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 The script I willbewriting will belinked totheresearch I havedoneand other products I havereviewed.
 The main themeofmy product was initially going to beabout a ghost recorder that was foundby a reporter at a crimescene
where 2 people disappeared andreappearedatthesamecrime scene2 years later, but they werent alive. Theyweredead
with a recorder attached tooneoftheirhands.
 The recorder wouldofheld disturbing sounds.This wasnta good idea soI insteaddecidedto turn my main project into an
audio book podcast. This would consist of3 stories and background history thentheoriginalrecordings as evidenceI would add
one authenticrecording from mosthaunted. Then the other twoI would create the audioand comeup with the story.
The spirit voices:
Section 1: Most haunted
Hello andwelcometo The Ghost Voices today wewill belisting 3 ofthemostmysterious EVP recordings In history presumed tobe the
spirits of Ghosts andeven a demon.The firstrecording I will showis from the famous British scaryshow most hauntedthis show has
grown in popularity since it has a lot ofraw un-edited videos, the episodewe willbelistening to is a special episodejustcalled11th January
and was filmed in2009, this episode has multiplevoices andnoises even a loud whistling in thebackground. Listen for yourself. (Insert
audio) what do you think,fakeor real?
Section 2: ghost
This next audio clipwas founded bya young man that was all alonein his apartment While his room-mates were out drinking. He started
hearing a whimpering noise. Someonewas in painand couldnt stopmumbling.Here is the audio herecorded onhis phone, I willenhance
the audioso you can hear itbetter.(Insetaudio) as you canhearthewhimpering is very distinctive and easily identifiedas someone crying
and in pain.
Section 3: demon
in the nextaudioclip I doadvisecautionas itmay seem disturbing to mostpeople. It was captured by someonewhowas awokenby a
massive thudin his living room,he saidin the description that when hewentdownstairs.To find the centrelight ontheceiling was torn
from the ceiling and thrownagainst the wall.He alsosaidthathe wouldbemoving soon, and would nevergo back sincehis wife was
freaked outas soon as he toldher. This is whathe captured. (Insertaudio) what did youthink ofthis audioclip doyou believe. Ifyou do
and you likethese types ofaudio books thendont forget to subscribeand getreminders when I releasea new audio book. The next book
Im planning onmaking is someofthe most haunted asylums in the country, I will alsoincludemorestories and audio clips to makeit as
entertaining for you guys. Havea good day.
(End of constantbackground music)
(End audio)

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  • 1. ChristopherLaw Script The script I willbewriting will belinked totheresearch I havedoneand other products I havereviewed. The main themeofmy product was initially going to beabout a ghost recorder that was foundby a reporter at a crimescene where 2 people disappeared andreappearedatthesamecrime scene2 years later, but they werent alive. Theyweredead with a recorder attached tooneoftheirhands. The recorder wouldofheld disturbing sounds.This wasnta good idea soI insteaddecidedto turn my main project into an audio book podcast. This would consist of3 stories and background history thentheoriginalrecordings as evidenceI would add one authenticrecording from mosthaunted. Then the other twoI would create the audioand comeup with the story. The spirit voices: Section 1: Most haunted Hello andwelcometo The Ghost Voices today wewill belisting 3 ofthemostmysterious EVP recordings In history presumed tobe the spirits of Ghosts andeven a demon.The firstrecording I will showis from the famous British scaryshow most hauntedthis show has grown in popularity since it has a lot ofraw un-edited videos, the episodewe willbelistening to is a special episodejustcalled11th January and was filmed in2009, this episode has multiplevoices andnoises even a loud whistling in thebackground. Listen for yourself. (Insert audio) what do you think,fakeor real? Section 2: ghost This next audio clipwas founded bya young man that was all alonein his apartment While his room-mates were out drinking. He started hearing a whimpering noise. Someonewas in painand couldnt stopmumbling.Here is the audio herecorded onhis phone, I willenhance the audioso you can hear itbetter.(Insetaudio) as you canhearthewhimpering is very distinctive and easily identifiedas someone crying and in pain. Section 3: demon in the nextaudioclip I doadvisecautionas itmay seem disturbing to mostpeople. It was captured by someonewhowas awokenby a massive thudin his living room,he saidin the description that when hewentdownstairs.To find the centrelight ontheceiling was torn from the ceiling and thrownagainst the wall.He alsosaidthathe wouldbemoving soon, and would nevergo back sincehis wife was freaked outas soon as he toldher. This is whathe captured. (Insertaudio) what did youthink ofthis audioclip doyou believe. Ifyou do and you likethese types ofaudio books thendont forget to subscribeand getreminders when I releasea new audio book. The next book Im planning onmaking is someofthe most haunted asylums in the country, I will alsoincludemorestories and audio clips to makeit as entertaining for you guys. Havea good day. (End of constantbackground music) (End audio)