This document discusses the senses and nervous system. It explains that sense organs like the eyes and ears detect environmental information and transmit nerve impulses to the brain or spinal cord for interpretation. The brain or spinal cord then responds by sending nerve impulses to muscles to allow for voluntary or involuntary movement. Specifically, it describes how the eye works through the pupil, lens and retina to transmit light and color information to the brain via the optic nerve. It also explains the basic anatomy and function of the ear in hearing sounds waves and transmitting signals through the ossicles, cochlea and auditory nerve.
The document is an editorial for issue 3 of Ad Libitum, an arts journal, which highlights brilliant artists both past and present featured in the issue. It thanks supporters of the journal and provides brief biographies of the founding member, editor, and designers. The editorial invites readers to freely enjoy the variety of artistic expressions created by contributors from the journal's community.
Smart phones have revolutionized communication and affected modern society in several ways. Research shows that smart phones impact productivity, communication in the workplace, social engagement, and education. They allow access to information anywhere and facilitate multi-tasking. Social media tools on smart phones make it easier to socialize. While smart phones can enhance learning, their overuse may reduce productivity. Research predicts that smart phone usage and ownership will continue increasing significantly.
Where The Candidates Stand On Financial Issuespfoley11
Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have significant differences in their tax policy positions. Obama supports maintaining current tax rates for lower and middle income individuals and raising rates above $250,000/$200,000. Romney supports cutting all tax rates by 20% and eliminating tax preferences to pay for it. They also differ on taxes on investment income, with Obama supporting higher rates above thresholds and Romney supporting eliminating taxes below $200,000.
The document discusses health and illnesses. It defines health as a state of physical and social well-being, while illnesses are health problems that affect the body's organs. It outlines different types of illnesses and diseases, their causes and symptoms. Infectious diseases are caused by microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, protozoans and fungi. Non-infectious diseases include allergies, malnutrition, and mental illness. The document also provides tips for preventing infectious diseases through healthy lifestyle habits and vaccinations.
The library is an organized collection of information resources like books, periodicals, newspapers, manuscripts, films, maps, documents, CDs, DVDs, audiobooks and other formats. A librarian is available to assist patrons in finding books using the catalogue, which is usually accessible via computer. Libraries come in many forms around the world and serve to research, archive, and preserve historical documents and information for societies.
The animal kingdom is divided into two groups: invertebrates and vertebrates. Vertebrates have a skeleton. Amphibians like frogs live in parts of Eurasia, Indochina and North America, are excellent jumpers, and eat insects. Reptiles like iguanas live in parts of Central America, South America and the Caribbean, and are excellent climbers. The document also mentions fish like megalodon and a prehistoric animal.
This document discusses several sea animals, including dolphins which are friendly, sharks which are scary, seahorses which are beautiful, octopuses which have 8 legs, and walruses which are fat.
Coach Jones advocated for a disabled student named Radio to fully participate in school activities. He arranged for Radio to assist teachers and monitored the hallways, teaching the community that everyone deserves acceptance. Coach Jones was a shining example of positive attitude and team spirit. He also taught Radio many life lessons outside of school.
John, an educated slave, secretly taught the slave girl Sarny to read at night, believing that knowledge was key to helping slaves achieve freedom. Sarny risked punishment by stealing a Bible to read. John was determined to teach her all he knew as long as she wanted to learn.
This document outlines the key biological differences between male and female reproductive systems during puberty. It notes that boys develop a penis and testicles while girls develop a vagina, ovaries, and uterus. During puberty, girls experience changes like developing breasts and wider hips while boys experience deeper voices and more muscle mass. The document also summarizes the female and male reproductive cells and the process of fertilization, pregnancy, and birth.
Spain has a diverse landscape with significant variations in geographical relief. In central Spain, the Meseta is a high plateau surrounded by mountain ranges. Coastlines vary from rocky cliffs in the north to sandy beaches in the south. Major rivers flow to the Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Cantabrian seas. Natural landscapes include mountainous areas, valleys, and nature reserves while humanized landscapes consist of rural farmland and urban cities. Forests, scrubland, alpine, and subtropical landscapes all contribute to Spain's landscape diversity depending on climate and location.
This document provides guidance for district deputy grand masters on submitting reports on their term of office. It outlines that deputy grand masters are to exercise general supervision of craft in their district and submit an interim report by December 31 at the request of the incoming grand master, as well as a final report by May 1 to the grand lodge master. The document offers tips for deputy grand masters on planning visitations, installations, and other duties and for writing reports that are factual, fair, honest, note strengths and weaknesses, and include the deputy grand master's opinion.
This document is a price list from Trade Technocrats Ltd., a company located in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada that sells botanicals, herbs, spices, essential oils, herbal teas, and extracts. It provides the botanical name, unit, and price for over 100 individual herb and plant items. Prices are subject to change and listed as of January 2011.
The document discusses the basic structure and functions of the human body. It covers the digestive system, including the organs that make up the alimentary canal and glands involved in digestion. It also addresses healthy foods and a balanced diet. The respiratory system is introduced, naming the airways and lungs. The process of breathing is explained as inhalation and exhalation.
Este cat叩logo presenta una variedad de productos para juegos, incluyendo fuentes de alimentaci坦n, cajas para PC, ratones, auriculares, ventiladores y kits de refrigeraci坦n l鱈quida. Proporciona detalles t辿cnicos como potencia, tama単os, materiales, conectores y especificaciones de cada producto.
The document discusses the layers of the atmosphere, tools for measuring weather, and climate. It describes the troposphere, stratosphere, and ionosphere layers of the atmosphere, noting what occurs in each layer. It then lists common tools used to measure precipitation, temperature, wind speed, air pressure, and wind direction for weather reporting. Finally, it mentions that climate maps show the climate of different regions.
Vertebrates have a spinal column and internal skeleton with a head, trunk, and extremities. They classify into five groups: fish, amphibians, birds, reptiles, and mammals. Fish have scales, gills, fins and lay eggs in water. Amphibians have gills as young and lungs as adults and absorb oxygen through their skin. They lay eggs and most eat insects. Reptiles have scales, breathe with lungs, lay eggs, and can be carnivores or herbivores such as lizards, snakes, turtles and crocodiles. Birds have feathers, lungs, lay eggs, and two legs and wings to fly and eat plants, grains, insects or meat. M
Alfalah Insurance Company Limited provides international private medical insurance backed by Abu Dhabi Group and leading reinsurers. It has won numerous awards for its innovative insurance solutions and growing network in major Pakistani cities. It offers health coverage plans for SGM Sugar Mills ranging from $850,000 to $3,400,000 annually with options for outpatient coverage, dental, maternity, medical evacuation, and chronic conditions. Coverage areas include Europe, USA, and rest of world. Plans provide benefits such as inpatient treatment, daycare, outpatient consultations and tests, dental, wellness, terminal illness care, ambulance, transplants, nursing, and emergency coverage outside area.
The document outlines the major components of the solar system, including the sun which provides light and heat, 8 planets that orbit the sun and can be categorized as rocky or gaseous, satellites or moons that orbit planets like Mars' Phobos and Deimos and Jupiter's many moons, and comets which are rocks with tails that reflect sunlight.
The document is a science project about the Earth in the universe. It begins by discussing how the universe was formed in the Big Bang and galaxies emerged. Our galaxy is the Milky Way, and there are different shapes of galaxies. It then describes our solar system, noting the eight planets that revolve around the sun including the inner planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars and outer planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The project also mentions Halley's comet and details how Earth rotates and revolves, causing four seasons, and has the moon as its satellite which goes through phases over 28 days, including solar and lunar eclipses.
This document lists various occupations that could be dressed up for a fancy dress party, including secretary, firefighter, lawyer, judge, businessman/woman, TV presenter, singer, architect, pilot, computer programmer, writer, flight attendant, photographer, journalist, and mechanic. It provides a brief 1-2 sentence description of the typical duties or activities associated with each occupation.
This document provides descriptions of various English fancy dress costumes including secretary, flight attendant, businessman, businesswoman, firefighter, TV presenter, journalist, architect, mechanic, singer, photographer, and pilot. For each costume it gives a brief 1-2 sentence description of the associated job or profession to help inform what someone dressed in that costume would be pretending to do.
This document provides descriptions of various English fancy dress costumes including secretary, flight attendant, businessman, businesswoman, firefighter, TV presenter, journalist, architect, mechanic, singer, photographer, and pilot. For each costume it gives a brief 1-2 sentence description of the associated job or profession to help someone dress up as that character for an English fancy dress event.
The library is an organized collection of information resources like books, periodicals, newspapers, manuscripts, films, maps, documents, CDs, DVDs, audiobooks and other formats. A librarian is available to assist patrons in finding books using the catalogue, which is usually accessible via computer. Libraries come in many forms around the world and serve to research, archive, and preserve historical documents and information for societies.
The animal kingdom is divided into two groups: invertebrates and vertebrates. Vertebrates have a skeleton. Amphibians like frogs live in parts of Eurasia, Indochina and North America, are excellent jumpers, and eat insects. Reptiles like iguanas live in parts of Central America, South America and the Caribbean, and are excellent climbers. The document also mentions fish like megalodon and a prehistoric animal.
This document discusses several sea animals, including dolphins which are friendly, sharks which are scary, seahorses which are beautiful, octopuses which have 8 legs, and walruses which are fat.
Coach Jones advocated for a disabled student named Radio to fully participate in school activities. He arranged for Radio to assist teachers and monitored the hallways, teaching the community that everyone deserves acceptance. Coach Jones was a shining example of positive attitude and team spirit. He also taught Radio many life lessons outside of school.
John, an educated slave, secretly taught the slave girl Sarny to read at night, believing that knowledge was key to helping slaves achieve freedom. Sarny risked punishment by stealing a Bible to read. John was determined to teach her all he knew as long as she wanted to learn.
This document outlines the key biological differences between male and female reproductive systems during puberty. It notes that boys develop a penis and testicles while girls develop a vagina, ovaries, and uterus. During puberty, girls experience changes like developing breasts and wider hips while boys experience deeper voices and more muscle mass. The document also summarizes the female and male reproductive cells and the process of fertilization, pregnancy, and birth.
Spain has a diverse landscape with significant variations in geographical relief. In central Spain, the Meseta is a high plateau surrounded by mountain ranges. Coastlines vary from rocky cliffs in the north to sandy beaches in the south. Major rivers flow to the Atlantic, Mediterranean, and Cantabrian seas. Natural landscapes include mountainous areas, valleys, and nature reserves while humanized landscapes consist of rural farmland and urban cities. Forests, scrubland, alpine, and subtropical landscapes all contribute to Spain's landscape diversity depending on climate and location.
This document provides guidance for district deputy grand masters on submitting reports on their term of office. It outlines that deputy grand masters are to exercise general supervision of craft in their district and submit an interim report by December 31 at the request of the incoming grand master, as well as a final report by May 1 to the grand lodge master. The document offers tips for deputy grand masters on planning visitations, installations, and other duties and for writing reports that are factual, fair, honest, note strengths and weaknesses, and include the deputy grand master's opinion.
This document is a price list from Trade Technocrats Ltd., a company located in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada that sells botanicals, herbs, spices, essential oils, herbal teas, and extracts. It provides the botanical name, unit, and price for over 100 individual herb and plant items. Prices are subject to change and listed as of January 2011.
The document discusses the basic structure and functions of the human body. It covers the digestive system, including the organs that make up the alimentary canal and glands involved in digestion. It also addresses healthy foods and a balanced diet. The respiratory system is introduced, naming the airways and lungs. The process of breathing is explained as inhalation and exhalation.
Este cat叩logo presenta una variedad de productos para juegos, incluyendo fuentes de alimentaci坦n, cajas para PC, ratones, auriculares, ventiladores y kits de refrigeraci坦n l鱈quida. Proporciona detalles t辿cnicos como potencia, tama単os, materiales, conectores y especificaciones de cada producto.
The document discusses the layers of the atmosphere, tools for measuring weather, and climate. It describes the troposphere, stratosphere, and ionosphere layers of the atmosphere, noting what occurs in each layer. It then lists common tools used to measure precipitation, temperature, wind speed, air pressure, and wind direction for weather reporting. Finally, it mentions that climate maps show the climate of different regions.
Vertebrates have a spinal column and internal skeleton with a head, trunk, and extremities. They classify into five groups: fish, amphibians, birds, reptiles, and mammals. Fish have scales, gills, fins and lay eggs in water. Amphibians have gills as young and lungs as adults and absorb oxygen through their skin. They lay eggs and most eat insects. Reptiles have scales, breathe with lungs, lay eggs, and can be carnivores or herbivores such as lizards, snakes, turtles and crocodiles. Birds have feathers, lungs, lay eggs, and two legs and wings to fly and eat plants, grains, insects or meat. M
Alfalah Insurance Company Limited provides international private medical insurance backed by Abu Dhabi Group and leading reinsurers. It has won numerous awards for its innovative insurance solutions and growing network in major Pakistani cities. It offers health coverage plans for SGM Sugar Mills ranging from $850,000 to $3,400,000 annually with options for outpatient coverage, dental, maternity, medical evacuation, and chronic conditions. Coverage areas include Europe, USA, and rest of world. Plans provide benefits such as inpatient treatment, daycare, outpatient consultations and tests, dental, wellness, terminal illness care, ambulance, transplants, nursing, and emergency coverage outside area.
The document outlines the major components of the solar system, including the sun which provides light and heat, 8 planets that orbit the sun and can be categorized as rocky or gaseous, satellites or moons that orbit planets like Mars' Phobos and Deimos and Jupiter's many moons, and comets which are rocks with tails that reflect sunlight.
The document is a science project about the Earth in the universe. It begins by discussing how the universe was formed in the Big Bang and galaxies emerged. Our galaxy is the Milky Way, and there are different shapes of galaxies. It then describes our solar system, noting the eight planets that revolve around the sun including the inner planets Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars and outer planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The project also mentions Halley's comet and details how Earth rotates and revolves, causing four seasons, and has the moon as its satellite which goes through phases over 28 days, including solar and lunar eclipses.
This document lists various occupations that could be dressed up for a fancy dress party, including secretary, firefighter, lawyer, judge, businessman/woman, TV presenter, singer, architect, pilot, computer programmer, writer, flight attendant, photographer, journalist, and mechanic. It provides a brief 1-2 sentence description of the typical duties or activities associated with each occupation.
This document provides descriptions of various English fancy dress costumes including secretary, flight attendant, businessman, businesswoman, firefighter, TV presenter, journalist, architect, mechanic, singer, photographer, and pilot. For each costume it gives a brief 1-2 sentence description of the associated job or profession to help inform what someone dressed in that costume would be pretending to do.
This document provides descriptions of various English fancy dress costumes including secretary, flight attendant, businessman, businesswoman, firefighter, TV presenter, journalist, architect, mechanic, singer, photographer, and pilot. For each costume it gives a brief 1-2 sentence description of the associated job or profession to help someone dress up as that character for an English fancy dress event.
The document lists different costume ideas for a fancy dress party including secretary, firefighter, TV presenter, journalist, singer, pilot, architect, businessman/woman, photographer, flight attendant, and mechanic.
The Bronze Age was the period between the Stone Age and Iron Age characterized by the use of bronze. Bronze is an alloy of copper and tin that is harder than copper alone. The Bronze Age occurred at different times in different regions, between 3300-1200 BC in Egypt, 3000-700 BC in China, and 3300-1500 BC in the Indus Valley. During this time, bronze replaced stone for tools and weapons, allowing societies to advance with developments like the wheel and irrigation. Specialized roles like miners, traders, and metalworkers emerged to support the bronze industry.
This document discusses common illnesses such as cuts, earaches, broken arms, the flu, colds, head lice, and chicken pox that can be prevented through healthy eating habits and lifestyle choices. It lists these illnesses without further details. Maintaining a nutritious diet and engaging in healthy behaviors can help the body fight off sickness.
Penicillin was discovered in the 1920s and helps cure bacterial infections. The X-ray machine, invented in 1895, allows doctors to see if bones are damaged after falls or accidents. The ultrasound machine, invented in 1963, is complex and lets doctors observe internal organs like growing babies or heart function.
This document provides basic first aid instructions for bleeding, choking, and burns. It advises telling an adult or calling emergency services for serious injuries. For bleeding, it recommends pressing down on cuts with a soft cloth and cleaning the wound. For choking, it says to firmly hit someone on the back. And for burns, the advice is to cool the burn under cold running water for 10 minutes.
This document provides information about common illnesses, healthy eating, exercise, sleep, hygiene, and discoveries in medicine and health. It lists common illnesses like chicken pox, earaches, flu, and broken bones. It emphasizes the importance of a balanced diet with fruits, vegetables, proteins and carbohydrates. It also stresses getting regular exercise, limiting screen time, and sleeping 9 hours per night. Basic first aid for bleeding, choking, and burns is outlined. Key medical discoveries like penicillin, vaccines, X-rays, and ultrasounds are also mentioned.
This document discusses various subjects taught in school including art, languages, citizenship, science, geography, physical education, information and communication technology, drama, mathematics, and history. For each subject, a brief example is provided of the types of activities students can engage in, such as viewing famous paintings, learning other languages, doing experiments, finding countries on a map, running, creating PowerPoints, imitating people and objects, learning sums, and learning about historical figures like Franco.
The circulatory system moves blood through the heart and lungs. The heart pumps blood which first goes to the heart then is pumped to the lungs where it picks up oxygen and drops off carbon dioxide before continuing through the body. The document provides a basic overview of how blood circulates through the heart and lungs as part of the circulatory system.
Pollution is caused primarily by human activities like factories, vehicles, and power plants that release chemicals and fumes into the air. We can help prevent pollution by using public transportation and conserving electricity to reduce emissions from cars and power stations, and by recycling materials like plastic, metal, glass, and paper to decrease waste.
The document discusses two body systems - the digestive system and the locomotor system. The digestive system breaks down food for the body to use. The locomotor system allows for body movement and includes muscles and bones.
The document discusses two biological systems - the digestive system and the locomotor system. The digestive system breaks down food for the body to use, while the locomotor system allows for movement and motion. Both systems are important for basic life functions.
The excretory system has four main parts and removes excess water and waste substances from the body, converting them into urine. The urine passes from the kidneys to the bladder through tubes, and is stored in the bladder, which sends a message to the brain when full so that it can be emptied.
The document discusses the atmosphere, weather, climate, and ways to protect ourselves and the Earth. It describes the different layers of the atmosphere including the troposphere, stratosphere, and ionosphere. It also lists common weather phenomena like thunderstorms and rainbows. Measurement tools for weather like rain gauges, thermometers, and barometers are identified. The document outlines the five types of climate in Spain and provides tips to prevent pollution and protect ourselves from environmental hazards like wearing sunscreen and using public transportation.
Pollution from car exhaust and factory gases causes global warming by trapping heat in the atmosphere, which melts ice poles and causes sea levels to rise and flood coastal lands.
The digestive system breaks down food and absorbs nutrients and water. It includes the mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, and anus. The document asks the reader to label additional organs that are not part of the digestive system: the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra.
AI and Academic Writing, Short Term Course in Academic Writing and Publication, UGC-MMTTC, MANUU, 25/02/2025, Prof. (Dr.) Vinod Kumar Kanvaria, University of Delhi,
One Click RFQ Cancellation in Odoo 18 - Odoo 際際滷sCeline George
In this slide, well discuss the one click RFQ Cancellation in odoo 18. One-Click RFQ Cancellation in Odoo 18 is a feature that allows users to quickly and easily cancel Request for Quotations (RFQs) with a single click.
Dr. Ansari Khurshid Ahmed- Factors affecting Validity of a Test.pptxKhurshid Ahmed Ansari
Validity is an important characteristic of a test. A test having low validity is of little use. Validity is the accuracy with which a test measures whatever it is supposed to measure. Validity can be low, moderate or high. There are many factors which affect the validity of a test. If these factors are controlled, then the validity of the test can be maintained to a high level. In the power point presentation, factors affecting validity are discussed with the help of concrete examples.
Hannah Borhan and Pietro Gagliardi OECD present 'From classroom to community ...EduSkills OECD
Hannah Borhan, Research Assistant, OECD Education and Skills Directorate and Pietro Gagliardi, Policy Analyst, OECD Public Governance Directorate present at the OECD webinar 'From classroom to community engagement: Promoting active citizenship among young people" on 25 February 2025. You can find the recording of the webinar on the website
How to Configure Deliver Content by Email in Odoo 18 SalesCeline George
In this slide, well discuss on how to configure proforma invoice in Odoo 18 Sales module. A proforma invoice is a preliminary invoice that serves as a commercial document issued by a seller to a buyer.
Mastering Soft Tissue Therapy & Sports Taping: Pathway to Sports Medicine Excellence
This presentation was delivered in Colombo, Sri Lanka, at the Institute of Sports Medicine to an audience of sports physiotherapists, exercise scientists, athletic trainers, and healthcare professionals. Led by Kusal Goonewardena (PhD Candidate - Muscle Fatigue, APA Titled Sports & Exercise Physiotherapist) and Gayath Jayasinghe (Sports Scientist), the session provided comprehensive training on soft tissue assessment, treatment techniques, and essential sports taping methods.
Key topics covered:
Soft Tissue Therapy The science behind muscle, fascia, and joint assessment for optimal treatment outcomes.
Sports Taping Techniques Practical applications for injury prevention and rehabilitation, including ankle, knee, shoulder, thoracic, and cervical spine taping.
Sports Trainer Level 1 Course by Sports Medicine Australia A gateway to professional development, career opportunities, and working in Australia.
This training mirrors the Elite Akademy Sports Medicine standards, ensuring evidence-based approaches to injury management and athlete care.
If you are a sports professional looking to enhance your clinical skills and open doors to global opportunities, this presentation is for you.