Reproductive health refers to physical, emotional, behavioral, and social well-being related to reproduction. The World Health Organization defines it as a complete state of well-being in all matters relating to the reproductive system and its functions and processes. India was one of the first countries to initiate family planning programs in 1951 to promote total reproductive health as a social goal. These programs, now called Reproductive and Child Health Care Programs, aim to create awareness about reproductive health issues and provide support and facilities to build a healthier society. The government has taken measures such as using media to raise awareness, introducing sex education in schools, and providing medical facilities and care related to pregnancy, childbirth, sexually transmitted diseases, and other reproductive health issues
It is the state of physical, emotional, behavioural and social fitness for leading
a reproductive life.
According to WHO: A total well being in all aspects of reproduction, i.e.,
physical, emotional, behavioural and social.
3. Reproductive Health- Problems Strategies
India was among the 1st countries to initiate actions & plans to attain
total reproductive health as social goal.
These programs are called as FAMILY PLANNING-initiated in
Improved programs covering reproduction related areas are in
operation- Reproductive & Child Health Care Programs (RCH)
Create awareness about various reproduction aspects & provide
facilities and support to build reproductively healthy society
Through the help of audio-visuals & print media to create awareness.
Family members, close relations are involved in the awareness.
Sex education is introduced in schools to provide awareness
Proper information about reproductive organs, adolescence &
related changes , safe & hygienic sexual practices, sexually transmitted
diseases (STD), AIDS etc.
Educating people about birth control options, care of pregnant women, post-
natal care of mother & child, importance of breast feeding, equal importance
to both male & female child- socially conscious healthy family
Awareness of uncontrolled population growth, social evils- build socially
responsible healthy society
5. Implementation of various action plan requires infrastructural facilities,
professional expertise & material support to provide medical assistance and
care to people in reproduction related problems, pregnancy, delivery, STDs,
abortions, contraception, menstrual problems, infertility etc.
Statutory ban on Amniocentesis- legally check female foeticide.
7. Massive child immunisation- programs
Researches on reproduction related areas, supported by gov. & non-
governmental agencies to improve/ find new methods upon the existing ones.
Saheli (Contraceptive)- Central Drug Research Institute (CDRI)
Improved reproductive healthy society- increased medically assisted
deliveries, better post natal care, decreased maternal & infant mortality rate,
small families, better detection & cure of STDs- increased facilities for sex
related problems