This document outlines three goals for a healthier lifestyle in college: drink more water, cut down on junk food, and go to the gym more. For the first goal of drinking more water, the author started carrying two water bottles and estimated drinking half a liter more water per day without feeling thirsty. For the second goal of reducing junk food, the author gave away snacks from their dorm room and only ate junk food outside the room, feeling better about eating habits. The third goal was to go to the gym more, which the author achieved by changing into gym clothes after class and consistently going four out of five times that week, the most they had ever gone.
3. My context
Multiple times a day, I feel thirsty but don't
have water close by
Very likely that I'm constantly dehydrated
Only drink water during meals and at water
fountains that I pass by
Drink more water
Goal #1
4. What I did
Start with two water bottles
If one was empty, refill
Always have them at my desk, where I
spend a significant amount of my time
Drink more water
Goal #1
5. Results
Estimated drinking half a liter more of water
a day
Haven't noticed being thirsty outside of the
dorm room
Drink more water
Goal #1
7. Context
Often have candy and cookies in my room
When working on homework or studying
(usually after 8PM), snacking
I tend to snack more the harder the task is -
so food is more of a comfort than a necessity
Obviously, this isn't healthy!
Cut down on junk food
Goal #2
8. What I did
Gave away my cookies and candy to my
Did not buy anymore junk food or bring back
any to my dorm
Previously went to Trader Joe's once a week to buy
cookies and other snacks. Stopped doing that!
If I wanted to eat junk food, I would eat it
outside of my room
example: A friend asked if I wanted a candy bar. I
ate it in the hallway while talking to her.
Cut down on junk food
Goal #2
9. Results
Significantly less snacking
Replaced stress eating with chewing gum
(some nights go through 4 pieces)
Feel better about my eating habits!
Cut down on junk food
Goal #2
11. Context
During my past two college years, I had
been trying to incorporate going to the gym
into my normal routine
Previous attempts: scheduling going with
friends, signing up for an athletic class,
adding it to my calendar, iPhone alarm
Nothing stuck!
Go to the gym more
Goal #3
12. What I did
After getting back to the dorm from my last
class, I changed into gym clothes
gym shirt and shorts
socks and running shoes
If I did not go to the gym before an event
(dinner, office hours), I went to the event in
my gym clothes
And I was consistent.
Go to the gym more
Goal #3
13. Results
During the past work week, I went 4 out of 5
once after dinner
once immediately after changing
twice after doing ~30 minutes of email/homework
Most times I've ever gone
And still motivated to go!
Go to the gym more
Goal #3