The document outlines the pre-production planning for an audio recording, including sound effects needed, sources for the effects, music to be used, potential locations, contingency planning for issues, health and safety considerations, and a 6-day schedule. Sound effects include a phone alarm, running water, clothing zipping, TV static, clinking forks, and keys jingling. Music includes intro and outro tracks. Recording of effects will be done in one location. Potential issues addressed are improper file format, lost work, computer overheating, physical strain, noise damage, tripping hazards, and equipment damage.
This document outlines the pre-production plan for a podcast, including sound effects, music, props, locations, and contingency planning. Sound effects like laughter, screaming fans, and party horns will be sourced from YouTube and recordings. Music tracks from various artists will play throughout for backing and to showcase different styles. Potential issues addressed include dead batteries, technical problems, health and safety hazards. An 8-day schedule is proposed to find music, record audio, edit in Premiere Pro, and add effects and transitions.
This document summarizes the process of constructing a film trailer. It outlines the equipment used, including a video camera, tripod, headphones, and editing software. It then discusses the evidence of filming over two days and the editing process in iMovie. Key aspects of editing included dragging desired footage to the storyboard, adjusting audio levels, adding text and transitions, and creating sounds using GarageBand. The document concludes with discussing developing a first draft, making changes based on feedback, and the final product.
1. The document describes a script for a morning routine involving 5 steps: waking up, showering and brushing teeth, eating breakfast, getting dressed, and leaving for the day.
2. It then explains the process used to record an audio version of the script, which involved recording each step separately and editing them together. Background music and effects were added to make the recording more entertaining.
3. The reflection discusses which elements of the experiment will be useful for a main project, such as editing the voice for clarity and distinctiveness, recording parts separately, and using different voice effects for various characters or roles.
To add non-diegetic music to a film, one must first search YouTube for a suitable instrumental music track, then use a website like YouTube mp3 to convert and download the audio file. Next, the downloaded music file should be added to Adobe Premiere's library and can then be dragged to the timeline and inserted into the film.
The document discusses how the author chose and edited a non-copyrighted horror soundtrack for use in a film trailer. They found a wide variety of free horror sounds online and imported one into Audacity to make edits. Specifically, they split the lower soundtrack into sections and increased the tempo of one section to build up to a crescendo near the end of the trailer. After further edits, they exported the finalized soundtrack for use in the trailer in Adobe Premier Pro.
The document discusses the process of creating a music trailer. The creator first searched a copyright free YouTube channel to find suitable music. They then used Audacity to import the sound clips onto different tracks, adjusted the audio levels, and arranged the clips according to a storyboard. Finally, the finished trailer was exported and uploaded to SoundCloud and embedded in a Tumblr blog.
The document outlines the production planning for a student film project. It includes a storyboard, visual notes, audio notes, and timing for different scenes. It also includes details about organizing the production such as casting one reliable performer, filming locations, scheduling, risk assessment, props, and soundtrack planning. The student plans to film initial scenes at a house and then use a green screen in college. They will spend the rest of the week editing in effects and creating soundtracks in Garageband.
The document describes the production process of an audio project. The speaker first recorded audio on a microphone and then edited the levels in Premier Pro as the speaking was initially very quiet. They then added their GarageBand song to Premier Pro and matched it to the speaking, adding faders to the start and end to prevent abrupt cuts. Finally, the speaker rendered the final sequence and exported it to MP3 format.
Screen shots of using audacity to create radiocoleybop
The document discusses using Audacity to create a radio advertisement by importing song audio files, precisely cutting where songs overlapped using the cut tool, and adding a volume transition between songs. It also details recording a voiceover last to easily fit it into the track, and experimenting with different accents to find the best fit for the advert.
I opened a new Adobe Premiere Pro project called WILDLIFE. I imported multiple short videos of animals into the project panel and dragged them onto the timeline video track. I removed the sound from the videos so I could add my own soundtrack, which features animal sounds to match the videos. I added transitions like dissolve and cross dissolve to fade between the videos and audio. I scaled some videos to fill the screen by removing black backgrounds added by different cameras. I added a fade out transition to the end of the completed video project.
This product work log details Drayton Mercure's work on a music video for the song "Superficial" from November 2011 to April 2012. It documents the writing and recording of the song, researching camera equipment, filming, editing the footage, and burning the final video to a DVD. The log notes challenges like computer issues but shows the video was completed through long hours of work with help from others.
Creating a clean version of chosen trackelliemoore17
- The document describes the process of editing a song in GarageBand to create a "clean version" that removes expletives for use in a music video.
- The key steps involved importing the song, using automation to insert silences over expletives, and filling the silences by adjusting shorter clips of the same song.
- The edited clean version was exported to iTunes for use in finalizing the music video editing project.
This document contains location notes for the production titled "The Life and Death of Michael Stephens". It lists 3 locations - My Garage, Admirals Park, and My House. For each location, it provides details on access and any relevant notes for filming, such as keeping the garage empty except for a scene, filming in Admirals Park at night using street lights, and having closed curtains with added light in the house scene.
Sean created a podcast for a class project. He wrote a script in Microsoft Word so he could access and edit it from home and school. When recording, he used Audacity at home with a higher quality microphone to avoid interruptions. He accidentally recorded 20 minutes of audio when only 5 minutes was required. Sean cut out unnecessary parts, pauses, and stutters to meet the time requirement. He added audio effects like noise gates and compression to improve sound quality. For the intro, Sean used funny noises from his classmates in Garage Band and exported it to Audition. The finished podcast was exported as a .WAV file as required.
The document provides an evaluation of an audio project focused on a ghost story about a security guard named Sam who is haunted by the ghosts of former mine workers. It discusses the research, planning, time management, technical qualities, aural qualities, and audience appeal of the project. While many elements worked well, some areas for improvement included adding music, making the opening dialogue louder, and better targeting the intended teenage audience.
The document outlines pre-production plans for a comedy TV show trailer, including:
- The trailer will feature slapstick and comedy drama for teenagers and adults.
- Floor plans are drafted for various filming locations, including bedrooms, bathrooms, and gardens.
- Equipment positions are planned for each location to get the desired shots.
- A storyboard is created depicting the plot of roommates causing an accidental explosion.
- A schedule is made for the first week of production filming scenes and editing footage.
The document outlines pre-production plans for a comedy TV show trailer, including:
- The trailer will feature slapstick and comedy drama for teenagers and adults.
- Floor plans are drafted for various filming locations, including bedrooms, bathrooms, and gardens.
- Equipment positions are planned for each location to get the desired shots.
- A storyboard is created depicting the plot of roommates causing an accidental explosion.
- A schedule is made for the first week of production filming scenes and editing footage.
Eunice discusses her experience with getting a cochlear implant to help with her hearing loss. She talks about how the operation went smoothly and she had confidence in the doctors. After the surgery, her brain had to learn how to process sounds it had never heard before, like learning a new language, and this took years. Eunice shares some of her favorite sounds she discovered after getting her implant, like walking in snow, but also sounds she finds unpleasant, like the loud rain. She describes being surprised by everyday kitchen sounds like the kettle and sugar pouring that she had never heard previously. While she has gotten used to most noises now, making tea still isn't her favorite task due to all the associated sounds.
This document outlines the pre-production planning for an audiobook, including sound effects, music, props, locations, contingencies, health and safety, and schedule. Sound effects like aeroplane landing and footsteps will be used. Background music from Bensound will play during various scenes. Voice actors are needed to portray characters. Potential issues from lost scripts to hardware malfunctions are addressed. The production schedule involves scripting, recording, editing in Premier Pro, and distribution over 8 tasks in unknown days.
Eunice discusses her experience living with a cochlear implant and hearing for the first time. She talks about how the operation went smoothly and how her brain had to learn to understand new sounds over several weeks. Eunice shares some of her favorite sounds she can now hear, like snow crunching, and some noises she finds unpleasant, like the loud rain. She also reflects on discovering everyday kitchen sounds, like the kettle and sugar pouring, that were completely new to her with her implant activated.
The document outlines the planning for a podcast recording, including:
- Equipment needed: a voice recorder, Mac computer with Logic Pro X software, and headphones.
- Timing of 1 minute 30 seconds to allow for intro/outro and avoid boredom.
- Recording scheduled for Thursday 22nd to allow time for editing and uploading by Friday.
- Sound checks will be done in the recorder's room at home to avoid distractions.
- Non-copyright music will be used for intro/outro and background to avoid legal issues.
The document outlines pre-production plans for a comedy TV show trailer, including:
- The trailer will involve slapstick and comedy drama for teenagers and adults.
- Floor plans are provided for various filming locations, including bedrooms, bathrooms, and gardens, with equipment positioning noted.
- Character designs, a storyboard, and production schedule are included to plan shooting over the next week.
- Contingency plans and health and safety considerations are also addressed to prepare for potential issues during filming.
The document outlines a proposed soundscape project called "The Scream" that follows a character alone at home who begins to hear strange noises and screams outside, creating a sense of fear and danger; research on existing soundscapes informed the planning, script, and selection of sound effects to build tension and suspense for the intended teenage and adult audience.
This document outlines Olivia Waller's pre-production plan for creating a radio podcast. It includes a list of sound effects and music tracks that will be used, along with their sources. Potential issues that could arise during production are identified, such as equipment failure or background noise, along with solutions. Health and safety concerns like loud volume, liquids near equipment, and prolonged computer use are addressed. Finally, an 8-day schedule is provided detailing the tasks to be completed each day, including scripting, recording, editing, and adding sound effects and music.
This document describes the rooms in the author's house, including the hall where they watch films with family, the kitchen, bedroom where they spend hours studying and listening to music, and the stairs they use frequently to access their upstairs bedroom.
The document discusses an electro house music genre called KeleTenderoni and how it uses lighting effects, speed animation, and no musical instruments to create a unique feeling and narrative. It provides examples of the genre through YouTube and other video links to illustrate how lighting is used to make the genre stand out and how there is a mysterious narrative created without using musical instruments, just beats.
The student received feedback on their music products from peers:
- Peers liked the retro fonts, clashing colors, and mountain/lightning details. However, they felt adding band members or more colors could improve the works.
- Another peer enjoyed the space background and tag/logo authenticity on the t-shirt. But suggested including additional colors.
- A third peer complimented the font style and colored lightning, but felt more lightning could enhance the power of the band.
- The student agreed the fonts captured the retro theme well and peers' suggestions, like adding band members or more colors/lightning, could further strengthen the works.
The document provides details about the process of creating various promotional materials for a retro 1980s-themed band called Blue Thunder. It describes designing an album cover featuring a grid, space background, mountain, and lightning effects. It also outlines designing a band t-shirt with the same space background and lightning bolts, as well as a poster advertising the band's tour from London to NYC featuring grids, text, and duplicated fonts for continuity across projects. The goal was to create cohesive designs capturing the retro 80s theme and attracting audiences.
The document discusses plans and considerations for a pre-production style sheet project with a retro 80s theme. It includes details on font style, color schemes, layout ideas inspired by images found on Pinterest, and potential issues and solutions related to the production process, hardware/software, and health and safety concerns. Potential issues addressed include data loss, WiFi outage, computer malfunctions, dissatisfaction with final products, inability to find desired images, risks of electric shock and eye/back strain from prolonged screen time and poor posture.
The document describes the production process of an audio project. The speaker first recorded audio on a microphone and then edited the levels in Premier Pro as the speaking was initially very quiet. They then added their GarageBand song to Premier Pro and matched it to the speaking, adding faders to the start and end to prevent abrupt cuts. Finally, the speaker rendered the final sequence and exported it to MP3 format.
Screen shots of using audacity to create radiocoleybop
The document discusses using Audacity to create a radio advertisement by importing song audio files, precisely cutting where songs overlapped using the cut tool, and adding a volume transition between songs. It also details recording a voiceover last to easily fit it into the track, and experimenting with different accents to find the best fit for the advert.
I opened a new Adobe Premiere Pro project called WILDLIFE. I imported multiple short videos of animals into the project panel and dragged them onto the timeline video track. I removed the sound from the videos so I could add my own soundtrack, which features animal sounds to match the videos. I added transitions like dissolve and cross dissolve to fade between the videos and audio. I scaled some videos to fill the screen by removing black backgrounds added by different cameras. I added a fade out transition to the end of the completed video project.
This product work log details Drayton Mercure's work on a music video for the song "Superficial" from November 2011 to April 2012. It documents the writing and recording of the song, researching camera equipment, filming, editing the footage, and burning the final video to a DVD. The log notes challenges like computer issues but shows the video was completed through long hours of work with help from others.
Creating a clean version of chosen trackelliemoore17
- The document describes the process of editing a song in GarageBand to create a "clean version" that removes expletives for use in a music video.
- The key steps involved importing the song, using automation to insert silences over expletives, and filling the silences by adjusting shorter clips of the same song.
- The edited clean version was exported to iTunes for use in finalizing the music video editing project.
This document contains location notes for the production titled "The Life and Death of Michael Stephens". It lists 3 locations - My Garage, Admirals Park, and My House. For each location, it provides details on access and any relevant notes for filming, such as keeping the garage empty except for a scene, filming in Admirals Park at night using street lights, and having closed curtains with added light in the house scene.
Sean created a podcast for a class project. He wrote a script in Microsoft Word so he could access and edit it from home and school. When recording, he used Audacity at home with a higher quality microphone to avoid interruptions. He accidentally recorded 20 minutes of audio when only 5 minutes was required. Sean cut out unnecessary parts, pauses, and stutters to meet the time requirement. He added audio effects like noise gates and compression to improve sound quality. For the intro, Sean used funny noises from his classmates in Garage Band and exported it to Audition. The finished podcast was exported as a .WAV file as required.
The document provides an evaluation of an audio project focused on a ghost story about a security guard named Sam who is haunted by the ghosts of former mine workers. It discusses the research, planning, time management, technical qualities, aural qualities, and audience appeal of the project. While many elements worked well, some areas for improvement included adding music, making the opening dialogue louder, and better targeting the intended teenage audience.
The document outlines pre-production plans for a comedy TV show trailer, including:
- The trailer will feature slapstick and comedy drama for teenagers and adults.
- Floor plans are drafted for various filming locations, including bedrooms, bathrooms, and gardens.
- Equipment positions are planned for each location to get the desired shots.
- A storyboard is created depicting the plot of roommates causing an accidental explosion.
- A schedule is made for the first week of production filming scenes and editing footage.
The document outlines pre-production plans for a comedy TV show trailer, including:
- The trailer will feature slapstick and comedy drama for teenagers and adults.
- Floor plans are drafted for various filming locations, including bedrooms, bathrooms, and gardens.
- Equipment positions are planned for each location to get the desired shots.
- A storyboard is created depicting the plot of roommates causing an accidental explosion.
- A schedule is made for the first week of production filming scenes and editing footage.
Eunice discusses her experience with getting a cochlear implant to help with her hearing loss. She talks about how the operation went smoothly and she had confidence in the doctors. After the surgery, her brain had to learn how to process sounds it had never heard before, like learning a new language, and this took years. Eunice shares some of her favorite sounds she discovered after getting her implant, like walking in snow, but also sounds she finds unpleasant, like the loud rain. She describes being surprised by everyday kitchen sounds like the kettle and sugar pouring that she had never heard previously. While she has gotten used to most noises now, making tea still isn't her favorite task due to all the associated sounds.
This document outlines the pre-production planning for an audiobook, including sound effects, music, props, locations, contingencies, health and safety, and schedule. Sound effects like aeroplane landing and footsteps will be used. Background music from Bensound will play during various scenes. Voice actors are needed to portray characters. Potential issues from lost scripts to hardware malfunctions are addressed. The production schedule involves scripting, recording, editing in Premier Pro, and distribution over 8 tasks in unknown days.
Eunice discusses her experience living with a cochlear implant and hearing for the first time. She talks about how the operation went smoothly and how her brain had to learn to understand new sounds over several weeks. Eunice shares some of her favorite sounds she can now hear, like snow crunching, and some noises she finds unpleasant, like the loud rain. She also reflects on discovering everyday kitchen sounds, like the kettle and sugar pouring, that were completely new to her with her implant activated.
The document outlines the planning for a podcast recording, including:
- Equipment needed: a voice recorder, Mac computer with Logic Pro X software, and headphones.
- Timing of 1 minute 30 seconds to allow for intro/outro and avoid boredom.
- Recording scheduled for Thursday 22nd to allow time for editing and uploading by Friday.
- Sound checks will be done in the recorder's room at home to avoid distractions.
- Non-copyright music will be used for intro/outro and background to avoid legal issues.
The document outlines pre-production plans for a comedy TV show trailer, including:
- The trailer will involve slapstick and comedy drama for teenagers and adults.
- Floor plans are provided for various filming locations, including bedrooms, bathrooms, and gardens, with equipment positioning noted.
- Character designs, a storyboard, and production schedule are included to plan shooting over the next week.
- Contingency plans and health and safety considerations are also addressed to prepare for potential issues during filming.
The document outlines a proposed soundscape project called "The Scream" that follows a character alone at home who begins to hear strange noises and screams outside, creating a sense of fear and danger; research on existing soundscapes informed the planning, script, and selection of sound effects to build tension and suspense for the intended teenage and adult audience.
This document outlines Olivia Waller's pre-production plan for creating a radio podcast. It includes a list of sound effects and music tracks that will be used, along with their sources. Potential issues that could arise during production are identified, such as equipment failure or background noise, along with solutions. Health and safety concerns like loud volume, liquids near equipment, and prolonged computer use are addressed. Finally, an 8-day schedule is provided detailing the tasks to be completed each day, including scripting, recording, editing, and adding sound effects and music.
This document describes the rooms in the author's house, including the hall where they watch films with family, the kitchen, bedroom where they spend hours studying and listening to music, and the stairs they use frequently to access their upstairs bedroom.
The document discusses an electro house music genre called KeleTenderoni and how it uses lighting effects, speed animation, and no musical instruments to create a unique feeling and narrative. It provides examples of the genre through YouTube and other video links to illustrate how lighting is used to make the genre stand out and how there is a mysterious narrative created without using musical instruments, just beats.
The student received feedback on their music products from peers:
- Peers liked the retro fonts, clashing colors, and mountain/lightning details. However, they felt adding band members or more colors could improve the works.
- Another peer enjoyed the space background and tag/logo authenticity on the t-shirt. But suggested including additional colors.
- A third peer complimented the font style and colored lightning, but felt more lightning could enhance the power of the band.
- The student agreed the fonts captured the retro theme well and peers' suggestions, like adding band members or more colors/lightning, could further strengthen the works.
The document provides details about the process of creating various promotional materials for a retro 1980s-themed band called Blue Thunder. It describes designing an album cover featuring a grid, space background, mountain, and lightning effects. It also outlines designing a band t-shirt with the same space background and lightning bolts, as well as a poster advertising the band's tour from London to NYC featuring grids, text, and duplicated fonts for continuity across projects. The goal was to create cohesive designs capturing the retro 80s theme and attracting audiences.
The document discusses plans and considerations for a pre-production style sheet project with a retro 80s theme. It includes details on font style, color schemes, layout ideas inspired by images found on Pinterest, and potential issues and solutions related to the production process, hardware/software, and health and safety concerns. Potential issues addressed include data loss, WiFi outage, computer malfunctions, dissatisfaction with final products, inability to find desired images, risks of electric shock and eye/back strain from prolonged screen time and poor posture.
This proposal outlines a music-based project to promote a fictional band called Blue Lava. The proposal discusses creating album artwork, posters, and t-shirts to visually promote the band. It describes the band's backstory and genre as retro music. The target audience is identified as people aged 16-29 who enjoy retro-inspired modern music. Elements of research such as audience surveys and movies/games will influence the designs, focusing on neon and blue colors. Pricing for CDs, digital downloads, vinyl, and merchandise is outlined. Legal and ethical considerations are also addressed to avoid offensive, inappropriate, or copyrighted content.
The document describes two experiments conducted by the author in Photoshop. In the first experiment, the author created an album cover design using a textured background image and cutout of a mannequin. Various blending modes and filters were applied. For the second experiment, the author designed a t-shirt with a volcano motif to practice masking tools in Photoshop. Reflection on the experiments notes that blending, masking and blending modes will be useful for future work, while themes may change to focus on retro 1980s style. Lessons on using multiple layers and silhouettes are also discussed.
The document provides details about several existing album cover designs that could provide inspiration for a new music-related product. Key aspects mentioned include retro/futuristic neon color schemes, simple yet creative designs, and themes that relate to the genre of music. Audience research through surveys found that most people responded positively to the proposed band name and were willing to pay 贈50-贈70 to see a live show. Respondents also identified as relaxed/chilled out, suggesting the music would appeal to those seeking a balanced listening experience.
The document describes Christopher Law's initial plans for a product design project, including three potential ideas: 1) A fictional pop/rock band called "Blue Lava" with merchandise like a CD cover and poster, 2) A podcast similar to "The Ricky Gervais Show", and 3) A poster for a fictional horror movie. Christopher Law chooses to move forward with the "Blue Lava" band idea, as he enjoys creating CD covers and posters, and believes the skills learned in prior course units will help him create great products. The products will feature a retro 80s theme with neon colors and depict the band's name formed from blue lava.
This document summarizes Chris Law's FMP evaluation project. It covers the planning, research, time management, technical qualities, aural qualities, audience appeal, and peer feedback aspects of the project. For research, Chris found similar audio books on SoundCloud to help structure their own. Planning helped keep the project on track. Time management allowed work to be done at home and college. Peer feedback suggested including more stories and longer length, while disagreeing that transitions needed improving. Overall the evaluation finds the project successful but could be extended in length and content.
Chris created an audio book project by combining various audio files from different sources. He began by adding background music from YouTube to accompany his vocal tracks. He then edited in sound effects like screams he obtained from online videos. Chris adjusted the volume of each audio component to ensure the different elements were clear. He later included a voice recording with a friend to add a section about a demon luring teens. Chris recorded his commentary in separate sections to make edits easier. He applied various effects to individual audio clips to make the finished product cohesive and believable.
The document outlines Chris Law's pre-production plan for creating an audio project containing sound effects, music, and narration. It details the specific sound effects and sources, a YouTube music track, locations and props needed to record sounds, contingency plans for potential issues, health and safety considerations, and a 7-day schedule to complete the project. Nearly all sounds and the narration will be recorded by Chris using everyday items in their home.
This proposal is for an audio book series called "The Spirit Voices" that aims to entertain and educate listeners about the spiritual realm through unexplained audio anomalies. It will include short stories to provide context for mysterious audio clips that cannot be explained, like voices heard in empty houses. The target audience is people aged 20-50 who are curious and open-minded about ghosts and the afterlife. Considerations will be made to avoid offensive language or material that disrespects religions. Original audio will be created to make the project unique while learning from similar existing audio books.
The document discusses existing products related to ghost stories and paranormal audio recordings. It describes a few YouTube documentaries and podcasts that feature unexplained EVP recordings and ghost encounters. It notes that these types of productions appeal to those seeking a thrill or mystery. The document also analyzes the common features of these media, such as using sound effects to enhance audio quality. It states that the author aims to create original sounds for their own work on this topic and appeal to an open-minded audience over age 20 with interest in the creepy or disturbing.
This document reflects on the process of creating a magazine cover for a Game of Thrones magazine. It describes how the creator took photos of castles for the background image and wishes they had removed some text. It also discusses the choices made for headings, fonts, and graphic elements like house banners and colors to attract audiences and convey information about the magazine's contents. Specific rhetorical questions and teasers about plot points are mentioned as attention-grabbing techniques. Finally, it predicts the ending of the Game of Thrones TV series.
The document outlines Chris Law's pre-production plans for creating a magazine cover featuring Richmond Castle in England. It includes layouts for the cover, a list of needed props and locations, contingency plans for potential issues like bad weather, and a schedule. Chris will take photos of Richmond Castle with their dad's camera to use for the cover, and will edit the photos on their computer. They provide backup plans for issues that could arise and safety precautions for working on the computer.
The document describes Chris Law's process for creating a replica magazine cover experiment. Some key steps included:
- Using a wide range of blues to create the background scene, eventually settling on darker colors towards the bottom
- Finding and duplicating an image of a silver fish to place in the background
- Learning to use the text spacing tool to adjust space between words and sentences
- Finding the same font used in the original magazine
- Realizing the ability to add boxes around text for headings
The reflection discusses including many of the methods learned, such as text tools, but avoiding too many image boxes. Original landscape photos will be taken instead of using internet images.
Here are a few key points about your target audience based on the profile you provided:
- Your primary target audience is males ages 17-30 who have watched and enjoyed Game of Thrones. This aligns with demographic data showing the majority of viewers are male.
- However, your content may also appeal to a wider audience who are fans of the complex world, characters, and storytelling in Game of Thrones. This includes both male and female fans ages 17 and up who have access to watch the show.
- Readers should have at least a basic education since understanding some references may require knowledge of language, history, and themes in both the show and books.
- While the content may interest fans worldwide,
This document summarizes Chris Law's FMP evaluation. It discusses his process of researching pixel games for inspiration, planning his project through bullet points, and managing his time by working 2 hours per day. Feedback noted the animation could be longer and more detailed. Chris agreed improvements were needed and updated the project with more detail and audio.
The artist began working on the background for their main image by adding clouds and choosing bright blue for the sky to depict the aftermath of an asteroid. They created dinosaurs and unique fish for a pond to make the prehistoric setting feel real. The artist modified duplicate backgrounds with different shades and added bones and ashes to the last one to show the disaster and hint that the surviving animals would evolve into humans.
The document outlines a pre-production plan for a retro arcade-style dinosaur game. It discusses taking inspiration from natural environments like jungles and deserts. Fonts and graphics will have a pixelated, retro style "from the perspective of an arcade machine." A schedule is proposed to search for images, create graphics in Photoshop, take reference photos, animate in Photoshop and Premiere over 8 days. Potential issues around extinct animals, weather, photo editing tools are considered along with avoiding animal harm and equipment damage.
The document describes an experiment creating a pixel art scene with a ghost and kid holding a lamp. It discusses the simple steps taken to create the layered scene in pixel art. While not the creator's best work, it was practice for the main project of a "Ghost Game" and helped experiment with using different colors for lighting effects and adding creepy details to the ghost. The reflection notes that color aspects will be important to include in the final product to provide detail through varied colors rather than just using the same color everywhere.
Yoga philosophy emphasizes self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation and empathy, which are key components of emotional intelligence. Yoga practices like chitta-prasadana, kriyayoga and astangayoga help you develop these skills.
1. ChristopherLaw
The script I willbewriting will belinked totheresearch I havedoneand other products I havereviewed.
The main themeofmy product was initially going to beabout a ghost recorder that was foundby a reporter at a crimescene
where 2 people disappeared andreappearedatthesamecrime scene2 years later, but they werent alive. Theyweredead
with a recorder attached tooneoftheirhands.
The recorder wouldofheld disturbing sounds.This wasnta good idea soI insteaddecidedto turn my main project into an
audio book podcast. This would consist of3 stories and background history thentheoriginalrecordings as evidenceI would add
one authenticrecording from mosthaunted. Then the other twoI would create the audioand comeup with the story.
The spirit voices:
Section 1: Most haunted
Hello andwelcometo The Ghost Voices today wewill belisting 3 ofthemostmysterious EVP recordings In history presumed tobe the
spirits of Ghosts andeven a demon.The firstrecording I will showis from the famous British scaryshow most hauntedthis show has
grown in popularity since it has a lot ofraw un-edited videos, the episodewe willbelistening to is a special episodejustcalled11th January
and was filmed in2009, this episode has multiplevoices andnoises even a loud whistling in thebackground. Listen for yourself. (Insert
audio) what do you think,fakeor real?
Section 2: ghost
This next audio clipwas founded bya young man that was all alonein his apartment While his room-mates were out drinking. He started
hearing a whimpering noise. Someonewas in painand couldnt stopmumbling.Here is the audio herecorded onhis phone, I willenhance
the audioso you can hear itbetter.(Insetaudio) as you canhearthewhimpering is very distinctive and easily identifiedas someone crying
and in pain.
Section 3: demon
in the nextaudioclip I doadvisecautionas itmay seem disturbing to mostpeople. It was captured by someonewhowas awokenby a
massive thudin his living room,he saidin the description that when hewentdownstairs.To find the centrelight ontheceiling was torn
from the ceiling and thrownagainst the wall.He alsosaidthathe wouldbemoving soon, and would nevergo back sincehis wife was
freaked outas soon as he toldher. This is whathe captured. (Insertaudio) what did youthink ofthis audioclip doyou believe. Ifyou do
and you likethese types ofaudio books thendont forget to subscribeand getreminders when I releasea new audio book. The next book
Im planning onmaking is someofthe most haunted asylums in the country, I will alsoincludemorestories and audio clips to makeit as
entertaining for you guys. Havea good day.
(End of constantbackground music)
(End audio)