Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang etika dan perilaku yang baik. Secara garis besar, dokumen menjelaskan tujuan mempelajari etika, manfaat belajar etika, filosofi dan definisi etika, serta relevansi etika dalam pekerjaan. Dokumen juga membahas tentang sikap dan perilaku yang menentukan keberhasilan serta hal-hal yang harus dan tidak boleh dilakukan.
Trekking+ is a proposed mobile app that would provide mountain trekkers with playable, comfortable routes while combining nature and technology. Market research found a need for material and accommodation information during routes. The app would feature a variety of trekking routes with sufficient 3G coverage, and connect users with others who share the hobby. A survey found that users want challenges, social connections, new technologies like geolocation, and easy access to supplies and services. Potential partners are interested and the targeted niche market could make Trekking+ viable.
This document outlines a marketing plan process. It discusses defining marketing planning, classifying business plans by time period, considering economic conditions, changing strategies over 3 years, reducing operations costs through packaging design, managing risks, setting profit and growth targets, researching new customer sources, coordinating sales and production, and developing a sales report system. The objectives are to achieve marketing goals through strategic planning that addresses industry trends, supplier relationships, and optimizing costs while increasing revenue and returns.
Cellular immunity and immunopathology in autoimmune addison’s diseaseAlifiani Rohma
The document summarizes current knowledge about cellular immunity and immunopathology in autoimmune Addison's disease (AAD). It discusses that AAD results from selective destruction of steroid hormone-secreting cells in the adrenal cortex by immune-mediated inflammation (adrenalitis). While T cells are thought to play a major role in obliterating adrenocortical cells, the mechanisms behind how autoimmune adrenalitis is initiated and perpetuated remain enigmatic. The review provides an overview of the histopathology seen in AAD and the roles of genetic predisposition, endogenous factors, autoantibodies, and cellular immunity in the pathogenesis of the disease. It proposes a hypothesis for how the autoimmune process
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang etika dan perilaku yang baik. Secara garis besar, dokumen menjelaskan tujuan mempelajari etika, manfaat belajar etika, filosofi dan definisi etika, serta relevansi etika dalam pekerjaan. Dokumen juga membahas tentang sikap dan perilaku yang menentukan keberhasilan serta hal-hal yang harus dan tidak boleh dilakukan.
Trekking+ is a proposed mobile app that would provide mountain trekkers with playable, comfortable routes while combining nature and technology. Market research found a need for material and accommodation information during routes. The app would feature a variety of trekking routes with sufficient 3G coverage, and connect users with others who share the hobby. A survey found that users want challenges, social connections, new technologies like geolocation, and easy access to supplies and services. Potential partners are interested and the targeted niche market could make Trekking+ viable.
This document outlines a marketing plan process. It discusses defining marketing planning, classifying business plans by time period, considering economic conditions, changing strategies over 3 years, reducing operations costs through packaging design, managing risks, setting profit and growth targets, researching new customer sources, coordinating sales and production, and developing a sales report system. The objectives are to achieve marketing goals through strategic planning that addresses industry trends, supplier relationships, and optimizing costs while increasing revenue and returns.
Cellular immunity and immunopathology in autoimmune addison’s diseaseAlifiani Rohma
The document summarizes current knowledge about cellular immunity and immunopathology in autoimmune Addison's disease (AAD). It discusses that AAD results from selective destruction of steroid hormone-secreting cells in the adrenal cortex by immune-mediated inflammation (adrenalitis). While T cells are thought to play a major role in obliterating adrenocortical cells, the mechanisms behind how autoimmune adrenalitis is initiated and perpetuated remain enigmatic. The review provides an overview of the histopathology seen in AAD and the roles of genetic predisposition, endogenous factors, autoantibodies, and cellular immunity in the pathogenesis of the disease. It proposes a hypothesis for how the autoimmune process