This curriculum vitae outlines Hossam Negm's academic and professional experience. It includes his work history as a freelance translator from 2010 to present, vice president and head supervisor of Arab Company for Certified Translation and Training from 2009 to 2010, translator at "Nibrass" Company for Certified Translation and Training from 2007 to 2009, and junior translator at Arab Company for Certified Translation and Training from 2006 to 2007. It also lists his education credentials, including a B.A. in English Linguistics and Literature from Alexandria University and a diploma in English Linguistics and Translation also from Alexandria University. References are available upon request.
This document is a dissertation submitted by Anisha Rikhy to the University of Warwick in partial fulfillment of an MSc degree in Human Resource Management and Employment Relations. The dissertation explores the careers of South Asian female doctors in the UK, focusing on their aspirations, barriers faced, and strategies to navigate constraints. Rikhy conducted qualitative interviews with 10 South Asian female doctors, including general practitioners, consultants, and trainees. The dissertation finds that while these doctors aim to achieve family well-being, they face barriers such as cultural differences, domestic responsibilities, lack of networking opportunities, and gender stereotypes. Rikhy analyzes strategies the doctors employ to overcome barriers, such as having a more global upbringing.
This document is a random string of letters and numbers without any discernible meaning or message. It does not contain enough information to generate a multi-sentence summary.
This document appears to be an artist's portfolio listing 12 works including paintings, drawings, collages and designs created between 2016-2018 in locations such as Ithaca, NY, Florence, Italy, Brooklyn, NY and Sardinia, Italy. The works cover topics such as dual identities, apiaries, animal studies, mapping of territories, and exploring the balance between wilderness and civilization.
El documento presenta las estrategias innovadoras implementadas por una docente para hacer que sus estudiantes encuentren sentido a las actividades de lectura y escritura de forma más significativa. La docente utiliza enfoques como el aprendizaje basado en competencias, flipped classroom, aprendizaje colaborativo, proyectos y gamificación para motivar a los estudiantes y desarrollar valores como el respeto y la responsabilidad. El documento concluye que las herramientas tecnológicas permiten cambiar el modelo tradicional de enseñanza hacia uno más cent
This document appears to be an artist's portfolio listing 12 works including paintings, drawings, collages and designs created between 2016-2018 in locations such as Ithaca, NY, Florence, Italy, Brooklyn, NY and Sardinia, Italy. The works cover topics such as dual identities, apiaries, animal studies, mapping of territories, and exploring the balance between wilderness and civilization.
El documento presenta las estrategias innovadoras implementadas por una docente para hacer que sus estudiantes encuentren sentido a las actividades de lectura y escritura de forma más significativa. La docente utiliza enfoques como el aprendizaje basado en competencias, flipped classroom, aprendizaje colaborativo, proyectos y gamificación para motivar a los estudiantes y desarrollar valores como el respeto y la responsabilidad. El documento concluye que las herramientas tecnológicas permiten cambiar el modelo tradicional de enseñanza hacia uno más cent