This document provides 10 "truths" or secrets for one's 20s. Some of the key points summarized are: 1) Reckless drinking and flirting can lead to disaster. 2) Avoid checking social media when depressed, drunk or both. 3) Everyone starts from scratch and should find their own way of doing things rather than comparing to others' success stories. 4) Success requires getting out of one's comfort zone and is a process of repeated failure rather than an easy path.
2. “Let's have Fun” friends # “be there for me”
“Friends” may CHANGE!
Truth # 1
3. Reckless drinking / Reckless flirting = Disaster !
Wanna be that person in Maroon5 's Maps ? Didn't think so
Truth # 2
4. Don’t ever , ever check Facebook when you’re :
A. Depressed
B. Drunk
C. Depressed and Drunk
Truth # 3
5. Everyone loves Social Media .
Social Media loves Photoshop .
Photoshop doesn’t love everyone .
Truth # 4
6. Don’t ever begin dating someone you first met
whilst in swimsuits.
Doubly-don’t if you’re both in swimsuits
whilst holding an alcoholic beverage.
Truth # 5
7. Everyone starts from scratch .
Look behind the scenes of those success stories y
think y’ll never be and :
Find your own way of doing
things !
Truth # 6
8. You’re gonna fail over and over and over again
No one said that success path is
an elevator . It's a Ladder !
Truth # 7
?Get out of your“Comfort zone”!
Truth # 8
Where The magic
Happens !
Comfort Zone
10. Two things may start have meanings to
you :
1. “Quote of the Day”
2. What your parents used to say
Truth # 9
11. Life will never feel like it’s “supposed to” .
No one will warn you "that will happen" .
So complain , get angry , get depressed then
GET UPand DEAL with it !
Truth # 10