Review of First Yearmeganloveys1234The document summarizes a student's first year experience at university from results day through to the end of summer. It describes some of the major events and adjustments of freshman year including moving in, attending classes and social events, doing laundry and chores for the first time independently, exams, and realizing how quickly the first year went by. The student expresses enjoying the experience and community at the University of Bedfordshire overall.
Sample presentation tlpdMadhu VishwakarmaThis document summarizes the contributions to Ethos 2014, including quantitative metrics like the number of companies and institutes covered and revenue generated. It also provides qualitative details on the online promotion, celebrities invited, and media coverage. Additionally, it reflects on the author's learning experiences and improvements in personality, appreciations for team leadership, and plans for Ethos 2015.
Unit : My interested Topic: AnimalsWanwisa ChaiyasaengBees live together in a hive with different roles. Worker bees, which are female, collect nectar from flowers to make honey. They communicate with dances upon returning to the hive to tell other bees where to find food. Bees are always busy working to collect nectar, make honey, and maintain the hive. Their hard work is reflected in the idiom "as busy as a bee" used to describe someone who is very busy.
ݺߣ seminar on Cardiothoracic Pathology - IAPM Kerala 73rd meeting.drmkcpIAPM kerala 73rd chapter meeting ݺߣ seminar.
Topic -Cardiothracic Pathology
Moderator :Dr. Elizabeth Joseph MD,DNB.FRCPath
Professor & HOD
MOSC Medical College, Kolenchery
Communication Behaviors Common in DementiaYayabelleIndividuals with dementia may confabulate or say things that are untrue due to a misinterpretation of memories, and show signs of jealousy, suspicions, or paranoia. They may also perseverate by repeating questions, statements, or stories, which can be stressful for caregivers. Outbursts of yelling, shouting, or cursing may occur in response to anger or stress and be accompanied by attention-getting behaviors like shadowing the caregiver, which are difficult for both the individual and caregiver.
Skinput technology appropriating the body as an input surfaceVarsha RajputSkinput is a technology developed by Microsoft that allows the human body to be used as an input surface. It works by using sensors in an armband to detect vibrations on the skin caused by touch inputs. These inputs are classified and can then be used to control a virtual interface projected onto the skin. Some potential applications include controlling mobile devices, gaming, and assisting disabled individuals. However, challenges remain regarding accuracy and miniaturizing the sensor armband technology.
ݺߣs for liver slide seminar,Pathology CME,Govt.Medical College, Kottayam.drmkcpThis document presents 13 cases presented at a liver slide seminar. The cases include patients of various ages presenting with symptoms such as fever, jaundice, abdominal pain and fatigue. Laboratory findings for liver function tests and other blood work are provided. The cases represent a variety of liver diseases including viral hepatitis, liver tumors, and complications in pregnancy.
Facial nerve doneDrRakashree Chakrabortyfacial nerve is the seventh cranial nerve supplies the submandibular, sublingual, lacrimal glands, the mucosal glands of the nose, palate, pharynx and taste fibres, and on being injured it leads to loss of lacrimation, loss of salivation, loss of taste sensation and paralysis of the muscles of facial expression.
Irreversible: The Public Relations Big Data Revolutionsjackson625This document appears to be a description of research areas and commissions within the Institute for Public Relations (IPR). It discusses the IPR's Measurement Commission, which develops standards and best practices for PR research and evaluation. It also mentions the Coalition for PR Research Standards, a group working to establish voluntary standards in areas like media measurement and ROI. Additionally, it provides brief overviews of the IPR's Organizational Communication Research Center, Social Media Research Center, and a commission focused on best practices in employee communications. The document promotes these research resources and invites the reader to join efforts to advance standards in the field.
IPR Measurement Commission Judging Guidelinessjackson625Each year, hundreds of public relations professionals compete for the recognition and rewards that come with winning industry awards. As professionals seeking to reward “the best of the best,” we must aim higher and reward entrants whose PR programs reflect the highest standards of research and evaluation. The Institute for Public Relations Measurement Commission developed a set of guidelines for assessing award-worthy entries. It is now available on the IPR Measurement Commission Center.
Top 10 Public Relations Research Insights of 2015sjackson625The document summarizes the top 10 public relations research insights of 2015 as selected by the Institute for Public Relations Board. The research topics range from how Millennials view work reputation to diversity in the PR industry. Key findings are highlighted for each study, which was chosen based on rigorous methodology, relevance to practice, and accessibility. The Board aims to present insights that uncover the science behind the art of public relations each year.
Sample presentation tlpdMadhu VishwakarmaThis document summarizes the contributions to Ethos 2014, including quantitative metrics like the number of companies and institutes covered and revenue generated. It also provides qualitative details on the online promotion, celebrities invited, and media coverage. Additionally, it reflects on the author's learning experiences and improvements in personality, appreciations for team leadership, and plans for Ethos 2015.
Unit : My interested Topic: AnimalsWanwisa ChaiyasaengBees live together in a hive with different roles. Worker bees, which are female, collect nectar from flowers to make honey. They communicate with dances upon returning to the hive to tell other bees where to find food. Bees are always busy working to collect nectar, make honey, and maintain the hive. Their hard work is reflected in the idiom "as busy as a bee" used to describe someone who is very busy.
ݺߣ seminar on Cardiothoracic Pathology - IAPM Kerala 73rd meeting.drmkcpIAPM kerala 73rd chapter meeting ݺߣ seminar.
Topic -Cardiothracic Pathology
Moderator :Dr. Elizabeth Joseph MD,DNB.FRCPath
Professor & HOD
MOSC Medical College, Kolenchery
Communication Behaviors Common in DementiaYayabelleIndividuals with dementia may confabulate or say things that are untrue due to a misinterpretation of memories, and show signs of jealousy, suspicions, or paranoia. They may also perseverate by repeating questions, statements, or stories, which can be stressful for caregivers. Outbursts of yelling, shouting, or cursing may occur in response to anger or stress and be accompanied by attention-getting behaviors like shadowing the caregiver, which are difficult for both the individual and caregiver.
Skinput technology appropriating the body as an input surfaceVarsha RajputSkinput is a technology developed by Microsoft that allows the human body to be used as an input surface. It works by using sensors in an armband to detect vibrations on the skin caused by touch inputs. These inputs are classified and can then be used to control a virtual interface projected onto the skin. Some potential applications include controlling mobile devices, gaming, and assisting disabled individuals. However, challenges remain regarding accuracy and miniaturizing the sensor armband technology.
ݺߣs for liver slide seminar,Pathology CME,Govt.Medical College, Kottayam.drmkcpThis document presents 13 cases presented at a liver slide seminar. The cases include patients of various ages presenting with symptoms such as fever, jaundice, abdominal pain and fatigue. Laboratory findings for liver function tests and other blood work are provided. The cases represent a variety of liver diseases including viral hepatitis, liver tumors, and complications in pregnancy.
Facial nerve doneDrRakashree Chakrabortyfacial nerve is the seventh cranial nerve supplies the submandibular, sublingual, lacrimal glands, the mucosal glands of the nose, palate, pharynx and taste fibres, and on being injured it leads to loss of lacrimation, loss of salivation, loss of taste sensation and paralysis of the muscles of facial expression.
Irreversible: The Public Relations Big Data Revolutionsjackson625This document appears to be a description of research areas and commissions within the Institute for Public Relations (IPR). It discusses the IPR's Measurement Commission, which develops standards and best practices for PR research and evaluation. It also mentions the Coalition for PR Research Standards, a group working to establish voluntary standards in areas like media measurement and ROI. Additionally, it provides brief overviews of the IPR's Organizational Communication Research Center, Social Media Research Center, and a commission focused on best practices in employee communications. The document promotes these research resources and invites the reader to join efforts to advance standards in the field.
IPR Measurement Commission Judging Guidelinessjackson625Each year, hundreds of public relations professionals compete for the recognition and rewards that come with winning industry awards. As professionals seeking to reward “the best of the best,” we must aim higher and reward entrants whose PR programs reflect the highest standards of research and evaluation. The Institute for Public Relations Measurement Commission developed a set of guidelines for assessing award-worthy entries. It is now available on the IPR Measurement Commission Center.
Top 10 Public Relations Research Insights of 2015sjackson625The document summarizes the top 10 public relations research insights of 2015 as selected by the Institute for Public Relations Board. The research topics range from how Millennials view work reputation to diversity in the PR industry. Key findings are highlighted for each study, which was chosen based on rigorous methodology, relevance to practice, and accessibility. The Board aims to present insights that uncover the science behind the art of public relations each year.