A benefits management framework for prioritising programmes webinar
Monday 17 February 2020
presented by:
Dr Hugo Minney
The link to the write up page and resources of this webinar:
This supports the APM publication A guide to using a benefits management framework and takes participants through the implementation process
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive functioning. Exercise has also been shown to increase gray matter volume in the brain and reduce risks for conditions like Alzheimer's and dementia.
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive functioning. Exercise has also been shown to boost self-esteem and can serve as a healthy way to manage stress.
The passage discusses the importance of summarization in an age of information overload. It notes that with the massive amounts of data available online, being able to quickly understand the key points of lengthy documents, articles, or reports is crucial. The ability to produce clear, concise summaries helps people filter through large amounts of information and identify what is most important or relevant to them.
The document discusses the benefits of exercise for mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce anxiety and depression and improve mood and cognitive functioning. Exercise causes chemical changes in the brain that may help boost feelings of calmness, happiness and focus.
The document discusses the benefits of meditation for reducing stress and anxiety. Regular meditation practice can help calm the mind and body by lowering heart rate and blood pressure. Making meditation a part of a daily routine, even if just 10-15 minutes per day, can offer improvements to mood, focus, and overall feelings of well-being over time.
Artifacts and Symbols of everyday life from KeralaAnand Nair
A random collection of pictures taken around Central Kerala (Kottayam, Pathanamthitta) documenting the leftovers of a bygone era. This project was done during the summer of 2003-04 as a student project.
The people are asking hard questions; unemployment is rising, lives and property are not safe, the roads are bad and getting worse, the standard of living is falling but the politicians have ran out of lies. What is going to happen?
CAG is happy to present the Cartoon book "Do you know?"!! The book aims to demystify and educate communities and general public on the administrative and environmental regulations and laws on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process, with specific reference to Thermal Power Plants (TPPs). The people can learn while they read the comics with their family!
Solution for Introduction to Environment Engineering and Science 3rd edition ...shayangreen
1. This document provides solutions to problems from a solutions manual. It solves problems related to mass balances, kinetics, reactors, and chemical equilibrium.
2. For problem 1.8, it finds the first-order rate constant k for grease removal in a washing machine and calculates the remaining grease after 5 minutes.
3. For problem 1.9, it uses a mass balance around a junction to determine the maximum flow rate Qf that maintains equilibrium concentrations in the streams.
Basic concepts in environmental engineeringjoefreim
Environmental engineering involves applying scientific principles to improve the natural environment for societal benefit. It aims to study both biotic factors like living organisms as well as abiotic factors such as land, water and air, as all components of the environment are interrelated. The document provides an introductory overview of environmental engineering by defining the field, explaining how it combines engineering with environmental concerns, and giving some basic descriptions of biotic and abiotic environmental factors.
This document discusses methods for disposing of treated sewage effluents. It describes natural methods like dilution disposal into water bodies, and disposal on land. It also describes artificial treatment methods before disposal. Key points covered include standards for dilution disposal, factors favoring dilution disposal, types of receiving waters, and the processes involved in the self-purification of natural streams.
This document provides an overview of environmental engineering and water quality topics. It discusses various water sources including surface sources like rivers, lakes, and streams, and subsurface sources like wells and aquifers. Water quality parameters that are tested are described, including physical parameters like turbidity, color and odor, and chemical parameters like pH, hardness, dissolved solids, and nitrogen content. Microbiological quality indicators like E. coli are also mentioned. Standards for drinking water quality are outlined.
El documento habla brevemente sobre la Navidad y una persona que sali坦 por la puerta trasera. Tambi辿n menciona que la persona se siente orgullosa y satisfecha a pesar de estar bajo presi坦n.
We thought that providing this Lawsuit (Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz/William Reed vs. Sam Seay) will provide additional information to the PUBLIC/WORLD om how Baker Donelsons INVISIBLE EMPIRE operates in LEGAL/JUDICIAL matters as well as in EMPLOYMENT (DISCRIMINATORY/RACIST) matters for purposes of keeping its IDENTITY and ENGAGING ROLE(S) HIDDEN from PUBLIC/WORLD view.
Harley Grove identifies computer software solutions to meet business requirements, aiming to save time, space, and money. They provide services for SAGE business software, INVU digital document management, and Draycir software. Harley Grove is Sage, Draycir, and INVU accredited with experience in many industries and positive recommendations. Rob Thomas at Harley Grove provides accurate proposals, project management skills, communication abilities in IT, accounting or English, and high technical expertise to deliver solutions based on client benefits.
El documento habla sobre acuerdos de comportamiento en el aula para facilitar el aprendizaje. Tambi辿n cubre el uso apropiado del hardware y software, definiendo hardware como la parte f鱈sica de la computadora e incluyendo cables y circuitos, mientras que el software se refiere a los componentes l坦gicos como programas. Finalmente pide mencionar 5 cuidados para el hardware y software.
Artifacts and Symbols of everyday life from KeralaAnand Nair
A random collection of pictures taken around Central Kerala (Kottayam, Pathanamthitta) documenting the leftovers of a bygone era. This project was done during the summer of 2003-04 as a student project.
The people are asking hard questions; unemployment is rising, lives and property are not safe, the roads are bad and getting worse, the standard of living is falling but the politicians have ran out of lies. What is going to happen?
CAG is happy to present the Cartoon book "Do you know?"!! The book aims to demystify and educate communities and general public on the administrative and environmental regulations and laws on the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Process, with specific reference to Thermal Power Plants (TPPs). The people can learn while they read the comics with their family!
Solution for Introduction to Environment Engineering and Science 3rd edition ...shayangreen
1. This document provides solutions to problems from a solutions manual. It solves problems related to mass balances, kinetics, reactors, and chemical equilibrium.
2. For problem 1.8, it finds the first-order rate constant k for grease removal in a washing machine and calculates the remaining grease after 5 minutes.
3. For problem 1.9, it uses a mass balance around a junction to determine the maximum flow rate Qf that maintains equilibrium concentrations in the streams.
Basic concepts in environmental engineeringjoefreim
Environmental engineering involves applying scientific principles to improve the natural environment for societal benefit. It aims to study both biotic factors like living organisms as well as abiotic factors such as land, water and air, as all components of the environment are interrelated. The document provides an introductory overview of environmental engineering by defining the field, explaining how it combines engineering with environmental concerns, and giving some basic descriptions of biotic and abiotic environmental factors.
This document discusses methods for disposing of treated sewage effluents. It describes natural methods like dilution disposal into water bodies, and disposal on land. It also describes artificial treatment methods before disposal. Key points covered include standards for dilution disposal, factors favoring dilution disposal, types of receiving waters, and the processes involved in the self-purification of natural streams.
This document provides an overview of environmental engineering and water quality topics. It discusses various water sources including surface sources like rivers, lakes, and streams, and subsurface sources like wells and aquifers. Water quality parameters that are tested are described, including physical parameters like turbidity, color and odor, and chemical parameters like pH, hardness, dissolved solids, and nitrogen content. Microbiological quality indicators like E. coli are also mentioned. Standards for drinking water quality are outlined.
El documento habla brevemente sobre la Navidad y una persona que sali坦 por la puerta trasera. Tambi辿n menciona que la persona se siente orgullosa y satisfecha a pesar de estar bajo presi坦n.
We thought that providing this Lawsuit (Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz/William Reed vs. Sam Seay) will provide additional information to the PUBLIC/WORLD om how Baker Donelsons INVISIBLE EMPIRE operates in LEGAL/JUDICIAL matters as well as in EMPLOYMENT (DISCRIMINATORY/RACIST) matters for purposes of keeping its IDENTITY and ENGAGING ROLE(S) HIDDEN from PUBLIC/WORLD view.
Harley Grove identifies computer software solutions to meet business requirements, aiming to save time, space, and money. They provide services for SAGE business software, INVU digital document management, and Draycir software. Harley Grove is Sage, Draycir, and INVU accredited with experience in many industries and positive recommendations. Rob Thomas at Harley Grove provides accurate proposals, project management skills, communication abilities in IT, accounting or English, and high technical expertise to deliver solutions based on client benefits.
El documento habla sobre acuerdos de comportamiento en el aula para facilitar el aprendizaje. Tambi辿n cubre el uso apropiado del hardware y software, definiendo hardware como la parte f鱈sica de la computadora e incluyendo cables y circuitos, mientras que el software se refiere a los componentes l坦gicos como programas. Finalmente pide mencionar 5 cuidados para el hardware y software.
El documento presenta la simbolog鱈a utilizada en dibujos t辿cnicos de las ingenier鱈as el辿ctrica, civil, arquitectura y mec叩nica del Instituto Tecnol坦gico Superior de Teziutlan. Incluye los nombres de Juan Daniel S叩nchez Sotero e Ingenier鱈a Industrial.
Dokumen tersebut mengklaim bahwa Presiden Barack Obama sedang dalam masalah karena berusaha menyembunyikan dokumen hukum yang diajukan terhadapnya sejak Januari 2012, termasuk pemberitahuan penghentian dan permintaan pemakzulan. Dokumen tersebut juga menuduh konspirasi oleh penasihat hukum Presiden untuk menghindari yurisdiksi Kongres dan mengajukan gugatan yang dituduh jahat terhadap pengaduan asli.
NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People) See HOW it appears the ZIONISTS/WHITE SUPREMACISTS and their Law Firm Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz goes about HIJACKING Civil Rights Organizations and/or ORGANIZING New ones for purposes of DECEPTION and to GAIN ACCESS to Black/African-American Communities!
We are working on getting this document translated in multiple languages due to overwhelming INTERNATIONAL interests. Please be patient and feel free to check back for other translations.
Nuremberg principles war crime (wikipedia information)VogelDenise
War crimes are serious violations of international humanitarian law that are committed during armed conflict. Examples include murder of civilians, torture of prisoners of war, and wanton destruction of cities. The concept of war crimes was first codified in the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907, and further developed after World War II through bodies like the Nuremberg Trials. Individuals can be held criminally responsible for war crimes, including military commanders and heads of state.
Faculty from Fall 2012 learning communities (LC) clusters at LIUB met each other at a faculty meet and greet on February 24, 2012. Key coordinators and faculty from several LC clusters, including Imagination, Pathways to Freedom, and Game Changers, were in attendance. Dean Braid and coordinator Mutnick discussed Braid's early attempts to build learning communities at LIUB.
This document is a list of links to slides posted on 際際滷share.net by user VogelDeniseNewsome. The slides are primarily in Swedish and relate to topics including allegations of fraud by President Barack Obama, calls for his impeachment and resignation, responses to letters from organizations like the EEOC, and other political topics. The links span from 2008 to 2012 and cover various communications and allegations regarding Obama's presidency and administration.
1) Sony Corporation underwent restructuring from 2005-2009 to realign its business units and remove redundancies, closing 57 manufacturing sites and eliminating 16,000 jobs.
2) The restructuring aimed to revitalize Sony's electronics business by focusing on coordination, differentiation through innovation, and removing unprofitable product lines.
3) However, problems remained as Sony faced intense competition, threats from substitutes, and a lack of unique technological capabilities compared to competitors. Continued restructuring was needed to improve its strategic position.
Global warming; Sri-Lankas contribution and our own demiseKushan Samararatne
The document discusses greenhouse gases and global warming. It notes that greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane absorb infrared radiation, contributing to the greenhouse effect and rising global temperatures. It provides data showing that Sri Lanka's CO2 emissions have risen significantly over time and are primarily from electricity production and transportation. It also outlines various impacts of climate change that Sri Lanka may face like sea level rise, more extreme weather, and effects on agriculture, livestock, and human health.
This document is the preface to volume 1 of the revised and enlarged 1912 edition of A Dictionary of Applied Chemistry. It discusses the extensive advances in chemistry and its applications to industry that have occurred in the 22 years since the original edition. As a result, the dictionary has been greatly expanded and most articles have been revised or rewritten. Contributors include eminent experts from the UK, US, Germany and elsewhere. The editor acknowledges assistance from researchers at the Imperial College of Science and Technology for their help revising and compiling articles.
This document provides prefaces to the third, second, and first editions of the book "Industrial Organic Chemistry" by Klaus Weissermel and Hans-Jurgen Arpe. The prefaces discuss the motivation for revising and expanding the book for new editions, including incorporating new information, data, and processes. They thank various colleagues for their contributions and feedback during the writing and review process. The first preface also outlines the book's structure and goals of providing concise information on important precursors and intermediates of industrial organic chemistry.
This document discusses a study on the effectiveness of performance management systems (PMS) as a tool for people alignment and development at Bank of Ceylon. The researchers interviewed a personal manager at a Kandy branch to understand how PMS works. They found that PMS is effective at aligning individual goals with organizational objectives through monthly reviews. However, areas for improvement include making the manager review form less lengthy and subjective, adding self-appraisals, and prioritizing performance over seniority for promotions to better motivate employees. The researchers recommend making PMS a more transparent process that develops individuals and the organization.
This document provides an overview of the evolution of approaches to human resource management. It discusses the classical approaches of scientific management, administrative management, and bureaucratic management from the early 20th century. It then covers the behavioral approaches of the mid-20th century exemplified by the Hawthorne Studies. Later approaches discussed include quantitative approaches incorporating management science, and modern approaches such as systems theory and contingency theory.
Cloud Cost Optimization for GCP, AWS, Azurevinothsk19
Reduce Cloud Waste across AWS, GCP, Azure and Optimize Cloud Cost with a structured approach and improve your bottomline or profitability. Decide whether you want to outsource or manage it in house.
Biases, our brain and software developmentMatias Iacono
Quick presentation about cognitive biases, classic psychological researches and quite new papers that displays how those biases might be impacting software developers.
Studio Apartment- Concept and Planning Requirements.pptxSamirsinh Parmar
Studio Apartment;
Micro Apartment;
Convertible Apartment;
Concept of Studio Apartment;
Planning requirements;
Building components: Studio;
Studio apartment components;
Studio apartment requirements;
Innovation possible;
Smart furniture design;
Foldable furniture;
This PPT covers the index and engineering properties of soil. It includes details on index properties, along with their methods of determination. Various important terms related to soil behavior are explained in detail. The presentation also outlines the experimental procedures for determining soil properties such as water content, specific gravity, plastic limit, and liquid limit, along with the necessary calculations and graph plotting. Additionally, it provides insights to understand the importance of these properties in geotechnical engineering applications.
Uses established clustering technologies for redundancy
Boosts availability and reliability of IT resources
Automatically transitions to standby instances when active resources become unavailable
Protects mission-critical software and reusable services from single points of failure
Can cover multiple geographical areas
Hosts redundant implementations of the same IT resource at each location
Relies on resource replication for monitoring defects and unavailability conditions
Practice Head is assembled with Practice Torpedo intended for carrying out exercise firings. It is assembled with Homing Head in the forward section and oxygen flask in the rear section. Practice Head imparts positive buoyancy to the Torpedo at the end of run. The Practice Head is divided into two compartments viz. Ballast Compartment (Houses Light Device, Depth & Roll Recorder, Signal Flare Ejector, Discharge Valve, Stop Cock, Water discharge Valve, Bellow reducing Valve, Release Mechanism, Recess, Bypass Valve, Pressure Equalizer, Float, Sinking Plug etc.) which provides positive buoyancy at the end of run by discharging water (140 ltrs.) filled in the compartment and Instrument compartment (dry), houses (safety & recovery unit and its battery, combined homing and influence exploder equipment, noise maker, bollards & safety valve etc.) The recess in Ballast compartment houses the float which gets inflated at the end of run to provide floatation to the surfaced Torpedo. Several hand holes/recesses are provided on the casing/shell of Practice Head for assembly of the following components:-
a) Signal Flare Ejector Assembly
b) Depth and Roll Recorder Assembly
c) Light Device
d) Pressure equalizer
e) Drain/Discharge Valve assembly
f) Bollard Assembly
g) Holding for Floater/Balloon Assembly
h) Sinking Valve
i) Safety Valve
j) Inspection hand hole
Technical Details:
SrNo Items Specifications
1 Aluminum Alloy (AlMg5)
Casing Body Material: AlMg5
Larger Outer Diameter of the Casing: 532.4 MM
Smaller Outer Diameter of the Casing: 503.05 MM
Total Length: 1204.20 MM
Thickness: 6-8 mm
Structural Details of Casing: The casing is of uniform outer dia for a certain distance from rear side and tapered from a definite distance to the front side. (Refer T-DAP-A1828-GADWG-PH- REV 00)
Slope of the Tapered Portion: 1/8
Mass of Casing (Without components mounting, but including the ribs and collars on the body): 58.5 kg
Maximum External Test Pressure: 12 kgf/cm2
Maximum Internal Test Pressure:-
i. For Ballast Compartment: 2 kgf/cm2
ii. For Instrument Compartment: 1 kgf/cm2
Innerspace of casing assembly have 2 compartments:-
i. Ballast Compartment and
ii. Instrument Compartment
Cut outs/ recesses shall be provided for the assembly of following components.
a) Signal Flare Ejector Assembly
b) Depth and Roll Recorder Assembly
c) Light Device
d) Pressure Equalizer
e) Drain/ discharge valve assembly
2 Front Side Collar Material: AlMg5
Maximum Outer Diameter: 500 MM
Pitch Circle Diameter: 468 MM
All Dimensions as per drawing T-DAP-A1828-MDWG-C&R-REV-00
In a torpedo, the ballast components and instrument compartment play crucial roles in maintaining stability, control, and overall operational effectiveness. The ballast system primarily manages buoyancy and trim, ensuring that the torpedo maintains a stable trajectory underwater.
A helium boosting and decanting system is typically used in various industrial applications, particularly in the production and handling of gases, including helium including leak test of reciprocating cylinder. Heres a brief overview of its components and functions:
1. Helium Storage Tanks: High-pressure tanks that store helium@ 150 bars.
2. Boosting Pumps: Designed to boost helium pressure up to 150 bar, ensuring efficient flow throughout the system.
3. Decanting Unit: Separates liquid helium from gas, facilitating decanting at pressures of up to 2 bars.
4. Pressure Regulators: Maintain and control the pressure of helium during transport.
5. Control Valves: automatic control valve is provided for the flow and direction of helium through the system.
6. Piping and Fittings: High-quality, corrosion-resistant materials for safe transport.
Boosting Pressure: The system boosts helium pressure up to 150 bar for various applications.
Decanting: Safely decants helium, separating liquid from gas at pressures of up to 2 bar.
Safety Measures: Equipped with relief valves and emergency shut-off systems to handle high pressures safely.
Monitoring and Control: Sensors and automated controls monitor pressure and flow rates.
Cryogenics: Cooling superconducting magnets in MRI machines and particle accelerators.
Welding: Used as a shielding gas in welding processes.
Research: Crucial for various scientific applications, including laboratories and space exploration.
Key Features:
Helium Storage & Boosting System
Decanting System
Pressure Regulation & Monitoring
Valves & Flow Control
Filtration & Safety Components
Structural & Material Specifications
Automation & Electrical Components
Bivariate Random Variable Correlation Analysisshyamalaseec
Correlation analysis measures the strength and direction of a linear relationship between two quantitative variables. It produces a correlation coefficient (e.g., Pearson's r) that ranges from -1 to +1, indicating the degree to which the variables change together. A positive correlation implies variables increase or decrease in tandem, while a negative correlation suggests they move inversely.
probability and Statistics Binomial Distributionshyamalaseec
The binomial distribution models the probability of a specific number of successes in a fixed number of independent trials, each with two possible outcomes. It's defined by the number of trials (n) and the probability of success in a single trial (p).