El documento describe las propiedades del agua, sus usos por personas, animales y plantas, y sus estados f鱈sicos. Explica el ciclo del agua, en el que el agua se evapora del mar y los r鱈os, se condensa en las nubes, y luego llueve sobre la tierra antes de regresar al mar a trav辿s de r鱈os y corrientes subterr叩neas. El agua es esencial para todos los seres vivos.
El documento describe un proyecto para incorporar estudiantes de primer a単o de secundaria a un grupo de Facebook para investigar las diferencias entre software y hardware. Los docentes y encargados de laboratorio son responsables del proyecto. El objetivo es que los estudiantes desarrollen una comprensi坦n cr鱈tica de software frente a hardware, promuevan el uso responsable de la tecnolog鱈a y reconozcan el trabajo en grupo como una forma de construir conocimiento. Las actividades incluyen que los estudiantes completen tareas en documentos de Word despu辿s de ver videos en YouTube, y que luego suban
This document is a CV for Selver Baykal, a Building Surveyor graduate seeking a career in building surveying. Key information includes:
- Selver holds a BSc in Construction Management and Fdsc in Building Surveying from Anglia Ruskin University.
- Previous work experience includes roles in customer service, laboratory technician, purchasing administrator, and food sales assistant.
- Skills include proficiency in English, Turkish and Bulgarian, Microsoft Office, AutoCAD, time management, and teamwork.
Data slicing technique to privacy preserving and data publishingeSAT Journals
Abstract Many techniques have been designed for privacy preserving and micro data publishing, such as generalization and bucketization. Several works showed that generalization loses some amount of information especially for high dimensional data. So its not efficient for high dimensional data. In case of Bucketization, it does not prevents membership disclosure and also does not applicable for data that do not have a clear separation between Quasi-identifying attributes and sensitive attributes. In this paper, we presenting an innovative technique called data slicing which partitions the data. An efficient algorithm is developed for computing sliced data that obeys l-diversity requirement. we also show how data slicing is better than generalization and bucketization. Data slicing preserves better utility than generalization and also does not requires clear separation between Quasi-identifying and sensitive attributes. Data slicing is also used to prevent attribute disclosure and develop an efficient algorithm for computing the sliced data that obeys l-diversity requirement. Experimental results confirm that data slicing preserves data utility than generalization and more effective than bucketization involving sensitive attributes. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of this method. Keywords Privacy preserving, Data Security, Data Publishing, Microdata
This document provides an introduction to internal medicine, including its subspecialties and approach to diagnosis and management of patients. It defines internal medicine as dealing with non-surgical treatment of adult diseases. The subspecialties include cardiology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, hematology, infectious diseases, nephrology, pulmonology, rheumatology, neurology, oncology, and poisoning/critical care. The process of diagnosis involves taking a history, examining the patient, and ordering investigations. Symptoms are what patients experience while signs are objective findings observed by doctors. Cyanosis is then defined as a blue skin discoloration from low oxygen levels in the blood.
Te坦rica normativa urbana C坦digo de Planeamiento Urbano Ciudad de Buenos airesprofeort
El documento describe los principales aspectos del C坦digo de Planeamiento Urbano de la Ciudad Aut坦noma de Buenos Aires, incluyendo la organizaci坦n y secciones del c坦digo, la zonificaci坦n en distritos, las normas de tejido urbano, y los par叩metros urban鱈sticos como FOS, FOT, altura m叩xima y m叩s.
Carl Bass, President of Autodesk, congratulates the recipient for completing the Autodesk Revit MEP Essentials course at the Autodesk Authorized Training Center, which provides professional instructors and relevant course content to help professionals excel in using Autodesk software products like AutoCAD. The recipient, Shamima Majam, completed a 24-hour course taught by Tertius Opperman on March 25, 2015 according to certificate number 1558841861 issued by The CAD Corporation.
This certificate confirms that Shamima Majam completed a 24-hour AutoCAD Electrical Essentials course taught by Tertius Opperman at The CAD Corporation, an Autodesk Authorized Training Center, on April 24, 2013. The course, which covered the AutoCAD Electrical product, was designed by Autodesk to provide relevant training from professional instructors to help professionals excel in using Autodesk software.
Carl Bass, President of Autodesk, congratulates the recipient for completing the Autodesk Revit MEP Essentials course at the Autodesk Authorized Training Center, which provides professional instructors and relevant course content to help professionals excel in using Autodesk software products like AutoCAD. The recipient, Shamima Majam, completed a 24-hour course taught by Tertius Opperman on March 25, 2015 according to certificate number 1558841861 issued by The CAD Corporation.
This certificate confirms that Shamima Majam completed a 24-hour AutoCAD Electrical Essentials course taught by Tertius Opperman at The CAD Corporation, an Autodesk Authorized Training Center, on April 24, 2013. The course, which covered the AutoCAD Electrical product, was designed by Autodesk to provide relevant training from professional instructors to help professionals excel in using Autodesk software.