Este documento contiene un test de 40 preguntas sobre la Constitución Española de 1978. El test cubre temas como los derechos y deberes fundamentales, la estructura del Estado, las fuentes del derecho y la organización territorial. El objetivo es evaluar los conocimientos básicos sobre la Carta Magna española.
This document provides information on various homeopathic remedies including key symptoms, modalities, and tissue affinities. It discusses remedies such as Aconite, Apis Mellifica, and Antimonium Tartaricum. Key points include:
- Aconite is indicated for sudden onset of acute diseases with anxiety, restlessness, and fear. Symptoms are worse from dry, cold weather and better in open air.
- Apis Mellifica's symptoms center around irritation and swelling, especially of the face, genitals and hands. Symptoms are aggravated by heat and alleviated by cold.
- Antimonium Tartaricum is useful for rattling mucus in the lungs, vomiting,