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21 Ways to Grow
Your List Fast
21 Ways to Grow Your List Fast
Growingyourlistisntjustthe resultof a one-timeprocessthatyousetup. It isall about makingthe
mostof everyopportunitytoputyourself outthere andgetinfrontof rightpeople your target
Savvysmall businessownersknowthere are manywaystodo that, includingthesetoplist-building
1. Put your sign up pitch on all your stationery
One easyway to getyourideal clienttoeagerto workwithyou: Make sure you include asignup
pitchon all your stationery includingbusinesscards.
Thisdoesntmeantryingtofityour life historyina3.5 X 2 rectangle. Justadda line underyour
signature thatcombines:
 Your incentive
 A simple call-to-action
 Your signup URL
(Youcan evenmake yoursign-upcall-to-actionyourentire businesscard)
2. Come from a place of helping
One of the biggestmistakessmallbusinesses make: Approachingpotentialclients withthe agenda
of selling,pitchingaproductor gettingsomethingFROMsomebody.
Create yoursignup incentive,box andcall-to-actionfromaplace of sharingandgiving. Thismeans
genuinely(a) puttingyourself inyourpotential ideal clients shoesand(b) caringabouthow to make
life instantlybetterforherandyouwill attract clients whowill notonlysignupforyourservice 
theyll rememberyourname.
21 Ways to Grow Your List Fast
3. Put your blog sign-upwebcontact form in the prime area
Countlesstestsandstudies have shownthatthe bestplace tophysicallylocate yoursign-upbox is
nearthe top,right-handcornerof your webpage,above the fold,asBloggingTipsdemonstrates
The onlyexceptiontothis: If youare writinga blogforleft-handedpeople (seriously) inwhich
case,place it on the left.
The reason? Most right-handedpeopleseyesautomaticallyglance upatthe top rightside of any
webpage theysurf into  but southpawstendtoglance upand to the left!
4. Make themrememberyour name
Itsone thingto capture a subscription,butitsawhole differentball game togetyour new
subscribertorememberwhoyouare and whyshe shouldbe excitedtoreceive emailsfromyou.
One way:Foregothe double-opt-inprocess. If youare offeringasimple templateortipsheet,make
it ridiculouslyeasyforthemandinclude the downloadimmediately,rightonthe Thanksforsigning
up page. (You can still sendyourwelcome email detailinghow oftentheyll hearfromyou,what
theycan expect,etc.)
Thisinstantdownloadwill be suchapleasantsurprise,itwillmake youstandoutfromyour
21 Ways to Grow Your List Fast
5. Include a sign-uplinkin everypost
Dontrelysolelyonyourofficial webcontactformcontainedinyoursidebar: Make sure there isa
waypeople cansubscribe  andshare  in everypost.
You can do thisby includingasimple call toactionat the endof everyarticle.
(E.g.Sign up here to receive weekly updates.)
6. Findcommon ground
Alwaysbe askingyourself andthe personyoure talkingto(whetherornotitsthroughyour blog
or in personatan event) What isgoingon inyour life? Findout whatis importanttothemand
Askthemquestions. Reallylistentoandvalidate the answers. If youhave somethingrelevantto
contribute,share asecretor two of your ownabouta similarproject. Be interested,genuine and
real,and the connectionwill follow.
Itsall about makingthat connection.
7. Be specific
Is there anaction youwant yourideal client totake? The more specificanddirectyouare intelling
them,the betterresponse youll get.
For example,dontjustsay: For great logoscall usto see how we can helpyou. Saysomething
like: Contactus NOWto findout HOW you can get a logo youll lovewithin the next7 daysorless.
The more specificyouare,the betterqualified yourinquiry will be.
8. Dont wait for your product/service to be completedbefore startingyour list
21 Ways to Grow Your List Fast
Many people make the mistake of waitinguntil theyfinishaproductbefore settingupa list.Its
betterto start attractingand signinguppeople immediately.
If you dontyethave a product, there are twoeasyways to go:
 Offera highly-relevantbutsimple incentive suchasa tipsheetor template especiallyif
your template isforsomethingthatresultsfromarecentchange (e.g.new YouTube Channel
Art specs).
 Offersomethingdirectlyconnectedto your upcomingproduct -- letreadersdownloada
sample chapterof your upcomingdigital product,signuptobe notifiedwhenitiscomplete
or signup to receive advance noticeata special price
Usingthe lattertactic can reallyhelpyougauge how popularyourupcomingproductislikelytobe.
9. Make subscribingeasy
Before addingCaptchaformsand extrafields,putyourself inyourvisitorsplace. Combine asimple
but powerful incentive withdrop-deadeasysignup  and give yourvisitorreasontobe grateful.
Unlessthere isa specificreasonforaskingformore information,firstname andemail addressisall
10. Use QR Codes
Withthe ever-explodingnumbersof mobilevisitors,domake sure you
alsoinclude aQR code onyour webpagesand businessstationery 
A QR code is justa digital barcode. It takesvisitorswhoscanitwith
theirmobilestoaspecificdestinationof yourchoosing,whichcan
include awebsite,textmessage,phone number or your signup
11. Ask in person!
Whenattendinglocal eventsortalkingtoclientsinperson, allow themtospeakfirst.Most
ask fortheirbusinesscards. Whentheyprovide one,askif youcan add themtoyour mailinglist.
If theyhesitate,goonto state whattype of updatestheywill receive,andbe sure tosay how often
these will be generated.One wordof caution neveradd someone toyourlistwhodidnot
specificallygive youpermission.
12. Make full use of resource boxes
21 Ways to Grow Your List Fast
Whenwritingguestpostsor articles,be sure toprovide aresource box. Thisis a little blurbatthe
beginningorendof a post thatletspeople know whoyouare,whatyoucan offerandwhere to
reach you.
Followthe guidelinesof the directoryor blogyouare writingfor(eachone will be slightlydifferent).
If you write fora blogthat doesntallow linksinthe resource box,be sure theydoallow themin
your article andcreate a call to action,as guestblogger, ScottPurcell did,whenguestingon
13. Offera free Webinar,TeleseminarorPodcast
Thisis a great wayto attract newsubscribers. Everyone takesitasa matterof course that theyhave
to signup to registerforyourevent  and theyre onyourlistwhentheydo.
Make sure youchoose a topicthat iscuttingedge,timelyandmuchneeded. Tapintocurrenttrends
or changesinyour industry. Promise toprovide somethingnoone else does.
(Itsall inthe promise!)
14. Use a specific,focusedlandingpage strictly for getting subscribers
Whenpeople putlinksinarticles,blogposts,socialpostsandsoforth,theyoftenmake the mistake
of providingalinktotheirwebsite home page. If youwantsignups,create a specificlandingpage
or squeeze page justforyoursign-upofferandsign-upbox.
15. Use Social MediaApps
21 Ways to Grow Your List Fast
Thisis possible one of the mostimportanttacticsyoucouldeverinvestin,giventhe popularityof (a)
mobile apps(b) social media.
There are all sortsof social mediaappsyoucan use to increase engagement andsign-upsbutat
the veryleast,use an iFrame appto create custom tabsfor yourFacebookPage headerarea(and
include sign-uplinksinothersocial media,suchasLinkedIn).
You can use your customtabs forany purpose  as actor Jackie Chanhasdone here.
Andthat includesofferingsign-upincentives!
16. Create a Series
Rememberwe talkedaboutwebinars,podcastsandteleseminars? One wayyoucan boostyour
subscriptionsistocreate notjust a standalone event,butashort series.
Whenyoucreate a short,focusedseries,youare givingawayfree teaching. Peopleoftenplace
higherworthona seriesthanona stand-alone event(andyoucan evenuse astand-alone eventto
promote yourseriesandcapture more sign-ups).
Evenif theydidntsignupfor your single event,certainsubscribersmaybe hookedinbyaseries 
particularlyif there isachallenge orrewardassociatedwithcompletingit(e.g.Produceyourown
eBookin Six Easy Lessons).
An addedbonus: If theylove the firstlessonand stickaroundforthe nextfive,notonlywill they
knowwhoyou are whentheysee yourname intheirinboxes youwill have createdthe habitof
17. Be visual!
21 Ways to Grow Your List Fast
Rememberthe oldadage,apicture speaksa thousandwords. If you design yoursign-upweb
contact formor landingpage correctly,whatitsaysto the right visitororviewerwillbe compelling.
Use richmedia. Create annotationsinYouTube videos. Use color,space,contrast,size andanything
else youcan thinkof to draw attention toyoursign-upofferorwebcontactform.
Anddo remembertosuityourvisual presentationtoyouraudience.
18. Create a special domain just for your landingpage.
Thisruleis especiallyimportantif youare attractinga sign-upbysuchmethodsasguestingon
online talkradioshowswhere yourhostispromotingyourURL.
People wontremember: Goto www.getyourgift.marketingwithmiltfurstly.comtheyre more
likelytorememberGoto www.getyourgift.com.
Keepyourdomainname short,dynamic,relevantandeasytoremember.
19. Add your sign-upURL to your digital signature
Do thisfor forumsandmembershipsites,whereyourdigital signature isautomaticallyincludedin
posts;as well asrighton your Welcomepage orsocial mediaAboutsections.
20. Pay attentionto Voice
Use yourauthenticvoice eveninyoursign-upform. Keepthe connection
 Short and to the point,if youare targetingthe veryrich
 Formal, if targetingleft-brainprofessionals
21 Ways to Grow Your List Fast
 Colloquial,if youare targetinggeographiclocationsandniche groupswithastronglinguistic
 Personal and informal,if youare basingyourwebsite onpersonality.
No matterwhatvoiceyou use,however,itshouldnever,eversoundstiltedandautomated.
21. Seekout interviews
Anothergreatwayto generate sign-ups: Becomingafeaturedguestonpodcastsandonline radio
talkshows. (Justmake sure your hostwill agree topromote yourlatestproductor website URL.)
It alwayscarriesmore weightwhensomeone alreadyrespectedinanindustryorniche vouchesfor
an unknown. Interviewsprovide youwithsocial proof,andyoure notleftawkwardlyblowing
your ownhornyourgrateful hostislikelytodothatfor you,verynaturallyandeasily.
Use multiple listgrowing tactics!
Whatevermethodsfeelmostcomfortabletoyou,dobe sure to targetmultiple tacticsand
techniques: Whatdoesntworkforone groupwill be sure towork forothers.
Part of beinga successful entrepreneurisnotonlybeingcreative,butbeingselective andfocused.
Use these twenty-one tipsinyourownunique way.

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21 ways to grow your list fast

  • 1. 21 Ways to Grow Your List Fast
  • 2. 21 Ways to Grow Your List Fast Growingyourlistisntjustthe resultof a one-timeprocessthatyousetup. It isall about makingthe mostof everyopportunitytoputyourself outthere andgetinfrontof rightpeople your target market. Savvysmall businessownersknowthere are manywaystodo that, includingthesetoplist-building techniques. 1. Put your sign up pitch on all your stationery One easyway to getyourideal clienttoeagerto workwithyou: Make sure you include asignup pitchon all your stationery includingbusinesscards. Thisdoesntmeantryingtofityour life historyina3.5 X 2 rectangle. Justadda line underyour signature thatcombines: Your incentive A simple call-to-action Your signup URL (Youcan evenmake yoursign-upcall-to-actionyourentire businesscard) 2. Come from a place of helping One of the biggestmistakessmallbusinesses make: Approachingpotentialclients withthe agenda of selling,pitchingaproductor gettingsomethingFROMsomebody. Create yoursignup incentive,box andcall-to-actionfromaplace of sharingandgiving. Thismeans genuinely(a) puttingyourself inyourpotential ideal clients shoesand(b) caringabouthow to make life instantlybetterforherandyouwill attract clients whowill notonlysignupforyourservice theyll rememberyourname.
  • 3. 21 Ways to Grow Your List Fast 3. Put your blog sign-upwebcontact form in the prime area Countlesstestsandstudies have shownthatthe bestplace tophysicallylocate yoursign-upbox is nearthe top,right-handcornerof your webpage,above the fold,asBloggingTipsdemonstrates here: The onlyexceptiontothis: If youare writinga blogforleft-handedpeople (seriously) inwhich case,place it on the left. The reason? Most right-handedpeopleseyesautomaticallyglance upatthe top rightside of any webpage theysurf into but southpawstendtoglance upand to the left! 4. Make themrememberyour name Itsone thingto capture a subscription,butitsawhole differentball game togetyour new subscribertorememberwhoyouare and whyshe shouldbe excitedtoreceive emailsfromyou. One way:Foregothe double-opt-inprocess. If youare offeringasimple templateortipsheet,make it ridiculouslyeasyforthemandinclude the downloadimmediately,rightonthe Thanksforsigning up page. (You can still sendyourwelcome email detailinghow oftentheyll hearfromyou,what theycan expect,etc.) Thisinstantdownloadwill be suchapleasantsurprise,itwillmake youstandoutfromyour competitors.
  • 4. 21 Ways to Grow Your List Fast 5. Include a sign-uplinkin everypost Dontrelysolelyonyourofficial webcontactformcontainedinyoursidebar: Make sure there isa waypeople cansubscribe andshare in everypost. You can do thisby includingasimple call toactionat the endof everyarticle. (E.g.Sign up here to receive weekly updates.) 6. Findcommon ground Alwaysbe askingyourself andthe personyoure talkingto(whetherornotitsthroughyour blog or in personatan event) What isgoingon inyour life? Findout whatis importanttothemand why. Askthemquestions. Reallylistentoandvalidate the answers. If youhave somethingrelevantto contribute,share asecretor two of your ownabouta similarproject. Be interested,genuine and real,and the connectionwill follow. Itsall about makingthat connection. 7. Be specific Is there anaction youwant yourideal client totake? The more specificanddirectyouare intelling them,the betterresponse youll get. For example,dontjustsay: For great logoscall usto see how we can helpyou. Saysomething like: Contactus NOWto findout HOW you can get a logo youll lovewithin the next7 daysorless. The more specificyouare,the betterqualified yourinquiry will be. 8. Dont wait for your product/service to be completedbefore startingyour list
  • 5. 21 Ways to Grow Your List Fast Many people make the mistake of waitinguntil theyfinishaproductbefore settingupa list.Its betterto start attractingand signinguppeople immediately. If you dontyethave a product, there are twoeasyways to go: Offera highly-relevantbutsimple incentive suchasa tipsheetor template especiallyif your template isforsomethingthatresultsfromarecentchange (e.g.new YouTube Channel Art specs). Offersomethingdirectlyconnectedto your upcomingproduct -- letreadersdownloada sample chapterof your upcomingdigital product,signuptobe notifiedwhenitiscomplete or signup to receive advance noticeata special price Usingthe lattertactic can reallyhelpyougauge how popularyourupcomingproductislikelytobe. 9. Make subscribingeasy Before addingCaptchaformsand extrafields,putyourself inyourvisitorsplace. Combine asimple but powerful incentive withdrop-deadeasysignup and give yourvisitorreasontobe grateful. Unlessthere isa specificreasonforaskingformore information,firstname andemail addressisall youneed. 10. Use QR Codes Withthe ever-explodingnumbersof mobilevisitors,domake sure you alsoinclude aQR code onyour webpagesand businessstationery includingputtingitonyourbusinesscard. A QR code is justa digital barcode. It takesvisitorswhoscanitwith theirmobilestoaspecificdestinationof yourchoosing,whichcan include awebsite,textmessage,phone number or your signup landingpage! 11. Ask in person! Whenattendinglocal eventsortalkingtoclientsinperson, allow themtospeakfirst.Most importantlyshowinterestinthem ask fortheirbusinesscards. Whentheyprovide one,askif youcan add themtoyour mailinglist. If theyhesitate,goonto state whattype of updatestheywill receive,andbe sure tosay how often these will be generated.One wordof caution neveradd someone toyourlistwhodidnot specificallygive youpermission. 12. Make full use of resource boxes
  • 6. 21 Ways to Grow Your List Fast Whenwritingguestpostsor articles,be sure toprovide aresource box. Thisis a little blurbatthe beginningorendof a post thatletspeople know whoyouare,whatyoucan offerandwhere to reach you. Followthe guidelinesof the directoryor blogyouare writingfor(eachone will be slightlydifferent). If you write fora blogthat doesntallow linksinthe resource box,be sure theydoallow themin your article andcreate a call to action,as guestblogger, ScottPurcell did,whenguestingon Problogger.net. 13. Offera free Webinar,TeleseminarorPodcast Thisis a great wayto attract newsubscribers. Everyone takesitasa matterof course that theyhave to signup to registerforyourevent and theyre onyourlistwhentheydo. Make sure youchoose a topicthat iscuttingedge,timelyandmuchneeded. Tapintocurrenttrends or changesinyour industry. Promise toprovide somethingnoone else does. (Itsall inthe promise!) 14. Use a specific,focusedlandingpage strictly for getting subscribers Whenpeople putlinksinarticles,blogposts,socialpostsandsoforth,theyoftenmake the mistake of providingalinktotheirwebsite home page. If youwantsignups,create a specificlandingpage or squeeze page justforyoursign-upofferandsign-upbox. 15. Use Social MediaApps
  • 7. 21 Ways to Grow Your List Fast Thisis possible one of the mostimportanttacticsyoucouldeverinvestin,giventhe popularityof (a) mobile apps(b) social media. There are all sortsof social mediaappsyoucan use to increase engagement andsign-upsbutat the veryleast,use an iFrame appto create custom tabsfor yourFacebookPage headerarea(and include sign-uplinksinothersocial media,suchasLinkedIn). You can use your customtabs forany purpose as actor Jackie Chanhasdone here. Andthat includesofferingsign-upincentives! 16. Create a Series Rememberwe talkedaboutwebinars,podcastsandteleseminars? One wayyoucan boostyour subscriptionsistocreate notjust a standalone event,butashort series. Whenyoucreate a short,focusedseries,youare givingawayfree teaching. Peopleoftenplace higherworthona seriesthanona stand-alone event(andyoucan evenuse astand-alone eventto promote yourseriesandcapture more sign-ups). Evenif theydidntsignupfor your single event,certainsubscribersmaybe hookedinbyaseries particularlyif there isachallenge orrewardassociatedwithcompletingit(e.g.Produceyourown eBookin Six Easy Lessons). An addedbonus: If theylove the firstlessonand stickaroundforthe nextfive,notonlywill they knowwhoyou are whentheysee yourname intheirinboxes youwill have createdthe habitof engagingwithyou. 17. Be visual!
  • 8. 21 Ways to Grow Your List Fast Rememberthe oldadage,apicture speaksa thousandwords. If you design yoursign-upweb contact formor landingpage correctly,whatitsaysto the right visitororviewerwillbe compelling. Use richmedia. Create annotationsinYouTube videos. Use color,space,contrast,size andanything else youcan thinkof to draw attention toyoursign-upofferorwebcontactform. Anddo remembertosuityourvisual presentationtoyouraudience. 18. Create a special domain just for your landingpage. Thisruleis especiallyimportantif youare attractinga sign-upbysuchmethodsasguestingon online talkradioshowswhere yourhostispromotingyourURL. People wontremember: Goto www.getyourgift.marketingwithmiltfurstly.comtheyre more likelytorememberGoto www.getyourgift.com. Keepyourdomainname short,dynamic,relevantandeasytoremember. 19. Add your sign-upURL to your digital signature Do thisfor forumsandmembershipsites,whereyourdigital signature isautomaticallyincludedin posts;as well asrighton your Welcomepage orsocial mediaAboutsections. 20. Pay attentionto Voice Use yourauthenticvoice eveninyoursign-upform. Keepthe connection Short and to the point,if youare targetingthe veryrich Formal, if targetingleft-brainprofessionals
  • 9. 21 Ways to Grow Your List Fast Colloquial,if youare targetinggeographiclocationsandniche groupswithastronglinguistic sub-culture Personal and informal,if youare basingyourwebsite onpersonality. No matterwhatvoiceyou use,however,itshouldnever,eversoundstiltedandautomated. 21. Seekout interviews Anothergreatwayto generate sign-ups: Becomingafeaturedguestonpodcastsandonline radio talkshows. (Justmake sure your hostwill agree topromote yourlatestproductor website URL.) It alwayscarriesmore weightwhensomeone alreadyrespectedinanindustryorniche vouchesfor an unknown. Interviewsprovide youwithsocial proof,andyoure notleftawkwardlyblowing your ownhornyourgrateful hostislikelytodothatfor you,verynaturallyandeasily. Use multiple listgrowing tactics! Whatevermethodsfeelmostcomfortabletoyou,dobe sure to targetmultiple tacticsand techniques: Whatdoesntworkforone groupwill be sure towork forothers. Part of beinga successful entrepreneurisnotonlybeingcreative,butbeingselective andfocused. Use these twenty-one tipsinyourownunique way.