Beyond the Platform: Enabling Fluid AnalysisEric Kavanagh
When the analysts aren’t happy, no one is happy. That’s because these days, practically every aspect of the business is driven by insights. And because information architectures are increasingly complex, any number of issues can cause a slowdown in queries, or even basic reporting. How can your organization ensure that all systems are go?
Register for this episode of The Briefing Room to learn from veteran Analyst Dr. Robin Bloor as he explains the common roadblocks to successful BI and analytics. He'll be briefed by Stan Geiger of IDERA, who previously demonstrated how his company’s SQL BI Manager can optimize platform health and performance. In this episode, he will dive deeper into how IDERA’s solution resolves resource constraints, user activity and capacity issues, making tiresome troubleshooting a thing of the past.
Elecciones USA 2012: los 12 factores decisivosAntoni
Sobre el eBook 'Elecciones USA 2012: los 12 factores decisivos'
Beyond the Platform: Enabling Fluid AnalysisEric Kavanagh
When the analysts aren’t happy, no one is happy. That’s because these days, practically every aspect of the business is driven by insights. And because information architectures are increasingly complex, any number of issues can cause a slowdown in queries, or even basic reporting. How can your organization ensure that all systems are go?
Register for this episode of The Briefing Room to learn from veteran Analyst Dr. Robin Bloor as he explains the common roadblocks to successful BI and analytics. He'll be briefed by Stan Geiger of IDERA, who previously demonstrated how his company’s SQL BI Manager can optimize platform health and performance. In this episode, he will dive deeper into how IDERA’s solution resolves resource constraints, user activity and capacity issues, making tiresome troubleshooting a thing of the past.
Elecciones USA 2012: los 12 factores decisivosAntoni
Sobre el eBook 'Elecciones USA 2012: los 12 factores decisivos'
A y webre felt?lt?tt videóhoz kiegészít? információkat kapcsolhatunk, anélkül, hogy az eredeti videó tartalma megváltozna.
Ezt úgy ?rténik, hogy a felhasználó által létrehozott információs tartalmat egy kül?n rétegen (PLY ) helyezi el. Lejátszáskor a szerver szinkronizálja a videót és a hozzá kapcsolódó PLY-t.
Egy videóhoz t?bb PLY is kapcsolódhat, de lejátszáskor csak az egyik jelenhet meg. Az alkalmazás nem teszi lehet?vé, hogy egy másik felhasználó annotációját szerkesszük.
California has a long coastline and is home to major cities like Los Angeles and Sacramento. There are many beaches where visitors can surf or enjoy the ocean. Popular tourist destinations include Los Angeles with its rich urban neighborhoods and Disneyland. Visitors can also explore natural parks like Yosemite and Sequoia which feature beautiful scenery. The document provides recommendations for hotels in San Francisco and Los Angeles as well as noting that sunny weather between 17-35 degrees Celsius can be expected during a 10 day trip.
The document discusses India's Inter-Linking of Rivers project. It proposes linking water-surplus rivers to water-deficit areas through canals to better manage water resources. The project would include 30 links divided into Himalayan and Peninsular components to transfer water across river basins. It is estimated to provide 25 million hectares of new irrigation, 34,000 MW of power, and benefits like flood control and water supply. While large in scale and cost, the project could help address uneven water distribution and support national development, though environmental impacts are uncertain.
Dish Network Profile (Business Communications, NYU Stern - Yu)Jason Rawlins
Dish Network is a Fortune 200 company that started in 1980 and provides satellite television, bundled with phone and internet services. It offers proprietary DVR technology like the Hopper that allows recording of multiple channels and skipping commercials. While revenues have remained steady, gross profits and net income have declined in the past year. The company is trying to expand into wireless services and repair its reputation through employee and customer initiatives, while continuing to innovate its products and services to attract more subscribers.
El documento habla sobre los embarazos en la adolescencia. Define el embarazo adolescente como aquel que ocurre entre la pubertad y los 19 a?os de edad. Luego enumera los riesgos para el hijo, la madre y la sociedad que conlleva un embarazo en la adolescencia, como altas tasas de morbilidad y mortalidad infantil y materna, sufrimiento fetal, partos complicados, abandono de estudios, y un mayor número de ni?os maltratados o involucrados en delincuencia.
Nirmal Kumar is a piping engineer with over 6 years of experience in oil and gas refineries. He has extensive experience in piping design, cost estimation, site surveys, and project management. Nirmal holds a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering and is proficient in CADWorx Plant, PDMS, AutoCAD, and other piping design software. He currently works as a Design Engineer in Kuwait, where he is responsible for piping layouts, calculations, stress analysis, and project coordination.
The communication plan outlines various e-communication methods to promote the SmartShoe Trainer XR, including:
1. Using cookies and website browsing data to target ads and offers to visitors based on their interests.
2. Developing a YouTube channel and social media presence to build an online community and share promotional videos.
3. Creating a mobile app and companion mobile website to further engage and track runners.
4. Implementing email marketing campaigns to target professional runners with personalized content and collect consumer data.
Allianz Indonesia - 11th MR Microinsurance Conference - Upselling on Credit L...Yoga Prasetyo
Allianz Indonesia has piloted an upselling program with microfinance partners to offer voluntary insurance products like personal accident and hospital cash plans to existing credit life customers. A study found that 45% of credit life customers were unaware of their insurance coverage. The pilot program saw a 5% conversion rate on average across 4 partners reaching over 12,000 customers. Successful partners integrated insurance explanations and sales into their standard operating procedures, while unsuccessful partners lacked clear rules and staff awareness. Moving forward, Allianz plans to scale up the approach, improve renewals, conduct awareness campaigns tied to sales, and develop more attractive product offerings.
Solar Roadways:- introduction, principle , features , applications , advantages and disadvantages, recent project status, future scope etc... 狠狠撸s contains pictures and charts too... useful for projects and seminars.
1. The document describes how a custom Java applet integrates with Oracle Forms to provide recipe/formula/routing design functionality. It discusses communication between the applet and Forms, the structure of the applet code, debugging techniques, and setup instructions.
2. The applet code is divided into common, client, and server packages. The client code runs in a browser and communicates with server code via data managers. Server code interacts with the database through JDBC and PL/SQL packages.
3. Debugging involves using print statements in the client code and log files in the server code. The applet is set up by configuring the JDeveloper IDE and importing required Forms
14. Database Startup
- Startup: nomount, mount and open
? oracle数据库的启动可以分为这些阶段: 启动实例(内存+
进程), 挂载数据库(mount), 打开数据库(open). 数据库具
此时数据库实例已经启动, 并且已读取控制文件.
数据库实例已经启动, 数据文件被打开, 等待客户端用户连接.
? 在不同的数据库启动阶段需要读取相应的文件, 那么
oracle是如何读取到这些文件的呢? 下面按照数据库启动
此阶段需要读取数据库初始化参数文件, 参考《 Parameter file》
15. Database Startup
- Startup: nomount, mount and open
此阶段需要读取控制文件, 控制文件是通过前一
阶段读取的CONTROL_FILES参数进行定位的. 这一
的位置信息, 但此时不会定位和读取这些文件.
20. Data Dictionary Views
? Oracle数据字典是对数据库的定义, 动态性能视图则包含
了当前实例的运行性能信息, 这两者对于实例性能的监
? Data Dictionary Views
数据字典包含的是数据库元数据, 它包括: 数据库的物理
和逻辑描述, 数据库对象(表/索引/PLSQL过程)描述, 完整
性约束, 用户定义, 安全信息, 以及性能监控信息. 数据字
典以段(segment) 存储在SYSTEM/SYSAUX表空间中. 常用
– DBA_OBJECTS A row for every object in the database
– DBA_DATA_FILES A row describing every datafile
– DBA_USERS A row describing each user
– DBA_TABLES A row describing each table
– DBA_ALERT_HISTORY Rows describing past alert conditions