The document contains 20 multiple choice questions about 20th century medicine in the UK. It covers the establishment of the NHS, major medical advances like the discovery of penicillin and the development of antibiotics, improvements in public health due to government acts and wars, changes to the NHS and medical training, and the rise of alternative medicines.
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20th century medicine test
1. 20th century medicine test
1. Who came up with the idea of the NHS?
2. What was the name of the first magic bullet chemical drug?
3. In what year did Alexander Fleming discover penicillin?
4. Give two reasons why the NHS is so expensive today.
5. Name one of the people who wrote a study on poverty at the beginning of the 20th century.
6. Name one person other that Howard Florey and Ernst Chain who helped develop penicillin.
7. What product did the first sulphonamide drug come from?
8. Who opposed Aneurin Bevan when he tried to set up the NHS?
9. Name 3 acts of Parliament passed by the Liberal Government of 1906-1912 that helped the
health of the public.
10. List 3 ways in which WW2 improved peoples public health.
11. Give 3 new developments in technology that improved medicine or surgery after WW2.
12. What were 2 items or services that ceased to be free on the NHS after 1951?
13. Why did people go back to relying on pharmacy advice rather than visiting the doctor in the
14. How many years training must a doctor have had in 2000?
15. Name 3 types of alternative medicine available on the NHS today.
16. Name one immunisation other than diphtheria which was given free by the government in the
20th century and say which decade it occurred in.
17. Give one problem that has arisen with the development of penicillin.
18. Name one major pharmaceutical company in the UK.
19. Name one treatment that has not been a positive advancement in the 20th century.
20. Name one thing that WW1 gave to medicine (not surgery) in the 20th century.
2. 20th century medicine test
1. Who came up with the idea of the NHS? William Beveridge
2. What was the name of the first magic bullet chemical drug? Salvarsan 606
3. In what year did Alexander Fleming discover penicillin? 1928
4. Give two reasons why the NHS is so expensive today. Cost of drugs, complexity of illness,
technology available for diagnosis and cure, aging population
5. Name one of the people who wrote a study on poverty at the beginning of the 20th century. The
Booths, Charles Booth, Seebohm Rowntree
6. Name one person other that Howard Florey and Ernst Chain who helped develop penicillin.
Ethel Florey, Margaret Jennings, Norman Heatley
7. What product did the first sulphonamide drug come from? Prontosil dye
8. Who opposed Aneurin Bevan when he tried to set up the NHS? BMA
9. Name 3 acts of Parliament passed by the Liberal Government of 1906-1912 that helped the
health of the public. Free School Meals, Childrens health check ups, childrens free treatments,
pensions, National Insurance
10. List 3 ways in which WW2 improved peoples public health. Rationing better food, education
through posters, free hospitals and treatments, diphtheria immunisation
11. Give 3 new developments in technology that improved medicine or surgery after WW2. Fibre
optic endoscope, CT scanner, MRI machine, computer
12. What were 2 items or services that ceased to be free on the NHS after 1951? Dentists, opticians,
13. Why did people go back to relying on pharmacy advice rather than visiting the doctor in the
1930s? Depression couldnt afford doctors
14. How many years training must a doctor have had in 2000? 7 years+
15. Name 3 types of alternative medicine available on the NHS today. Acupuncture, homeopathy,
16. Name one immunisation other than diphtheria which was given free by the government in the
20th century and say which decade it occurred in. MMR 1990s, polio 1950s
17. Give one problem that has arisen with the development of penicillin. Superbugs and resistance
18. Name one major pharmaceutical company in the UK. GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Astra Zeneca,
Merk & Co, Wyeth, Johnson & Johnson
19. Name one treatment that has not been a positive advancement in the 20th century. Thalidomide
20. Name one thing that WW1 gave to medicine (not surgery) in the 20th century. Medical cards,
doctors trained to use x-rays, blood storage/blood banks