This document discusses diabetes in pregnancy, including:
- Risks to the mother include acceleration of complications like eye and kidney disease, as well as risks of hypoglycemia, pre-eclampsia, and obstetric complications.
- Risks to the fetus include congenital malformations, macrosomia, stillbirth, neonatal death, and issues like hypoglycemia and jaundice after birth.
- Management involves tight glycemic control, aspirin, monitoring for complications, and delivery planning based on gestational age and fetal growth. Acute issues like hypoglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis require prompt treatment.
Recent advances in the treatment of dermatological diseaseDRMOHITKHER
This document discusses recent advances in pharmacotherapy for various dermatological diseases. It covers treatment options for common conditions like vitiligo, acne, psoriasis, and androgenetic alopecia. For these conditions, it describes both topical and systemic drug therapy options, including corticosteroids, retinoids, antibiotics, isotretinoin, JAK inhibitors, and phototherapy. It also provides details on specific drugs, dosages, and mechanisms of action for treating various dermatological diseases.
Gangguan identitas gender dan disfungsi seksualitas meliputi ketidakpuasan psikologis terhadap gender biologis, gangguan dalam memahami identitas gender, serta kesulitan berfungsi secara seksual seperti gangguan nafsu, rangsangan, orgasme, dan nyeri seksual. Penyebabnya meliputi faktor biologis, psikologis, dan pengalaman traumatik.
Parameter penentu resistensi insulin dapat ditentukan menggunakan berbagai metode seperti euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp, analisis minimal model FSIGT, tes toleransi glukosa oral, dan HOMA. Metode yang paling akurat adalah euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp namun metode ini rumit dan mahal."
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang diabetes mellitus, termasuk definisi, jenis, faktor risiko, gejala klinis, patofisiologi, diagnosa, komplikasi, pencegahan, diet, dan pola hidup sehat bagi penderita diabetes.
Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a condition
of unexplained hyperandrogenic chronic anovulation
that most likely represents a heterogenous disorder.
About 10% of women in the reproductive age group
suffer from this disorder.
Here at Kayakalp Global, our professionals can. Your skin cells overproliferate as a result of a long-term (chronic) autoimmune illness called scalp psoriasis, which is brought on by your own immune system. It results in thick, discolored skin patches on your scalp and surrounding areas called plaques.
1. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder characterized by hyperandrogenism, chronic anovulation and polycystic ovaries.
2. Key features include menstrual irregularities, hirsutism, acne, obesity and infertility.
3. PCOS is associated with insulin resistance which can increase androgen levels and impair follicle development leading to chronic anovulation.
Psikosis adalah gangguan jiwa berat yang menyebabkan kehilangan kontak dengan realitas, seperti mengalami halusinasi dan delusi. Penderita psikosis tidak menyadari bahwa dirinya sakit dan membutuhkan perawatan intensif.
Erythroderma is defined as the scaling erythematous dermatitis involving 90% or more of the cutaneous surface.Also known as exfoliative dermatitis.
Idiopathic exfoliative dermatitis – also known as the “red man syndrome”, is characterized by marked palmoplantar keratoderma, dermatopathic lymphadenopathy,increased IgE.
Buku panduan ini memberikan panduan lengkap tentang teknik keterampilan pemeriksaan status mental yang mencakup penilaian status mental, orientasi, persepsi, mood, pikiran, dan fungsi kognitif guna mendiagnosa gangguan sistem neuropsikiatri. Buku ini berisi panduan langkah-demi-langkah untuk melakukan pemeriksaan status mental secara sistematis beserta contoh-contoh kasus untuk simulasi klinis."
Wood's lamp uses long-wave UV radiation to cause tissues to fluoresce, allowing diseases and conditions to be diagnosed. It emits radiation between 320-400nm, causing fluorophores in the skin like collagen to glow blue. Various conditions have distinctive fluorescence - vitiligo appears bright blue due to lack of melanin, while pityriasis versicolor glows yellow-gold due to a skin yeast. Wood's lamp is useful for diagnosing infections caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses based on the fluorescent compounds they produce. It can also detect pre-cancerous and cancerous lesions treated with fluorescent precursors.
Akromegali adalah gangguan kelebihan sekresi hormon pertumbuhan yang disebabkan oleh adenoma hipofisis atau tumor ektopik. Gejala klinisnya antara lain pertambahan ukuran tubuh dan wajah, sakit kepala, dan komplikasi metabolik seperti diabetes dan hipertensi. Diagnosa didukung dengan pemeriksaan CT scan dan laboratorium, sementara penatalaksanaannya meliputi bedah, radiasi, dan obat.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan pedoman lengkap tentang anamnesis dan pemeriksaan pasien di fasilitas kesehatan primer untuk mendeteksi gangguan jiwa. Terdapat tahapan anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik dan psikiatrik, diagnosa, serta penentuan tindakan lanjut seperti terapi atau rujukan. Klasifikasi gangguan jiwa juga dijelaskan secara singkat untuk memudahkan diagnosis di fasilitas kesehatan primer.
What is scabies? What is the cause of scabies? What is the pathogenesis of scabies? What are the types of scabies? What is the treatment of scabies? Let's discuss scabies in detail. The disease is spread by an itch mite. We'll discuss about it's transmission from human to human. How does it affects the skin and causes itching of the skin. The treatment and management is discussed as well. Hope this presentation will help you out.
A study on the effectiveness of tzanck smear to diagnose the vesiculobullous ...Eva Yustiana
This study evaluated the effectiveness of the Tzanck smear in diagnosing vesiculobullous skin lesions by comparing results to histopathology. 565 patients with vesiculobullous lesions were evaluated using Tzanck smears, biopsies, and immunofluorescence testing. The results found that Tzanck smears and histopathology had concordant results in 92.7% of cases. Common findings on Tzanck smear included acantholytic cells, indicating conditions like pemphigus. The study demonstrated that Tzanck smear is an inexpensive and effective first-line tool for diagnosing vesiculobullous lesions when compared to histopathology.
This document discusses the pathophysiology and management of pruritus (itch). It summarizes that pruritus can be caused by multiple pathways, including histamines, proteases, opioids, interleukin-31, vanilloids, neurotrophins, and substance P. Pruritus is classified into categories including dermatological diseases, systemic diseases, neurological diseases, and psychiatric diseases. Treatment involves targeting the specific components and pathways causing pruritus, such as proteases, cytokines, neurotrophin-induced pathways, and substance P. Non-pharmacological treatments like cognitive therapy are also used for psychogenic pruritus.
Seborrheic dermatitis (SD) is a common chronic skin condition characterized by redness and scaling in areas with many sebaceous glands like the face, scalp, and skin folds. It causes mild flaking of the scalp known as dandruff. Lesions can be itchy or painful and look deep red or purple with pimple-like bumps or blisters. Treatment involves topical anti-fungal creams, steroid creams, or oral anti-fungal medication for deep infections.
This document discusses seborrheic dermatitis, a chronic papulosquamous skin condition characterized by yellowish, waxy, branny scaling along areas with sebaceous glands like the scalp, face, and trunk. It commonly affects infants under 3 months of age and adults between 40-70 years old. While the exact cause is unknown, factors like sebum production, microbial effects of Malassezia fungi, and genetic and environmental factors may play a role. The document describes the various clinical presentations in infants and adults and treatments involving topical antifungals, corticosteroids, keratolytics, and systemic antifungals.
Here at Kayakalp Global, our professionals can. Your skin cells overproliferate as a result of a long-term (chronic) autoimmune illness called scalp psoriasis, which is brought on by your own immune system. It results in thick, discolored skin patches on your scalp and surrounding areas called plaques.
1. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is a common endocrine disorder characterized by hyperandrogenism, chronic anovulation and polycystic ovaries.
2. Key features include menstrual irregularities, hirsutism, acne, obesity and infertility.
3. PCOS is associated with insulin resistance which can increase androgen levels and impair follicle development leading to chronic anovulation.
Psikosis adalah gangguan jiwa berat yang menyebabkan kehilangan kontak dengan realitas, seperti mengalami halusinasi dan delusi. Penderita psikosis tidak menyadari bahwa dirinya sakit dan membutuhkan perawatan intensif.
Erythroderma is defined as the scaling erythematous dermatitis involving 90% or more of the cutaneous surface.Also known as exfoliative dermatitis.
Idiopathic exfoliative dermatitis – also known as the “red man syndrome”, is characterized by marked palmoplantar keratoderma, dermatopathic lymphadenopathy,increased IgE.
Buku panduan ini memberikan panduan lengkap tentang teknik keterampilan pemeriksaan status mental yang mencakup penilaian status mental, orientasi, persepsi, mood, pikiran, dan fungsi kognitif guna mendiagnosa gangguan sistem neuropsikiatri. Buku ini berisi panduan langkah-demi-langkah untuk melakukan pemeriksaan status mental secara sistematis beserta contoh-contoh kasus untuk simulasi klinis."
Wood's lamp uses long-wave UV radiation to cause tissues to fluoresce, allowing diseases and conditions to be diagnosed. It emits radiation between 320-400nm, causing fluorophores in the skin like collagen to glow blue. Various conditions have distinctive fluorescence - vitiligo appears bright blue due to lack of melanin, while pityriasis versicolor glows yellow-gold due to a skin yeast. Wood's lamp is useful for diagnosing infections caused by fungi, bacteria, and viruses based on the fluorescent compounds they produce. It can also detect pre-cancerous and cancerous lesions treated with fluorescent precursors.
Akromegali adalah gangguan kelebihan sekresi hormon pertumbuhan yang disebabkan oleh adenoma hipofisis atau tumor ektopik. Gejala klinisnya antara lain pertambahan ukuran tubuh dan wajah, sakit kepala, dan komplikasi metabolik seperti diabetes dan hipertensi. Diagnosa didukung dengan pemeriksaan CT scan dan laboratorium, sementara penatalaksanaannya meliputi bedah, radiasi, dan obat.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan pedoman lengkap tentang anamnesis dan pemeriksaan pasien di fasilitas kesehatan primer untuk mendeteksi gangguan jiwa. Terdapat tahapan anamnesis, pemeriksaan fisik dan psikiatrik, diagnosa, serta penentuan tindakan lanjut seperti terapi atau rujukan. Klasifikasi gangguan jiwa juga dijelaskan secara singkat untuk memudahkan diagnosis di fasilitas kesehatan primer.
What is scabies? What is the cause of scabies? What is the pathogenesis of scabies? What are the types of scabies? What is the treatment of scabies? Let's discuss scabies in detail. The disease is spread by an itch mite. We'll discuss about it's transmission from human to human. How does it affects the skin and causes itching of the skin. The treatment and management is discussed as well. Hope this presentation will help you out.
A study on the effectiveness of tzanck smear to diagnose the vesiculobullous ...Eva Yustiana
This study evaluated the effectiveness of the Tzanck smear in diagnosing vesiculobullous skin lesions by comparing results to histopathology. 565 patients with vesiculobullous lesions were evaluated using Tzanck smears, biopsies, and immunofluorescence testing. The results found that Tzanck smears and histopathology had concordant results in 92.7% of cases. Common findings on Tzanck smear included acantholytic cells, indicating conditions like pemphigus. The study demonstrated that Tzanck smear is an inexpensive and effective first-line tool for diagnosing vesiculobullous lesions when compared to histopathology.
This document discusses the pathophysiology and management of pruritus (itch). It summarizes that pruritus can be caused by multiple pathways, including histamines, proteases, opioids, interleukin-31, vanilloids, neurotrophins, and substance P. Pruritus is classified into categories including dermatological diseases, systemic diseases, neurological diseases, and psychiatric diseases. Treatment involves targeting the specific components and pathways causing pruritus, such as proteases, cytokines, neurotrophin-induced pathways, and substance P. Non-pharmacological treatments like cognitive therapy are also used for psychogenic pruritus.
Seborrheic dermatitis (SD) is a common chronic skin condition characterized by redness and scaling in areas with many sebaceous glands like the face, scalp, and skin folds. It causes mild flaking of the scalp known as dandruff. Lesions can be itchy or painful and look deep red or purple with pimple-like bumps or blisters. Treatment involves topical anti-fungal creams, steroid creams, or oral anti-fungal medication for deep infections.
This document discusses seborrheic dermatitis, a chronic papulosquamous skin condition characterized by yellowish, waxy, branny scaling along areas with sebaceous glands like the scalp, face, and trunk. It commonly affects infants under 3 months of age and adults between 40-70 years old. While the exact cause is unknown, factors like sebum production, microbial effects of Malassezia fungi, and genetic and environmental factors may play a role. The document describes the various clinical presentations in infants and adults and treatments involving topical antifungals, corticosteroids, keratolytics, and systemic antifungals.
19th Edition Of International Research Data Analysis Excellence Awardsdataanalysisconferen
19th Edition Of International Research Data Analysis Excellence Awards
International Research Data Analysis Excellence Awards is the Researchers and Research organizations around the world in the motive of Encouraging and Honoring them for their Significant contributions & Achievements for the Advancement in their field of expertise. Researchers and scholars of all nationalities are eligible to receive ScienceFather Research Data Analysis Excellence Awards. Nominees are judged on past accomplishments, research excellence and outstanding academic achievements.
Place: San Francisco, United States
Visit Our Website:
Nomination Link:
Deep-QPP: A Pairwise Interaction-based Deep Learning Model for Supervised Que...suchanadatta3
Motivated by the recent success of end-to-end deep neural models
for ranking tasks, we present here a supervised end-to-end neural
approach for query performance prediction (QPP). In contrast to
unsupervised approaches that rely on various statistics of document
score distributions, our approach is entirely data-driven. Further,
in contrast to weakly supervised approaches, our method also does
not rely on the outputs from different QPP estimators. In particular, our model leverages information from the semantic interactions between the terms of a query and those in the top-documents retrieved with it. The architecture of the model comprises multiple layers of 2D convolution filters followed by a feed-forward layer of parameters. Experiments on standard test collections demonstrate
that our proposed supervised approach outperforms other state-of-the-art supervised and unsupervised approaches.
Optimizing Common Table Expressions in Apache Hive with CalciteStamatis Zampetakis
In many real-world queries, certain expressions may appear multiple times, requiring repeated computations to construct the final result. These recurring computations, known as common table expressions (CTEs), can be explicitly defined in SQL queries using the WITH clause or implicitly derived through transformation rules. Identifying and leveraging CTEs is essential for reducing the cost of executing complex queries and is a critical component of modern data management systems.
Apache Hive, a SQL-based data management system, provides powerful mechanisms to detect and exploit CTEs through heuristic and cost-based optimization techniques.
This talk delves into the internals of Hive's planner, focusing on its integration with Apache Calcite for CTE optimization. We will begin with a high-level overview of Hive's planner architecture and its reliance on Calcite in various planning phases. The discussion will then shift to the CTE rewriting phase, highlighting key Calcite concepts and demonstrating how they are employed to optimize CTEs effectively.
Design Data Model Objects for Analytics, Activation, and AIaaronmwinters
Explore using industry-specific data standards to design data model objects in Data Cloud that can consolidate fragmented and multi-format data sources into a single view of the customer.
Design of the data model objects is a critical first step in setting up Data Cloud and will impact aspects of the implementation, including the data harmonization and mappings, as well as downstream automations and AI processing. This session will provide concrete examples of data standards in the education space and how to design a Data Cloud data model that will hold up over the long-term as new source systems and activation targets are added to the landscape. This will help architects and business analysts accelerate adoption of Data Cloud.