El juego consiste en mantener a un borracho de pie moviendo el rat¨®n lateralmente para contrarrestar su ca¨ªda, siendo m¨¢s dif¨ªcil a medida que avanza m¨¢s.
India's first mission to Mars called Mangalyaan is set to launch from Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. If successful, the Mars Orbiter Mission approved in August 2012 for $69 million would make ISRO the fourth space agency to reach Mars, following projects from Russia, NASA, and ESA. The spacecraft shares features with India's previous Chandrayaan-1 moon mission.
Internet resources for autonomous language learningAlinaSutulenko
This presentation was created by russian student for people,which looking for the help in learning English. It is talking about interesting and effe§ãtive resources for autonomous language learning.
La mayor¨ªa de los alumnos de 3er grado de dos escuelas secundarias planean continuar sus estudios en la preparatoria, donde creen que aprender¨¢n m¨¢s de forma intelectual y que ser¨¢ m¨¢s exigente, aunque tambi¨¦n esperan no dejar de lado las relaciones sociales y emociones.
O documento apresenta o framework Java Business Controller (JBC), que tem como objetivo otimizar o tempo de desenvolvimento de c¨®digos repetitivos relacionados ao controle de transa??es e persist¨ºncia em banco de dados. O JBC fornece recursos como controle de transa??es, consultas HQL e busca paginada de forma a abstrair esses processos e permitir que os desenvolvedores foquem na l¨®gica de neg¨®cio. O documento tamb¨¦m explica como implementar e usar o JBC em projetos Java.
This is a 3 minute and 33 second musical track titled "Ra3 Theme - Soviet March" from the soundtrack of the video game Command and Conquer Red Alert 3. The track features rousing Soviet-era style marching brass and drums that build in intensity throughout, reflecting the growing strength and determination of the Soviet war machine. Lyrics towards the end proclaim the building of a communist utopia under the Soviet banner.
India's first mission to Mars called Mangalyaan is set to launch from Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. If successful, the Mars Orbiter Mission approved in August 2012 for $69 million would make ISRO the fourth space agency to reach Mars, following projects from Russia, NASA, and ESA. The spacecraft shares features with India's previous Chandrayaan-1 moon mission.
Internet resources for autonomous language learningAlinaSutulenko
This presentation was created by russian student for people,which looking for the help in learning English. It is talking about interesting and effe§ãtive resources for autonomous language learning.
La mayor¨ªa de los alumnos de 3er grado de dos escuelas secundarias planean continuar sus estudios en la preparatoria, donde creen que aprender¨¢n m¨¢s de forma intelectual y que ser¨¢ m¨¢s exigente, aunque tambi¨¦n esperan no dejar de lado las relaciones sociales y emociones.
O documento apresenta o framework Java Business Controller (JBC), que tem como objetivo otimizar o tempo de desenvolvimento de c¨®digos repetitivos relacionados ao controle de transa??es e persist¨ºncia em banco de dados. O JBC fornece recursos como controle de transa??es, consultas HQL e busca paginada de forma a abstrair esses processos e permitir que os desenvolvedores foquem na l¨®gica de neg¨®cio. O documento tamb¨¦m explica como implementar e usar o JBC em projetos Java.
This is a 3 minute and 33 second musical track titled "Ra3 Theme - Soviet March" from the soundtrack of the video game Command and Conquer Red Alert 3. The track features rousing Soviet-era style marching brass and drums that build in intensity throughout, reflecting the growing strength and determination of the Soviet war machine. Lyrics towards the end proclaim the building of a communist utopia under the Soviet banner.