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Realization Life Coaching Bret & Lynne Maukonen www.realizationlifecoaching.com 519.371.7111 Owen Sound, Ontario
What is coaching? Essentially, it is a relationship . . . one which focuses on you,  on what you want in life, and  on helping you to achieve it
Who benefits from life coaching? People who . . . are ready for a change are facing a major decision want to take the next step are looking for accountability
taking action . . . realization Professional coaching is an ongoing relationship which focuses on the client taking action toward the realization of their vision, goals or desires . . .   Definition of Coaching Professional and Personal Coaches Association (PPCA)
What are some things that a coach  contributes to the relationship? Help  clients set better goals and assist them  to reach those goals Motivate  clients to do more than they  would have done on their own Focus  clients in order to produce quicker results Facilitate  more significant accomplishments  by providing tools, support, and structure
 I absolutely believe that people, unless coached, never reach  their maximum capabilities. Bob Nardelli, former CEO, The Home Depot
Why hire a coach?   You will set far better goals that motivate you  in a  healthy way . You will accomplish goals, tasks and projects much  more   quickly . You will make  fewer   mistakes  in your business life  or in your personal life. You will  move   up  to the next level of your professional and personal life.
Why hire a coach?  (2) You will reduce the number of problems  you have and  better   resolve  the problems  that are left. You will likely  make   more  money in your career, profession or business. You will be much  more   effective  and influential with others: family, business and personal relationships. You will become much  more   attractive  to others   on the inside and on the outside.
Proven to Work Coaching has been proven to work  when these two factors are present . . . 1.  the client is willing to grow  and  2.  there is a gap between where  the client is today and  where the client wants to be.
Coaching has helped . . .   People who are self-motivated.   People who want to make a difference in the  lives of others.   People who have demonstrated success in their own business or profession, and yet wish further growth!   People who are in transition, i.e. career shift,  job change, divorce, illness, etc.   People who can afford coaching fees without  unduly burdening themselves or their families.   High-functioning entrepreneurs and professionals  who want to get a life and build a legacy!
Coaching is not therapy Thomas Leonard creating  resolving attraction  protecting synchronicity  timing performance  progress joy  happiness intuition  feelings momentum  safety transformation  change action  understanding achievement  healing Coaching is about therapy is about
 By claiming what we already are, we best prepare ourselves for what we shall be.  Henri J. M. Nouwen
Realize . . . your potential what you need to move forward, faster how much you have going for you the significance of your relationships the fulfillment of your hopes & dreams the value you bring to your workplace and home the extent to which you can take charge of your life
Realization Life Coaching Bret & Lynne Maukonen www.realizationlifecoaching.com 519.371.7111 Owen Sound, Ontario

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FAQ about Coaching

  • 1. Realization Life Coaching Bret & Lynne Maukonen www.realizationlifecoaching.com 519.371.7111 Owen Sound, Ontario
  • 2. What is coaching? Essentially, it is a relationship . . . one which focuses on you, on what you want in life, and on helping you to achieve it
  • 3. Who benefits from life coaching? People who . . . are ready for a change are facing a major decision want to take the next step are looking for accountability
  • 4. taking action . . . realization Professional coaching is an ongoing relationship which focuses on the client taking action toward the realization of their vision, goals or desires . . . Definition of Coaching Professional and Personal Coaches Association (PPCA)
  • 5. What are some things that a coach contributes to the relationship? Help clients set better goals and assist them to reach those goals Motivate clients to do more than they would have done on their own Focus clients in order to produce quicker results Facilitate more significant accomplishments by providing tools, support, and structure
  • 6. I absolutely believe that people, unless coached, never reach their maximum capabilities. Bob Nardelli, former CEO, The Home Depot
  • 7. Why hire a coach? You will set far better goals that motivate you in a healthy way . You will accomplish goals, tasks and projects much more quickly . You will make fewer mistakes in your business life or in your personal life. You will move up to the next level of your professional and personal life.
  • 8. Why hire a coach? (2) You will reduce the number of problems you have and better resolve the problems that are left. You will likely make more money in your career, profession or business. You will be much more effective and influential with others: family, business and personal relationships. You will become much more attractive to others on the inside and on the outside.
  • 9. Proven to Work Coaching has been proven to work when these two factors are present . . . 1. the client is willing to grow and 2. there is a gap between where the client is today and where the client wants to be.
  • 10. Coaching has helped . . . People who are self-motivated. People who want to make a difference in the lives of others. People who have demonstrated success in their own business or profession, and yet wish further growth! People who are in transition, i.e. career shift, job change, divorce, illness, etc. People who can afford coaching fees without unduly burdening themselves or their families. High-functioning entrepreneurs and professionals who want to get a life and build a legacy!
  • 11. Coaching is not therapy Thomas Leonard creating resolving attraction protecting synchronicity timing performance progress joy happiness intuition feelings momentum safety transformation change action understanding achievement healing Coaching is about therapy is about
  • 12. By claiming what we already are, we best prepare ourselves for what we shall be. Henri J. M. Nouwen
  • 13. Realize . . . your potential what you need to move forward, faster how much you have going for you the significance of your relationships the fulfillment of your hopes & dreams the value you bring to your workplace and home the extent to which you can take charge of your life
  • 14. Realization Life Coaching Bret & Lynne Maukonen www.realizationlifecoaching.com 519.371.7111 Owen Sound, Ontario