El documento resume las distintas fases y aspectos procesales del arbitraje nacional de acuerdo con la Ley 1563 de 2012. Explica las etapas desde la demanda hasta los alegatos finales, incluyendo la gesti坦n inicial de las partes, la audiencia de conciliaci坦n, las audiencias de tr叩mite, y los aspectos contextuales como el uso de medios electr坦nicos, honorarios, competencia y pruebas.
This document provides a summary of sound measurements taken in the upper ground floor of an office extension building. Sound levels were too high, ranging from 60-78dB where 35-50dB is recommended. Potential causes of excessive noise were identified as the high inclined ceiling, lightweight plasterboard ceiling material, and insufficient acoustic materials. Calculations of room volume, absorption coefficients, and Sabine's formula were used to determine the current reverberation times were 6.02s at 500Hz and 4.56s at 1000Hz, above the recommended 0.5-1.2s for open plan offices. Solutions to reduce reverberation times and noise levels are needed.
O documento descreve a hist坦ria da associa巽達o Buckfast Portugal, desde os primeiros passos de Paulo Gon巽alves com apicultura at辿 a funda巽達o da associa巽達o. A associa巽達o foi formada para promover a abelha Buckfast em Portugal atrav辿s da reprodu巽達o, forma巽達o e sensibiliza巽達o. A associa巽達o agora opera uma esta巽達o de acasalamento dirigido e planeja eventos futuros para expandir seu alcance.
Dokumen tersebut memberikan panduan untuk membuat presentasi slide yang efektif dengan menggunakan satu slide satu pesan, sederhana, menjelaskan dengan jelas, kuat secara visual, dan teks yang ringkas serta alur yang teratur. Dokumen itu juga menyebutkan fasilitas yang tersedia di sekolah seperti ruang kelas, perpustakaan, laboratorium, jaringan internet, dan lapangan basket.
43948_HPE Big Data Svcs infographic finalJoleneDobbin
The document describes HP's big data software consulting services which help organizations progress through five stages of big data adoption: 1) Nascent, 2) Pre-Adoption, 3) Early Adoption, 4) Corporate Adoption, and 5) Mature/Visionary. At each stage, HP provides services to help organizations achieve milestones and move to the next level, such as developing strategies, assessing needs, designing solutions, and implementing hybrid data management and predictive analytics.
El documento describe las etapas del proceso de ventas. Incluye 7 etapas: 1) Preparaci坦n, 2) Contacto con el cliente, 3) Determinaci坦n de necesidades, 4) Argumentaci坦n, 5) Tratamiento de objeciones, 6) Cierre de la venta, y 7) Reflexi坦n. En cada etapa se detallan aspectos como la organizaci坦n del vendedor, objetivos espec鱈ficos, estrategias de venta, tipos de preguntas, y t辿cnicas para tratar objeciones y cerrar la venta.
Articulo sobre un proyecto para crear Empresas Justas y Equitativas. Se basa sobre el contenido de la Charla de TED: "Why we need to rethink capitalism" - "Por qu辿 necesitamos repensar el capitalismo".
Link: http://www.virgin.com/richard-branson/why-we-need-to-rethink-capitalism
Esta charla fue presentada en las Charlas de TED realizadas en el Vancouver BC en Marzo de 2015 por el empresario y fil叩ntropo Paul Tudor Jones II, director del Grupo Tudor, quien tambi辿n hace parte de las iniciativas Team B y de Just Capital
Women and Children First is a nonprofit organization that provides services to victims of domestic violence in Arkansas, including crisis intervention and shelter. In the last year, the organization housed over 582 individuals and provided services to thousands more. However, it relies heavily on volunteers to run its programs. The top need is attracting and retaining more volunteers. The organization believes recruiting college students could help, as Arkansas ranks high for college volunteer rates. Younger volunteers could help through social media to raise awareness. An effective communication plan is needed to gain more long-term volunteers to help the organization grow.
Este documento presenta el syllabus de un curso de Administraci坦n Financiera. El curso tiene una duraci坦n de 2 cr辿ditos y busca que los estudiantes comprendan la importancia del capital de trabajo y su administraci坦n en las empresas. El syllabus describe los objetivos de aprendizaje, competencias, metodolog鱈a, cronograma y criterios de evaluaci坦n del curso.
Este documento describe los estilos de comunicaci坦n y relaci坦n entre personas seg炭n sus tendencias de comportamiento. Explica que la comunicaci坦n efectiva depende del contenido transmitido y la relaci坦n entre los interlocutores. Adem叩s, identifica cuatro tendencias principales (dominante, promotor, influyente y anal鱈tico), detallando las caracter鱈sticas clave de cada una y recomendaciones para comunicarse de manera persuasiva con cada perfil.
Wage boards are tripartite bodies that represent employers, labor, and independent members to regulate wages in industries. They were established to settle wage disputes as an alternative to adjudication under the Industrial Dispute Act. Wage boards consist of equal numbers of representatives from employers and workers, plus an independent chairperson, to make acceptable decisions on minimum wages, cost of living adjustments, regional differentials, and other issues. The first wage boards were set up in the cotton textiles and sugar industries. They recommend wages and resolve wage-related disputes in a tripartite manner representing labor, management, and public interests.
El Mensaje Presidencial N属 199/364 que otorga reajuste de remuneraciones del Sector P炭blico, fu辿 enviado hoy 25.10.2016, sin el consenso de la Mesa del Sector P炭blico (MSP).
Un amigo escribe una carta a Javier expresando que 辿l y sus otros amigos lo extra単an mucho a un a単o de su ausencia, y que siempre recordar叩 los buenos momentos que pasaron juntos y c坦mo Javier siempre ser叩 parte importante de su vida.
Women and Children First is a nonprofit organization that provides services to victims of domestic violence in Arkansas, including crisis intervention and shelter. In the last year, the organization housed over 582 individuals and provided services to thousands more. However, it relies heavily on volunteers to run its programs. The top need is attracting and retaining more volunteers. The organization believes recruiting college students could help, as Arkansas ranks high for college volunteer rates. Younger volunteers could help through social media to raise awareness. An effective communication plan is needed to gain more long-term volunteers to help the organization grow.
Este documento presenta el syllabus de un curso de Administraci坦n Financiera. El curso tiene una duraci坦n de 2 cr辿ditos y busca que los estudiantes comprendan la importancia del capital de trabajo y su administraci坦n en las empresas. El syllabus describe los objetivos de aprendizaje, competencias, metodolog鱈a, cronograma y criterios de evaluaci坦n del curso.
Este documento describe los estilos de comunicaci坦n y relaci坦n entre personas seg炭n sus tendencias de comportamiento. Explica que la comunicaci坦n efectiva depende del contenido transmitido y la relaci坦n entre los interlocutores. Adem叩s, identifica cuatro tendencias principales (dominante, promotor, influyente y anal鱈tico), detallando las caracter鱈sticas clave de cada una y recomendaciones para comunicarse de manera persuasiva con cada perfil.
Wage boards are tripartite bodies that represent employers, labor, and independent members to regulate wages in industries. They were established to settle wage disputes as an alternative to adjudication under the Industrial Dispute Act. Wage boards consist of equal numbers of representatives from employers and workers, plus an independent chairperson, to make acceptable decisions on minimum wages, cost of living adjustments, regional differentials, and other issues. The first wage boards were set up in the cotton textiles and sugar industries. They recommend wages and resolve wage-related disputes in a tripartite manner representing labor, management, and public interests.
El Mensaje Presidencial N属 199/364 que otorga reajuste de remuneraciones del Sector P炭blico, fu辿 enviado hoy 25.10.2016, sin el consenso de la Mesa del Sector P炭blico (MSP).
Un amigo escribe una carta a Javier expresando que 辿l y sus otros amigos lo extra単an mucho a un a単o de su ausencia, y que siempre recordar叩 los buenos momentos que pasaron juntos y c坦mo Javier siempre ser叩 parte importante de su vida.