members.
Drug in pregnancyProf. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThis document provides information on drugs that are contraindicated (Pregnancy Category X) for use during pregnancy. It lists the generic and brand names of drugs across several therapeutic categories including cardiovascular, dermatological, gastrointestinal, infections/infestations, musculoskeletal, neoplasms, nutrition, OB/GYN, pain/pyrexia, respiratory, and urogenital systems. For some drugs, it specifies the trimester or stage of pregnancy during which they should be avoided. The document also explains the pregnancy categories (A, B, C, D, X) used to qualify contraindications and precautions for drug use during pregnancy.
Dnr dissussionProf. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebMuslims believe that death comes by divine decree and marks the beginning of an eternal journey in the afterlife. Some terminally ill Muslim patients receive care in intensive care units that prolong their lives through significant medical intervention when they may instead suffer without meaningful benefit. There is limited information available about Islamic beliefs regarding end of life issues for Muslims living in non-Muslim countries. Withdrawal of futile treatment is permitted in Islamic law for terminally ill patients to allow death to take its natural course. "Do not resuscitate" orders are also permitted in certain situations according to Islamic rulings if three physicians agree treatment would be non-beneficial. However, hydration and pain management should continue until death.
Diabetes and its complicationsProf. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThis document reviews recent guidelines for treating painful diabetic neuropathy (DPN) and compares their recommendations. It finds that the main drug classes recommended as first-line treatment are anticonvulsants like pregabalin and gabapentin, antidepressants like tricyclic antidepressants and duloxetine, and opioids. Pregabalin and duloxetine are the only drugs approved to treat neuropathic pain in diabetes. The guidelines differ in their methodologies, with some based more quantitatively on clinical trial evidence while others incorporate additional factors. Patient characteristics may also influence which treatment is most appropriate.
Stroke NICE 2017Prof. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThis document provides guidance from NICE on the assessment and treatment of acute stroke. It outlines recommendations for promptly admitting patients to specialist stroke units, performing brain imaging, providing thrombolysis or mechanical clot retrieval if appropriate, administering antiplatelets or anticoagulants, managing blood pressure and blood sugar, assessing swallowing function and providing nutrition, and carrying out carotid imaging and endarterectomy if indicated. The pathway is designed to optimize stroke care from initial presentation through the acute and subacute phases of recovery.
Dexamethasone and sore throatProf. Ahmed Mohamed Badheeb1) A randomized clinical trial of 576 adults with acute sore throat found that a single dose of oral dexamethasone did not increase the proportion of patients with complete resolution of symptoms at 24 hours compared to placebo.
2) However, at 48 hours significantly more patients in the dexamethasone group experienced complete resolution of symptoms than those in the placebo group.
3) The study found no other significant differences between the dexamethasone and placebo groups in secondary outcomes such as duration of symptoms, health care use, time off work, or medication use.
Dm and RamadhanProf. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebThis document provides guidelines for managing diabetes during Ramadan fasting. It was created by the International Diabetes Federation and Diabetes and Ramadan International Alliance. The guidelines cover epidemiology of diabetes during Ramadan, physiology of fasting and how it impacts diabetes, risk stratification of patients, education recommendations, and medication adjustments for various diabetes medications and high-risk patient groups, such as those with type 1 diabetes. The goal is to enhance healthcare professionals' knowledge to best support patients during Ramadan fasting.
May Hegglin AnomalyProf. Ahmed Mohamed BadheebMay-Hegglin anomaly is part of a spectrum of disorders called MYH9-related disease. Mutations in the MYH9 gene cause macrothrombocytopenia (low platelet count with large platelets) and basophilic inclusions in white blood cells. A diagnosis can be facilitated by platelet electron microscopy and MYH9 gene sequencing. While each disorder in the spectrum has some unique characteristics, they are all characterized by macrothrombocytopenia and are now considered manifestations of MYH9-related disease.