With a rapidly aging population, changes to lifetime employment practices, and continuing economic uncertainties, Japan needs to look to new sources of economic growth and a better use of productive resources. More entrepreneurial activity may hold the key. This article looks at the state of entrepreneurship in Japan today, and learns that a group of Japanese entrepreneurs in the UK may hold hope for the future.
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Japan Entrepreneurship Article
1. hugh.purser@btinternet.com
forward, and that is through a much more
independent culture of career development
and employment practices.
William Reed2, an American who has
lived in Japan for 30 years, and now a
Japaneurship? bestselling author and public speaker,
suggests that the development of
entrepreneurship will happen in its own
Japanese way. It may take longer, but just
as the world rushed to study and adopt
Japanese management practices in the 70s
and 80s, one day the same will happen in
With a rapidly aging population, the entrepreneurial arena too.
changes to lifetime employment
practices, and continuing economic
uncertainties, Japan needs to look to
new sources of economic growth and
a better use of productive resources.
More entrepreneurial activity may
hold the key. This article looks at the
state of entrepreneurship in Japan
today, and learns that a group of
Japanese entrepreneurs in the UK
may hold hope for the future.
In truth, mainstream opinion in Japan does
All you need in life is courage,
not reflect much optimism that a rash of
imagination...and a little dough3
entrepreneurial activity will break out any
time soon. Failure is more newsworthy than Calligraphy by William Reed
success, as the headlines around the
The difference lies not in the individual, but
collapse of Livedoor and the jailing of its
in the culture and environment. These
senior officers continue to remind us; or the
issues were highlighted in a comparative
escalating suicide rate, blamed on economic
study of Japan and Silicon Valley in 20014.
pressures and corporate restructuring (job
In the area of risks and obstacles, Japanese
losses). To be unorthodox means to be
entrepreneurs were concerned more about
ostracised; the nail that sticks out will be
personal and globalisation risks and less
hammered down. These remain more than
about market and financial risks. Under
clich辿s, and societys treatment of failure
remains a problem. As the Economist1 perceived growth factors, the Japanese
rated higher on strategic focus and R&D,
recently put it: Companies would rather
whereas their Silicon Valley counterparts put
that 100 employees each take a single step
more emphasis on growth-orientation,
forward than one of their number take 100.
customer focus and venture capital. On
Outside the mainstream there is a
infrastructure, Silicon Valley benefitted from
different sense. Takashi Yoneda,
superior professional services, university
entrepreneur, Chairman of LPL Securities,
resources, and venture capital, while
and Senior Research Fellow at the Career
interestingly or perhaps surprisingly,
Resource Laboratory at Keio University,
Japanese firms seemed to have better
teaches a vibrant course on Total Life
Design aimed at helping students to
develop self-reliant careers and manage 2
William Reed is 7th dan in Aikido, Shihan in brush
their financial independence. His view is that calligraphy, and founder of www.agili.jp in Tokyo
Japan has reached a stage of dynamic 3
from the classic quote by Charlie Chaplin in THE
disequilibrium in the human capital arena, LIMELIGHT
and that the lifetime employment model is 4
Entrepreneurship in Japan and Silicon Valley: a
broken. Consequently, there is only one way comparative study by Kan-ichiro Suzukia,, Sang-Hoon
Kimb, and Zong-Tae Baec,
Nomura Research Institute Ltd., b College of Business
Administration, Seoul National University, c Graduate
EconomistMagazineDisruptionofService7th School of Management, Korea Advanced Institute of
February2008,pp78 Science and Technology (KAIST).
2. hugh.purser@btinternet.com
access to diverse financing resources may have launched a business yet, but the
including bank loans and government ambition is present.
financing. On a cold February evening JEEF
members were treated to a motivational and
The International Context very personal story from Shoko Hirotsuna.
Shoko has run the London marathon 5
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor times, is a licensed scuba diver, yachts-
20065 measured the prevalence of woman, and, most importantly, set up her
entrepreneurial activity around the world own business8 nearly 8 years ago. A former
among the adult population. big company employee, she followed the
It is no surprise that the USA came path expected of her, marrying to a fellow
out in the lead, followed by the UK, with company staffer, and following abroad to
Japan clearly lagging. For example Nascent the UK. Once here she put herself through
Entrepreneurial activity measured &.5% in an MBA at Southampton University as well
the USA, 贈.2% in the UK and 1.6% in as an Advanced Management programme at
Japan. The report differentiates between Instituto de Empresa in Spain. Then she
necessity entrepreneurs (NEs6) and started Business Paradigm and has never
opportunity entrepreneurs (OEs7). In fact, looked back. Her portfolio includes an
Japan rates a similar high OE score, inward investment company specialising in
comparable to the USA and UK. The figure Bulgaria. Her story is gripping, and by the
for OEs tends to be high in developed end of the evening a number of the other
economies generally, whereas the NEs are lady members are motivated to start their
prevalent in high numbers in developing own business ventures at the earliest
countries. Nonetheless, France and opportunity.
Germany have noticeably high levels of NEs,
and the question may be asked, in the Lost in Translation?
context of Japans shifting economic
environment, whether NEs will become The evidence from London is modest,
more prevalent in the years to come. but powerful. One question is whether the
There are other factors to look at too growing number of Japanese running their
in determining status and trends, such as own businesses overseas can transfer their
age, gender and work status. Just to pick knowledge and experience to their
one gender the report shows a much compatriots at home. Or whether the
higher proportion of men than women collective responsibility and support culture,
engaging in entrepreneurial activity across at which Japanese excel, is in fact more
the globe (with a notable exception of the suited for intra-company ventures and
Philippines). But some anecdotal evidence corporate spin-outs. Masamichi Toyama,
would suggest one would find a high himself a spin-out of a major Japanese
proportion of female Japanese corporation, who is founder of Soup Stock
entrepreneurs, many of whom are probably Tokyo and Chairman of Smiles Co. recently
NEs at least in the sense of breaking away described himself as a kind of hybrid,
from the traditional glass ceiling of everyday connecting two positions such as work and
corporate life in Japan. art and individuality and corporative
London Calling Perhaps entrepreneurship in Japan
may express more collective characteristics
Once a month, a group gathers in than seen in the West. But happen it will,
the smart offices of JETRO (Japan External and one day we will be asking how did they
Trade Organisation) in Holborn. They are do that?
among 80 members of the Japan-Europe
Entrepreneurs Forum (JEEF) who gather to The author is a director of the Asia Pacific
network and listen to presentations on Technology Network, and Chairman of Exudo, a
company providing membership, portal and e-
various aspects of running a business. Few
commerce systems to social, business and consumer
networks. He welcomes further debate on the subject
of this article. Feedback and comments can be sent to
Bosma & Harding, London Business School & Babson hugh.purser@btinternet.com
NEs:those who are pushed into entrepreneurship
because other options for work are either absent or 8
7 9
OEs:those who want to exploit a business opportunity InterviewwithKeioUniversityAlumniVoices