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NSC Lift off


IBSUE ISSUE 4             Inside this issue:

               u soon      Interview with       2
        See yo             Vice-Presidents

                           Interview with       3

                           Interview with       4

                           True or False?       5

                           PED Survival         5

                           ? Gossip Box         6

                           ? Which Super-
                             Power Would

                           Whose Sneakers       7
                           are These?
                            GA in Progress      8
Interview with the Session President - Teo Lavrelashvili

    1. Age - 20.                              three of them.                         ergy, action, movement.
    2. What are your expectations             7. Three things                               11. Your first view about
    about the session? - The session          that you would take                          your first session and your
    will be totally amazing.                  with you on desert                           opinion about the present
                                              island? - Tribune,                           one, how much EYP has
    3. Why do you still participate           microphone , tooth-                          changed? - The first one
    in EYP? - This is the way I live.         paste.                                       was great but this one is
    4. What is the most embarrass-                                                         more qualified and pro-
                                              8. Never have I          Your greatest fear gressed.
    ing moment that happened to you           ever . . . - Teased a
    during the session? - Being the                                   on EYP -¡°To quit it¡± 12. Describe EYP with 3
    president of the 4th NSC.                                                              adjectives - Energetic,
                                              9. Which Jouro                               young, purposeful.
    5. Are you available? - You in            would you like to kiss and why? -
    action :)                                 Editress as she is an editress.       13. Your greatest fear on EYP? -
                                                                                    To quit it.
    6. Butt, boobs or brain? - All            10. Your passion in life? - En-

    Interview with the Session Vice-President - Giorgi Chitidze

  1. Age - 21                                Your passion in life? - ¨DLove, Money, Freedom¡¬
  2. What are your expectations
  about the session? -To head a lot
  of progressive ideas.                       very difficult to choose only one.     11. Your
  3. Why do you still participate             7. Three things that you would         1st view
  in EYP? - People should know, I             take with you on desert island? -      about
  am still alive.                             Cigarette, future girlfriend¡®s pics    your 1st
  4. What is the most embarrass-              and favorite book.                     session and your opinion about
  ing moment that happened to you                                                    the present one, how much EYP
                                              8. Never have I ever . . .- Been       has changed? -Huge changes have
  during the session? - Caaamp                handsome like Brad Pitt :)
  and staying at the ¨Dwonderful¡¬                                                     been made and thank you all of
  hotel in Batumi.
                                              9. Which Jouro would you like          you for that great job.
                                              to kiss and why? - Maka Bak-
  5. Are you available? - Yeah                radze, cause ... :):)                  12. Describe EYP with 3 adjec-
                                                                                     tives- Unique, cool, unforgettable
  6. Butt, boobs or brain? - It¡®s             10. Your passion in life? - Love,
                                              money, freedom.                        13. Your greatest fear on EYP? -

    Interview with Session Vice-President - George Samkharadze

    1.   Age¡ª20                              7.   Three things that you would
                                             take with you on desert island? - My    12. Describe EYP with 3 adjectives
    2.   What are your expectations          friends, my staff, my mind.             -extraordinary, young, fresh people.
    about the session? - This session will
    discover new leaders, will definitely    8. Never have I ever . . .- had sex
    supply EYP Georgia with bright bril-     in the plane                            13. Your greatest fear on EYP?-
    liant youngsters.                        9. Which Jouro would you like to        Destruction, but I¡®ll do my best :)
    3. Why do you still participate in       kiss and why? - all of them except
    EYP? - Am I already old for EYP?         boys.
    Don¡®t think to give up, yet :)           10. Your passion in life? - EYP is my
    4. What is the most embarrassing         passion.
    moment that happened to you during
    the session? ¡ª My first strange          11. Your 1st view about your 1st
    teambuilding 2 years ago.                session and your opinion about pre-
    5. Are you available? - Yes ladies,      sent one, how much EYP has
    you are welcome :)                       changed? - at first I did not really
                                             know, where I was as many other
    6. Butt, boobs or brain? - 1 - brain     fresh delegates, but later, I fell in
    2 - boobs 3 - butt                       love with it.

Page 2
                                                                                                            IBSUE ISSUE 4
                    (Vakho, Vaso, Mari, Shorena, Sandro)
                                        right or       Name: Mari Gvaramadze
Name:                                   middle
Shorena                                                1. 20
                                       8.Which ani-
                                        mal would      2. Hello, I am Mari The Head organizer of the session
1. Age:
23                                      you like to    3. Awfully random graceless animals
                                        be and
2. How                                  why? - Cat!    4. running around the shops to buy sweets for coffee
can you                                 cat runs       break
introduce                               from the       5. No!!!
yourdelf                                ¨Ddogs¡¬ ¨Dand    6. Every moment n EYP really memorable for me
to delegates? - hihihi, I am            chases the
Shorena, orga.                          ¨Drats¡¬         7. I don¡®t remember
3. Give a definition of Orga¡ª          9. What do      8. Chinchaladze
Backbone of the sessions                you think      9. Love you press team
                                        about the
4. The best moment of organiz-          work of        10. Never have I ever smoken
ing the session -Lots of the best       press
moments                                 team? - I
5. Have you ever cried at an            like you
EYP session? - No, never, but I                                            5. Have you ever cried at an
                                      Name: Vaso                           EYP session? - Yes, of course, I am
suffer from PED                       1. Age: 20                           always crying L.O.L.
6. What was your most memora-
ble moment at EYP? - Batumi,
Youth forum                                                   Not orga, Head Orga!
7. Which sock do you put on           Name: Sandro
first? Left or right? - I never       1. Age: 22
remember :)                           2. How can you introduce yourself to delegates? -I don¡¯t need to
8. Which animal would you like        introduce myself, everybody knows me.
to be and why? - I don¡®t want to      3. Give a definition of Orga¡ªorga eats more than others, sleeps
be like any animal :)                 less, doesn¡¯t play games
9. What do you think about the        4. The best moment of organizing the session - All memories
          work of press team? -       unforgettable
          Press team, I love you!!!   5. Have you ever cried at an EYP session? -Almost
          10. Never have I ever       6. What was your most memorable moment at EYP? -Parties of
          ¡­ (oh, I don¡®t remem-       international session in Belgium
          ber anything speial)        7. Which sock do you put on first? Left or right? - Left
                                      8. Which animal wo-uld you like to be and why? Elephant, but not
                                      in the zoo
          Name: Vakho (Bukha)
                                      9. What do you think about the work of press team? - more
          1.Age: 19                   gossips, guys.
          2.How can you intro-
          duce yourdelf to dele-
  gates?- hello                                                            6. What was your most memora-
 3.Give a definition of Orga? -
                                      2. How can you introduce your-       ble moment at EYP? -When I was
                                      delf to delegates?-Ameba, Gorrila,   answering questions about orgas
  organizer-superorgas( s-o)          superman and EYPer, so you can
 4.The best moment of organiz-        choose :)))                          7. Which sock do you put on
  ing the session¡ªthe whole ses-      3. Give a defi-                      first? I don¡®t know, maybe middle
  sion                                nition of Orga?                      8. Which animal would you like
 5. Have you ever cried at an EYP     -Orga-morga                          to be and why? - Human, because it
                                                                           is the biggest population in the world
  session? no!!!                      4. The best
 6.What was your most memora-         moment of orga-                      9. What do you think about the
  ble moment at EYP? -they            nizing the ses-                      work of press team? You are per-
  were toooo many, I can¡®t            sion¡ªWhen I was
  choose one                          sleeping , but un-                   10. Never have I ever ¡­ Done eve-
                                      fortunately some-                    rything and nothing
 7.Which sock do you put on           body woke me                         I don¡®t want, because I am already orga
  first? Left or right? - left or     up :@                                B)

                                                                                                                    Page 3
NSC Lift off
1. Nana Maisuradze                                                                                   1.    Name:
                                                                                                2.        Committee
                                                                                           3.         Are you available
4.I¡®m communicative and treat every delegate
with attention and help them to make real team                       4.     What is your best and worst feature
                                                                                                                as a chair?
worst: can¡®t remember faces easily.                             5.         What was the most embarrassing mom
                                                                                                               ent for you in
58.well. actually I like khachapuri, but do not
want to eat it on every break during the session.
                                                                                 6.       Describe your ideal EYP Session
9.No I should join general teambuilding as soon
as possible.                                                          7.       Why your committee delegates are best
10. yesterday I miss TB because of the work and                             8.   Which food do you like most and why?
was not happy
11.to- miss presid ent, of course :P
                                                                            9.         What do you have in mind right room
                                                                                 10.      Tell any random fact about you
                                                               11.         Who do you want to express your love
                                                                                                                to (from EYP-

        Interview with Chairs
          1.Ani Nozadze                                             7. cause, they were bravely standing in rain in Botancal
          2.  AFCO                                                  garden and playing games cheerfully.
          3.  Totally                                               8. khachapuri, because it makes me fat J
          4.  I don¡®t have bad features at all
          5.  eyp is not a place where we are ashamed of some-
                                                                    9. I wanna sleep
              thing. I ?ve never experienced such moment in EYP.    10. I am a trainmiser
          6. the one with plenty of food, high academic quality and      don¡®t ask me to be discriminatory. My love to every-
              lots fun.                                                  one.
          7. because they just are!
          8. pizza                                                  1.Mariam Chikhladze
          9. want to sleep
                                                                    2. ECON
          10. I¡®m addicted to eyp (don¡®t tell anyone)
          11. to every eyper =) and not only :P                     3. I¡®m invisible
                                                                            4. N/A , not any worst feature..
        1. Madonna, Teo, as you¡¯d like.                                  5. sorry, I don¡®t remember , seems, 2 there has not
                                                                         been any.
        2. ENVI                                                          6.International Youth instambul form.
        3. skypemode, just for maka,                                     7. because, they are the most insired, informed deter-
        4. friendly                                                      mind and responsible delegates.
        5. wearing swimming           1. Tik                             8.as eating is please for me, I cant¡®t often refuse to
                                                o Janj
        dress with maka bakradze 2. LI                     ghava                       get it. So love everything what is delicious,
                                            BE                                                        especially, when I¡®m hangry.
        in a lift
                                     3. It de                                                         9.I¡®m waiting for telephone call.
        6. everything is green,                p
        environment friendly        4. ask m ends..                                                  10. I¡®m suffering from crauls-
                                               y dear                                                frophobia.
        7. cause, they are         5. Noth             delega
                                                              tes J                                 11.love everyone! Wanna yet the
        cuter then aothers.       6. with .. I always feel fr                                       ame from them too. :)
        8. snake soup            spirit     out fo
                                                   od, wit           ee in E
                                                          hout s
        9. why the hell I¡®m      7. Beca                          leeping
                                                                          and wit                  1. Mr. Tsotne
        filling this form?      in LIBE use they ar                                h eyp
                                                        e motiv                                    2. SEDE
        10. mo dog thinks,      8. food                         ated, lo
                                                                         vely an                  3. for what?
        she is my daughter                in EYP                                 d they
        11. maka bakradze      9. ICH             ? Come
                                                                                         are     4. In Ukraine
                                         Lieb e L
                              10. I a m           IBE                                           5. when oksana wrote a letter
        1. Mariam            11. T o
                                                 ok add                                         6. I think that my ideal session must
                                     each e             icted a
        Asanishvili                        yp -er ..
                                                     you ar
                                                                f ter e
                                                                       ach ey
                                                                                               be held in Ukraine
        2. EMPL                                             e aw es
                                                                                p sess
                                                                                       ion     7. that¡®s a good job. That you know
                                                                                              that we are the best.
        3. absolutely                                                                         8. any of them, cause, I¡®m very hun-
        4. you have to                                                                       gry..
        ask is to my lovely
        delegates, i guess
                                                                                            9. don¡®t you hear? I am fuckn¡® hungry
        5. Playing team-                                                                    10. IEGOVA is saying, do not tell any
        building games for the first time.                                                 random fact about you.
        6. every session is ideal and unique. I love al of
        them truly.
TRUE or False?
                         Circle one lie of your Chair out of three choices

    Tiko Janjghava                          Giorgi Samkharadze                  c.   I have attended an international ses-
                                            a. Giorgi has been to Monaco             sion of EYP
    a.   I haven¡¯t hitchhiking in Georgia   b. Giorgi likes smoking Cigars
    b.   I am in love with foreigner        c. Giorgi likes playing football
    c.   I am afraid of elevators
                                            Tsotne Chanturia
    Nana Maisuradze                         a. I am engaged
                                            b. I am voting for Tamaz Vashadze
    a. I have written 5 essays in 1         on Tbilisi mayor elections
    week (true)                             c. Eating is more pleasure then
    b. Fell in love with the EYPer          heving sex¡­
    (false)                                 Ani Nozadze
    c. Love CULT committee delegate         a. I love chocolate
    very very much (true)
                                            b. I have dyed my hair

                                             PED Survival Guide

    You've already heard about the PED, session's president is talking about frequently, you wonder what
    do these three letters mean?
    WE are sure you will start to search on Wikipedia. So, PED there stands for Panasonic Electronic De-
    vice, or Pressure Equipment Directive, even Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea, or Police Elimination Data-
    But if we¡¯re talking about EYP, PED standsfor Post EYP Depression!
    As everything wonderful in life, this session also will come to an end.
    And then the PED will forcedly come in your life. You should be brave and truly EYP-er to overcome
    this challenge. No doctor will be able to tell you what is this disease called, but don't panic. For know-
    ing if you,re suffering from PED, just have a look at the symptoms listed below:

    - You feel weird while sleeping in your bed and you want to switch to sleeping bag again;
    - You are late for school, just because there were no wake up calls in the morning;
    - You want to dance funky chicken in the street;
    - You wish to speak in English with everybody.
    - You want to see the people from the session.

    How to overcome it?
    1. As soon as you are home, get your body free from caffeine and have enough sleep.
    2. Create a Facebook account, so that you can keep in touch with your friends
    3. Look at nice photos from your committee and parties 6 but don't get addicted. :)
    4. Re-read the resolutions.
    5. Apply for the next session.
    6. Teach your friends EYP games.

    Even if PED is ¡°depression¡±, it still gives you a reason to feel happy, because it proves you have really
    experienced the EYP spirit. To be honest that's the thing you can never get rid of!

    Have a good recovery
                                                                                         Brought by Maka Baradze
Page 5
                                                                                                           IBSUE ISSUE 4
Gossip Box

?     Khatia ENVI smokes something                 last night after the European star ?          Mari
      different from sigarette                     night.                                        from
                                                                                                 LIBE likes Giorgi Samkharadze
?     Vaso organ-                                           ?      Mari fell in love with
                                                            Temo, I saw them alone in            and all day he asks me does he
      izer loves Teo
                                                                                                 smoke or not?
      Lavrelashvili                                         the park.

?     Alika isn¡®t                                           ?       Ani khupenia was so
                                                                                            ?    Giorgi Chitidze wear red bikini,
                                                                                                 I saw it, when he was playing.
      drammer and                                           annoyed by Mamuka Tskha-
      he has never                                          daia¡®s action that she took     ?    The
      traveled. I                                           of the shoes and kicked              gossip is
      know he¡®s my                                             them to Mamuka!                   spread
      friend.                                                                                    in EYP
                                                                ?      ENVI Temo loves
                                                     ress                                        that
?     While work-                               in P            Beka
                                           ying                                                  Andro is
                                       d d
      ing on GMO¡®s                 g an       m                 ?      If anybody wants
                               Lyin      Rom                                                     brother
      Mancho was so in-
                                                                to spend their free time         of Salo,
      volved in topic, that                                     ¨Dthe night with                  they
                                                                Shorena¡¬? It¡®s possible          think
                              she was              JJ
                              nearly mu-
                              tated into ?         Irakli Jgarkava is secretly in love           ¡°Tsotne without
                              ¨DMurmanis            with Tamuna Tsertsvadze and
                              Ekali¡¬ be-           can¡®t tell.                                  make up is worst¡±
                              tween        ?       I fall in love with a lovely chair-
                              Abesalom             perso, NSC¡®s lovely vice-president            so, because both of them are
                              and Eteri :)         George.                                       skeletons. :))

                                           ?       Several girls are discussing about ?          ¨DJouro Guram is a spy of EYP
                                                   Giorgi Chitidze, is he sexy or not?           and doesn.t let our
?     What were Tako Macharadze and                                                              HARDWRKING and really
      Giorgi Bobgiashvili doing together                                                         DEDICATED TO COMMITTEE
                                           ?       Tsotne without make up is worst.              work delegates to have two min-
                                                                                                 ute rest.

Which Superpower would you like to have?

Shota Tkhelidze¡ª Dinobot
Erekle Chanchibadze - Zulu power
Andro Chankvetadze¡ª Mystic superpower (charging appearance)
Veriko Devidze¡ª I wish I could calm all the delegates down before GA, because I don¡®t want
them to be
Vaso Khurtsilava - the power to convice.
Iese Patiashvili - Solving the Crisises
Miranda Jamburia¡ªI would like to get wherever I want in just a second. this way i could see
all the wonderful places in the world.
Ana Gvinianidze ¨C I want to have three red hairs.

                                                                                                       Page 6
NSC Lift off
Whose sneakers are these?
a.     Veriko Devidze
b.     Sopo Konjaria
c.     Sopo Chareli

                                                II                                      VI.
                        1.    a.         Mari Gvaramadze                    a. Dimitri Gugunava
                              b.         Mari Chikhladze                    b. Andro Chankvetadze
                                                                            c. Natia Narsaia
                             c.         Nini Macharade
                             a.         Shota Tkhelidze
                                  b.     Giorgi Dziguashvili
                        3.         c.     Andro Chankvetadze

           IV                                                                  a. Salome Kandelaki
                                                                               b . Lizi Akhvlediani
a.     Manana Khinashvili                                                      c . Lika Lejava
b.     Nini Kapamadze
c.     Tatuli Chubabria

a.     Lizi Akhvlediani
b.     Ia gotsadze
c.     Mako Tirkia


               5.                                                           VIII.
                                                                    a.   Sandro Jupalakiani
                                                                    b.   Vakho Tsanava
                                                                    c.   Irakli Chikava

NSC Lift off                                                                                               Page 7
GA In Progress
                                                                                     Brought BY Nini Macharadze

           Dear board, honorable guests ¡­The GA has approached, after the 2 days of hard work the commit-
    tees are ready to present their resolutions, defend them, make attack speeches, debate, discuss and decide
    which one is the best, which has passed or not.
                                              It is worth mentioning, that at The Tbilisi NSC 2010, for the 1 st
                                      time in the Georgian EYP history the GA will be held in Georgian parlia-
                                      ment. The fact inspires the delegates even more. As the Georgian parlia-
                                      ment does not work on sundays, it was decided that the GA would be di-
                                      vided into two parts: one part of the committees would present their
                                      resolutions on sunday at IBSU (International Black Sea University) and
                                      the rest in Georgian parlia-
                                      ment. Now the thing was that
                                      who would be lucky to make a
    speech at the parliament?
            At 6pm the audience has got together in the IBSU hall,
    delegates seemed quiet nervous, repeating their sum - up and
    attack speeches, brainstorming, thinking about possible ques-
    tions that could arise concerning their resolutions. So the envi-
    ronment was quiet emotional.
            The president of the session Teo Lavrelashvili and the
    vice ¨C presidents Giorgi Chitidze and Giorgi samkharadze were
    in charge of assessing the resolutions.
           The 1st committee to perform was the committee on ENVI with the chairpersons Teo okhanashvili
    and Giorgi samkharadze, their successful work has been positively assessed by the board members.
    The next one was the            committee on ECON with the chairperson Mari Chikhladze, after the intense
    debates   the                    delegates have successfully solved the economic crises, the resolution has
    passed                            J
                                                The committee on EMPL with the chairperson Mari Asanishvili
                                         has turned out to have worked hard as well, they fought with the pov-
                                          erty and created the job opportunities - the resolution has passed J
                                                  The committee on AFET with the chairperson Giorgi Chitidze,
                                            despite having quiet a complex problem to solve (iran¡®s self-isolation)
                                            managed to defend their resolution ! J
                                             The committee on CULT with the chairperson Nana Maisuradze, has
                            had a splendid resolution as well, which has successfully passed.
                     The rest of the committees are expected to have a great GA in The Georgian parlia-
    ment tomorrow WISH YOU SACCESS GUYS!

Page 8
                                                                                                     IBSUE ISSUE 4

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4th NSC - Newspaper Issue 4

  • 1. NSC Lift off 24.05.2010 IBSUE ISSUE 4 Inside this issue: ! u soon Interview with 2 See yo Vice-Presidents Interview with 3 Interview with 4 True or False? 5 PED Survival 5 ? Gossip Box 6 ? Which Super- Power Would Whose Sneakers 7 are These? GA in Progress 8
  • 2. Interview with the Session President - Teo Lavrelashvili 1. Age - 20. three of them. ergy, action, movement. 2. What are your expectations 7. Three things 11. Your first view about about the session? - The session that you would take your first session and your will be totally amazing. with you on desert opinion about the present island? - Tribune, one, how much EYP has 3. Why do you still participate microphone , tooth- changed? - The first one in EYP? - This is the way I live. paste. was great but this one is 4. What is the most embarrass- more qualified and pro- 8. Never have I Your greatest fear gressed. ing moment that happened to you ever . . . - Teased a during the session? - Being the on EYP -¡°To quit it¡± 12. Describe EYP with 3 boy. president of the 4th NSC. adjectives - Energetic, 9. Which Jouro young, purposeful. 5. Are you available? - You in would you like to kiss and why? - action :) Editress as she is an editress. 13. Your greatest fear on EYP? - To quit it. 6. Butt, boobs or brain? - All 10. Your passion in life? - En- Interview with the Session Vice-President - Giorgi Chitidze 1. Age - 21 Your passion in life? - ¨DLove, Money, Freedom¡¬ 2. What are your expectations about the session? -To head a lot of progressive ideas. very difficult to choose only one. 11. Your 3. Why do you still participate 7. Three things that you would 1st view in EYP? - People should know, I take with you on desert island? - about am still alive. Cigarette, future girlfriend¡®s pics your 1st 4. What is the most embarrass- and favorite book. session and your opinion about ing moment that happened to you the present one, how much EYP 8. Never have I ever . . .- Been has changed? -Huge changes have during the session? - Caaamp handsome like Brad Pitt :) and staying at the ¨Dwonderful¡¬ been made and thank you all of hotel in Batumi. 9. Which Jouro would you like you for that great job. to kiss and why? - Maka Bak- 5. Are you available? - Yeah radze, cause ... :):) 12. Describe EYP with 3 adjec- tives- Unique, cool, unforgettable 6. Butt, boobs or brain? - It¡®s 10. Your passion in life? - Love, money, freedom. 13. Your greatest fear on EYP? - Elections. Interview with Session Vice-President - George Samkharadze 1. Age¡ª20 7. Three things that you would take with you on desert island? - My 12. Describe EYP with 3 adjectives 2. What are your expectations friends, my staff, my mind. -extraordinary, young, fresh people. about the session? - This session will discover new leaders, will definitely 8. Never have I ever . . .- had sex supply EYP Georgia with bright bril- in the plane 13. Your greatest fear on EYP?- liant youngsters. 9. Which Jouro would you like to Destruction, but I¡®ll do my best :) 3. Why do you still participate in kiss and why? - all of them except EYP? - Am I already old for EYP? boys. Don¡®t think to give up, yet :) 10. Your passion in life? - EYP is my 4. What is the most embarrassing passion. moment that happened to you during the session? ¡ª My first strange 11. Your 1st view about your 1st teambuilding 2 years ago. session and your opinion about pre- 5. Are you available? - Yes ladies, sent one, how much EYP has you are welcome :) changed? - at first I did not really know, where I was as many other 6. Butt, boobs or brain? - 1 - brain fresh delegates, but later, I fell in 2 - boobs 3 - butt love with it. Page 2 IBSUE ISSUE 4
  • 3. VaVaMaShoSa (Vakho, Vaso, Mari, Shorena, Sandro) right or Name: Mari Gvaramadze Name: middle Shorena 1. 20 8.Which ani- mal would 2. Hello, I am Mari The Head organizer of the session 1. Age: 23 you like to 3. Awfully random graceless animals be and 2. How why? - Cat! 4. running around the shops to buy sweets for coffee can you cat runs break introduce from the 5. No!!! yourdelf ¨Ddogs¡¬ ¨Dand 6. Every moment n EYP really memorable for me to delegates? - hihihi, I am chases the Shorena, orga. ¨Drats¡¬ 7. I don¡®t remember 3. Give a definition of Orga¡ª 9. What do 8. Chinchaladze Backbone of the sessions you think 9. Love you press team about the 4. The best moment of organiz- work of 10. Never have I ever smoken ing the session -Lots of the best press moments team? - I 5. Have you ever cried at an like you EYP session? - No, never, but I 5. Have you ever cried at an Name: Vaso EYP session? - Yes, of course, I am suffer from PED 1. Age: 20 always crying L.O.L. 6. What was your most memora- ble moment at EYP? - Batumi, Youth forum Not orga, Head Orga! 7. Which sock do you put on Name: Sandro first? Left or right? - I never 1. Age: 22 remember :) 2. How can you introduce yourself to delegates? -I don¡¯t need to 8. Which animal would you like introduce myself, everybody knows me. to be and why? - I don¡®t want to 3. Give a definition of Orga¡ªorga eats more than others, sleeps be like any animal :) less, doesn¡¯t play games 9. What do you think about the 4. The best moment of organizing the session - All memories work of press team? - unforgettable Press team, I love you!!! 5. Have you ever cried at an EYP session? -Almost 10. Never have I ever 6. What was your most memorable moment at EYP? -Parties of ¡­ (oh, I don¡®t remem- international session in Belgium ber anything speial) 7. Which sock do you put on first? Left or right? - Left 8. Which animal wo-uld you like to be and why? Elephant, but not in the zoo Name: Vakho (Bukha) 9. What do you think about the work of press team? - more 1.Age: 19 gossips, guys. 2.How can you intro- duce yourdelf to dele- gates?- hello 6. What was your most memora- 3.Give a definition of Orga? - 2. How can you introduce your- ble moment at EYP? -When I was delf to delegates?-Ameba, Gorrila, answering questions about orgas organizer-superorgas( s-o) superman and EYPer, so you can 4.The best moment of organiz- choose :))) 7. Which sock do you put on ing the session¡ªthe whole ses- 3. Give a defi- first? I don¡®t know, maybe middle sion nition of Orga? 8. Which animal would you like 5. Have you ever cried at an EYP -Orga-morga to be and why? - Human, because it is the biggest population in the world session? no!!! 4. The best 6.What was your most memora- moment of orga- 9. What do you think about the ble moment at EYP? -they nizing the ses- work of press team? You are per- fect were toooo many, I can¡®t sion¡ªWhen I was choose one sleeping , but un- 10. Never have I ever ¡­ Done eve- fortunately some- rything and nothing 7.Which sock do you put on body woke me I don¡®t want, because I am already orga first? Left or right? - left or up :@ B) Page 3 NSC Lift off
  • 4. 1. Nana Maisuradze 1. Name: 2. CULT 2. Committee 3.yup 3. Are you available 4.I¡®m communicative and treat every delegate with attention and help them to make real team 4. What is your best and worst feature as a chair? worst: can¡®t remember faces easily. 5. What was the most embarrassing mom ent for you in 58.well. actually I like khachapuri, but do not EYP? want to eat it on every break during the session. 6. Describe your ideal EYP Session 9.No I should join general teambuilding as soon as possible. 7. Why your committee delegates are best one 10. yesterday I miss TB because of the work and 8. Which food do you like most and why? was not happy 11.to- miss presid ent, of course :P 9. What do you have in mind right room ? 10. Tell any random fact about you 11. Who do you want to express your love to (from EYP- Interview with Chairs 1.Ani Nozadze 7. cause, they were bravely standing in rain in Botancal 2. AFCO garden and playing games cheerfully. 3. Totally 8. khachapuri, because it makes me fat J 4. I don¡®t have bad features at all 5. eyp is not a place where we are ashamed of some- 9. I wanna sleep thing. I ?ve never experienced such moment in EYP. 10. I am a trainmiser 6. the one with plenty of food, high academic quality and don¡®t ask me to be discriminatory. My love to every- lots fun. one. 7. because they just are! 8. pizza 1.Mariam Chikhladze 9. want to sleep 2. ECON 10. I¡®m addicted to eyp (don¡®t tell anyone) 11. to every eyper =) and not only :P 3. I¡®m invisible 4. N/A , not any worst feature.. nd 1. Madonna, Teo, as you¡¯d like. 5. sorry, I don¡®t remember , seems, 2 there has not been any. 2. ENVI 6.International Youth instambul form. 3. skypemode, just for maka, 7. because, they are the most insired, informed deter- 4. friendly mind and responsible delegates. 5. wearing swimming 1. Tik 8.as eating is please for me, I cant¡®t often refuse to o Janj dress with maka bakradze 2. LI ghava get it. So love everything what is delicious, BE especially, when I¡®m hangry. in a lift 3. It de 9.I¡®m waiting for telephone call. 6. everything is green, p environment friendly 4. ask m ends.. 10. I¡®m suffering from crauls- y dear frophobia. 7. cause, they are 5. Noth delega tes J 11.love everyone! Wanna yet the ing cuter then aothers. 6. with .. I always feel fr ame from them too. :) 8. snake soup spirit out fo od, wit ee in E YP hout s 9. why the hell I¡®m 7. Beca leeping and wit 1. Mr. Tsotne filling this form? in LIBE use they ar h eyp e motiv 2. SEDE 10. mo dog thinks, 8. food ated, lo vely an 3. for what? she is my daughter in EYP d they 11. maka bakradze 9. ICH ? Come onJ) are 4. In Ukraine Lieb e L 10. I a m IBE 5. when oksana wrote a letter 1. Mariam 11. T o facebo ok add 6. I think that my ideal session must each e icted a Asanishvili yp -er .. you ar f ter e ach ey be held in Ukraine 2. EMPL e aw es ome! p sess ion 7. that¡®s a good job. That you know that we are the best. 3. absolutely 8. any of them, cause, I¡®m very hun- 4. you have to gry.. ask is to my lovely delegates, i guess 9. don¡®t you hear? I am fuckn¡® hungry 5. Playing team- 10. IEGOVA is saying, do not tell any building games for the first time. random fact about you. 6. every session is ideal and unique. I love al of them truly.
  • 5. TRUE or False? Circle one lie of your Chair out of three choices Tiko Janjghava Giorgi Samkharadze c. I have attended an international ses- a. Giorgi has been to Monaco sion of EYP a. I haven¡¯t hitchhiking in Georgia b. Giorgi likes smoking Cigars b. I am in love with foreigner c. Giorgi likes playing football c. I am afraid of elevators Tsotne Chanturia Nana Maisuradze a. I am engaged b. I am voting for Tamaz Vashadze a. I have written 5 essays in 1 on Tbilisi mayor elections week (true) c. Eating is more pleasure then b. Fell in love with the EYPer heving sex¡­ (false) Ani Nozadze c. Love CULT committee delegate a. I love chocolate very very much (true) b. I have dyed my hair PED Survival Guide You've already heard about the PED, session's president is talking about frequently, you wonder what do these three letters mean? WE are sure you will start to search on Wikipedia. So, PED there stands for Panasonic Electronic De- vice, or Pressure Equipment Directive, even Porcine Epidemic Diarrhoea, or Police Elimination Data- base. But if we¡¯re talking about EYP, PED standsfor Post EYP Depression! As everything wonderful in life, this session also will come to an end. And then the PED will forcedly come in your life. You should be brave and truly EYP-er to overcome this challenge. No doctor will be able to tell you what is this disease called, but don't panic. For know- ing if you,re suffering from PED, just have a look at the symptoms listed below: - You feel weird while sleeping in your bed and you want to switch to sleeping bag again; - You are late for school, just because there were no wake up calls in the morning; - You want to dance funky chicken in the street; - You wish to speak in English with everybody. - You want to see the people from the session. How to overcome it? 1. As soon as you are home, get your body free from caffeine and have enough sleep. 2. Create a Facebook account, so that you can keep in touch with your friends 3. Look at nice photos from your committee and parties 6 but don't get addicted. :) 4. Re-read the resolutions. 5. Apply for the next session. 6. Teach your friends EYP games. Even if PED is ¡°depression¡±, it still gives you a reason to feel happy, because it proves you have really experienced the EYP spirit. To be honest that's the thing you can never get rid of! Have a good recovery Brought by Maka Baradze Page 5 IBSUE ISSUE 4
  • 6. Gossip Box ? Khatia ENVI smokes something last night after the European star ? Mari different from sigarette night. from LIBE likes Giorgi Samkharadze ? Vaso organ- ? Mari fell in love with Temo, I saw them alone in and all day he asks me does he izer loves Teo smoke or not? Lavrelashvili the park. ? Alika isn¡®t ? Ani khupenia was so ? Giorgi Chitidze wear red bikini, I saw it, when he was playing. drammer and annoyed by Mamuka Tskha- he has never daia¡®s action that she took ? The traveled. I of the shoes and kicked gossip is know he¡®s my them to Mamuka! spread friend. in EYP ? ENVI Temo loves ress that ? While work- in P Beka ying Andro is d d ing on GMO¡®s g an m ? If anybody wants Lyin Rom brother Mancho was so in- to spend their free time of Salo, volved in topic, that ¨Dthe night with they Shorena¡¬? It¡®s possible think she was JJ nearly mu- tated into ? Irakli Jgarkava is secretly in love ¡°Tsotne without ¨DMurmanis with Tamuna Tsertsvadze and Ekali¡¬ be- can¡®t tell. make up is worst¡± tween ? I fall in love with a lovely chair- Abesalom perso, NSC¡®s lovely vice-president so, because both of them are and Eteri :) George. skeletons. :)) ? Several girls are discussing about ? ¨DJouro Guram is a spy of EYP Giorgi Chitidze, is he sexy or not? and doesn.t let our ? What were Tako Macharadze and HARDWRKING and really Giorgi Bobgiashvili doing together DEDICATED TO COMMITTEE ? Tsotne without make up is worst. work delegates to have two min- ute rest. Which Superpower would you like to have? Shota Tkhelidze¡ª Dinobot Erekle Chanchibadze - Zulu power Andro Chankvetadze¡ª Mystic superpower (charging appearance) Veriko Devidze¡ª I wish I could calm all the delegates down before GA, because I don¡®t want them to be Vaso Khurtsilava - the power to convice. Iese Patiashvili - Solving the Crisises Miranda Jamburia¡ªI would like to get wherever I want in just a second. this way i could see all the wonderful places in the world. Ana Gvinianidze ¨C I want to have three red hairs. Page 6 NSC Lift off
  • 7. Whose sneakers are these? I a. Veriko Devidze b. Sopo Konjaria c. Sopo Chareli 2. 6. II VI. 1. a. Mari Gvaramadze a. Dimitri Gugunava b. Mari Chikhladze b. Andro Chankvetadze c. Natia Narsaia c. Nini Macharade III. 7. a. Shota Tkhelidze b. Giorgi Dziguashvili 3. c. Andro Chankvetadze VII. IV a. Salome Kandelaki b . Lizi Akhvlediani a. Manana Khinashvili c . Lika Lejava b. Nini Kapamadze 4. c. Tatuli Chubabria V. a. Lizi Akhvlediani b. Ia gotsadze c. Mako Tirkia 8. 5. VIII. a. Sandro Jupalakiani b. Vakho Tsanava c. Irakli Chikava NSC Lift off Page 7
  • 8. GA In Progress Brought BY Nini Macharadze Dear board, honorable guests ¡­The GA has approached, after the 2 days of hard work the commit- tees are ready to present their resolutions, defend them, make attack speeches, debate, discuss and decide which one is the best, which has passed or not. It is worth mentioning, that at The Tbilisi NSC 2010, for the 1 st time in the Georgian EYP history the GA will be held in Georgian parlia- ment. The fact inspires the delegates even more. As the Georgian parlia- ment does not work on sundays, it was decided that the GA would be di- vided into two parts: one part of the committees would present their resolutions on sunday at IBSU (International Black Sea University) and the rest in Georgian parlia- ment. Now the thing was that who would be lucky to make a speech at the parliament? At 6pm the audience has got together in the IBSU hall, delegates seemed quiet nervous, repeating their sum - up and attack speeches, brainstorming, thinking about possible ques- tions that could arise concerning their resolutions. So the envi- ronment was quiet emotional. The president of the session Teo Lavrelashvili and the vice ¨C presidents Giorgi Chitidze and Giorgi samkharadze were in charge of assessing the resolutions. The 1st committee to perform was the committee on ENVI with the chairpersons Teo okhanashvili and Giorgi samkharadze, their successful work has been positively assessed by the board members. The next one was the committee on ECON with the chairperson Mari Chikhladze, after the intense debates the delegates have successfully solved the economic crises, the resolution has passed J The committee on EMPL with the chairperson Mari Asanishvili has turned out to have worked hard as well, they fought with the pov- erty and created the job opportunities - the resolution has passed J The committee on AFET with the chairperson Giorgi Chitidze, despite having quiet a complex problem to solve (iran¡®s self-isolation) managed to defend their resolution ! J The committee on CULT with the chairperson Nana Maisuradze, has had a splendid resolution as well, which has successfully passed. The rest of the committees are expected to have a great GA in The Georgian parlia- ment tomorrow WISH YOU SACCESS GUYS! Page 8 IBSUE ISSUE 4