The Bibliography of Life is a freely accessible bibliography that aims to provide references for every published taxonomic paper. It addresses the problem of locating and managing bibliographic references by providing automatic de-duplication of references and tools for users to curate references. The Bibliography of Life consists of two components: ReFinder, which discovers references from various online sources, and RefBank, which stores, deduplicates, and allows editing of references. Together, these components provide a comprehensive and curated collection of taxonomic references.
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Bibliography of Life: Comprehensive services for biodiversity bibliographic references (POSTER)
1. Bibliography of Life
a freely accessible bibliography of every
taxonomic paper ever published
The vision
The solution
To assist the taxonomist locate and manage accurate
bibliographic references‡.
The bibliography of life addresses the problem of getting references
from the dirty bucket to the clean one by providing automatic
de‐duplication and providing tools for users to curate references.
The problem
The bibliography of life platform is developed within the EU FP7 project
ViBRANT and consists of two components: ReFinder and RefBank.
The core problem is data quality, for which Rich Pyle devised the
metaphor of a dirty bucket, containing every reference of whatever
quality, and a clean bucket, containing useful references only.
ReFinder and RefBank are being closely integrated into Scratchpads
and Pensoft Writing Tool, so that access to accurate bibliographic
information is seamlessly incorporated into a researcher’s workflow.
References are added to, and de‐duplicated by, RefBank automatically
from the two tools without disrupting the researcher’s work.
Curation of search results is optional, so if a researcher finds an error in
a reference they do not have to correct it immediately. All changes are
saved, with their provenance, in RefBank and so are available to all
other bibliography of life users.
ReFinder is designed to discover and download references from a wide
range of open access online bibliographies, such as CrossRef, PubMed,
Mendeley, Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL), BioStor, BioNames and
others. ReFinder also searches RefBank, of course.
ReFinder provides the breadth of coverage of bibliographic references
to complete the bibliography of life.
RefBank is a network of servers to store, deduplicate and parse
bibliographic references. Users can load, edit and delete references.
Provenance data is recorded, allowing citizen scientists to contribute as
well as professional researchers. RefBank provides a curated in depth
view of bibliographic references. We have pre‐loaded more than
210,000 references and are adding more monthly.
† Page R (2010) Mendeley, BHL, and the Bibliography of Life”,‐bhl‐and‐of‐life.html.
See the bibliography of life in action during the demonstration sessions on
Thursday 31st October. Look for demonstration 509, given by Guido Sautter
and Jordan Biserkov in America del Sud (Theatre II) starting at 11:30. Or
ask for an informal demonstration at a time to suit you.
‡ King D, Morse DR, Willis A, Dil A (2011) Towards the bibliography of life. In:
Smith V, Penev L (Eds) e‐Infrastructures for data publishing in biodiversity
science. ZooKeys 150: 151–166. doi: 10.3897/zookeys.150.2167
We look forward to meeting you.
Explore the bibliography of life at
David King1, Guido Sautter2, David Morse1, Lyubomir Penev3, 4, Jordan Biserkov4, Teodor Georgiev4, Dave Roberts5, Vince Smith5
1 The Open University, UK. 2 Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Karlsruhe, Germany.
3 Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria.
4 Pensoft Publishers, Sofia, Bulgaria. 5 Natural History Museum, London, UK.
Corresponding author:
ViBRANT is funded by the European Union 7th Framework Programme within the Research Infrastructures group.
Contract no. RI‐261532. Period, Dec. 2010 to Nov. 2013. Coordinator: Dr Vince Smith.