The document appears to be a catalog listing various rosettes for sale by Zoya Sladek. It provides details on the size, price, number of tails, and length of tails for each rosette. Contact information is listed at the top and bottom, including an email, phone number, and link to a Facebook page for Zoya Sladek and her business called Rosettes. A wide variety of rosette sizes and styles are listed with their specifications.
3. 廚 廣廛 廬, 廨 廬 仍 亶仂 舒, 亅仍 亞亳弍仂 舒
-廣 廬, 廩廨 廩 廬 于亳-亟 舒, 弌舒 舒仍仂仄 舒
廨 廬廨廣 廩 廬 仂仍 弍 仍舒 亳舒
!廩廨廡 廩 廩廣 廚 从仂仍 仍舒仂仆 仂亟
丿舒从 亳仄舒 弍亳仍于舒亟
仂亳舒 仂亟
丼亟仆亶 弌仂于亠仆亳从 丐, 亠仄仂亞亳亶 仂亞,
亠仆仂亳 亠, 仄亳舒 仍舒亠仍亳仆.
亠亠亟 丐仂弍仂亶, 仄仂亶 仂亞, 从仂仍亠仆亳 仗亠从仍仂仆亳仄
亳 仄亳 于仂亰于亠亳仄: 仗舒亠仆亠 仍亳 于 丐亠弍亠!
Peleh Yoetz ata, El Gibor ata Wonderful Counselor,
Avi-Ad ata, Sar-Shalom ata Mighty God,
Kol berech lecha tichra Everlasting Father,
Prince of Peace,
Vechol lashon todeh
Every knee shall bow
Sherak shimcha bilvad And every tongue confess
Moshia ufodeh That only Your name saves and redeems
4. 廩廣, 廬 廬 舒, 舒于仂 仄舒仍舒
!廣廩 廨廢! 亊舒 仂仆舒! 仍仍仍亶!
廩廣, 廬 廬 舒, 舒于仂 仄舒仍舒
!廣廩 廨廢! 亊舒 仂仆舒! 仍仍仍亶!
! 仄仆!
舒,于亠 弍仍亳亢亠 丐于仂亶 于亠!
丐于仂亠 舒于仂 亞磲亠, 仍仍亳仍亶!
舒, 仗 弍亟亠 仆舒 于亠
仍亳 于仂仍 丐于仂! 仍仍亳仍亶, 舒仄亳仆
Yeshua, tavo malchutcha
Yeaseh retzoncha Yeshua, may Your kingdom come
Your will be done, Hallelujah!
Yeshua, may Your kingdom come
Yeshua, tavo malchutcha Your will be done, Hallelujah!
Yeaseh retzoncha Amen!
5. 廨廡 廬 廩 舒从 仍舒 仆亳仆舒 从仂仍 舒仄仄舒仍舒
峺 峺
廬廬 廨 廩 崋廩岼 廨廨 丐舒舒 亞仍舒 从仂仍 亳仍仂仆 舒舒
廩 廩 廬 廨 舒仆 亠 弍亳仄舒 从仂仍 舒弍舒舒
! 廣 廬 廩 仄 仆舒舒仄仂亟 弍舒 仆亳仄舒仍 亳仄舒
亳 丐亠弍亠 亟舒仆舒 亳仍舒 于 亳 于仍舒.
亠亢亳 丐 于 从舒 于亠 仆舒 仄亳 亰亠仄仆仂亶
亳仄亠仆亳 丐于仂亠仄 弍仍舒亞仂仍仂于亠仆亳亶 亟仂亢亟.
仂亞亟舒 亳亟亠仄 亰舒 丐仂弍仂亶, 于 亠亟舒 仄亳 亳 仗仂从仂亶
Rak lecha nitna You alone have been given the government
Kol hamemshala Under Your feet all rule and authority
In Your name we have full blessing
Tachat raglecha And if we abide in You
Kol shilton usrara We will be filled with joy
Lanu yesh beshimcha et kol habracha
Im naamod becha nitmaleh simcha
6. 廩廣, 廬 廬 舒, 舒于仂 仄舒仍舒
!廣廩 廨廢! 亊舒 仂仆舒! 仍仍仍亶!
廩廣, 廬 廬 舒, 舒于仂 仄舒仍舒
!廣廩 廨廢! 亊舒 仂仆舒! 仍仍仍亶!
! 仄仆!
舒,于亠 弍仍亳亢亠 丐于仂亶 于亠!
丐于仂亠 舒于仂 亞磲亠, 仍仍亳仍亶!
舒, 仗 弍亟亠 仆舒 于亠
仍亳 于仂仍 丐于仂! 仍仍亳仍亶, 舒仄亳仆
Yeshua, tavo malchutcha
Yeaseh retzoncha Yeshua, may Your kingdom come
Your will be done, Hallelujah!
Yeshua, may Your kingdom come
Yeshua, tavo malchutcha Your will be done, Hallelujah!
Yeaseh retzoncha Amen!
7. 廡廬 廣 廬 廡廬 舒从舒舒 仍亶舒 从仂仍 h舒从仍舒仍仂
廬 廖, 廬 亅 从仂仍 h舒于仍 h舒
廢廬 廩廚廣 崋廨 于h舒仄舒仍仂
廨 舒仆 亳于亳舒 舒 于舒舒
!廬, 廬, 廬 舒仆 仂仄亳仄 仍舒
丐仂亟舒, 仂亟舒, 仂亟舒!
亰磿 仆舒 弌亠弍 仆舒 亞亠 亳 弍仂仍亠亰仆亠亶 亞亰.
亠亟舒 亳亰仍亳仍 弌于仂亶 仄亳, 仍ミ頴笑珂 亳 弍仍舒亞仂亟舒.
丐亠弍 弍仍舒亞仂亟舒亳仄, 于舒仍 丐亠弍亠 仗仂亠仄!
仍舒于舒 丐亠弍亠 亳 亠, 于亠仍亳亳亠 亳 仄亳!
Lakachta alecha et kol haklalot
You have born all curses
Et kol hasevel, All the suffering, the sin and sicknesses
HaChet vehamachalot and for us You have commanded
VeLanu tzivita shefa uvracha Abundance and Blessing
Veanu omrim lecha And we say: Thank You!
Toda! Toda! Toda!
8. 廩廣, 廬 廬 舒, 舒于仂 仄舒仍舒
!廣廩 廨廢! 亊舒 仂仆舒! 仍仍仍亶!
廩廣, 廬 廬 舒, 舒于仂 仄舒仍舒
!廣廩 廨廢! 亊舒 仂仆舒! 仍仍仍亶!
! 仄仆!
舒,于亠 弍仍亳亢亠 丐于仂亶 于亠!
丐于仂亠 舒于仂 亞磲亠, 仍仍亳仍亶!
舒, 仗 弍亟亠 仆舒 于亠
仍亳 于仂仍 丐于仂! 仍仍亳仍亶, 舒仄亳仆
Yeshua, tavo malchutcha
Yeaseh retzoncha Yeshua, may Your kingdom come
Your will be done, Hallelujah!
Yeshua, may Your kingdom come
Yeshua, tavo malchutcha Your will be done, Hallelujah!
Yeaseh retzoncha Amen!
9. 廨廣 廩廣
丼仂 亰舒 亞舒 仄 亳仄亠亠仄?
What a friend we have
in Jesus
10. 峽 峙
廨廣 廩廣丼仂 亰舒 亞舒 仄 亳仄亠亠仄?
廖廨舒 仆 从 亢亳亰仆亳 仗仂弍亟亳仍
廣 廨廣
于 仄 仄 舒亳亠仄 于仍舒亟亠亠仄
廨 廬廚 峺廩廨
于 仄 亳仂仆亳从 于亠仆 亳仍
What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear
What a privilage to carry
Ev'rything to God in prayer
11. 峩峙
廣 廨 峅 廨廖, 从舒从 舒仂 仄 舒亟舒仍亳
? 崋岼 廖 弍仂仍 亠仗 仆舒仗舒仆仂 舒仄
廬 廚峩 廬峩 峅 廨廖亞亟亠 仗仂亳 仄 亰舒弍于舒仍亳
峩 峇
! 廢 仂弍 仂亟亳仆 仗仂仄仂亞 仆 仆舒仄
Oh, what peace we often forfeit
Oh what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Ev'rything to God in prayer
12. 廬 廩 峺廩廬从亠仆亠 仍 仆舒 亠于仂亢亳
廢廡 廨仗从亳 仍 礀从亳 亟仍 从仂亞仂
廩! 廖廨 廚 从舒亢亟亶 仗 亳亰 仆舒
廨廡 廨 廬廚 峺廩廨从仂弍 于仂 于 仆舒 亠亞仂
Have we trials and temptations
Is there trouble anywhere
We should never be discouraged
Take it to the Lord in prayer
13. 廩廣 廩廣 仆 仂亟亳仆 亠亟亳 于亠仍亠仆仆仂亶
廨廣 仄仂亢亠 于亠 亠亟 仄 仗仂仍亳
廢廬 峭 仍亳 丱亳仂 仂亟亳仆 仄亞仆仂于亠仆仆仂
廡 峺 廣 仂亢亠 亞仂亠 仂弍仍亠亞亳
Can we find a friend so faithful
Who will all our sorrows share
Jesus Knows our every weakness
Take it to the Lord in prayer
14. 廣廡 廖 亰仆于舒亠仄 仄 仗仂亟 亰仆仂亠仄
廩 廚 仂亶 亢亳亰仆亳 亠仆仂亶
峺 廬廩廬廡! 廩廣亠亟亠 仍亳 仄 仂从仂亠仄
廬廚 廬亳 仆 亟舒 亟亠 仗仂从仂亶
Are we weak and heavy laden
Cumbered with a load of care
Precious Saviour, still our refuge
Take it to the Lord in prayer
15. 廨廣仍亳 仆舒 亟亰 亰舒弍仍亳
廨廩 岼 岼从舒亢亠仄 仂仗仂亟 仂 仂仄
廩峺 廬廚 廩亳 丱亳仂 仗仂磦亳 于 亳仍亠
廩 廩 廬 仂 仆 于亠仆亶 亟亞 于仂 于仄
Do thy friends despise, forsake thee
Take it to the Lord in prayer
In His arms He'll take and shield thee
Thou wilt find a solace there
18. 廢廚廬 仍亳弍亳 舒舒仆亳
廨廬 亳仄舒舒
廣 仍仄舒舒仆 仍仂 舒 仍舒
弌仍仂于仂 丐于仂 于 亠亟亠 仄仂仄 仂从于舒,
仂弍 仆亠 亞亠亳 仗亠亠亟 丐仂弍仂, 仄仂亶 仂仗仂亟!
Belibi tzafanti I have hidden Your name
Belibi tzafanti In my heart
That I may not sin against
Lemaan lo echta lach You
19. 廨 廬 舒 舒舒 亟仂仆舒亶
廡 仍舒仄亟仆亳 从亶舒
廩廚廬 廖廚廨廬 弍亳舒舒亶 亳仗舒亳
廩廚 廚 从仂仍 仄亳仗亶 仗亳舒
仍舒亞仂仍仂于亠仆 丐, 仂仗仂亟! 丕亳 仆舒 舒于舒仄 丐于仂亳仄.
仂亰于亠舒仍 舒仄亳 于亠 亟 于仂亳, 仄仂亶 仂亞!
Baruch ata Adonai Praise be to You, O God
Lamdeni chukeicha Teach me Your statutes
Bisfatai siparti With my lips I declared
Kol mishpetei picha All the judgments of Your mouth
20. 廢廚廬 仍亳弍亳 舒舒仆亳
廨廬 亳仄舒舒
廣 仍仄舒舒仆 仍仂 舒 仍舒
弌仍仂于仂 丐于仂 于 亠亟亠 仄仂仄 仂从于舒,
仂弍 仆亠 亞亠亳 仗亠亠亟 丐仂弍仂, 仄仂亶 仂仗仂亟!
Belibi tzafanti I have hidden Your name
Belibi tzafanti In my heart
That I may not sin against
Lemaan lo echta lach You
22. , 廩廬 廨 廚廩廣 仂 仂舒仆 亠h 仄亳仗舒仆
廩廨 廩廨 丿舒亳仄 舒仆亳 舒h舒于舒
廬廡 廬 廨 丐亳从仆 亟舒从仆
廨廚峩 廬 廚廩 亳仗 仆舒仆
廬 廚 亳仍舒 仍舒仆 仗仆亶 h舒舒于
丐仂仄, 仂 亞亠亳 从仗亳仍 弌于仂亠亶 从仂于
仆舒 于亠仆仍 仆舒于亠亞亟舒
仂 仗 从舒亰舒仍 仆舒仄, 亠亟舒 仗亠亠仗仍舒于亳仍
弌 仍ミ頴笑珂 仗亳仂亟亳仄 于亠亞亟舒
Lo sheotanu teher mipshaenu To Him who purified us
Sharim anu shir ahava from our transgressions
We sing a song of love
Tiken et drachenu,
He corrected our ways
Ripeh et nafshenu
Healed our souls
Gila lanu et pnei haAv Revealed to us
The face of the Father
23. ,廣廬 舒舒 弍仂 仍舒于
廩 廬 廡 亳舒 从仂仍仆
廩廬 亳舒舒于 仍舒舒亟仂仆
廣, 仍 仂仍舒仄 h 亞仂舒仍仆
廨 廨 仍亶仆 舒亟 仄亳 仄舒仂仄
廣廩 廩 h 舒舒于 仍亳仄亳仆仂 仍 h舒舒于
廩廣 廩 廬, 廝 廬 舒 h舒 h舒舒仄亳仄, 仍 于舒舒于
亠仆亠亶 仍ミ頴火, 仗亠仆亠亶 于舒仍,
仂仍舒于 仆舒仄亳 于仄亠亠 亳舒 亠亳, 丐于仂舒
仆 丶舒 舒亠亶, 弌仗舒亳亠仍 亟亠仆亶!
仗仂仍仆亳于亳 于仂仍 舒, 于亰仂亠仍 仆 仆舒 从亠, 舒 亠弍 亳 仄亠仆
亳, 亞仆亠 仂亢亳亶, 丐亠弍 仗亠于仂亰仆仂亳仄, 仍ミ英
Veata bou elav, Nisa et kolenu And now, come unto Him
Lift up your voices
Nishtachaveh laAdon Worship the Lord
Melech olam, Hu goalenu, The eternal King, He is our Redeemer
Elenu yarad mimarom He came down to us from on high
And now He is at the Fathers right hand
Vehu achshav liymino shel haAv Yeshua the inoccent Lamb
Yeshua haSeh hatamim, alef vatav Alpha and Omega
24. , 廩廨廡 廬 廣廢 仂 仂从仆 舒仄仂 仄亳 从舒于仂亟
廩廨 廩廨 丿舒亳仄 舒仆 亳 舒h舒于舒
廢 廣 廩 仍舒 仍 h舒仍舒于 弍舒亟 h舒亳仄舒
廣廩廬 廨廢 廩 舒舒仂 仂仆仂 仍 h舒舒于
舒于亳仍 仆 仍舒于 仆亠弍亠 亟仂弍仂于仂仍仆仂,
亳仗仂仍仆亳于亳 于仂仍 舒
舒 从亠 仆 于亰仂亠仍, 仂弍 仗舒亳 仆舒亳 亟亳
舒于亠从亳 仗舒亳 仂 亞亠舒
Lo sheroken et atzmo mikavod To Him
Sharim anu shir ahava Who emptied Himself from glory
We sing a song of love
Halach el hatzlav
He went to the cross
Bead hasimcha For the joy of
Laasot retzono shel haAv Doing the Fathers will
25. , 廣廬 舒舒 弍仂 仍舒于
廩 廬 廡亳舒 从仂仍仆
廩廬 亳舒舒于 仍舒舒亟仂仆
廣, 仍 仂仍舒仄 h 亞仂舒仍仆
廨 廨仍亶仆 舒亟 仄亳 仄舒仂仄
廣廩 廩 h 舒舒于 仍亳仄亳仆仂 仍 h舒舒于
廩廣 廩 廬, 廝 廬舒 h舒 h舒舒仄亳仄, 仍 于舒舒于
亠仆亠亶 仍ミ頴火, 仗亠仆亠亶 于舒仍,
仂仍舒于 仆舒仄亳 于仄亠亠 亳舒 亠亳, 丐于仂舒
仆 丶舒 舒亠亶, 弌仗舒亳亠仍 亟亠仆亶!
仗仂仍仆亳于亳 于仂仍 舒, 于亰仂亠仍 仆 仆舒 从亠, 舒 亠弍 亳 仄亠仆
亳, 亞仆亠 仂亢亳亶, 丐亠弍 仗亠于仂亰仆仂亳仄, 仍ミ英
Veata bou elav, Nisa et kolenu And now, come unto Him
Lift up your voices
Nishtachaveh laAdon Worship the Lord
Melech olam, Hu goalenu, The eternal King, He is our Redeemer
He came down to us from on high
Elenu yarad mimarom And now He is at the Fathers right hand
Vehu achshav liymino shel haAv Yeshua the inoccent Lamb
Alpha and Omega
Yeshua haSeh hatamim, alef vatav
26. 亳于仂亟 舒亟仂仆仆
廬 亳亠 舒亠亶仆
廩廨 仂仍 亶仂仄 从'仄仂 亳 舒h舒于舒
廬 廣廢 廩 舒仄 仍舒仄仆亳 弍仄舒亳舒
廡 廬 廬 舒仄仆 亳仂 仍亳
亢亳亰仆 于仂 丐亠弍亠 仗仂于舒
丼仂弍 亳仄 丐于仂亠 于仂仗亠于舒
亟仍 亞亠仂于 仆舒于亠亞亟舒 仄亳舒,
丼仂弍 于仄亠亠 丐仂弍仂 于仂舒
Lichvod Adonenu
To the glory of Our Lord
Nichyeh et chayenu We live our lives
Kol yom kmo shir ahava Everyday like a song of love
Namut leatzmeno We will die to ourselves,
Ki baMashiach For in Christ
Kamnu ito litchiya We have been resurrected with Him
27. , 廣廬 舒舒 弍仂 仍舒于
廩 廬 廡亳舒 从仂仍仆
廩廬 亳舒舒于 仍舒舒亟仂仆
廣, 仍 仂仍舒仄 h 亞仂舒仍仆
廨 廨仍亶仆 舒亟 仄亳 仄舒仂仄
廣廩 廩 h 舒舒于 仍亳仄亳仆仂 仍 h舒舒于
廩廣 廩 廬, 廝 廬舒 h舒 h舒舒仄亳仄, 仍 于舒舒于
亠仆亠亶 仍ミ頴火, 仗亠仆亠亶 于舒仍,
仂仍舒于 仆舒仄亳 于仄亠亠 亳舒 亠亳, 丐于仂舒
仆 丶舒 舒亠亶, 弌仗舒亳亠仍 亟亠仆亶!
仗仂仍仆亳于亳 于仂仍 舒, 于亰仂亠仍 仆 仆舒 从亠, 舒 亠弍 亳 仄亠仆
亳, 亞仆亠 仂亢亳亶, 丐亠弍 仗亠于仂亰仆仂亳仄, 仍ミ英
Veata bou elav, Nisa et kolenu And now, come unto Him
Lift up your voices
Nishtachaveh laAdon Worship the Lord
Melech olam, Hu goalenu, The eternal King, He is our Redeemer
Elenu yarad mimarom He came down to us from on high
And now He is at the Fathers right hand
Vehu achshav liymino shel haAv Yeshua the inoccent Lamb
Yeshua haSeh hatamim, alef vatav Alpha and Omega
28. 廩廨 廩廨 丿舒亳仄 仍仂 亳 舒h舒于舒
廩廨 廣 舒亳 仍仂 仍舒舒亟, 仍舒舒亟...
仗亠仆 仍ミ頴火 于仂仗仂亠仄
仂仍舒于亳仄 丱亳舒 于仂于亠从
Sharim lo shir ahava We will sing Him a song of love
Nashir lo laad And we will sing it forever
29. , 廣廬 舒舒 弍仂 仍舒于
廩 廬 廡亳舒 从仂仍仆
廩廬 亳舒舒于 仍舒舒亟仂仆
廣, 仍 仂仍舒仄 h 亞仂舒仍仆
廨 廨仍亶仆 舒亟 仄亳 仄舒仂仄
廣廩 廩 h 舒舒于 仍亳仄亳仆仂 仍 h舒舒于
廩廣 廩 廬, 廝 廬舒 h舒 h舒舒仄亳仄, 仍 于舒舒于
亠仆亠亶 仍ミ頴火, 仗亠仆亠亶 于舒仍,
仂仍舒于 仆舒仄亳 于仄亠亠 亳舒 亠亳, 丐于仂舒
仆 丶舒 舒亠亶, 弌仗舒亳亠仍 亟亠仆亶!
仗仂仍仆亳于亳 于仂仍 舒, 于亰仂亠仍 仆 仆舒 从亠, 舒 亠弍 亳 仄亠仆
亳, 亞仆亠 仂亢亳亶, 丐亠弍 仗亠于仂亰仆仂亳仄, 仍ミ英
Veata bou elav, Nisa et kolenu And now, come unto Him
Lift up your voices
Nishtachaveh laAdon Worship the Lord
Melech olam, Hu goalenu, The eternal King, He is our Redeemer
Elenu yarad mimarom He came down to us from on high
And now He is at the Fathers right hand
Vehu achshav liymino shel haAv Yeshua the inoccent Lamb
Yeshua haSeh hatamim, alef vatav Alpha and Omega
32. 峽 峇 峽 峇
廨 岼廩峺 峺 廩 峺 舒仄 于仆亳舒 h舒舒亳舒
峽 峽
峭 岼廨 岼 崋廩峭 h仂亟 于h舒亟舒 仍亳于仂
峽 峇 峽 峇 峇 峇
峺 廩 弍仍亳弍亳 h舒舒亳舒
峽 峙
廩峭 岼峭峙 仂仆 弍h亶舒仍仂
弌仍舒于亠仆 亳, 仆舒 亠亳, 仂亞 亟舒仍 仄 仍舒于 于亠仆亠
亟亳仆 丐, 亟仂仂亳仆 于亠亶 仍舒于, 仂亢亳亶, 弌仆, 亠
Ram venisa haMashiach High and lifted up is the Messiah
Hod vehadar levusho Clothed in splendor and glory
Kan belibi haMashiach Here in my heart the Messiah
Dwells in His temple
Shochen beheichalo
33. 峽 峙 岼 峇 峽 峽
廣峺 岼廩峩 仍舒 仍舒仄亳亰弍舒 从亠
峙 峇 峇
廣岼廩 崋 廩 岼廚峭仂仆亳 h 亳仍亠仄 从仂亟
峽 峇
峩廨 廬岼廨廣, 峺 廩峭仂仍 弍 亳舒, 从仂仍 仍舒仂仆
K仆 仂亟
仗仂从仍仂仆亠 从仍仂仆亳仄 仗亠亟 亳仄, 亳, 丐 仆舒 亞亠 亳从仗亳仍
丱于舒仍舒 仗 仆亠亠 亳亰 丐亠弍亠, 仆舒 亳!
Ala lamizbeach keseh He went up to the alter
As a lamb
Onshi Hu shilem kefodeh He has paid my punishment
As a redeemer
Kol berech tichra, kol lashon Every knee shall bow,
Ken todeh Every tongue shall confess so
34. 峽 峇 峽
廨 岼廩峺 峺 廩峇 峺 舒仄 于仆亳舒 h舒舒亳舒
峽 峽
峭 岼廨 岼 崋廩峭 h仂亟 于h舒亟舒 仍亳于仂
峽 峇 峽 峇 峇 峇
峺 廩 弍仍亳弍亳 h舒舒亳舒
峽 峙
廩峭 岼峭峙 仂仆 弍h亶舒仍仂
亠弍亠 亳亳仆 丐 仂舒于亳仍, 丼仂弍 亰亟亠, 仆舒 亰亠仄仍亠, 仆舒仄亳 亢亳
亰仂亠仍 仆舒 舒仍舒, 仍仂于仆仂 亞仆亠, 丼仂弍 仄亠 亢亳亰仆 亟舒亳
Ram venisa haMashiach
High and lifted up is the Messiah
Hod vehadar levusho
Clothed in splendor and glory
Kan belibi haMashiach Here in my heart the Messiah
Shochen beheichalo Dwells in His temple
35. 峽 峽 峽 峽 峇
廩岼 廬崋 岼 廚h亳舒舒于 仍亠舒仆舒于
峽 峇 峇 峽
崋峭廩峩 峭 廩峩 峅 h舒于 仍亳仄亳仆仂 仍 h舒于
廣峇 廬廨峩 廩峺廬峭仂仍 舒亳仆 亳` 亳于舒仂
峇 岼 峇 峽
峽 峇 峇
仗仂仍仆亳于亳 于仂仍 丐于仂舒, 仂从亠, 亳仍 亰仍舒 仗仂弍亠亟亳于.
仂 仗舒于 从 舒, 仂亠仍 仂亢亳亶 弌仆
Hishtachavu lefanav Worship before Him,
The One who sits
Hayoshev liymino shel haAv
On the right hand of the Father
Kol ain tire shivato Every eye shall see
Livchirav His return for His chosen ones
36. 峽 峇 峽
廨 岼廩峺 峺 廩峇 峺 舒仄 于仆亳舒 h舒舒亳舒
峽 峽
峭 岼廨 岼 崋廩峭 h仂亟 于h舒亟舒 仍亳于仂
峽 峇 峽 峇 峇 峇
峺 廩 弍仍亳弍亳 h舒舒亳舒
峽 峙
廩峭 岼峭峙 仂仆 弍h亶舒仍仂
亠仍亳从 亳, 仆舒 亠亳! 舒 仍舒于 仗亠仂仍 于仂亰仆亠亠仆
丱于舒仍舒 丐亠弍亠, 亠 亠弍亠仆亶, 亳, 亞磲亳, 仄 亢亟亠仄!
Ram venisa haMashiach High and lifted up is the Messiah
Hod vehadar levusho Clothed in splendor and glory
Kan belibi haMashiach Here in my heart the Messiah
Dwells in His temple
Shochen beheichalo
44. 廨廣 廩廩 廬 h仂 弍舒仂舒仆亳仄 舒舒
廣 亳亞仍亠舒 舒仍舒亶 舒h舒于舒
廨 廬 舒亞仍 仄亳于舒于舒 舒舒
廣 亳亞仍舒 舒仍舒亶 舒h舒于舒
丐 仗舒亠 仄亠亢亟 仍亳仍亳礆亳
丐于仂亠 亰仆舒仄 仆舒亟仂 仄仆仂亶 仍ミ頴笑珂
丐 仍亠 亟亠亳 亟亞亳
丐于仂亠 亰仆舒仄 仆舒亟仂 仄仆仂亶 仍ミ頴笑珂
Haroeh bashoshanim ata You are the one
Who feeds His flock among the lilies
Diglecha alai ahava Your banner over me is love
Dagul mirvava ata You are the chief among ten thousand
Diglecha alai ahava Your banner over me is love
45. 廣廬 廬 廨, h仍亠舒 仂亳 仄亳仆 h舒弍仂 亅仍亳
廨廬 廬 廣 廢廨, 仂仄舒仄舒 仂亳 舒仍 h舒仂 舒仍从亳
廬廬 廚 廩廨 廩, 舒舒舒 弍亳 亳 舒亟舒 仂亟亳
廣 亳亞仍舒 舒仍舒亶 舒h舒于舒
丐 亳亰于仍亠从 仄亠仆 亳亰 于舒
舒 仂仆仂于舒仆亳亳 从舒仍 仗仂舒于亳仍 仄亠仆
舒仍 于 舒 仄仂亳 仗亠仆 仆仂于
舒亟仂 仄仆仂亶 于仂亠 亰仆舒仄 - 仍ミ頴笑珂
Heeleta oti min habor, Eli You brought me up from the pit, My God
Romamta oti al hatzur, Malki You have set me on the rock, My King
You have put a new song in my mouth,
Natata befi shir chadash, Dodi My Beloved
Diglecha alai ahava Your banner over me is love
46. 廨 廬 亳亠 h亟舒 舒舒
廣 亳亞仍亠舒 舒仍舒亶 舒h舒于舒
廩 廩 廣廨 廬 h舒弌 h舒仆亳舒 舒于亳 舒舒
廣 亳亞仍亠舒 舒仍舒亶 舒h舒于舒
丐 仍亠于 仂 从仂仍亠仆舒 亟亳仆舒
丐于仂亠 亰仆舒仄 仆舒亟仂 仄仆仂亶 仍ミ頴笑珂
丐 亞仆亠, 亰舒从仍舒仆仆亶 亰舒 仄亠仆
丐于仂亠 亰仆舒仄 仆舒亟仂 仄仆仂亶 仍ミ頴笑珂
Ariyeh yehuda ata You are Judahs Lion
Diglecha alai ahava Your banner over me is love
HaSeh hanishchat avuri ata You are the Lamb slain for me
Your banner over me is love
Diglecha alai ahava
47. 廣廬 廬 廨, h仍亠舒 仂亳 仄亳仆 h舒弍仂 亅仍亳
廨廬 廬 廣 廢廨, 仂仄舒仄舒 仂亳 舒仍 h舒仂 舒仍从亳
廬廬 廚 廩廨 廩, 舒舒舒 弍亳 亳 舒亟舒 仂亟亳
廣 亳亞仍舒 舒仍舒亶 舒h舒于舒
丐 亳亰于仍亠从 仄亠仆 亳亰 于舒
舒 仂仆仂于舒仆亳亳 从舒仍 仗仂舒于亳仍 仄亠仆
舒仍 于 舒 仄仂亳 仗亠仆 仆仂于
舒亟仂 仄仆仂亶 于仂亠 亰仆舒仄 - 仍ミ頴笑珂
Heeleta oti min habor, Eli You brought me up from the pit, My God
Romamta oti al hatzur, Malki You have set me on the rock, My King
You have put a new song in my mouth,
Natata befi shir chadash, Dodi My Beloved
Diglecha alai ahava Your banner over me is love
48. 廚 廩廩 廩 亳仆亠亶 亠仄亠 亶亳仆仂仆 亳仄舒
廣 亳亞仍舒 舒仍舒亶 舒h舒于舒
廨 廩 廣 舒 仄 从于仂亟舒 仍仂仍舒仄
廣 亳亞仍舒 舒仍舒亶 舒h舒于舒
亠亢亟亠 仂亰亟舒仆亳 仄亳舒, 仗仂亳舒仍仂 亳仄 丐于仂亠
丐于仂亠 亰仆舒仄 仆舒亟仂 仄仆仂亶 仍ミ頴笑珂
仍舒亞仂仍仂于亠仆仆仂 丐于仂亠 于仂亠 亳仄 仆舒于亠从亳
丐于仂亠 亰仆舒仄 仆舒亟仂 仄仆仂亶 仍ミ頴笑珂
Lifnei shemesh yinon shimcha Your long shall endure forever
Your name shall continue as long as the sun
Diglecha alai ahava Your banner over me is love
Baruch shem kvodcha leolam Blessed be Your glorouis name forever
Diglecha alai ahava Your banner over me is love
49. 廣廬 廬 廨, h仍亠舒 仂亳 仄亳仆 h舒弍仂 亅仍亳
廨廬 廬 廣 廢廨, 仂仄舒仄舒 仂亳 舒仍 h舒仂 舒仍从亳
廬廬 廚 廩廨 廩, 舒舒舒 弍亳 亳 舒亟舒 仂亟亳
廣 亳亞仍舒 舒仍舒亶 舒h舒于舒
丐 亳亰于仍亠从 仄亠仆 亳亰 于舒
舒 仂仆仂于舒仆亳亳 从舒仍 仗仂舒于亳仍 仄亠仆
舒仍 于 舒 仄仂亳 仗亠仆 仆仂于
舒亟仂 仄仆仂亶 于仂亠 亰仆舒仄 - 仍ミ頴笑珂
Heeleta oti min habor, Eli You brought me up from the pit, My God
Romamta oti al hatzur, Malki You have set me on the rock, My King
You have put a new song in my mouth,
Natata befi shir chadash, Dodi My Beloved
Diglecha alai ahava Your banner over me is love