12. Banks are
technologically two
decades behind, says
Barclays data chief
??: ShareCast, 4? 23?
Banks' technology is old but their size makes adopting innovation a long and
complicated process, Barclays chief data officer, Usama Fayyad said on Thursday.
Speaking at a business conference in London, Fayyad said the banking industry was at
risk of becoming a "boring business".
"Banks are 10 to 20 years behind in terms of technology," said Barclays CDO.
Fintech trends for the
future of asset
??: Financial News, 4? 22?
New technology-driven business models such as robot advisory may be creating a buzz,
but industry experts think it is still too early to say what impact they will have on the
asset management sector. For now, they agreed, ?ntech is affecting distribution rather
than product creation.
Dinesh Sharma, a consultant at Accenture, said: ^What ?ntech is doing and what it¨s
providing and how it¨s going to affect the business model is very much around sales and
distribution of the products. ´
Four British Startups
Breaking Through The
Billion Dollar Mark
??: Forbes, 4? 24?
Meet the billion dollar British businesses plotting global domination. While the UK has
often been criticised for its failure to turn exciting early-stage, fast-growth companies
into world beaters, its record is improving, with a string of companies hitting the big
time over the past few months. Four high-tech companies this year alone have attracted
investment that values them at $1bn or more, and others are waiting in the wings.
News Clipping: Global
13. Apple Watch Ignites
Fintech Community,
Inspires New Apps
??: Benzinga, 4? 24?
"It's de?nitely something we are discussing and thinking through from a UI standpoint,
especially as a means of serving noti?cations with the native mobile app, but it's not
something we have a current delivery ETA on," Peter Hans, co-founder and president of
Harvest, told Benzinga. "That said, I think the watch has a ton of potential as a means of
delivering timely user noti?cations."
Mike Sha, co-founder and CEO of SigFig, told Benzinga why his company is supporting
the watch at launch.
Fintech revolutionaries
storm the barricades of
traditional banking
??: Guardian, 4? 24?
The internet revolution disrupted and destroyed traditional industries throughout the
1990s and early 21st century. The record industry was crushed by MP3 downloads,
telecoms by mobile, and the high street by online retail. But one major industry has, so
far, proven resistant ? the banking and ?nancial sector. Most of the traditional big
names of banking still have enormous power over our everyday lives.
However, a new breed of entrepreneurs is creating ?nancial technology (?ntech) which
could change the whole game and many of them are based in the UK.
FinTech payment
startups least likely to
get acquired by banks
??: CityAM, 4? 23?
Financial technology startups shaking up the payments industry are least likely to be
acquired by established banks, despite the increasing efforts by ?nancial institutions to
become more innovative.
The most likely end-game for a successful startup developing innovative new ways for
making payments in the rocketing FinTech sector is being acquired by a major
technology ?rm such as Apple and Google.
News Clipping: Global
14. Deutsche Bank offers
Banking via the Apple
??: Deutsche Bank, 4? 21?
Deutsche Bank is the ?rst bank in Germany to offer clients banking via the Apple
Watch / Using Deutsche Bank's "Meine Bank" app, accounts and portfolio information
can be displayed directly on the new Apple Watch.
A new chapter in the relationship people have with technology: that's how Apple
describes its new Apple Watch, which goes on sale in Germany on April 24, 2015. And,
to go with it, Deutsche Bank has created a new, customised banking app. Using this
app, mobile banking clients can view their personal ?nancial information quickly and
easily just by looking at their Apple Watch.
Scotiabank makes time
for Apple Watch
??: Finextra, 4? 24?
Scotiabank today announced that it will launch the Scotiabank Mobile Banking app on
the Apple Watch.
The app enables users to instantly view their real-time bank balance, and up to ?ve of
their most recent transactions, wherever they are -- at a glance -- on Apple Watch.
"Scotiabank continues to be a leader in the mobile banking space," said Jeff Marshall,
Scotiabank's Vice President, Self-Service Customer Experience. "Our customers are
consistently choosing innovative,
CIBC Announces New
Apple Watch App
??: CIBC, 4? 23?
CIBC today announced a partnership with MaRS Discovery District to create a new
corporate innovation hub and join MaRS' new FinTech cluster to support future
As part of CIBC's new partnership with MaRS, the bank will be constructing a permanent
corporate innovation space for ?nancial technology. The new facility is expected to be
ready this fall, allowing teams from CIBC to collaborate with leading technology talent
and continue to focus on developing the next wave of banking innovations for clients.
News Clipping: Global
15. Fintech demand
exploding worldwide
??: Banking Exchange, 4? 22?
As a measure of the gargantuan in?uence of technology on the future directin of
?nancial services, a recent survey by Accenture ?nds that global investment in ?nancial-
technology (?ntech) ventures tripled to $12.2 billion in 2014, from $4.05 billion in
Last year, ?ntech investment increased at more than three times the rate of overall
venture capital investment. While the U.S. still captures the lion¨s share of ?ntech
investment, Europe experienced the highest growth rate, with an increase of 215% to
$1.48 billion in 2014.
Where Are Mobile
Payments Headed?
??: EnterpriseAppsToday, 4? 22
Apple has garnered much of the mobile payments hype following the introduction of
Apple Pay last October and the Apple Watch this month, but Apple's solution is only one
of many that payments providers are considering as they try to stay ahead of the
expected growth in mobile payments, which some experts expect to become
commonplace in the next few years.
Apple Pay, while continuing to grow in popularity, is still available at less than 1 million
of an estimated 12 million payment terminals in the U.S. That means there is plenty of
room for Samsung and other players that are coming out with their own mobile
payments solutions to get a share of the nascent market.
Why Should New
Payment Entrepreneurs
Focus On Proximity
??: LTP, 4? 24?
As per the statistics from eMarketer, global retail sales in 2014 was $22 trillion, of
which e-commerce sales amounted to only $1.3 trillion. So, for every dollarspent on e-
commerce, 17 dollars are spent in physical stores or being paid in person. So the big
question is: Shouldn¨t the entrepreneurs be focusing on the bigger chunk? This makes
us think that the entrepreneurs looking at the payments and commerce space should be
spending more mindshare on innovation in the bigger pie. Proximity payments clearly
provide a pathway here..
News Clipping: Global